• Title/Summary/Keyword: teacher concept

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A Study on Elementary School Students' Understanding of Fractions (초등학생의 분수이해에 관한 연구)

  • 권성룡
    • School Mathematics
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.259-273
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    • 2003
  • A fraction is one of the most important concepts that students have to learn in elementary school. But it is a challenge for students to understand fraction concept because of its conceptual complexity. The focus of fraction learning is understanding the concept. Then the problem is how we can facilitate the conceptual understanding and estimate it. In this study, Moore's concept understanding scheme(concept definition, concept image, concept usage) was adopted as an theoretical framework to investigate students' fraction understanding. The questions of this study were a) what concept image do students have\ulcorner b) How well do students solve fraction problems\ulcorner c) How do students use fraction concept to generate fraction word problem\ulcorner By analyzing the data gathered from three elementary school, several conclusion was drawn. 1) The students' concept image of fraction is restricted to part-whole sub-construct. So is students' fraction understanding. 2) Students can solve part-whole fraction problems well but others less. This also imply that students' fraction understanding is partial. 3) Half of the subject(N=98) cannot pose problems that involve fraction and fraction operation. And some succeeded applied the concept mistakenly. To understand fraction, various fraction subconstructs have to be integrated as whole one. To facilitate this integration, fraction program should focus on unit, partitioning and quantity. This may be achieved by following activities: * Building on informal knowledge of fraction * Focusing on meaning other than symbol * Various partitioning activities * Facing various representation * Emphasizing quantitative aspects of fraction * Understanding the meanings of fraction operation Through these activities, teacher must help students construct various faction concept image and apply it to meaningful situation. Especially, to help students to construct various concept image and to use fraction meaningfully to pose problems, much time should be spent to problem posing using fraction.

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A Study on Identity of Home Economics Education : Focusing on the Image and the Characteristics (가정과교육의 정체성 탐색 : 이미지와 성격을 중심으로)

  • Park, Mi-Jeong;Chae, Jung-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.45 no.4
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    • pp.1-16
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this study was to explore the identity of home economics(HE) education by assessing perceptions of HE teacher, students, and general adults regarding the images and characteristics of HE education. Respondents in this study were 234 HE teachers, 505 students, and 264 general adults. Questionnaires were collected through both online and offline. The image and the characteristics of HE education were the factors of the identity that were also the byproducts of HE education operation of the past and present, and had the characteristics in changing in accordance with the change of time. The current image of HE education was shown to positive recognition as the curriculum helpful to the actual living and future living for the HE teacher, students, and the general adults. For the HE teacher, it had strong emotionally warm image similar to the image of 'home', and it was connected to the curriculum image to be acknowledged as good problem solving teachers in terms of competence and conservative image. However, on the images of the HE curriculum and HE teacher, the HE teachers had the most positive recognition, and on the image of the HE curriculum, the students had the most negative recognition while the image of the HE teacher, the general adults had the most negative recognition. The general adults among the three groups recognized the HE curriculum as the most technical oriented curriculum while the students recognized as interesting curriculum, curriculum contributing on society. In the meantime, for the characteristic of the HE education, the HE teachers recognized that it had weak female curriculum characteristics and strong living functional curriculum characteristics, and the practical curriculum characteristics would be important in the future. Accordingly, the identity of the HE education formulated might be considered as the practical curriculum that was helpful to problem solving in actual living of the family and family members with the connection to the concept of 'home'. However, depending on the definition on implication of practice and issue of actual living, the characteristics and appearance of the HE education had been changed and might interpret as changing according to the above.for the fertility policy and the methods for the estimation of the child cost were suggested based on the results.

