• Title/Summary/Keyword: sixties

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Sarcopenia and Age-Related Changes in Body Composition in Korean Older Persons

  • Im, Jee-Aee;Kim, Sang-Hwan;Lim, Hee-Jung;Kim, Chang-Hee;Suh, Sang-Hoon
    • Biomedical Science Letters
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.7-12
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    • 2008
  • We examined the prevalence of sarcopenia and age-related changes in body composition in Korean older persons. Community dwelling 77 men and 65 women($60{\sim}88\;yr$) were recruited for this study. Fat-free mass and the percent body fat were determined using bioelectrical impedance analysis. Isometric grip strength was measurement using grip strength dynamometer. Serum levels of fasting glucose, total cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol, and triglyceride were assayed. The prevalence of sarcopenia was found to increase with aging (men in their sixties 82.6%, seventies 96.6% and eighties 100%, and women in their sixties 47.4%, seventies 63%). In both gender groups, handgrip strength was inversely correlated with age and positively correlated with height, lean mass, and fat free mass. Better handgrip strength was related with higher weight in the men and with lower heart rate in the women. Fat free mass, age, and gender were found to be independent factors significantly associated with handgrip strength in the multivariate analysis. In summary, results of the present study suggest that handgrip strength is well associated with age, gender, and fat free mass and the prevalence of sarcopenia is increased with age and is exceeded by 40% among Korean persons older than 60 years.

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Slacks Purchase Realities and Wearing Satisfaction Focused on Old-Aged Women (60~79세 노년 여성의 슬랙스 구입 현황 및 착용 만족도에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Jung-Jin;Suh, Mi-A
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.541-549
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    • 2010
  • The purposes of this study were to examine the slacks purchases and wearing satisfaction among old-aged women who were highly dissatisfied with their bodies and fit due to physical changes and to provide some basic data needed to develop slacks patterns to meet their needs. A survey was taken among 223 old-aged women aged 60~79 living in Seoul. Using the SPSS 12.0 program, the collected data were analyzed in descriptive statistics, t-test, and crosstab. The result were as follows: the most used place for them to shop slacks was a market(including the Dongdaemun and Namdaemun market), which was followed by a department store and a discount store in the order. As for their preference for slacks according to age, those who were in their sixties most preferred straight-line slacks, while those who were in their seventies semistraight-type slacks. As for fit for each body part according to age, there were significant differences only in crotch length. Those who were in their seventies were more dissatisfied with crotch length than those who were in their sixties, feeling that crotch length was short. As for their experiences of repair after purchasing a pair of slacks, 82.5% said they had such an experience. Most of the repairs with length, waist and slacks width involved in size reduction.

A Study on the Stress of the Family Caregivers for Patients with Stroke (뇌졸중환자 가족간병원의 스트레스에 관한 연구)

  • Kwon, Won-An;Kim, Han-Soo
    • The Journal of Korean Physical Therapy
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.25-32
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    • 2008
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to provide the basic data to decrease the stress of the family caregivers. Methods: The questionnaire was administrated to the family caregivers of 156 patients with stroke who consented to be interviewed. Among 156 caregivers, we analyzed 120 caregivers. We evaluated on the stress of the family caregivers. Results: First, the general characteristics of patient with CVA were high at 82.55% in male, 55.83% in infarction, 53.33% in the left hemiplegia, 47.50% in sixties, 80.83% in 1 recurrence rate, 27.50% in 1-2 years of disease period. Second, the general characteristics of family caregivers were high in above sixties, female in gender, existence in religion, married in marital status, high school in educational level, below 1 million-won in monthly income, spouse in relationship with patient, below 1 years in total caring period. Third, it showed that stress of family caregivers above 3.0 score has 8 items. Forth, the patient's characteristic that have the influence on the stress was significant in the period of disease(p<0.05). Finally, the characteristics of family caregivers that have the influence on the stress were the monthly income, caring period(p<0.05). Conclusion: These findings indicated that the stress of the family caregivers was correlated with the time in hospital, the income and nursing period.

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A Study on the Perception of Male and Female Elders in their 60s on their body shape (60대 남녀노인의 신체에 대한 인식 연구)

  • 이영주
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.27 no.9_10
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    • pp.1072-1080
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    • 2003
  • This study presents comparisons between 286 male and female in their 60s in terms of the perception of their body shape. The results were as follows: 1. In the perception of male and female elders in their sixties on their body shape, a larger number of female elders considered that they were fat, short and heavy than male elder did. With regard to satisfaction with the body, male elders appeared to be more satisfied with their bodies than female elders, and both male and female elders were dissatisfied most with their abdomen girth. 2. The satisfaction of male and female elders in their sixties with their body shape appeared to be influenced more by their perception than their measured sizes. They were more satisfied with their body shape when they perceived that they had small girths, they were tall and they had long legs. In addition, female elders were more satisfied with their body shape when they perceived that their thigh girth and ankle girth were large. 3. As for perception on normal body types and fat body types and satisfaction, male elders' satisfaction with their body shape appeared to be less influenced by their body types than female elders'.

