• Title/Summary/Keyword: reading process

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The Effects of Lessons Using Reading Materials on Mathematical Communication, Disposition and Attitudes (읽기 자료를 활용한 수업에서 나타난 수학적 의사소통과 수학적 성향 및 태도 분석)

  • Kim, Su-Mi;Shin, In-Sun
    • The Mathematical Education
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    • v.49 no.4
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    • pp.463-488
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study was providing implications in teaching and learning activities to vitalize mathematical communication and to raise positive attitudes about mathematics. We analyzed mathematical communication, disposition and attitudes of the students who had lower mathematical achievement rather than that of Korean language in class using reading materials and strategies. We found that teaching-learning activities using the reading materials and strategies let the low achievers in mathematics communicate more about mathematical notions and problem-solving process actively. The activities triggered interests and attention of mathematics and self-study. In addition, the lessons with reading materials and strategies aroused confidence, will and responsibility to mathematics learning to the students. They made the learners notice mathematics' values and roles and gave the opportunity of reflection about students' learning processes. As a result, the teaching-learning using reading materials and strategies should be developed and accomplished actively in classroom to turn mathematical inclination and attitudes of the students who had had negative inclination and attitudes to mathematics into those of positive and to vitalize mathematical communication to the lower achievers in mathematics.

A Usability Testing of a Hybrid Mobile Reading Game for Children With Reading Disabilities (읽기장애아동을 위한 하이브리드 모바일 읽기 게임의 사용성 검사)

  • Shin, Mikyung;Park, Eunhye;Hong, Ki-Hyung;Lee, Joohyun;Park, Hyewon
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.314-326
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study was to evaluate the usability of a hybrid mobile reading game among 14 parents of children with reading disabilities. The reading game consisted of six steps according to the process of reading (familiarizing with consonants and vowels, acquiring whole words, combining consonants and vowels, reading words, phonological rules, reading fluency). In this study, parents experienced steps one through three of the reading-game app and evaluated the general design features and Universal Design for Learning on a five-point scale. Regarding the general design features, parents rated usability (18 items in total) as high in the following order: interactive design, instructional design, and interface design. Regarding the Universal Design for Learning (9 items in total), parents evaluated usability as high in the following order: providing multiple means of representation, providing multiple means of action and expression, and providing multiple means of engagement. Lastly, suggestions for the improvement of the app, practical implications, and suggestions for future research are discussed.

Analysis on Relationships of Subcategories in English Reading Anxiety based on College Students' TOEIC Achievement (대학생 영어 읽기 성취도에 따른 읽기 불안 하위요소 간 관계 분석)

  • Ju, Dae-Hwan
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.20 no.11
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    • pp.492-500
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate (1) the aspect of the correlation among subcategories in English reading anxiety, (2) the aspect of the cause and effect relation. The reading anxiety was measured by a questionnaire. Then, the results were analyzed by SPSS program. The findings of this study were as follows: First, most of the sub-elements in reading anxiety in both groups correlate with one another even though the overall coefficient of correlation in high achievement group is rather higher. Second, it is also found that the lack of confidence for reading has negative influence on entire reading anxiety in both groups, which is followed by lengthy reading, evaluation and general anxieties in consecutive order. The implication of this study is that the teachers and students should be aware that the constituents of reading anxiety not only correlate with one another, but have great deal of relative influence on reading process. Therefore, teachers should organize a learning environment where learners can minimize the feeling of anxiety.

Collaborative Network for Children's Reading Program: Making of Bookmagic (전문가 협력을 통한 어린이 독서교육 프로그램 개발 및 운영 - "책수리마수리" 프로젝트의 사례를 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Eun-Ha
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.41 no.3
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    • pp.373-389
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    • 2010
  • Bookmagic is a new reading program that encourages children of 5-15 ages to enjoy reading. Bookmagic provides free downloadable resources such as pre-reading and after-reading activities, booklists, posters and awards. Since a number of reading programs have already been developed, published and used, Bookmagic is not a toally new project. However, it is distinguished by the process of creating the program. While most of the reading programs available in Korea were developed by individual occupations(academic experts, private enterprises, civic organisations, associations of librarians or teachers), Bookmagic was designed by a team of various professionals including a picture book author, an academic researcher, a primary school teacher, a school librarian and two public librarians. Working in a partnership with other professionals, participant librarians had a unique opportunity to develop expertises on reading education as a creator of a program rather than as a deliverer.