Analysis of 'Ignorance' in Acid-base Models Contents of Chemistry I and Chemistry II Textbooks & Teacher's Guides in 2009 & 2015 Revised Curriculum (2009·2015 개정 교육과정 화학 I 및 화학 II 교과서 및 교사용 지도서에 제시된 산·염기 모델 내용에 대한 '이그노런스' 분석)

  • Lyu, Eun-Ju;Paik, Seoung-Hey
    • Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.64 no.3
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    • pp.175-188
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze chemistry textbooks and teachers' guidebooks from the perspective of 'Ignorance', one of the important features of model. This is because the emphasis is on developing modeling capabilities for students in the 2015 Revised Curriculum. For this, Arrhenius model and Brønsted-Lowry model were selected as acid and base models in neutralization reaction which are important contents in chemistry curriculum. The analysis criteria of this study were extracted by analyzing previous studies and four general chemistry textbooks dealing with 'Ignorance' related to acid and base neutralization reaction. Based on the analysis criteria, we analyzed nine chemistry I textbooks and teacher's guides and six chemistry II textbooks and teacher's guides of the 2015 revised curriculum. In addition, we analyzed contents of four chemistry I textbooks and teacher's guides and three chemistry II textbooks and teacher's guides in the 2009 revised curriculum for comparison according to revised curriculums. We analyzed the contents related to the concept of 'neutralization reaction', 'neutrality', 'quantitative relation of neutralization reaction', 'degree of ionization', and 'ionization constant'. Based on the results of this study, we proposed a way to present 'Ignorance' of the models in teachers' guidebooks that chemistry teachers can understand 'Ignorance' of model and teach modeling capabilities for students.

The Analysis of Teacher Evaluation Systems in Russian Federation, United States, and Republic of Korea (러시아, 미국, 한국의 과학 교사 평정 제도 분석)

  • ;Eugenia Etkina
    • Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.1-18
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    • 1999
  • The work of teachers is tile critical element ill effective shooting. But most reform efforts have focused on tile teaching profession as a whole and effective schools. Only minimal attention has been given to the subset of teachers whose performance is marginal or incompetent, those who undermine the very concept of “educational excellence.” Teachers are the school's primary point of contact with students and, in large part, determine the educational goals and learning activities for students. How teaching is conducted has a large impact on students' abilities to educate themselves, and there is evidence that teacher quality directly affects student learning. Unfortunately, the evaluation of teachers' teaching abilities is not clear, and there are few cases that teachers has correctly feedback fly tile results of the evaluation of their abilities. In this study, we analysized and compared the teacher evaluation systems of Republic of Korea, Russian Federation, and tile United States of America. These results will be based on the improvement of tile systems. In Russian Federation, the highest year of teacher's teaching which affects on teacher's salary is 5. In the United States, it is 12-13 years. But in Korea, it is more than 30 years. That means the teachers who taught for many years are considered as competent teachers in Republic of Korea based on the economic factors of educational effects. In Russia and tile United States of America, teachers' academic backgrounds seriously affect ell teachers' salary. But ill Republic of Korea, teachers' academic background is a bit of a contribution to salary. In Russian federation, teachers' activities related to education, leaking abilities as well as academic background are also affect ell the salary. In Korea, older teachers have more advantages of salary and promotion than younger teachers. Principals and vice principals of Korea have influencing power over teachers because their judgements on teachers play an important part in teachers' promotion. But there is no such power of principals and vice principals in Russia and the United States of America. In Russian federation, the evaluation of teachers abilities is enforced periodically. The results of tile evaluation reflect on teachers' salary directly, After teachers are evaluated, some teachers can earn lower salaries than before. Teachers' academic backgrounds which affect ell teacher' salary are classified by courses. The teachers who have master degrees or dolor degrees of education earn much more money than the teachers who have master degrees and doctor degrees of pure science in Russian federation.

