• Title/Summary/Keyword: socialization

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A Study on the Mothers' Level of Consumer Socialization Influencing the Children's Level of Consumer Skills (어머니의 소비자사회화수준이 자녀의 소비자기능에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • 문숙재
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.105-122
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    • 1989
  • The purpose of this study is to provide the basic data to analyze the importance of family as the consumer socialization agents influencing consumer socialization and to enhance the adolescent children's level of consumer skill. The summary of research results is as follows: 1. There were significant differences in the mothers' level of consumer socialization according to the age, education level, consumer attitude, children's grade. 2. The factors showing significant relations to children's level of consumer skills were found to be children's sex, their grade, mother's age and their consumer attitude. The similar results were found for the various aspects of consumer skills. 3. Both the mother's level of consumer socialization with respect to themselves and with respect to children were found to be positivily correlated to children's level of consumer skills. 4. The result of analyzing the independent contribution of the factors in affecting the childern's level of consumer skills is that in order of increasing contribution the factors are the mother's level of consumer socialization with respect to children, children's grade, their sex, the mother's age. 5. The mother's level of consumer socialization with respect to themselves and with respect to children were found to be considerably influenced by demographics and socio-psychological variables. And it was confirmed that the mother's level of consumer socialization has causal relations to children's level of consumer skills.

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Factors Influencing Organizational Socialization in Clinical Nurses (임상간호사의 간호조직사회화 영향요인)

  • Jung, Kwuy-Im
    • The Korean Journal of Health Service Management
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.53-65
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    • 2017
  • Objectives : The purpose of this study was to explore and describe the factors related to clinical nurses' organizational socialization, process and to find out the strategic information for successful organizational socialization. Methods : Data were collected with a structured questionnaires from 300 clinical nurses. The data were analyzed with SPSS/WIN 21.0. Results : First, the average score for the organizational socialization($2.95{\pm}0.37$), organization climate($3.28{\pm}0.43$), autonomy($3.23{\pm}0.43$), role stress($3.21{\pm}0.56$), professional self-concept($3.19{\pm}0.46$), organization value internalization($3.11{\pm}0.59$), and perceptional justice($2.91{\pm}0.50$). Second, influencing factor of organizational socialization of the participant were organizational climate, role stress, professional self-concept, Job esteem, Living arrangement type, collaboration between medical professionals in hospital, the other hospital work experience, role model or Mentor, total hospital career, perceived health status, spouse, perceptional justice, Adjusted $R^2=.702$. Conclusions : These results suggest that organizational socialization of clinical nurses could be enhanced by organizational climate. Thus creating a positive organizational climate are mandated for clinical nurses to have constructive organizational socialization.

The Relationship Among Image of Nurses, Self Esteem and Professional Socialization in Nursing Students (간호학생이 지각한 간호사 이미지와 자아존중감 및 전문직사회화의 관계)

  • Choi, Jung;Ha, Na-Sun
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.54-63
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    • 2009
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify the relationship among image of nurses, self esteem and professional socialization in nursing students. Method: Using a structured questionnaire, data were collected from 342 nursing students. Descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation coefficient, t-test, ANOVA, and $Scheff{\acute{e}}$ test with SAS package were used for data analysis. Results: The mean score of total image of nurses was 3.74, with scores for subcategories as follows: professional image 4.04, traditional image 3.77, personal image 3.65, social image 3.47. And the mean score of self esteem 3.58 and professional socialization was 3.73. Total image of nurses and total subcategories of image of nurses were positively related to self esteem and professional socialization. Also total professional socialization and total subcategories of professional socialization were positively related to self esteem. Conclusion: Through this results, the educational program for improvement of professional socialization is needed for nursing students.

