• Title/Summary/Keyword: spatial view

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Investigation of the Signal Characteristics of a Small Gamma Camera System Using NaI(Tl)-Position Sensitive Photomultiplier Tube (NaI(Tl) 섬광결정과 위치민감형 광전자증배관을 이용한 소형 감마카메라의 신호 특성 고찰)

  • Choi, Yong;Kim, Jong-Ho;Kim, Joon-Young;Im, Ki-Chun;Kim, Sang-Eun;Choe, Yearn-Seong;Lee, Kyung-Han;Joo, Koan-Sik;Kim, Byung-Tae
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.82-93
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    • 2000
  • Purpose: We characterized the signals obtained from the components of a small gamma camera using Nal(Tl)-position sensitive photomultiplier tube (PSPMT) and optimized the parameters employed in the modules of the system. Materials and Methods: The small gamma camera system consists of a Nal(Tl) crystal ($60{\times}60{\times}6mm^3$) coupled with a Hamamatsu R3941 PSPMT, a resister chain circuit, preamplifiers, nuclear instrument modules (NIMs), an analog to digital converter and a personal computer for control and display. The PSPMT was read out using a resistive charge division circuit which multiplexes the 34 cross wire anode channels into 4 signals (X+, X-, Y+, Y -). Those signals were individually amplified by four preamplifiers and then, shaped and amplified by amplifiers. The signals were discriminated and digitized via triggering signal and used to localize the position of an event by applying the Anger logic. The gamma camera control and image display was performed by a program implemented using a graphic software. Results: The characteristics of signal and the parameters employed in each module of the system were presented. The intrinsic sensitivity of the system was approximately $8{\times}10^3$ counts/sec/${\mu}Ci$. The intrinsic energy resolution of the system was 18% FWHM at 140 keV. The spatial resolution obtained using a line-slit mask and $^{99m}Tc$ point source were, respectively, 2.2 and 2.3 mm FWHM in X and Y directions. Breast phantom containing $2{\sim}7mm$ diameter spheres was successfully imaged with a parallel hole collimator. The image displayed accurate size and activity distribution over the imaging field of view Conclusion: We proposed a simple method for development of a small gamma camera and presented the characteristics of the signals from the system and the optimized parameters used in the modules of the small gamma camera.

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A Review of the Neurocognitive Mechanisms for Mathematical Thinking Ability (수학적 사고력에 관한 인지신경학적 연구 개관)

  • Kim, Yon Mi
    • Korean Journal of Cognitive Science
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.159-219
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    • 2016
  • Mathematical ability is important for academic achievement and technological renovations in the STEM disciplines. This study concentrated on the relationship between neural basis of mathematical cognition and its mechanisms. These cognitive functions include domain specific abilities such as numerical skills and visuospatial abilities, as well as domain general abilities which include language, long term memory, and working memory capacity. Individuals can perform higher cognitive functions such as abstract thinking and reasoning based on these basic cognitive functions. The next topic covered in this study is about individual differences in mathematical abilities. Neural efficiency theory was incorporated in this study to view mathematical talent. According to the theory, a person with mathematical talent uses his or her brain more efficiently than the effortful endeavour of the average human being. Mathematically gifted students show different brain activities when compared to average students. Interhemispheric and intrahemispheric connectivities are enhanced in those students, particularly in the right brain along fronto-parietal longitudinal fasciculus. The third topic deals with growth and development in mathematical capacity. As individuals mature, practice mathematical skills, and gain knowledge, such changes are reflected in cortical activation, which include changes in the activation level, redistribution, and reorganization in the supporting cortex. Among these, reorganization can be related to neural plasticity. Neural plasticity was observed in professional mathematicians and children with mathematical learning disabilities. Last topic is about mathematical creativity viewed from Neural Darwinism. When the brain is faced with a novel problem, it needs to collect all of the necessary concepts(knowledge) from long term memory, make multitudes of connections, and test which ones have the highest probability in helping solve the unusual problem. Having followed the above brain modifying steps, once the brain finally finds the correct response to the novel problem, the final response comes as a form of inspiration. For a novice, the first step of acquisition of knowledge structure is the most important. However, as expertise increases, the latter two stages of making connections and selection become more important.