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Development and Application of Questionnaire for Self-Understanding and Change Capacity Related to Science Education: Focus on the Recognition of Pre-Service Elementary Teachers (과학교육 관련 자기이해와 변화역량 조사 도구 개발 및 적용 -초등예비교사의 인식을 중심으로-)

  • Jo, Kwanghee;Joung, Yong Jae;Choi, Jaehyeok;Kim, Heekyong
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.38 no.6
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    • pp.901-917
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to develop the questionnaire on pre-service elementary teachers' recognition of self-understanding and change capacity for science education and to investigate their recognitions with it. At the beginning of the study, we made a tool to investigate the self-understanding and change capacity of pre-service elementary teachers through literature review and discussions. The former half of the questionnaire was related to self-understanding with factors such as 'self-concept clarity,' 'career identity' and 'self-efficacy:' 'self-understanding as a pre-service elementary teacher' (12 items) and 'self-understanding as a pre-service elementary science teacher' (12 items). Its latter half was about the change capacity with factors such as 'change sensitivity,' 'goal consciousness,' 'collaboration,' 'reflection,' and 'mastery.' It consisted of three parts: 'general change capacity,' 'change capacity as a pre-service elementary teacher' and 'change capacity as a pre-service elementary science teacher' with 17 items, respectively. With this tool, we surveyed 153 pre-service elementary teachers. The results are as follows: First, pre-service elementary teachers have a positive recognition about self-understanding and change capacity, but the recognition of self-understanding and change capacity as pre-service elementary science teachers were relatively less positive. Second, factors of self-understanding and change capacity as pre-service elementary science teachers have a significant correlation with each other. Especially, there was a high correlation between 'self-efficacy' of self-understanding and 'goal consciousness' and 'mastery' of change capacity. Based on these results, some implications for self-understanding and change capacity related to science education were discussed.

Effect of Teaching Program for Model Ignorance on the Perception and Teaching Practice of Pre-service Chemistry Teachers (모델 이그노런스 교수프로그램이 예비화학교사의 인식 및 교수 실행에 미치는 효과)

  • Jeon, Eunsun;Paik, Seoung-Hey
    • Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.66 no.3
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    • pp.228-242
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    • 2022
  • In this study, the educational effect was investigated by providing a teaching program so that pre-service chemistry teachers could apply model ignorance education to teacher training practice. The teaching program was constructed in consideration of the sensemaking concept proposed in the study of Odden & Russ and the process of teacher sensemaking proposed by Asli et al. The subjects of this study were 23 pre-service teachers in the 4th year of chemistry education department at a teacher training university in the central region of Korea. In order to form a sensemaking for the model's ignorance education, the teaching program consisted of four stages; the initial idea generation stage, cognition of model's ignorance stage in a inconsistent situation, the lesson strategy construction stage for model ignorance education, and lesson plan & practice stage during teacher training practice. In the first stage of this program, pre-service teachers' initial ideas about the Arrhenius model and Bronsted-Lowry model of acid-base reaction, and the electron transfer model of the oxidation-reduction reaction were investigated. In the second stage, inconsistant situation that cannot be explained by the knowledge of model was presented to recognize the ignorance of the model. The third stage was to develop the teaching ability of model's ignorance through textbook analysis and lesson strategy composition activities. As a final stage, during the teacher training practice, the pre-service teachers were asked to plan and practice the implementation of the model's ignorance education. Through the teaching program to form a sensemaking for ignorance education of the models, pre-service teachers had come to recognize the ignorance of the model, acquired ability to organize and execute lesson strategies reflecting model ignorance, and acquired recognition of the educational value and necessity of teaching the ignorance of models.

An Analysis of Kindergarten Teacher's Perception and Current Implementation toward Autonomy (유치원교사의 자율성에 대한 인식과 실천현황)

  • Lee, Eun-Ji;Bae, Jee-Hyun
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.21 no.11
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    • pp.389-402
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study is to examine early childhood teacher's perception and current implementation toward autonomy and to provide basic data for related research. The survey was conducted with 121 public and private kindergarten teachers. The study results are as follows: First, as for teachers' perception of autonomy, the majority of the survey respondents answered that "I am very interested in the concept of autonomy and have tried to practice it." In terms of areas for which they expect to be given autonomy, "autonomy in developing and operating education plans" was most answered. Second, as for teachers' practice of autonomy, teacher autonomy was answered most for "work and operation" in the development and implementation of education plans among "institutional autonomy." In terms of communication between parents and the local community, "operation of the kindergarten website" and "operation of teachers' personal e-mail" were most answered. In addition, "participation in teacher training" was most answered for the development of teachers' expertise, and "interaction with infants" for "autonomy in educational activity." Lastly, it is expected for follow-up research to perform case studies to understand the context of the implementation of teacher autonomy.