A Study on the Prevalence of Snoring (코골이 유병률에 관한 연구)

  • 정은희;기우천
    • Journal of Oral Medicine and Pain
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.157-165
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    • 1997
  • This study was carried out to examine the correlationship among incidence, frequency, loudness, and the related predisposing factors about snoring through epidemiologic investigations. Questionaires were used for a clinic-visitor who is irrelevant to snoring, and investigated by sex, age, body mass index(below BMI), and occupation. The subjects were grouped by age; below twenties, twenties, thirties, forties, fifties, sixties, and over sixties. On using BMI, the subjects were divided into two groups; overweighed and non-overweighed group. And the occupation were simplified to two groups; physical labors and mental labors. An statistical analysis was perfomed about correlation to whether to snoring or not, its frequency, loudness and the related predisposing factors. The results were obtained as follows : 1. Snorers were commanded as 5.1% of all clinic-visitors. Male was dominant to female (p<0.01). The number of snorer was increased with age(p<0.05) and overweighed group showed higher incidence than in non-overweight group(p<0.01). 2. There was no significant difference between occupation groups in incidence of snoring. 3. In case of the frequency of snoring in snoring group, there was significant increase in male, overweighed and mental labors group(p<0.01). But, there was no difference with age. 4. In case of loudness of snoring in snoring group, male, overweihged and mental labors had louder noise than in other contrary group. But there was no difference with age. 5. For the related predisposing factors to snoring, fatigue was the highest(74.4%), and alcoho and drug were followed.

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Metabolic Syndrome Prevalence and Lifestyle by Age and Metabolic Syndrome Status in Women Religious (여성수도자의 연령별 대사증후군 유무별 대사증후군 위험요인과 생활습관 차이)

  • Kim, Yang-Hee;Kim, Hee-Seung
    • Journal of Korean Biological Nursing Science
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.11-18
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    • 2015
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to analyze the prevalence, risk factors of metabolic syndrome, and lifestyle in religious women by age and metabolic syndrome status between the metabolic syndrome group and the normal group. Methods: As the subjects for this study, 125 religious women in the city of D, H, S, Y, participated in this study. The diagnostic criterion of metabolic syndrome used was the National Cholesterol Education Program Adult Treatment Panel III. Results: The prevalence of metabolic syndrome was higher as the religious women got older. The metabolic syndrome group in their forties showed higher waist circumference, triglycerides, and lower HDL-cholesterol than the normal group. Among those in their fifties, the metabolic syndrome group had higher waist circumference, fasting glucose, triglyceride and lower HDL-cholesterol than the normal group. In their sixties, the metabolic syndrome group had higher fasting glucose, triglyceride and systolic blood pressure than the normal group. Conclusion: The metabolic syndrome group in their forties showed that their practice rate of 'trying to avoid stresses at work', 'taking prescription medicines' was low. For those in their fifties, the practice rate of 'reducing overeating' and 'choice of low fat meats' was low. Finally, in the group of those in their sixties, 'reducing fried foods' was low.

A Hematological Study on Korean of Rural Community - Correllation on Blood Pressure, Hematocrit- (한국(韓國) 일부(一部) 농촌주민(農村住民)에 대(對)한 혈액학적(血液學的) 고찰(考察) -혈압치(血壓値)와 적혈구용적치관계(赤血球容積値關係)를 중심(中心)으로-)

