• Title/Summary/Keyword: radioactive source

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Path planning in nuclear facility decommissioning: Research status, challenges, and opportunities

  • Adibeli, Justina Onyinyechukwu;Liu, Yong-kuo;Ayodeji, Abiodun;Awodi, Ngbede Junior
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.53 no.11
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    • pp.3505-3516
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    • 2021
  • During nuclear facility decommissioning, workers are continuously exposed to high-level radiation. Hence, adequate path planning is critical to protect workers from unnecessary radiation exposure. This work discusses recent development in radioactive path planning and the algorithms recommended for the task. Specifically, we review the conventional methods for nuclear decommissioning path planning, analyze the techniques utilized in developing algorithms, and enumerate the decision factors that should be considered to optimize path planning algorithms. As a major contribution, we present the quantitative performance comparison of different algorithms utilized in solving path planning problems in nuclear decommissioning and highlight their merits and drawbacks. Also, we discuss techniques and critical consideration necessary for efficient application of robots and robotic path planning algorithms in nuclear facility decommissioning. Moreover, we analyze the influence of obstacles and the environmental/radioactive source dynamics on algorithms' efficiency. Finally, we recommend future research focus and highlight critical improvements required for the existing approaches towards a safer and cost-effective nuclear-decommissioning project.

Overview of CSNS tantalum cladded tungsten solid Target-1 and Target-2

  • Wei, Shaohong;Zhang, Ruiqiang;Ji, Quan;Li, Changfeng;Zhou, Bin;Lu, Youlian;Xu, Jun;Zhou, Ke;Zhao, Chongguang;He, Ning;Yin, Wen;Liang, Tianjiao
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.54 no.5
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    • pp.1535-1540
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    • 2022
  • A solid tungsten target was used at the China Spallation Neutron Source (CSNS) with 100 kW proton beam power. To improve the lifetime, hot isostatic pressing (HIP) process was selected to bond tantalum cladding with tungsten plates. Radioactive isotope 182Ta, an activation product of tantalum, was found in the cooling water after a period of operation, however, no radioactive isotopes of 187W was found, which shows the tantalum layer remained mostly intact. The CSNS Target-1 had been operating safely for three years and was replaced by Target-2 in August 2020.

Development of a real-time gamma camera for high radiation fields

  • Minju Lee;Yoonhee Jung;Sang-Han Lee
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.56 no.1
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    • pp.56-63
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    • 2024
  • In high radiation fields, gamma cameras suffer from pulse pile-up, resulting in poor energy resolution, count losses, and image distortion. To overcome this problem, various methods have been introduced to reduce the size of the aperture or pixel, reject the pile-up events, and correct the pile-up events, but these technologies have limitations in terms of mechanical design and real-time processing. The purpose of this study is to develop a real-time gamma camera to evaluate the radioactive contamination in high radiation fields. The gamma camera is composed of a pinhole collimator, NaI(Tl) scintillator, position sensitive photomultiplier (PSPMT), signal processing board, and data acquisition (DAQ). The pulse pile-up is corrected in real-time with a field programmable gate array (FPGA) using the start time correction (STC) method. The STC method corrects the amplitude of the pile-up event by correcting the time at the start point of the pile-up event. The performance of the gamma camera was evaluated using a high dose rate 137Cs source. For pulse pile-up ratios (PPRs) of 0.45 and 0.30, the energy resolution improved by 61.5 and 20.3%, respectively. In addition, the image artifacts in the 137Cs radioisotope image due to pile-up were reduced.

Performance evaluation of a nuclear facility monitoring system using multi-sensor network and artificial intelligence algorithm

  • Min Kyu Baek;Insoo Kang;Seongyeon Lee;Yoon Soo Chung;Jae Joon Ahn;Yong Hyun Chung
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.56 no.11
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    • pp.4481-4486
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    • 2024
  • As the use of nuclear and radiation technologies increases, the importance of radiation safety and monitoring increases. In this study, we develop a nuclear facility monitoring system (NFMS) for rapid response to radiation accidents in nuclear material storage facilities; (1) multi-sensor network based on NaI(Tl) detector and FPGA-DAQ system and (2) an artificial neural network (ANN) algorithm for tracking radiation source location. Energy resolution and sensitivity of the detectors were evaluated to accurately track the location of radioactive materials and to identify nuclides using the multi-sensor network. To evaluate the localization accuracy of NFMS, a test storage facility was built and experiments were performed. Localization accuracy was obtained by analyzing the measured counts for each detector using an artificial intelligence (AI) based ANN algorithm, confirming an accuracy of over 99 %. The developed NFMS is expected to contribute to the safe management of radioactive materials in nuclear facilities.