Matching Points Filtering Applied Panorama Image Processing Using SURF and RANSAC Algorithm (SURF와 RANSAC 알고리즘을 이용한 대응점 필터링 적용 파노라마 이미지 처리)

  • Kim, Jeongho;Kim, Daewon
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers
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    • v.51 no.4
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    • pp.144-159
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    • 2014
  • Techniques for making a single panoramic image using multiple pictures are widely studied in many areas such as computer vision, computer graphics, etc. The panorama image can be applied to various fields like virtual reality, robot vision areas which require wide-angled shots as an useful way to overcome the limitations such as picture-angle, resolutions, and internal informations of an image taken from a single camera. It is so much meaningful in a point that a panoramic image usually provides better immersion feeling than a plain image. Although there are many ways to build a panoramic image, most of them are using the way of extracting feature points and matching points of each images for making a single panoramic image. In addition, those methods use the RANSAC(RANdom SAmple Consensus) algorithm with matching points and the Homography matrix to transform the image. The SURF(Speeded Up Robust Features) algorithm which is used in this paper to extract featuring points uses an image's black and white informations and local spatial informations. The SURF is widely being used since it is very much robust at detecting image's size, view-point changes, and additionally, faster than the SIFT(Scale Invariant Features Transform) algorithm. The SURF has a shortcoming of making an error which results in decreasing the RANSAC algorithm's performance speed when extracting image's feature points. As a result, this may increase the CPU usage occupation rate. The error of detecting matching points may role as a critical reason for disqualifying panoramic image's accuracy and lucidity. In this paper, in order to minimize errors of extracting matching points, we used $3{\times}3$ region's RGB pixel values around the matching points' coordinates to perform intermediate filtering process for removing wrong matching points. We have also presented analysis and evaluation results relating to enhanced working speed for producing a panorama image, CPU usage rate, extracted matching points' decreasing rate and accuracy.

Problems of administrative area system in Korea and reforming direction (한국 행정구역체계의 문제점과 개편의 방향)

  • ;Yim, Seok-Hoi
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.65-83
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    • 1994
  • Sevaral problems of administrative area sysem in Korea have been brought up for a long time. Because its frame has remained since Chosun and Japanese colonial period in spite of changing local administrative environment in accordance with rapid industrialization and urbanization. Recent reform of city (Shi)- county (Gun) integration is derived from this argument. But problems which permeate deeply overall system cannot be solved by partial reorganization of Shi-Gun. They may be rationalized only through the reform of the whole system. The aims of this study are to analyze problems of administrative area system entirelr and to discuss the direction of its reform from that point of view. Major problems of administrative area system are summed up into the followings. Firstly, it is found that administrative hierarchies are too many levels. Contemporary administrative hierarchical structure is 4 levels: regional autonomous government (Tukpyolshi, Jik'halshi, Do), local autonomous government (Shi, Gun), two leveis of auxiliary administrative area (Up, Myun and Ri). These hierarchies were established in late period of Chosun which transportation was undeveloped and residential activity space was confined. But today developing transportion and expanding sphere of life don't need administrative hierarchical structurl with many levels. Besides developing administrative technology reduces administrative space by degrees. Many levels of contemporary administrative hierarchical structure are main factor of administrative inefficency, discording with settlement system. Second problem is that Tukpyolshi and Jik'halshi - cities under direct control of the central government as metropolitan area - underbounded cities. Underbounded city discomforts residential life and increases external elects of local pulic services. Especially this problem is Seoul, Pusan and Daegu. Third problem is that Do-areas are mostly two larger in integrating into single sphere of life. In fact each of them consistes of two or three sphere of life. Fourth Problem is metropolitan government system that central city is seperated from complementary area, i.e. Do. It brings about weakening the economic force of Do. Fifth problem is that several cities divided single sphere of life. It is main factor of finantial inefficency and facing difficult regional administration. Finally necessity of rural parish (Myun.) is diminished gradually with higher order center oriented activty of rural residents. First of all administrative area system should corresponds with substantial sphere of life in order to solve these problems. Followings are some key directions this study proposes on the reform of administrative area system from that standpoint. 1. Principles of reorgnization -- integration of central dty with complementary area. -- correspondence of administrative hierarchical structure with settlement system. -- correspondence of boundary of administrative area with sphere of life. 2. Reform strategy -- Jik'halshi is integrated with Do and is under the contol of Do. -- Small Seoul shi (city) which have special functions as captal is demarcated in Seoul tukpyolshi and 22 autonomous distrcts of Seoul tukpyolshi is integrated into 3-4 cities. -- Neighboring cities (Shies) in single sphere of life are intrgrated into single city (Shj). -- Myun and Ri are abolished in rural region and new unit of local administrative area on the basis of lowest order sphere of life into which 3-4 Ries are integrated replaces them.

