• Title/Summary/Keyword: two-scale modeling

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Toward precise and accurate modeling of matter clustering in redshift space

  • Oh, Minji
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.43 no.2
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    • pp.40.3-40.3
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    • 2018
  • This dissertation presents the results on two-dimensional Redshift space distortion (hereafter RSD) analyses of the large-scale structure of the universe using spectroscopic data and on improvement of modeling of the RSD effect. RSD is an effect caused by galaxies' peculiar velocity on their clustering feature in observation along the line of sight and is thus intimately connected to the growth rate of the structure in the universe, from which we can test the origin of cosmic acceleration and Einstein's theory of gravity at cosmic scales in the end. However, there are several challenges in modeling precise and accurate RSD effect, such as non-linearities and the existence of an exotic component, e.g. massive neutrino. As part of endeavors for modeling more precise and accurate galaxy clustering in redshift space, this dissertation includes a series of works for this issue. (More detailed descriptions were omitted.)

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Modeling of Nano-scale FET(Field Effect Transistor : FinFET) (나노-스케일 전계 효과 트랜지스터 모델링 연구 : FinFET)

  • Kim, Ki-Dong;Kwon, Oh-Seob;Seo, Ji-Hyun;Won, Tae-Young
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SD
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    • v.41 no.6
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    • pp.1-7
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    • 2004
  • We performed two-dimensional (20) computer-based modeling and simulation of FinFET by solving the coupled Poisson-Schrodinger equations quantum-mechanically in a self-consistent manner. The simulation results are carefully investigated for FinFET with gate length(Lg) varying from 10 to 80nm and with a Si-fin thickness($T_{fin}$) varying from 10 to 40nm. Current-voltage (I-V) characteristics are compared with the experimental data. Device optimization has been performed in order to suppress the short-channel effects (SCEs) including the sub-threshold swing, threshold voltage roll-off, drain induced barrier lowering (DIBL). The quantum-mechanical simulation is compared with the classical appmach in order to understand the influence of the electron confinement effect. Simulation results indicated that the FinFET is a promising structure to suppress the SCEs and the quantum-mechanical simulation is essential for applying nano-scale device structure.

The Development of Sensor System and 3D World Modeling for Autonomous Vehicle (무인 차량을 위한 센서 시스템 개발 및 3차원 월드 모델링)

  • Kim, Si-Jong;Kang, Jung-Won;Choe, Yun-Geun;Park, Sang-Un;Shim, In-Wook;Ahn, Seung-Uk;Chung, Myung-Jin
    • Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems
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    • v.17 no.6
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    • pp.531-538
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    • 2011
  • This paper describes a novel sensor system for 3D world modeling of an autonomous vehicle in large-scale outdoor environments. When an autonomous vehicle performs path planning and path following, well-constructed 3D world model of target environment is very important for analyze the environment and track the determined path. To generate well-construct 3D world model, we develop a novel sensor system. The proposed novel sensor system consists of two 2D laser scanners, two single cameras, a DGPS (Differential Global Positioning System) and an IMU (Inertial Measurement System). We verify the effectiveness of the proposed sensor system through experiment in large-scale outdoor environment.

Verification of Reduced Order Modeling based Uncertainty/Sensitivity Estimator (ROMUSE)

  • Khuwaileh, Bassam;Williams, Brian;Turinsky, Paul;Hartanto, Donny
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.51 no.4
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    • pp.968-976
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    • 2019
  • This paper presents a number of verification case studies for a recently developed sensitivity/uncertainty code package. The code package, ROMUSE (Reduced Order Modeling based Uncertainty/Sensitivity Estimator) is an effort to provide an analysis tool to be used in conjunction with reactor core simulators, in particular the Virtual Environment for Reactor Applications (VERA) core simulator. ROMUSE has been written in C++ and is currently capable of performing various types of parameter perturbations and associated sensitivity analysis, uncertainty quantification, surrogate model construction and subspace analysis. The current version 2.0 has the capability to interface with the Design Analysis Kit for Optimization and Terascale Applications (DAKOTA) code, which gives ROMUSE access to the various algorithms implemented within DAKOTA, most importantly model calibration. The verification study is performed via two basic problems and two reactor physics models. The first problem is used to verify the ROMUSE single physics gradient-based range finding algorithm capability using an abstract quadratic model. The second problem is the Brusselator problem, which is a coupled problem representative of multi-physics problems. This problem is used to test the capability of constructing surrogates via ROMUSE-DAKOTA. Finally, light water reactor pin cell and sodium-cooled fast reactor fuel assembly problems are simulated via SCALE 6.1 to test ROMUSE capability for uncertainty quantification and sensitivity analysis purposes.