Study of the Radioactive Source Detection and the Visualization with the Stereo Radiation Detector (스테레오 기반 감마선원 탐지 및 가시화에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Gang-teak;Lee, Nam-ho;Cha, Han-ju
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2015.10a
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    • pp.1100-1102
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    • 2015
  • In the study, stereo-based of gamma-ray sources detector for the space including the gamma-ray source to scan in a raster scan method, and obtains a visible light image and the gamma-ray image. We went to retrieve and visualize the distance to source and the direction of the 3-dimension information from Stereo gamma-ray detectors. Configuration of the detector consisted of gamma-ray detecting sensor for gamma-ray Sources, pan-tilt for the scanning of the raster for detecting sources, and CCD camera for visible-light image. Implement a stereo structure of the device to measure the spatial distribution of source, the gamma-ray Detector and CCD camera for the stereo image acquisition was as each configuration 2. The gamma-ray detector and a visible light camera to revision the distribution of detection source, After performing each of the cameras of the stereo correction and shows the distribution of the gamma-ray Sources through 중첩 visible light image and the gamma-ray image. After Rectification process of Left and right image, we were derived visualization results of the stereo image.

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Radiological Dose Analysis to the Public Resulting from the Operation of Daedeok Nuclear Facilities (대덕부지 원자력관련시설 운영에 따른 주민피폭선량 현황분석)

  • Jeong, Hae Sun;Kim, Eun Han;Jeong, Hyo Joon;Han, Moon Hee;Park, Mi Sun;Hwang, Won Tae
    • Journal of Radiation Protection and Research
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    • v.39 no.1
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    • pp.38-45
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    • 2014
  • This paper describes the results of assessment of radiological dose resulting from operation of the Daedeok nuclear facilities including the HANARO research reactor, which has been performed to assure whether or not to comply with the regulation standards of the radioactive effluents releases. Based on the meteorological data and the radiation source term, the maximum individual doses were evaluated from 2010 to 2012. The atmospheric dispersion and the deposition factors of gaseous effluents were calculated using the XOQDOQ computer code. ENDOS-G and ENDOS-L code systems were also used for maximum individual dose calculation from gaseous and liquid effluents, respectively. The results were compared with the regulation standards for the radioactive effluents presented by the Nuclear Safety and Security Commission (NSSC). The effective doses and the thyroid doses of the maximum individual were calculated at the maximum exposed point in the Daedeok site, and contributions of exposure pathways to the radiological doses resulting from gaseous and liquid radioactive effluents were evaluated at each facility of the Daedeok site. As a result, the maximum exposed age was analysed to be the child group, and the operation of HANARO research reactor had a major effect more than 90% on the individual doses. The main exposure pathways for gaseous radioactive effluent were from ingestion and inhalation. The effective doses and the thyroid doses were considerably influenced by tritium and iodine, respectively. The gaseous radioactive effluents contributed more than 90% on the total doses, whereas the contributions of the liquid radioactive effluents were relatively low. Consequently, the maximum individual dose due to radioactive effluents from the nuclear facilities within the Daedeok site were less than 3% of the regulation standard over 3 years; therefore, it can be concluded that radioactive effluents from the nuclear facilities were well managed, with the radiation-induced health detriment for residents around the site being negligible.

Design and Implementation of a Smart Phone App for Location-Based Services on Environment Sensor and Radioactive Information (대기환경정보와 방사능정보 위치기반 서비스 스마트폰 앱 설계 및 시험구현)

  • Kim, Kwang-Seob;Lee, Ki-Won
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.161-171
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    • 2011
  • Most public organizations which charge for measuring or collecting environmental information provide web-based information services. In the case of Seoul, it is provided smart phone app for information services on region or district unit. However, there is no smart phone application for environment information services considering location-based services with the concept of personalization. The purpose of this study is to deign and implement a smart phone app for air environment and radioactive information services with these features. Hybrid type is adopted, so that several things are possible: access to a variety of devices by web languages, and N-Screen support is available. According as social needs with respect to more environmental information and their contents are increasing, this approach will be useful.

