• Title/Summary/Keyword: purchase amount

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Mushroom consumption patterns in the capital area (수도권 도시가구의 버섯 소비양상)

  • Lee, Yun-Hae;Jeong, Gu-Hyoen;Kim, Yeon-Jin;Chi, Jeong-Hyun;Lee, Hae-Kil
    • Journal of Mushroom
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.45-53
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    • 2017
  • Profitability of farmers has decreased mainly owing to low price while the gross amount of mushroom production has increased continuously in South Korea. In this regard, analyzing patterns of mushroom consumption is believed to be meaningful. We used a panel data set consisting of 667 families, from 2010 to 2015. Based on the panel data, mushroom consumption patterns of people living in city areas were examined. Multiple descriptive analysis methods and frequency analysis approaches were adopted in this study in terms of time and space dimensions, demographic properties, and purchase behaviors. The findings of this studyshow that mushroom purchase is highly dependent on seasonal events, which implies that the product consumption timing is predictable. In addition, yearly purchase amount patterns reflect that superstores have become the major mushroomtrading venues. This directly supports the need to establish supply chain capabilities for mushroom farmers so that they gain more bargaining power against enterprise-type groceries. Finally, functional features of mushroom can be linked with marketing promotion because purchase patterns demonstrate potential needs for healthcare food in mushroom categories. Based on the analyzed patterns, this paper provides insightful implications for policy makers who want to promote mushroom consumption.

A Survey on Food Purchasing of Internet Users via On-line Shopping (인터넷 사용자의 온라인 식품 구매 실태 조사)

  • Nam, Se Hyun;Sim, Ki Hyeon
    • Korean journal of food and cookery science
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.367-376
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    • 2013
  • The objectives of this study are to provide the food market of internet shopping malls with effective marketing data, to provide basic data for the development of related fields of the study, and ultimately to increase the satisfaction of food consumers of internet shopping malls. To achieve the object of this research, a cluster analysis of the research subjects was carried out based on the following 5 factors of food purchasing attribute that had been deduced by a factor analysis by the types of food purchasers: quality characteristics, informativity, convenience, price and diversity. According to the result of the cluster analysis, the research subjects were classified into the 2 clusters of diversity and informativity. The deduced 2 clusters, together with age and occupation among general characteristics, were used as independent variables to find out food purchasing behaviors and satisfaction at internet shopping malls. The results are as follows: Regarding the frequency of food purchasing experiences at internet shopping malls according to occupation, the highest frequency was shown by those involved in service, sales and self-employed businesses; whereas regarding the frequency according to age, those in their 30s and 40s showed the highest frequency. The total amount of money spent on food purchasing for 1 year at internet shopping malls was shown to increase as age increased. The frequency of the purchasing experiences of agricultural products and fish products was shown to be higher as age increased. However, overall purchase satisfaction was highest among those in their 30s, while lowest among those in their 40s. Regarding satisfaction by the types of food purchased via internet shopping malls, satisfaction was relatively higher with common foods and functional foods, while lower with fish products. Taken together, it was concluded that purchasing behaviors at internet food shopping malls, such as the frequency of purchasing experiences and purchase amount, varied depending on age rather than purchasing attribute. Accordingly, in order to vitalize internet food shopping malls, it would be necessary to provide customized food shopping information for individual age groups.

Effect of Product Involvement and Brand Preference on Consumers' Evaluation Effort for Multi-Dimensional Prices (소비자의 다차원가격 평가노력에 대한 제품관여도와 브랜드선호도의 영향)