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Interface structure and anisotropic strain relaxation of nonpolar a-GaN on r-sapphire

  • Gong, Bo-Hyeon;Jo, Hyeong-Gyun;Song, Geun-Man;Yun, Dae-Ho
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers Conference
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    • 2010.06a
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    • pp.31-31
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    • 2010
  • The growth of the high-quality GaN epilayers is of significant technological importance because of their commercializedoptoelectronic applications as high-brightness light-emitting diodes (LEDs) and laser diodes (LDs) in the visible and ultraviolet spectral range. The GaN-based heterostructural epilayers have the polar c-axis of the hexagonal structure perpendicular to the interfaces of the active layers. The Ga and N atoms in the c-GaN are alternatively stacked along the polar [0001] crystallographic direction, which leads to spontaneous polarization. In addition, in the InGaN/GaN MQWs, the stress applied along the same axis contributes topiezoelectric polarization, and thus the total polarization is determined as the sum of spontaneous and piezoelectric polarizations. The total polarization in the c-GaN heterolayers, which can generate internal fields and spatial separation of the electron and hole wave functions and consequently a decrease of efficiency and peak shift. One of the possible solutions to eliminate these undesirable effects is to grow GaN-based epilayers in nonpolar orientations. The polarization effects in the GaN are eliminated by growing the films along the nonpolar [$11\bar{2}0$] ($\alpha$-GaN) or [$1\bar{1}00$] (m-GaN) orientation. Although the use of the nonpolar epilayers in wurtzite structure clearly removes the polarization matters, however, it induces another problem related to the formation of a high density of planar defects. The large lattice mismatch between sapphiresubstrates and GaN layers leads to a high density of defects (dislocations and stacking faults). The dominant defects observed in the GaN epilayers with wurtzite structure are one-dimensional (1D) dislocations and two-dimensional (2D) stacking faults. In particular, the 1D threading dislocations in the c-GaN are generated from the film/substrate interface due to their large lattice and thermal coefficient mismatch. However, because the c-GaN epilayers were grown along the normal direction to the basal slip planes, the generation of basal stacking faults (BSFs) is localized on the c-plane and the generated BSFs did not propagate into the surface during the growth. Thus, the primary defects in the c-GaN epilayers are 1D threading dislocations. Occasionally, the particular planar defects such as prismatic stacking faults (PSFs) and inversion domain boundaries are observed. However, since the basal slip planes in the $\alpha$-GaN are parallel to the growth direction unlike c-GaN, the BSFs with lower formation energy can be easily formed along the growth direction, where the BSFs propagate straightly into the surface. Consequently, the lattice mismatch between film and substrate in $\alpha$-GaN epilayers is mainly relaxed through the formation of BSFs. These 2D planar defects are placed along only one direction in the cross-sectional view. Thus, the nonpolar $\alpha$-GaN films have different atomic arrangements along the two orthogonal directions ($[0001]_{GaN}$ and $[\bar{1}100]_{GaN}$ axes) on the $\alpha$-plane, which are expected to induce anisotropic biaxial strain. In this study, the anisotropic strain relaxation behaviors in the nonpolar $\alpha$-GaN epilayers grown on ($1\bar{1}02$) r-plane sapphire substrates by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVO) were investigated, and the formation mechanism of the abnormal zigzag shape PSFs was discussed using high-resolution transmission electron microscope (HRTEM).

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Groundwater-Stream Water Interaction Induced by Water Curtain Cultivation Activity in Sangdae-ri Area of Cheongju, Korea (청주 상대리지역에서 수막재배가 지하수-하천수 상호작용에 미치는 영향)