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The Impacts of Professional Socialization Perceived by Nursing Students on Role Conflict and Professional Self-concept (간호학생이 지각한 전문직 사회화가 역할갈등 및 전문직 자아개념에 미치는 영향)

  • Ha, Na Sun;Park, Hyo Mi
    • Journal of Korean Clinical Nursing Research
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.47-56
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    • 2009
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify the impacts of professional socialization perceived by nursing students on role conflict and professional self-concept. Methods: Using a structured questionnaire, data were collected from 683 nursing students. For data analysis, descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation coefficient, stepwise multiple regression were conducted using SAS program. Results: The mean score of total professional socialization was 3.74 followed by the scores of 'independence', 3.98, 'commitment', 3.80, 'decision making', 3.60, and 'maturity', 3.53. The mean score of total role conflict was 3.72, and professional self-concept was 2.75. Total professional socialization, commitment, and independence perceived by nursing students were positively related to role conflict. Also total professional socialization and total subcategories of professional socialization were positively related to professional self-concept. As a result of stepwise multiple regression analysis, the key determinants of role conflict were found to be 'independence', 'motivation with admission', 'sex', 'desire with working', 'grade' and 'decision making'. The key determinants of professional self-concept were 'decision making', 'commitment', 'satisfaction about nursing', and 'interpersonal relationship'. Conclusion: Through this results, it is necessary to improve professional socialization in order to increase professional self-concept among nursing students.

A Study on the Socialization of Household Work and it's Related Variables -Focusing on the Employed and Unemployed Wives- (가사노동의 사회화 및 관련변인 고찰 -전문직 취업주부와 비취업주부를 중심으로-)

  • 이정우
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.179-198
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    • 1992
  • The purspoe of this study is to identify the socialization level of household work of the employed and unemployed housewives and it's related variables in order to provide some fundamental information for the rational and effective performation of the household task. For the purpose of this study, 700 questionnaire were distributed to the employed and unemployed wives who lived in Seoul. The data were analyed by the Frequency distribution, Percentile, t-test, F-test, Duncan's Multiple Range Test, and Multiple Regression Analysis. The main results were as follows : (1) Socialization level of household work of the employed wives was a little below medium point. When the household work was devided into three subdomains, in the domain of food and shelter, the socialization level was far below medium point. In the domain of clothes, the socialization level was a little higher than medium point. Socialization level of household work of the unemployed wives far below average. When the household work was devided into three sudbomains, in the domain of food, clothes and shelter, the socialization level was far below average, too. Socialization level of household work was significantly different according to the employment. (2) Among the background veriables, family income, household work helper, and frequency of leisure activities have a significant influence on the socialization level of the employed wives. Duration of marriage, housewife's education level and house income have a important effect on the socialization level of the unemployed wives background. (3) Among the background variabels of household work, performing competence of household work is powerful effect on the socialization level of the employed wives. And as for the unemployed wives, performing competence of household task and recognition of the velue of household work are significant variables. (4) The psychological variable such as sex-role attitude gave no noticeable influence on the socialization level of employed and unemployed wives. (5) In conclusion, classifing the variances influencing on the socialization level of household work in a measure of respcetive effect, it appears to be performing competence of household task, frequency of leisure activities, house income, sex-role attitued and educational level in the order of their influences for the employed wives. And as for the unemployed wives, it seems to be house income, educational level, performing competence of household work and frequency of leisure activities. To the two sides, the rate of explanation is shown at 35%.

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Fathers' and Mothers' Socialization Beliefs Regarding Prosocial Behaviors of Boys and Girls (남·여 유아의 친사회적 행동에 대한 아버지와 어머니의 사회화 양육신념)

  • Kim, Yae Bin;Park, Sung Yun
    • Korean Journal of Child Studies
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    • v.26 no.6
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    • pp.145-160
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this study was to examine mother's and father's socialization beliefs regarding prosocial behaviors of boys and girls. The subjects were mothers and fathers of 60 children in Seoul. Data were gathered through questionnaires; both mothers and fathers responded to the Social Skills Questionnaire. Results showed that: 1) There are no differences in parents' socialization beliefs regarding children's prosocial behaviors: the importance of prosocial behavior, reasons for the importance of prasocial behaviors, attribution, and socialization strategy. 2)There are a few sex differences between boys and girls in parents' socialization beliefs.