Development of in-situ Analysis System for Radwaste Glass Using Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (레이저유도 플라즈마분광법을 이용한 방사성폐기물 유리의 현장분석 시스템 개발)

  • 김천우;박종길;신상운;하종현;송명재;이계호
    • Proceedings of the Korean Radioactive Waste Society Conference
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    • 2004.06a
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    • pp.137-146
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    • 2004
  • Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy(LIBS) system is being developed as an in-situ analysis system for the radioactive waste glass in the cold crucible melter. In order to complete the LIBS system, a spectrometer, a detector, and a laser were structured. An ESA 3000 (LLA Instruments GmbH, Germany) including a calibrated Kodak KAF-1001 CCD detector was selected as the spectrometer. A Q-switched Nd-YAG Brilliant(Quantel, France) laser was selected as an energy source. As the first research stage, the excitation temperatures of Fe(I) as a function of the detector's delay intervals(500, 1000, 1500, 2000ns) were evaluated using the Einstein-Boltzmann equation. The optimized excitation temperature of Fe (I) was 7820k at the delay time of 1500㎱ using the 532nm Nd-YAG laser pulse. This LIBS system will be optimized under the real environment vitrification facility in the near future and then used to be in-situ analyzed the glass compositions in the melter qualitatively.

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Occurrence of Radioactive Minerals and U-Th Geochemistry of the Weolaksan and Sokrisan Granite in the Central Ogcheon Belt (중부 옥천대 월악산과 속리산 화강암의 방사성 광물 산출상태와 U-Th 지구화학)

  • Hwang, Jeong
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.295-310
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    • 2022
  • The Weolaksan and Sokrisan granites yield high SiO2 and alkali (Na2O+K2O) contents and low CaO and P2O5 contents. The Al saturation index is ≥1.3, which indicates that the granites are peraluminous. The mean U and Th contents are 8.3 and 39.3 ppm, respectively, higher than typical Mesozoic granites in South Korea and about twice the global mean for granitic rocks. The causes of such high radioelement contents are related to high degrees of fractionation and the crustal origin of the granites. U- and Thbearing radioactive minerals occur in the granites include zircon, thorite, monazite, xenotime, fergusonite and uraninite. The fact that the mean Th/U ratio of the granites (5.4) is similar to the global average crustal value suggests that the radioelement contents of granite were controlled by the crustal source material. Given the correlation of Zr, Y, and heavy rare earth elements for U and Th, radioelements are more likely hosted by xenotime than zircon and monazite.

Suggestion on Screening Concept of Radionuclides to be Considered for the Radiological Safety Assessment of the Domestic KBS-3 Type Geological Disposal Facility of High-level Radioactive Waste(HLW) (국내 KBS-3 방식 고준위방사성폐기물 심층처분시설 방사선학적 안전성 평가 대상 방사성핵종 목록 선정개념(안) 제언)

  • Sukhoon Kim;Donghyun Lee;Dong-Keuk Park
    • Journal of Radiation Industry
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.45-59
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    • 2023
  • The transport calculation for a wide variety of radionuclides contained in high-level radioactive waste, especially spent nuclear fuel, is computationally difficult, and input data collection for this also take a considerable amount of time. Accordingly, considering limited resources, it is possible to reduce the calculation time while minimizing impact on accuracy by including only radionuclides important to calculation result through applying some criteria among potential radiation source terms that may release into environment. In this paper, therefore, we reviewed and analyzed the screening process performed to select radionuclides to be considered in the safety assessment for the KBS-3 type repository in Sweden and Finland. In both countries, it was confirmed that a list of radionuclides was selected by comprehensively considering screening criteria such as radioactivity inventory, half-life, radiotoxicity, risk quotient, and transport properties, and etc. A comparison of radionuclides included in the radiological safety assessment in both countries suggests that most of nuclides are considered in common, and a few nuclides considered only in one country are due to differences in decay chain treatment or spent fuel types. As of now, since most of information on the disposal facility in Korea has not been determined, it is necessary to comprehensively model release and transport of all radionuclides considered in Sweden and Finland when performing the radiological safety assessment. Based on these results, we derived the screening concept of selecting a list of radionuclides to be considered in the radiological safety assessment for the domestic KBS-3 type geological disposal facility, and this result is expected to be used as technical basis for confirming conformity with the safety objective. In a more detailed evaluation reflecting domestic characteristics in the future, it would be desirable to consider only radionuclides selected in accordance with the screening procedure. However, further research should be conducted to determine the quantitative limit for each criteria.