  • Moon, Sang-Ho;Kim, Yongcheol;Jeong, Youn-Young;Hwang, Jeong
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.49 no.2
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    • pp.105-120
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    • 2016
  • Most of riverside in Korea, in case of application of water curtain cultivation (WCC) technique, has been inveterately suffering from the gradual drawdown of groundwater level and related shortage of water resources during the WCC peak time. We believe that the water resources issue in these riverside areas can be effectively solved when the interaction between groundwater and nearby surface water is well understood. To investigate the connection between stream and ground water, and the influence of stream water on the nearby aquifer, this study examined the water temperature and oxygen and hydrogen stable isotopic compositions. The study area is well-known strawberry field applying the WCC technique in Sangdae-ri, Gadeok-myon, Cheongju City, and the sampling was done from February 2012 through June 2014 for stream and ground water. Some groundwater wells near stream showed big temporal variations in water temperature, and their oxygen and hydrogen stable isotopes showed similar compositions to those of adjacent stream water. This indicates that the influence of stream water is highly reflected in the stable isotopic composition of groundwater. Four cross-sectional lines from stream to hillside were established in the study area to determine the spatial differences in water quality of wells. At the late stage of WCC in February to March, groundwater of wells in line with short cross-sectional length showed the narrow range of isotopic compositions; however, those in the long cross-sectional line showed a wide compositional range. It was shown that the influence of the stream water at the late WCC stage have reached to the distance of 160 to 165 m from stream line, which is equivalent to the whole length and one-third point in each short and long cross-sectional line, respectively. Therefore, the wide compositional range in the long cross-sectional lines was not only due to the influence of stream water, but apparently resulted from the change of relative impact of each groundwater supplying from two or more aquifers. In view of stable isotopic compositions, there seems to be three different aquifers in this study area, which is competing for dominance of water quality in wells at each period of WCC.

Spatial distribution of Benthic Polychaetous Communities in Deugryang Bay, Southern Coast of Korea (득량만 저서다모류군집의 공간분포)

  • Kim, Yong-Hyun;Shin, Hyun-Chool
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.20-31
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    • 2002
  • This study was carried out to investigate the composition and the distribution of the benthic polychaetous communities in Deugryang Bay, semi-enclosed bays, on the southern coast of Korea and to deduce temporal changes in community with the comparison of the past studies. In Deugryang Bay, benthic polychaetous community structure was investigated on the base of the samples from 98 stations in 1996 and 1997. The main facies of surface sediment was clayey silt. The overall benthic macrofaunal density was 871 ind./m$^{2}$. The density was highest in the middle part of the bay because Musculus senhousia (Bivalvia) and cumaceans (Crustacea) had their highest densities in some stations. Benthic polychaetes were comprised of 100 species with a mean density of 138 ind./m$^{2}$. Their abundances were higher in the inner bay, in the middle bay, and in the mouth of bay, but poor community structures were established in the whole bay. The dominant species over 1.0 percentage were composed of the total 21 species, and they occupied 78.3% of the total abundance of the benthic polychaetes. The most dominant species was Lumbrineris longifolia (9.3%), followed by Eteone longa (7.3%), Heteromastus filifomis (7.1%), Sternaspis scutata (6.1%). From the cluster analysis, the study area could be divided into three station groups. Station group AI was located in the inner bay and in the shallow coastal region, and its most dominant species was Heteromastus filiformis. At the station group AII in the mouth of bay and in some channel region, its most dominant species were Lumbrineris longifolia and Eteone longa. And at the station group B located in middle part of the bay, the most dominant specis was Sternaspis scutata. In comparison with previous studies, the benthic polychaetous community experienced great change in the view of species number, density and dominant species. The dominant species were Sternaspis scutata and Eteone longa, but their densities declined greatly. Instead of these species, Lumbrineris longifolia and Heteromastus filiformis, known as the potential organic enrichment indicator species, appeared to the new dominant species even if their low densities. These facts mean that Deugryang Bay was maintained yet as little organic enriched area compared to other bays on the coast of Korea, but needed some caution of marine environmental management.

On Method for LBS Multi-media Services using GML 3.0 (GML 3.0을 이용한 LBS 멀티미디어 서비스에 관한 연구)

  • Jung, Kee-Joong;Lee, Jun-Woo;Kim, Nam-Gyun;Hong, Seong-Hak;Choi, Beyung-Nam
    • 한국공간정보시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2004.12a
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    • pp.169-181
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    • 2004
  • SK Telecom has already constructed GIMS system as the base common framework of LBS/GIS service system based on OGC(OpenGIS Consortium)'s international standard for the first mobile vector map service in 2002, But as service content appears more complex, renovation has been needed to satisfy multi-purpose, multi-function and maximum efficiency as requirements have been increased. This research is for preparation ion of GML3-based platform to upgrade service from GML2 based GIMS system. And with this, it will be possible for variety of application services to provide location and geographic data easily and freely. In GML 3.0, it has been selected animation, event handling, resource for style mapping, topology specification for 3D and telematics services for mobile LBS multimedia service. And the schema and transfer protocol has been developed and organized to optimize data transfer to MS(Mobile Stat ion) Upgrade to GML 3.0-based GIMS system has provided innovative framework in the view of not only construction but also service which has been implemented and applied to previous research and system. Also GIMS channel interface has been implemented to simplify access to GIMS system, and service component of GIMS internals, WFS and WMS, has gotten enhanded and expanded function.

