• 제목/요약/키워드: social status type

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일부 지역사회 독거노인의 여가활동유형과 건강상태, 자아존중감, 사회적지지와의 관계 연구 (The Leisure Type, Health Status, Self-esteem, and Social Support of the Elderly Living Alone)

  • 장인순
    • 한국보건간호학회지
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    • 제20권2호
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    • pp.130-140
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    • 2006
  • Purpose: This study aimed to analyze the conditions of the leisure type, health status, self-esteem, and social support of the elderly living alone. Method: The subjects were 189 elderly. The instrument was a structured questionnaire. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, ANOVA, and Pearson correlation coefficient. Results: The frequency of the leisure types of the elderly living alone was in the order of culture, rest, social activity and sports. The following factors showed a statistically significant relation: gender, education, religion and marital status with leisure type; age, economic status, job and leisure type with perceived health status; education, economic status and religion with self-esteem; and economic status, marital status and religion with social support. There was a negative correlation between ADL and both perceived health status, and self-esteem, but positive correlations between self-esteem and perceived health status, and between social support and both perceived health status and self-esteem. Conclusion: To maintain the quality of life of the elderly living alone, this study suggests that providing various leisure activities could raise self-esteem, and thereby complement for any deficiencies in family and social support.

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기혼 여성소비자의 소비스트레스 대처유형과 관련 변수: 사회인구학적 변수, 사회계층, 건강상태 지각 및 소비스트레스를 중심으로 (Consumption Stress Coping Types Among Married Women Consumers and Related Variables: Focused on Socio-economic Variables, Social Class, Perceived Health Status, and Consumption Stress)

  • 복미정;서정희
    • 한국생활과학회지
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    • 제24권1호
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    • pp.25-38
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    • 2015
  • This paper focused to classify the consumption stress coping types among married women consumers and to investigate the differences of socio-economic variables, social class, perceived health status, and consumption stress among coping types. Data were collected from 500 married women through online surveys in South Korea. Two factors of consumption stress(consumption stress before purchase, consumption stress after purchase), and three factors of consumption stress coping(Social support coping, problem solving focused coping, Passive avoidance coping) were identified. K-mean cluster analysis classified into 4 coping types with consumption stress coping. 15% of the sample were included to the passive coping type, and 25% were classified into the ambivalent coping type. 26.8% of the sample were identified to the active coping type, and 35.2% were maladaptive coping type. There were significant differences among the consumption stress coping types on education, family income, social class, health status, consumption stress after purchase. Consumer education programs should develop and implement especially for passive coping type and maladaptive coping type to cope effectively with consumption stress.

초등학교 고학년 학생의 사회적지위 유형과 학업성취도간의 관계 (IA Relation between Social Status Type and Academic Achievement in the Upper Grade Students of the Elementary School)

  • 안이환;이창우
    • 초등상담연구
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    • 제11권1호
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    • pp.21-33
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    • 2012
  • 본 연구는 사회성측정(sociometry)을 통한 사회적지위의 유형에 따라 초등학생의 학업성취도에서 차이가 나타나는지를 알아보는데 있었다. 이를 위하여 K시에 소재한 S초등학교 6학년 201명을 대상으로 성별의 분리를 적용하여 7가지(인기, 평범, 배척, 높은 공격성에 의한 배척, 높은 수동성에 의한 배척, 무시, 양면성아동)로 지위유형을 분류한 다음, 각각의 지위집단 유형이 보여주는 학업성취도를 종속변인으로 하여 사회적지위 유형과 학업성취도간의 관계를 알아보았다. 5가지 사회적지위 유형을 분류하기 위하여 안이환(2007)에 의해 개발된 한국형 사회성 측정의 전산프로그램이 사용되었으며, 나머지 2가지 하위유형 분류는 실험조건에 따라 분류되었다. 종속변인은 2011학년도 1학기 중간학력평가 교과군별 점수였다. 성별과 지위유형에 따라 인문군(국어와 사회)과 자연군(수학과 과학)의 평균치가 비교되었다. 이때의 준거집단은 평범아동 집단이었다. 본 연구의 결과, 남자아동의 경우, 인문군과 자연군에서 모두 무시된아동의 성적이 가장 높게 나타났으며, 양면성아동이 인문군과 자연군에서 모두 가장 낮은 성적을 보였다. 여자아동의 경우에는 인문군과 자연군에서 모두 인기, 무시, 양면성아동이 유사한 범위에서 가장 높은 성적을 보였으며, 배척아동이 인문군과 자연군에서 모두 가장 낮은 성적을 나타냈다. 이러한 결과로 볼 때, 학업성취도는 초등학생의 사회적지위 유형과 관련되어 있음을 알 수 있었다. 관계지향적 학습형태를 지향하는 오늘날의 교육과정에 대한 흐름을 고려해 볼 때, 초등학생들의 학업성취도를 높이기 위한 사회적관계의 연구에 대한 필요성이 시사되었다.