  • Nam, Taik-Sung;Kang, Duk-Yong
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.36-42
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    • 1977
  • A study on blood pressure and hematocrit values of 1,559 people in 19 Korean rural areas was carried out in 1974 and the results were analyzed statistically. Obtained as follows: 1. The blood pressure according to sex and age groups (from the twenties to the seventies) was as follows: 1) The blood pressure of male by age group il) In the twenties, M (mean) was 125. 85/74, 15mm/Hg, a (standard deviation) was 15.9/10.2, and ill (standard error) was 1.55/0.99. (2) In the thirties, ${\delta}$ was 123.93/77.19 mm/Hg, a was 14.4/10.8, and m was 1.24/0.93. (3) In the forties, M was 128.44/81.15 mm/Hg, a was 23.9/14.7, and m was 2.16/1.33. (4) In the fifties, M was 128.48/181.24 mm/Hg, a was 24.7/13.9, and m was 2.05/1.16. (5) In the sixties, M was 135.80/81.70 mm/Hg, a was 27.4/18.8, and ${\delta}$ was 2.74/1.88. (6) In the seventies, M was 146.84/83. 16mm/Hg, ${\delta}$ was 24.5/10.0, and m was 5.62/2.30. 2) The blood pressure of female by age group (1) In the twenties, M was 117.89/73.33 mm/Hg, ${\delta}$ was 15.7/12.1, and m was 1.42/1.09. (2) In the thirties, M was 118.04/75.71 mm/Hg, ${\delta}$ was 16.9/13.0, and m was 1.13/0.87. (3) In the forties, M was 120.92/78.17 mm/Hg, ${\delta}$ was 20.9/12.9, and m was 1.42/0.87. (4) In the fifties, M was 122.14/79.55 mm/Hg, ${\delta}$ was 24.2/15.9, and m was 1.63/1.07. (5) In the sixties, M was 131.57/84.29 mm/Hg, ${\delta}$ was 28.4/16.9, and m was 2.58/1.53. (6) In the seven ties, M was 139.62/86, 54 mm/Hg, ${\delta}$ was 22.4/15.7, and m was 4.38/3.09. And the range of systolic blood pressure in male was 70~230 mm/Hg and in female was 80-230 mm/Hg. The range of distolic blood pressure in male was 50~160 mm/Hg and in female was 40~140 mm/Hg. 2. The hematocrit value according to sex and age groups was as follows: 1) The hematocrit values of male by age group (1) In the twenties, M was 42.72%, ${\delta}$ was 3.05, and m was 0.30. (2) In the thirties, M was 41.77%, ${\delta}$ was 3.29, and m was 0.28. (3) In the forties, M was 41.39, ${\delta}$ was 3.86, and m was 0.35. (4) In the fifties, M was 40.12%, ${\delta}$ was 3.65, and m was 0.30. (5) In the sixties, M was 39.88%, ${\delta}$ was 3.81. and m was 0.38. (6) In the seventies, M was 38.47%, ${\delta}$ was 2.27, and m was 0.52. 2) The hematocrit values of female by age group (1) In the twenties, M was 35.40%, ${\delta}$ was 3.37, and m was 0.30. (2) In the thirties, M was 35.50%, ${\delta}$ was 3. 35, and m was 0.22. (3) In the forties, M was 35.75%, ${\delta}$ was 3. 18, and m was 0.22. (4) In the fifties, M was 35.84%, ${\delta}$ was 3.30, and m was 0.22. (5) In the sixties, M was 35.70%, ${\delta}$ was 3.35, and m was 0.30. (6) In the seventies, M was 35.08%, ${\delta}$ was 3.08, and m was 0.60. The range of hematocrit values in male was 23~50% and in female was 18~50% (un associated with age groups). 3. In comparison with the blood pressure and the value of hematocrit of study groups showed that the blood pressure raised higher but the value of hematocrit got lowered on the contrary as the groups are getting older. 4. Total number of patients with hypertension was 165(10.6%) which were consisted with 71 male (11.3%) and 94 female (10.1%). But only two cases of the male patient and one case of the female patient were associated with protein uria. 5. The incidence of anemia by hematocrit values was as follows: 1) The incidence of male anemia patients based on$\leqq$41% ($\leqq$39%). (1) In the twenties, incidence was 43.90% (16.98%). (2) In the thirties, 41.48% (25.93%). (3) In the forties, 42.62% (25.41%). (4) In the fifties, 62.76% (40.69%). (5) In the sixties, 70% (38%). (6) In the seventies, 84.21% (73.68%). 2) The incidence of female anemia patients bailed on $\leqq$35% ($\leqq$34%). (1) In the twenties, incidence was 43.90% (37.39%). (2) In the thirties, 48.21 % (33.93%). (3) In the forties, 43.58% (32.57%). (4) In the fifties, 45.91 % (34.09%). (5) In the sixties, 47.11% (37.19%). (6) In the seventies, 50% (46.15%) 6. The incidence rate of anemia patients with hypertension was highest in the age group 51~60 in male and 31~40 in female.