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Parental Emotion Socialization in Military Families

  • He, Yaliu;Gewirtz, Abigail;Dworkin, Jodi
    • Child Studies in Asia-Pacific Contexts
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.1-19
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    • 2015
  • Reintegration after military deployment is a significant family stressor. Guided by Eisenberg's heuristic model of socialization of emotions, the present study examined the relationships between parental emotion socialization, children's emotionality and children's internalizing symptoms using a military sample. It was also investigated whether gender of parents and children impacted parental emotion socialization. Questionnaires were gathered from 248 families with a 4-12 year old child (M = 7.78) in which a parent had been deployed to Iraq or Afghanistan. Children's emotionality was positively correlated with children's internalizing symptoms and non-supportive parental emotion socialization. Independent-t-tests and two-way ANOVAs showed that mothers reported more supportive reactions towards children's negative emotions than fathers. Father reports of expressive encouragement were positively associated with child reports of anxiety and depression. Child gender did not influence how parents responded to negative emotions. Implications and future directions were discussed.

A Study on the Organization Socialization Process of Engineering Novice for the Learning and Adaptation (공학계열 초기경력자의 학습과 적응을 위한 조직사회화 과정 연구)

  • Lee, Soo-Yong
    • Journal of Engineering Education Research
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    • v.17 no.5
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    • pp.41-50
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the organization socialization process of engineering novice for the learning and adaptation. Qualitative case study was performed with 5 participants and the collected qualitative data were analyzed using funnel-like method. The findings showed that the organization socialization process proceed in three steps-anticipatory, encounter, and metarmorphosis. Engineering Novice look at the whole organization socialization proces of organization culture and job maladjustment, and the relationship between internal and external organizations to overcome the difficulties arising from the community through the process of becoming a full participant. Socialization of engineering novice is ultimately the organization to respond to new situations and changes in the learning process takes place in the process, talking about a major resource for human resources. This enables organizations to socialize and harmonious human relationships within the organization so that it can be more important than anything else.

Resilience and Organizational Socialization in New Nurses (신규간호사의 회복탄력성과 조직사회화)

  • Park, So Yeonn;Kwon, Yunhee;Park, Yeong Sook
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.324-332
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study was to identify the relationship between resilience and organizational socialization in new nurses. Data collection for the study was carried out between September 28th and December 30th, 2012 by surveying 221 new nurses working in general hospitals located in D, K, and P city. Measures were subjects' resiliency and organizational socialization. The data were analyzed using t-test, ANOVA, Person's correlation coefficients and multiple regression analysis with SPSS/WIN 19.0 version. The average of subject's resilience was 3.37(${\pm}0.62$) and organizational socialization 3.20(${\pm}0.70$). There were significant differences in organizational socialization according to age, number of hospital beds, pay grade, desired position and clinical training experiences of hospital. Resilience correlated positively with organizational socialization. Factors affecting new nurses organizational socialization were identified in the order of resilience, clinical training experiences of hospital, age and pay grade. The findings of the study indicate that in order to increase new nurses' organizational socialization, their resilience have to be enhanced.

The Mediating Role of Traditional News Media and the News Web in the Political Socialization of Korean Immigrants to the Host Society: Predicting Political Knowledge, Interest, and Participation (전통 뉴스 매체와 뉴스 웹 이용이 이민자들의 주류 정치사회화에 미치는 매개적 역할)

  • Lee, Hyo-Seong
    • Korean journal of communication and information
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    • v.22
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    • pp.211-247
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    • 2003
  • This study explored how Korean immigrants education, length of stay and English fluency affect their political socialization, mediated through traditional news media and the news Web use. Political socialization included political knowledge, interest, and participation. The media usage patterns included U.S. news media, U.S. news Web, Korean news Web, and Korean news Media use by Korean immigrants in the United State. This study found as follows. First, education, length of stay, and English fluency indirectly increased political socialization(political knowledge, interest, and participation) through their relationship with U.S. news media use. Second, U.S. news Web played a potentially important role in Korean immigrants' political socialization by increasing their political interest. Third, Korean news media partly contributed to Korean immigrants' political socialization by increasing their political interest. Fourth, Korean news Web use did not contribute to Korean immigrants' political socialization in terms of political knowledge, interest, and participation at all. In conclusion, this study found that traditional news media's role was more important than news Web's one in the process of immigrants' political socialization to the host society.

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