Effect of inlet throttling on thermohydraulic instability in a large scale water-based RCCS: A system-level analysis with RELAP5-3D

  • Zhiee Jhia Ooi;Qiuping Lv;Rui Hu;Matthew Jasica;Darius Lisowski
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.56 no.5
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    • pp.1902-1912
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    • 2024
  • This paper presents results from system-level modeling of a water-based reactor cavity cooling system using RELAP5-3D. The computational model is benchmarked with experimental data from a half-scale RCCS test facility at Argonne National Laboratory. The model prediction is first compared with a two-phase oscillatory baseline experimental case where mixed accuracy is obtained. The model shows reasonable prediction of mass flow rate, pressure, and temperature but significant overprediction of void fraction. The model prediction is then compared with a fault case where the inlet of the risers is gradually reduced using a throttling valve. As the valve is closed, the model is able to predict some major flow phenomena observed in the experiment such as the dampening of oscillations, the reintroduction of oscillations, as well as boiling, flashing, and geysering in the risers. However, the timeline of these events are not well captured by the model. The model is also used to investigate the evolution of flow regime in the chimney. This work highlights that the semi-empirical constitutive relations used in RELAP-3D could have a strong influence on the accuracy of the model in two-phase oscillatory flows.

Adaptive fluid-structure interaction simulation of large-scale complex liquid containment with two-phase flow

  • Park, Sung-Woo;Cho, Jin-Rae
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.41 no.4
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    • pp.559-573
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    • 2012
  • An adaptive modeling and simulation technique is introduced for the effective and reliable fluid-structure interaction analysis using MSC/Dytran for large-scale complex pressurized liquid containment. The proposed method is composed of a series of the global rigid sloshing analysis and the locally detailed fluid-structure analysis. The critical time at which the system exhibits the severe liquid sloshing response is sought through the former analysis, while the fluid-structure interaction in the local region of interest at the critical time is analyzed by the latter analysis. Differing from the global coarse model, the local fine model considers not only the complex geometry and flexibility of structure but the effect of internal pressure. The locally detailed FSI problem is solved in terms of multi-material volume fractions and the flow and pressure fields obtained by the global analysis at the critical time are specified as the initial conditions. An in-house program for mapping the global analysis results onto the fine-scale local FSI model is developed. The validity and effectiveness of the proposed method are verified through an illustrative numerical experiment.

Structural health rating (SHR)-oriented 3D multi-scale finite element modeling and analysis of Stonecutters Bridge

  • Li, X.F.;Ni, Y.Q.;Wong, K.Y.;Chan, K.W.Y.
    • Smart Structures and Systems
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.99-117
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    • 2015
  • The Stonecutters Bridge (SCB) in Hong Kong is the third-longest cable-stayed bridge in the world with a main span stretching 1,018 m between two 298 m high single-leg tapering composite towers. A Wind and Structural Health Monitoring System (WASHMS) is being implemented on SCB by the Highways Department of The Hong Kong SAR Government, and the SCB-WASHMS is composed of more than 1,300 sensors in 15 types. In order to establish a linkage between structural health monitoring and maintenance management, a Structural Health Rating System (SHRS) with relevant rating tools and indices is devised. On the basis of a 3D space frame finite element model (FEM) of SCB and model updating, this paper presents the development of an SHR-oriented 3D multi-scale FEM for the purpose of load-resistance analysis and damage evaluation in structural element level, including modeling, refinement and validation of the multi-scale FEM. The refined 3D structural segments at deck and towers are established in critical segment positions corresponding to maximum cable forces. The components in the critical segment region are modeled as a full 3D FEM and fitted into the 3D space frame FEM. The boundary conditions between beam and shell elements are performed conforming to equivalent stiffness, effective mass and compatibility of deformation. The 3D multi-scale FEM is verified by the in-situ measured dynamic characteristics and static response. A good agreement between the FEM and measurement results indicates that the 3D multi-scale FEM is precise and efficient for WASHMS and SHRS of SCB. In addition, stress distribution and concentration of the critical segments in the 3D multi-scale FEM under temperature loads, static wind loads and equivalent seismic loads are investigated. Stress concentration elements under equivalent seismic loads exist in the anchor zone in steel/concrete beam and the anchor plate edge in steel anchor box of the towers.