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An Analysis of Fashion Illustrations in American - Vogue Published in the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s - (패션 일러스트레이션에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) - 1960년대(年代) 이후(以後) 미국 vogue지(誌)를 중심(中心)으로 -)

  • Lee, Seung-Ok;Kim, Moon-Sook
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 1998
  • In this study fashion illustrations published in American Vogue from 1960 to 1989 were investigated. Among the large number of illustrations published in American Vogue in this period a considerable number of illustrations was chosen: from 1960 to 1969 143 editorial illustrations and 333 advertisement illustrations; from 1970 to 1979 34 editorial illustrations and 168 advertisement illustrations; from 1980 to 1989 123 editorial illustrations and 81 advertisement illustrations. In studying those illustrations the main point was put in finding characteristics and the changing trend of fashion Illustrations. In the sixties editorial fashion illustrations were published mainly during early sixties. The Illustrations of Rene Bouch, Evelyn Marcil, Dagmar and Eunice Moore Sloane took the space of editorials. Among those Illustrators Bouch published most frequently. The companies such as Galey & Lord, Lord & Taylor, Bergdorf Goodman, Bonwit Teller etc. used fashion illustrations for the advertisement. The name Kenneth Paul Block, Babara Pearlman and Dorothy Hood can be found very frequently on the illustrations for those companies. Antonio Lopez too published in 1963 some advertisement illustrations. In the seventies the total number of editorial fashion illustrations diminished drastically compared to the number in the sixties. Antonio published in 1973 and 74 fifteen illustrations, Joe Eula published from 1976 to 79 thirteen illustrations, and beside them Mats Gustavson published in 1978 six illustrations. The number of advertisement illustrations decreased a little, but many companies used fashion illustrations for the advertisement. The illustrator who worked most actively were Block and Fred Greenhill. In the eighties editorial illustrations experienced a "Renaissance". New high-level illustrators appeared and new fashion illustration magazines were found. Antonio played a central role among illustrators published for editorials in Vogue. In addition to him 15 other illustrators including Mats and Eula with various styles worked for editorials. In contrast to the flourishment of editorial illustrations the number of advertisement illustrations decreased compared to seventies as a result of the domination of fashion photography in this area. Today only few fashion illustrations can be found in fashion magazines. The magazines are dominated by fashion photographs. However fashion illustrations will not totally perish from fashion magazines, because it still has some valuable functions in fashion advertisement. Those functions cannot be fulfilled by photography. Therefore fashion illustration will survive in fashion magazine but playa minor role compared to photography.

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The Findings on Cardiothoracic Ratio in Simple Chest Radiography (Simple chest radiography에서의 심흉비(cardiothoracic ratio) 소견)

  • Kim, Ham-Gyum
    • Journal of radiological science and technology
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.43-48
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    • 2004
  • The purpose of this study is to measure cardiothoracic ratio and to report the opinions on it, targeting 500 persons who were conducted simple chest radiography, in terms of clinical symptom, by visiting a medical examination center for S university hospital. As to the general characteristic of 500 research targets, it comprised 263 persons (52%) for males and 237 persons (48%), and the average age is 49.4. Out of 500 persons, it showed 125 persons (25%) in their thirties, 125 persons (25%) in their forties, 125 persons (25%) in their fifties, and 125 persons (25%) in their sixties. 1. In terms of the wholly 500 targets, the average value of cardiothoracic ratio was 0.48, and the average cardiothoracic ratio showed 0.45 in their thirties, 0.46 in their forties, 0.50 in their fifties, and 0.53 in their sixties. 2. The minimum value of cardiothoracic ratio was 0.33, and its maximum value was 0.70, and it showed 319 persons (63.8%) as to a case lower than 0.5, which is a normal value, and 181 persons (36.2%) as to a case more than 0.5, which is a normal value. 3. Among 181 persons who showed cardiothoracic ratio higher than normality, it showed 17 persons (9.4%) in their thirties, 22 persons (12%) in their forties, 54 persons (30%) in their fifties, and 88 persons (49%) in their sixties. 4. The average for the internal diameter (ID) of thorax was 141.8 mm, 229.6 mm at the minimum, and 353.5 mm at the maximum. 5. The average for the maximum transverse diameter of right side of the heart (MRD) was 48.0 mm, 4.95 mm at the minimum, and 84.5 mm at the maximum. The average for the maximum transverse diameter of left side of the heart (MLD) was 93.5 mm, 56.7 mm at the minimum, and 138.5 mm at the maximum. 6. The average for TD (MRD+MLD) of the heart was 292.6 mm, 96.6 mm at the minimum, and 199.2 mm at the maximum. 7. The average of cardiothoracic ratio (MRD+MLD/ID) was 0.48, 0.33 at the minimum, and 0.70 at the maximum.

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Vulnerability curves of masonry constructions Algiers case study

  • Djaalali, F.;Bensaibi, M.;Bourahla, N.;Davenne, L.
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.42 no.5
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    • pp.609-629
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    • 2012
  • This study deals with the assessment of low and mid rise multi-story buildings made of stone and /or brick, composite steel and masonry slabs from the sixties, known to be vulnerable to seismic hazard using the "vulnerability index" method based on buildings survey following Ain Temouchent (1999) and Boumerdes (2003) earthquakes, from where vulnerability curves are constructed using the translation method. The results obtained for the case study confirm what has been observed in situ.