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Effects of content and formal schema on reading comprehension (내용과 형식 스키마가 독해에 미치는 영향)

  • Yeon, Jun-Hum
    • English Language & Literature Teaching
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    • no.3
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    • pp.95-122
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    • 1997
  • The purpose of this research was to investigate the effects of content and formal schema on reading comprehension. Five hundred fiftynine subjects from high school were assigned to one of the following levels and treatment conditions : (1) Higher level & Schema Activation, (2) Higher level & Non-schema Activation, (3) Lower level & Schema Activation, and (4) Lower level & Non-schema Activation. To evaluate the effects of schema activation. two experiments were conducted : one was related to the content schema and the other to the formal schema. To evaluate the effects of content schema, three different types of tests were conducted : (1) cloze test, (2) guessing the meanings of nonsense words, and (3) immediate recall test. To evaluate the effects of formal schema instruction, four kinds of tests were conducted : (1) sorting the sentences according to the importance, (2) identifying the signal words, (3) immediate recall test, and (4) identifying the specific information. For content schema condition, results indicated that the subjects given the titles or pictures before reading in "Content Schema Activation" treatment had better grades than those of the other treatment in all types of tests. regardless of their levels. Schema activation helped the subjects to increase the cognitive predictability of missing words and to participate in the tasks more actively with risk-taking. And it was also shown that good readers tend to process the words meaningfully, while poor readers tend to process the words phonetically or morphologically. Formal schema activation through teaching the text organization also had a significant influence on three types of tests: sorting the sentences according to the importance, identifying the signal words, and immediate recall test, but not on identifying the specific information. The implications from this study can be briefly noted as follows : (l) In teaching reading, the student's background knowledge should be activated as a pre-reading activity. (2) In reading, it is more important to emphasize the student's schema than the features of the text. (3) Various educational interventions should be introduced, especially for the lower level students. (4) Teaching text structures can be a powerful method for the top-down processing strategy.

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Examining Line-breaks in Korean Language Textbooks: the Promotion of Word Spacing and Reading Skills (한국어 교재의 행 바꾸기 -띄어쓰기와 읽기 능력의 계발 -)

  • Cho, In Jung;Kim, Danbee
    • Journal of Korean language education
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.77-100
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    • 2012
  • This study investigates issues in relation to text segmenting, in particular, line breaks in Korean language textbooks. Research on L1 and L2 reading has shown that readers process texts by chunking (grouping words into phrases or meaningful syntactic units) and, therefore, phrase-cued texts are helpful for readers whose syntactic knowledge has not yet been fully developed. In other words, it would be important for language textbooks to avoid awkward syntactic divisions at the end of a line, in particular, those textbooks for beginners and intermediate level learners. According to our analysis of a number of major Korean language textbooks for beginner-level learners, however, many textbooks were found to display line-breaks of awkward syntactic division. Moreover, some textbooks displayed frequent instances where a single word (or eojeol in the case of Korean) is split between different lines. This can hamper not only learners' learning of the rules of spaces between eojeols in Korean, but also learners' development in automatic word recognition, which is an essential part of reading processes. Based on the findings of our textbook analysis and of existing research on reading, this study suggests ways to overcome awkward line-breaks in Korean language textbooks.

Effect of Recording Density On the Reproducin Voltage in Perpendicular Magnetic Recording System (수직자기 기록장치에서 기록밀도가 재생전압에 미치는 영향)

  • 박관수;이향범;한송엽;이택동;징평우
    • Journal of the Korean Magnetics Society
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    • v.1 no.2
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    • pp.74-78
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    • 1991
  • The method for analyzing the recording and reading process of magnetic recording system by numerical simulation is introduced. which can simulate the effect of elements of the magnetic recording system. During the whole simulation, hysteresis characteristics must be included. Preisach model and finite element method are used to construct the algorithm. From the wave of recording current, recorded pattern of magnetization in recording media is simulated in recording process, and then waveform of reading signal in head coil is obtained in reading process. To show the validity of this method, this is applied to perpendicular magnetic recording system. Waveform of recording signal and reproduced signal is obtained in several density. Pattern of reprocuced voltage magnitude according to increase of recording density shows roll-off curve.