Modeling of Rate-of-Occurrence-of-Failure According to the Failure Data Type of Water Distribution Cast Iron Pipes and Estimation of Optimal Replacement Time Using the Modified Time Scale (상수도 주철 배수관로의 파손자료 유형에 따른 파손율 모형화와 수정된 시간척도를 이용한 최적교체시기의 산정)

  • Park, Su-Wan;Jun, Hwan-Don;Kim, Jung-Wook
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.40 no.1 s.174
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    • pp.39-50
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    • 2007
  • This paper presents applications of the log-linear ROCOF(rate-of-occurrence-of-failure) and the Weibull ROCOF to model the failure rate of individual cast iron pipes in a water distribution system and provides a method of estimating the economically optimal replacement time of the pipes using the 'modified time-scale'. The performance of the two ROCOFs is examined using the maximized log-likelihood estimates of the ROCOFs for the two types of failure data: 'failure-time data' and 'failure-number data'. The optimal replacement time equations for the two models are developed by applying the 'modified time-scale' to ensure the numerical convergence of the estimated values of the model parameters. The methodology is applied to the case study water distribution cast iron pipes and it is found that the log-linear ROCOF has better modeling capability than the Weibull ROCOF when the 'failure-time data' is used. Furthermore, the 'failure-time data' is determined to be more appropriate for both ROCOFs compared to the 'failure-number data' in terms of the ROCOF modeling performances for the water mains under study, implying that recording each failure time results in better modeling of the failure rate than recording failure numbers in some time intervals.

Preliminary Thermal-Hydraulic Analysis of the CANDU Reactor Moderator Tank using the CUPID Code (CUPID 코드를 이용한 CANDU 원자로 칼란드리아 탱크 내부유동 열수력 예비 해석)

  • Choi, Su Ryong;Lee, Jae Ryong;Kim, Hyoung Tae;Yoon, Han Young;Jeong, Jae Jun
    • Journal of Energy Engineering
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.95-105
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    • 2014
  • The CUPID code has been developed for a transient, three-dimensional, two-phase flow analysis at a component scale. It has been validated against a wide range of two-phase flow experiments. Especially, to assess its applicability to single- and two-phase flow analyses in the Calandria vessel of a CANDU nuclear reactor, it was validated using the experimental data of the 1/4-scaled facility of a Calandria vessel at the STERN laboratory. In this study, a preliminary thermal-hydraulic analysis of the CANDU reactor moderator tank using the CUPID code is carried out, which is based on the results of the previous studies. The complicated internal structure of the Calandria vessel and the inlet nozzle was modeled in a simplified manner by using a porous media approach. One of the most important factors in the analysis was found to be the modeling of the tank inlet nozzle. A calculation with a simple inlet nozzle modeling resulted in thermal stratification by buoyance, leading to a boiling from the top of the Calandria tank. This is not realistic at all and may occur due to the lack of inlet flow momentum. To improve this, a new nozzle modeling was used, which can preserve both mass flow and momentum flow at the inlet nozzle. This resulted in a realistic temperature distribution in the tank. In conclusion, it was shown that the CUPID code is applicable to thermal-hydraulic analysis of the CANDU reactor moderator tank using the cost-effective porous media approach and that the inlet nozzle modeling is very important for the flow analysis in the tank.

A New Approach of Multi-Scale Simulation for Investigating Nano-Scale Material Deformation Behavior (나노스케일 재료 변형 거동을 위한 새로운 멀티스케일 접근법)

  • Park, Junyoung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Manufacturing Process Engineers
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.43-47
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    • 2009
  • Recently, an approach for nano-scale material deformation has been developed that couples the atomistic and continuum approaches using Finite Element Method (FEM) and Molecular Dynamics (MD). However, this approach still has problems to connect two approaches because of the difference of basic assumptions, continuum and atomistic modeling. To solve this problem, an alternative way is developed that connects the QuasiMolecular Dynamics (QMD) and molecular dynamics. In this paper, we suggest the way to make and validate the MD-QMD coupled model.

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