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A Study on the Locational Decision Factors of Discount Stores : The Case of Cheonan (종합슈퍼마켓의 입지 결정 요인에 관한 연구 : 천안상권을 중심으로)

  • So, Jang-Hoon;Hwang, Hee-Joong
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.10 no.5
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    • pp.37-44
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    • 2012
  • In this paper, we investigate several factors that affect the locational decision of discount stores by using previous studies on the marketing area and the location of commercial facilities. We selected 21 primary variables that are expected to influence the decision of store location and, by factor analysis, grouped them into five underlying factors. Among these, the demographic factor, which shows the potential purchasing power level, had the greatest impact on the locational decision for the store. However, we found individual stores positioned according to unique locational characteristics in addition to the demographic factor. It means that we have to additionally consider if the vicinity of the market is based on any physical properties. Many previous studies proposed four decision factors for store location: the economic factor, the demographic factor, the land utilization factor, and traffic factor. However, the fivefold factors-our distinctive contribution-are more concrete and persuasive according to Korean reality. We show that location preference is based on the following criteria: (1) the area is densely populated, (2) houses stand close together, (3) residents have a high income level, (4) road traffic is developed and easy to access, and (5) public transportation is well developed. The demographic factor has the greatest impact on the location of a discount store. The number of households has a greater relevance to the demographic factor than does the individual consumer. Second, discount stores relatively prefer places where houses are located close together because such places offer easy access to the market. Third, a place whose residents have a high income level will be preferred, with its large cars and excellent traffic conditions. Fourth, a location would be highly rated if the roads around commercial facilities are well developed and their accessibility is good. Finally, discount stores must be located close to bus stops because female consumers, including housewives-the most important customers-evaluate stores based on distance. In this research, the variable of consumer attitude and preference was excluded, and the location factors of discount stores were analyzed according to a microscopic view through physical spatial data. In the future, the opening of new discount stores based on the five factors indicated above will require a comparatively shorter time from the first project feasibility analysis. In addition, the result of our study can be applied to the field of public policy for constructing and attracting large-scale distribution facilities.

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Enhancement of Inter-Image Statistical Correlation for Accurate Multi-Sensor Image Registration (정밀한 다중센서 영상정합을 위한 통계적 상관성의 증대기법)

  • Kim, Kyoung-Soo;Lee, Jin-Hak;Ra, Jong-Beom
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SP
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    • v.42 no.4 s.304
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2005
  • Image registration is a process to establish the spatial correspondence between images of the same scene, which are acquired at different view points, at different times, or by different sensors. This paper presents a new algorithm for robust registration of the images acquired by multiple sensors having different modalities; the EO (electro-optic) and IR(infrared) ones in the paper. The two feature-based and intensity-based approaches are usually possible for image registration. In the former selection of accurate common features is crucial for high performance, but features in the EO image are often not the same as those in the R image. Hence, this approach is inadequate to register the E0/IR images. In the latter normalized mutual Information (nHr) has been widely used as a similarity measure due to its high accuracy and robustness, and NMI-based image registration methods assume that statistical correlation between two images should be global. Unfortunately, since we find out that EO and IR images don't often satisfy this assumption, registration accuracy is not high enough to apply to some applications. In this paper, we propose a two-stage NMI-based registration method based on the analysis of statistical correlation between E0/1R images. In the first stage, for robust registration, we propose two preprocessing schemes: extraction of statistically correlated regions (ESCR) and enhancement of statistical correlation by filtering (ESCF). For each image, ESCR automatically extracts the regions that are highly correlated to the corresponding regions in the other image. And ESCF adaptively filters out each image to enhance statistical correlation between them. In the second stage, two output images are registered by using NMI-based algorithm. The proposed method provides prospective results for various E0/1R sensor image pairs in terms of accuracy, robustness, and speed.