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A Study on the Children's Reading Movement in the 1920s~1930s: Focus on the Children's Library Movement and Reading Education (1920~30년대 아동 독서운동 연구 - 아동도서관 운동과 독서지도론을 중심으로 -)

  • Yeun, Keum-Sun
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.51 no.3
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    • pp.171-196
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    • 2020
  • This study examined the development of the children's reading movement, focusing on the children's library establishment movement and reading guidance theory published in the Dong-A Ilbo and Chosun Ilbo in the 1920s and 30s. This paper analyzed the following contents. First, this study explored the background meaning that emphasized children's reading in the 1920s and 30s and discussions on the establishment of a children's library. In the process, this study examined the relationship between the national movement during the Japanese colonial period and children's education, and the meaning of reading at the time. Second, in this study, the development of children's library movement that was actively developed at the time and a methodology of reading education presented through the reading section were reviewed. It was this period that everyone was more interested in children's reading education than ever before. In addition, as the children's library movement was actively developed, a number of "Sonyeon Mungo" was established in various places. Meanwhile, in the reading section of the newspaper, a number of teaching methods for reading at school and at home were published, and examples were presented through advanced overseas reading education model. From the results of this analysis, it can be seen that the 1920s and 30s were the period when the children's reading movement was actively developed.

A study on the Evaluation of Reading Ability for the Literature Reading of Korean College Students: the Freshmen of A University (우리나라 대학생들의 문헌 독해능력 평가 연구 - A대학 1학년생을 대상으로 -)

  • Lee, Jong-Moon
    • Journal of the Korean BIBLIA Society for library and Information Science
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.17-27
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    • 2010
  • This study aimed to identify the problems of college students in reading the literature and on the basis of the identified problems, to suggest the approaches to solve the problems. To this end, time required for reading passages, reading patterns, understanding, memory and reading habits and attitudes were analyzed with the freshmen in A university. In accordance with the analysis results, 58% of subjects was good and 42% was not sufficient on the basis of the averages in Scholastic Aptitude Test. Second, 77% of subjects had the good patterns but 23% showed certain problems in reading patterns. Third, 69% and 67% of subjects illustrated good results in the analysis on understanding and memory, respectively. However, 31% and 33% were evaluated as being on the general level or requiring efforts in the analysis on understanding and memory, respectively. Next, according to the analysis on reading habits and attitudes, 77% had no problems but 23% required improvement. For solving the problems identified through the analysis, it is recommended to develop the scientific and standardized evaluation tools for evaluating the reading ability of college students. Second, it is necessary to evaluate the reading ability, habit and attitude during the screening process for admission or after admission. Finally, it is required to operate the Fundamental Academic Ability Learning Center(tentative name) to improve the ability of students who show the insufficient results in evaluation.

The Effect of Self-Choice Reading on Reading Interest in Elementary School Students: Focusing on Book Selection Class in A Elementary School (초등학생의 자기 선택적 독서가 독서흥미에 미치는 영향 - A초등학교 도서선택 수업을 중심으로 -)

  • Park, Kyung-Heui;Jho, Ara;Lee, Myounggyu
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.52 no.2
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    • pp.253-274
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    • 2021
  • With the introduction of 'Reading One Book a Semester' in the 2015 curriculum, more and more activities are being done to read the same books on a classroom basis. Accordingly, librarians need to properly support the teacher's book recommendation and book selection process, which consists of classes. This study aims to establish effective school library services based on this by identifying differences in elementary school students' reading interests when reading a book recommended by a teacher in the class. To this end, all students of A Elementary School were given a book selection class by class to select one of the teacher's recommended books, and students were interested in reading before and after reading. As a result, students who read the books they chose showed higher 'interest after reading' than those who read the books they did not choose. However, students who had high 'interest before reading' even though they read books they did not choose showed high 'interest after reading'. 'Interest before reading' were higher for students who were provided with book information evenly and used the school library more frequently. Therefore, librarians need to provide a variety of book information and services to increase the frequency of school library use to increase 'interest before reading', which positively affects self-selective reading.