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노인의 사회 연결망 유형과 건강상태와의 관련성 (Correlation of Social Network Types on Health Status of Korean Elders)

  • 천의영
    • 대한간호학회지
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    • 제40권1호
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    • pp.88-98
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    • 2010
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify the social network types of elders and to identify differences among latent classes by social network. Methods: The data of 312 elders used in this study were collected from health, welfare, and other facilities and from elders living in the community. The interviews were conducted from July 16 to September 30, 2007 using a standard, structured questionnaire. Descriptive statistics, one way ANOVA with the SPSS 15.0 program and latent class analysis using Maximum Likelihood Latent Structure Analysis (MLLSA) program were used to analyze the data. Results: Using latent class analysis, social network types among older adults were identified as diverse for 58.0% of the sample, as family for 34.0%, and as isolated for 8.0%. The health status of respondents differed significantly by network type. Elders in diverse networks had significantly higher health status and elders in isolated networks had significantly lower physical health status on average than those in all other networks. Conclusion: The results of this study suggest that these network types have important practical implications for health status of elders. Social service programs should focus on different groups based on social network type and promote social support and social integration.

사무직 근로자의 A, B형 성격유형에 따른 건강증진행위에 영향을 미치는 요인 비교 (Factors Influencing Health Promoting Behaviour according to the Type A/B Personality of White Collar Workers)

  • 최진이;박영미
    • 한국직업건강간호학회지
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    • 제22권4호
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    • pp.305-313
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    • 2013
  • Purpose: The study was done to identify factors influencing health promoting behaviour in office workers according to the type A/B personality. Methods: The data were collected by questionnaires from 249 workers in Seoul and Gyung-gi province. Measures were a health promoting behaviour, the type of personality, self-esteem, perceived health status, social support, and job stress. The data were analyzed using Pearson correlation coefficients, t-test, and stepwise multiple regression with SPSS/WIN 15.0 version. Results: This study suggests that A type office workers have a little lower degree in health promoting behaviour, self-esteem, social support and have a higher degree in perceived health status, perceived symptoms and job stress than those of B type office workers. The factors which influence A type office workers on health promoting behaviour are social support, perceived health status and self-esteem, which accounted for 40.2% of the variance and those of B type office workers, self-esteem and perceived health status accounted for 24.5%. Conclusion: It needs to develop and operate self-management program for health maintenance and promotion for the type A/B personality White Collar Workers.

도시 취약계층 노인의 사회적 관계망과 건강수준과의 관계 (Relationships of Social Networks to Health Status among the Urban Low-income Elderly)

  • 김숙영;최경원;오희영
    • 재활간호학회지
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    • 제13권1호
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    • pp.53-61
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    • 2010
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationships of social networks to health status among the urban low income elderly. Method: Using a sample of 598 elderly aged 65 years and higher, social networks, health status were measured by the Social Networks Scale (LSNS), Perceived Health Status, GDSSF-K, K-ADL respectively. The t-test, ANOVA and Tukey-test and Pearson's correlation analyses were performed using SPSS 18.0. Results: 41% of subjects didn't contact with relatives at least once a month. 56% of subjects saw or heard less than monthly from relative with whom they have the most contact. 47% didn't have relatives who one can rely on private matters. Social networks among the low income elderly significantly differed by marital status, health insurance type, economic status, regular exercise, living with family. Social networks were significantly correlated with perceived health status (r=.201), cognitive function (r=-.154) and depressive symptoms (r=-.301). Conclusion: Poor social networks were found in urban low income elderly. Poorer social networks were related to worse health status and more depressive symptoms. Interventions targeting at increasing social networks are urgently needed for low income elderly.

중년 여성의 여가활동특성에 따른 사회적 지지와 건강상태 (Social Support and Health Status based on Characteristics of Leisure Activity of Middle-Aged Women)

  • 정명실;송지호
    • 기본간호학회지
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    • 제18권1호
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    • pp.97-106
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    • 2011
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify social support and health status based on characteristics of leisure activity in middle-aged women. Methods: Participants were 148 middle-aged women living in the capital area. Data were collected through self-report questionnaires which were constructed to include leisure activity characteristics, social support and Brodman's CMI. Data were analyzed using t-test, and ANOVA, with SPSS/WIN 14.0. Results: Social support was different depending on leisure type, leisure partner, length of participation in present activity, regularity, and motivation to start activity. Health status was different depending on the length of participation in present activity, and regularity. Conclusion: Because social support and health status depend on characteristics of leisure activity, further study in nursing one how to resolve the physical, psychological, social and health problems that middle-aged women might experience through various leisure activities.

