Problems of administrative area system in Korea and reforming direction

한국 행정구역체계의 문제점과 개편의 방향

  • Published : 1994.03.01


Sevaral problems of administrative area sysem in Korea have been brought up for a long time. Because its frame has remained since Chosun and Japanese colonial period in spite of changing local administrative environment in accordance with rapid industrialization and urbanization. Recent reform of city (Shi)- county (Gun) integration is derived from this argument. But problems which permeate deeply overall system cannot be solved by partial reorganization of Shi-Gun. They may be rationalized only through the reform of the whole system. The aims of this study are to analyze problems of administrative area system entirelr and to discuss the direction of its reform from that point of view. Major problems of administrative area system are summed up into the followings. Firstly, it is found that administrative hierarchies are too many levels. Contemporary administrative hierarchical structure is 4 levels: regional autonomous government (Tukpyolshi, Jik'halshi, Do), local autonomous government (Shi, Gun), two leveis of auxiliary administrative area (Up, Myun and Ri). These hierarchies were established in late period of Chosun which transportation was undeveloped and residential activity space was confined. But today developing transportion and expanding sphere of life don't need administrative hierarchical structurl with many levels. Besides developing administrative technology reduces administrative space by degrees. Many levels of contemporary administrative hierarchical structure are main factor of administrative inefficency, discording with settlement system. Second problem is that Tukpyolshi and Jik'halshi - cities under direct control of the central government as metropolitan area - underbounded cities. Underbounded city discomforts residential life and increases external elects of local pulic services. Especially this problem is Seoul, Pusan and Daegu. Third problem is that Do-areas are mostly two larger in integrating into single sphere of life. In fact each of them consistes of two or three sphere of life. Fourth Problem is metropolitan government system that central city is seperated from complementary area, i.e. Do. It brings about weakening the economic force of Do. Fifth problem is that several cities divided single sphere of life. It is main factor of finantial inefficency and facing difficult regional administration. Finally necessity of rural parish (Myun.) is diminished gradually with higher order center oriented activty of rural residents. First of all administrative area system should corresponds with substantial sphere of life in order to solve these problems. Followings are some key directions this study proposes on the reform of administrative area system from that standpoint. 1. Principles of reorgnization -- integration of central dty with complementary area. -- correspondence of administrative hierarchical structure with settlement system. -- correspondence of boundary of administrative area with sphere of life. 2. Reform strategy -- Jik'halshi is integrated with Do and is under the contol of Do. -- Small Seoul shi (city) which have special functions as captal is demarcated in Seoul tukpyolshi and 22 autonomous distrcts of Seoul tukpyolshi is integrated into 3-4 cities. -- Neighboring cities (Shies) in single sphere of life are intrgrated into single city (Shj). -- Myun and Ri are abolished in rural region and new unit of local administrative area on the basis of lowest order sphere of life into which 3-4 Ries are integrated replaces them.

현행 행정구역체계의 기본골격은 조선시대와 일제초기에 만들어질 것으로 그간의 급속한 산업화와 도시화 및 교통, 통신의 발달에 제대로 상응하지 못하고 있다는 점에서 개 편의 필요성이 제기된다. 본 연구의 목적은 이러한 현행 행정구역체계의 가장 큰 문제점을 전체적으로 검토하고 그것의 합리적인 개편의 기본원칙과 방향을 모색하는 데 있다. 현행 행정구역체계의 가장 큰 문제점은 주민에 의해 자생적으로 형성된 실질적 공간체계와 관련 되어 있다는 것이다. 이러한 실질적 공간체계에 부합하기 위해서는 국토공간계획의 차원에 서 지역적 형평과 균형의 원리와 함께 중심도시와 배후지의 통합, 생활권의 계층체계와 행 정계층의 일치, 생활권의 범위와 행정구역의 일치 등을 원칙으로 한 행정구역개편이 이루어 져야 할 것이다.