Teachers' Understanding of Declination and Its Explanation Presented in the Earth Science II Textbook (편각에 대한 교사의 이해와 지구과학 II 교과서의 기술)

  • Lee, Gyuho
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.35 no.7
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    • pp.585-597
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    • 2014
  • This study surveys how teachers can improve their understanding about the concept of declination only through reading the material presented as non-dipole magnetic model. This study also investigates a difference between the content of declination presented in "Earth Science II" textbook under the 2009 revised National Curriculum and that of the past one. Thirty teachers in Gyeonggi province and thirty three in the city of Seoul are surveyed; they are selected from the participants of required training that provides their first grade regular teaching certification. Findings of this study are as follows. First, the study finds that teacher participants possess several misconceptions about the declination. Their typical misconception show that a compass needle directly indicates the magnetic north pole. This type of misconception is not corrected only by a reading the material. Second, the study shows that the degree of teachers' understanding about the concept of declination improves through the reading the material of a non-dipole magnetic model. Third, the study reveals that the material of nod-dipole magnetic model is more effective with teachers than students. Finally, the study suggests that explanations including non-dipole magnetic model be revised in the current textbooks.

Development of Water Environmental Education Program Using Streams - Focused on ENVISION - (소하천 물 환경교육 프로그램 개발 - ENVISION을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Jeong-Hwa;Lee, Du-Gon
    • Hwankyungkyoyuk
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.12-26
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this research is to develop a water environmental education (EE) program using streams, based on the core ideas of ENVISION and materializing elements that were extracted in this research. This research realized the elements and presented a model of the water EE program using a local stream. First, this research developed a basic model of a water EE program using streams by extracting 10 materializing elements and realizing the elements in 4 stage-procedural model. The 10 materializing elements were 1. experiencing the process of inquiry, 2. inquiring local environments, 3. self-directing learning and mutual interaction with colleagues, 4. collecting real data and interpreting, 5. utilizing the ICT(information and communication technology), 6. inquiring with the view point of the 'Environmental Studies for EE', 7. inquiring with the watershed concept, 8. inquiring with the integrating and the holistic view point, 9. pursuing the macroscopic understanding about environment, and 10. connecting the real world phenomena with the environmental concepts and theories. This research materialized these 10 elements in 4 stage model, following the previous ENVISION research, which are 1. preparing stage and visual assessment, 2. writing the report of the inquiry plan, 3. collecting the real data in the environment and performing the investigation, and 4. presenting the inquiry results. Second, with using this basic model, this research developed and presented a model of the specific water EE program using a case stream called 'Baig Cheon' stream, which is a local stream. This research is considered to have a considerable meaning in developing a EE program with ENVISION ideas for the watershed concept and inquiry with environmental science using local streams. The developed model can help the professional development of teachers and teacher education of water EE.

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Basic Experiment of P8250 Educational Engine Performance (P8250 학습용 엔진성능의 기초 실험)

  • Lim, Chang-Su;Choi, Jun-Seop;Wang, So-Rang
    • 대한공업교육학회지
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.218-231
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study was made for the pre-teacher of university to enhance understanding for the concept of engine performance and to provide information regarding engine performance in the institute of teacher educator. This study was carried out through engine performance experiment with The Cussons Engine Test Bed P8250, internal combustion engine, in order to analyze data quantitatively, and apply and verify factors of controlling engine performance. The main results of this study are as follows: First, power and brake horsepower increased linearly, and torque over the mid-speed as engine rps(revolution per second) decreased. Second, the change of torque and specific fuel consumption were able to be verified and the concept of engine performance was able to be understood. Third, the experimental values of brake horsepower and torque on engine performance showed the same tendency as theoretical values. Fourth, air/fuel ratio increased proportionally as engine speed increased.