21세기, '빈곤'을 생각해보다: 주관성연구, Q방법론을 활용하여 (Let's Think about 'POVERTY' in the 21st Century : Using the Q methodology of Subjective Study)

  • 이도희;김기운
    • 한국융합학회논문지
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    • 제10권9호
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    • pp.265-272
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    • 2019
  • 본 연구는 우리가 일상에서 생각하는 '빈곤'은 과연 무엇인가에서 출발하였다. 특히 본 연구는 개인적인 주관적 의견을 살펴보기 위하여 주관성연구방법인 'Q방법'을 활용하여 빈곤에 대한 인식을 유형화하였다. 분석결과 다음과 같이 4개의 유형으로 정의되었다. 은 "Retraction type"으로, 빈곤이란 'Retraction', 'Individual Effort Problem', 'Social Structure Problem', 'low status', 'Laziness' 등으로 '되물림의 문제'임을 강조하였다. 는 'Individual Effort Problem', 'Laziness', 'Incompetence', 'starvation' 등을 강조하고 있어, "Individual Problem type"으로 명명하였다. 은 'The food and shelter problem', 'starvation', 'Laziness', 'No Money' 등의 삶의 기본적인 요소인 의식주문제를 강조하고 있어, "Basic Problem type"으로 명명하였다. 는 "Resource Distribution Problem type"으로 사회의 구조적인 문제에 따른 '자원분배의 문제'를 강조하고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구는 주관성연구방법을 활용하여 21세기 빈곤에 대한 인식을 유형화하였으며, 이에 대한 일반화를 위해서 향후 본 연구에서 출발하여 실증연구로의 융합적 확장연구를 기대한다.

한국 성인의 주관적 계층인식과 정신건강과의 관계 (The Relationship of Subjective Recognition of Social Class and Mental Health in Korean Adult)

  • 최령;황병덕
    • 보건의료산업학회지
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    • 제11권3호
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    • pp.115-127
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    • 2017
  • Objectives : To determine the relationship between of subjective recognition of social class and mental health. Method: The participants were adults with mental health experience over the age of 20 from the Korea Health Panel in 2013 (n=5,126). Methods : Data were analyzed using SPSS Statistics 22.0 The chi-square test and logistic regression analysis used to verify the relationship between subjective recognition of social class and mental health. Results : Lower subjective recognition of social class was associated with experience of depression and suicidal ideation. Other factors associated with depression experience were subjective health status, gender, age, marital status, type of medical care, disability, subjective health status, current smoking and frequency of drinking. Experience of suicidal ideation was, by contrast, associated with subjective health status, age, marital status, economic activity, private insurance, subjective health status and frequency of drinking. Conclusions : Health policies and institutions must be established to optimize health and preventive medicine approaches, especially or mental health as well as the provision of services.

일부 농촌주민의 사회적지지, 사회조직망과 건강행태와의 관련요인 분석 (A Study on the Relationship between Social Support, Social Network and Health Behaviors among Some Rural Peoples)

  • 이무식;김대경;김은영;나백주;성태호
    • 보건교육건강증진학회지
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    • 제19권2호
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    • pp.73-98
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    • 2002
  • This study was carried out to investigate the relationship between social support, social network and health behaviors as surveyed by cross-sectional study in 744 rural people aged above 30 of a community dwelling sample of one county for 6 days of July in 2000. Objectives of this study was in order to establish an effective health promotion. The sample was accrued by face to face interview of direct visiting from clustered sampling method. Interview was conducted by trained medical students with the questionnaire consisted of socio-demographic data, health behavior, social support and social network based on previous literature. The summarized results were as follows: 1. There were significant difference in the level of social support and social network by general characteristic variables except occupation and residency type(p〈0.05). 2. There were significant difference in knowledge about hypertension, smoking status, status of physical exercise, diet patterns by social support and social network in spite of variation of social support and social network subconcept(p〈0.05). And there were significant difference in alcohol drinking status, body weight control and diet pattern according to level of social network(p〈0.05). But smoking status by social support and network results opposite direction(p〈0.05). 3. There were no regular or consistent result in the relationship between social support, social network and health behavior. 4. Major predictors for health behavior on the multiple logistic regression that included general characteristic, social support and social network were age, instrumental social support and worry about health. Significant variables of multiple logistic regression for health behavior that included social support(instrumental and emotional) and social network were instrumental social support and social network. These results suggest that only a instrumental element and social network may be associated with health behavior. Inconsistent with prior research in these some item, a positive consistent relationship was not found between social support, social network and health behavior. So the study should be replicated to determined the reliability of our findings.