  • Kim, Jae-Yeong
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.55-64
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    • 2015
  • Purpose - Multi-dimensional prices comprise multiple components such as monthly payments and a number of payments rather than a single lump-sum amount. According to previous studies, an increase in the number of price dimensions leads to a massive amount of cognitive stress resulting in incorrect calculation, and deterioration in the consistency of the price judgment. However, an increase only in the level of complexity of calculating multi-dimensional prices does not always result in a corresponding decrease in the accuracy of price evaluation. Since diverse variables could affect consumers' purchase-decision-making process, the results of price evaluation would be different. In this study, an empirical analysis was performed to determine how the accuracy of price evaluation varies depending on the extent of the complexity of price dimensions using product involvement and brand preference as moderating variables. Research design, data, and methodology - A survey was conducted on 260 students, and 252 effective responses were used for analysis. The data was analyzed using t-test, one-way ANOVA, and two-way ANOVA. In this study, six hypotheses were developed to examine the effect of product involvement and brand preference on consumers' evaluation effort of multi-dimensional prices. Results - As the number of price dimensions increased, accuracy of price evaluation appeared to be low in high involvement, as expected. However, it showed no differences in price evaluation effort when the level of complexity of calculating multi-dimensional prices is low. When a small number of price dimensions are presented in both cases of high and low involvement, accuracy of price evaluation is much higher in a weak brand preference. On the contrary, a strong brand preference enhances an accuracy of price evaluation only in case of low involvement when the number of price dimensions is increased. An interaction effect of product involvement and brand preference on consumers' evaluation of multi-dimensional prices did not exist irrespective of the level of complexity of calculating prices being high or low. Conclusions - When the number of price dimensions is small, consumers' effort for price evaluation shows almost no difference without the moderating effect of involvement, and a weak brand preference leads to a higher accuracy of price evaluation in an effort to make the best selection. No interaction effect of product involvement and brand preference was found except for a main effect of brand preference. When a price is composed of multiple dimensions rendering it more difficult to calculate the final price, the effort for price evaluation was expected to decrease only slightly in case of combination of high involvement and strong brand preference. This is because people have a higher purchase intentions and trust for that particular brand. However, the accuracy of price evaluation was much lower in cases of high involvement, and there was no interaction effect between product involvement and brand preference except for a main effect of involvement and brand preference, respectively.

Effects of Exposure to Cooking Show Contents on the Consumption of Agricultural Products: Focused on Potato Consumption (쿡방 콘텐츠 노출이 농식품 소비에 미치는 효과: 감자 소비를 중심으로)

  • Rah, HyungChul;Kim, Hyeon-Woong;Ko, Hyeonseok;Shin, Jaehoon;Cho, Yongbeen;Nasridinov, Aziz;Yoo, Kwan-Hee
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.21 no.12
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    • pp.400-407
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    • 2021
  • Recently, mukbang and cookbang or cooking shows on TV and YouTube channels have increased, and the influences of these broadcasts on food consumption have been gradually increasing. There were several news articles on 'Baek Jong-won effect', in which the consumption of the agri-food Mr. Jong-won Baek mentioned on his broadcast soared, and even foods named after him are on the market. In this study, Mr. Jong-won Baek, who produces influential cooking contents through various media, was taken as a representative example. We evaluated if 'Baek Jong-won effect' exists on potato consumption, which Mr. Jong-won Baek broadcasted potato cooking recipes on TV and YouTube. After the potato recipe was broadcasted for the first time on the TV show called HomeFoodRescue, the differences in the amount of money to purchase potatoes before and after the broadcast were estimated by using the money amount to purchase data of Agri-food consumers panel and the difference-in-differences method at 6 time points (3, 6, 9, 12, 24, and 36 months). Among the time points analyzed, the potato purchases at post-broadcast were less than those at pre-broadcast. No results were observed suggesting the existence of 'Baek Jong-won effect' on potato consumption through HomeFoodRescue show in the study.

Analysis about Planning Introduction PACS in Hospital Scale and Equipment Operation of Radiology Department (병원규모에서 PACS 도입 계획과 영상의학과 장비 운영에 관한 분석)

  • Seok, Jong-Min;Jung, Hong-Ryang;Lim, Cheong-Hwan;Kim, Jeong-Koo;Park, Jeong-Kyu
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.8 no.12
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    • pp.322-333
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    • 2008
  • This research examined use rate and profitability of equipment in hospital scale with about 500 beds to present data including to review before introducing PACS with the checklist included in preparation and proposal based on expected profit suggested by operation department and cost and use rate of the expensive medical equipment were analyzed. It was proved that profit was generated in the research subject hospital if PACS is introduced. Three to five year of lease is proper for the purchase method of medical equipment. Profit after two year of use will surpass investment cost and generate clear profit. Based on the profit generated from operation of radiology department, the purchase amount to introduce PACS at the hospital will be retrieved after about 1.9 years for the investment. The number of reshoot test at radiology department will be decreased and film, development, and fixer will not be necessary to buy so the operation cost will be reduced. Moreover, other than actual profit increased, the hospital can improve its reputation and employees can reduce their works and get better working environment with less stress. Their job satisfaction will be increased so they can improve service quality and it is good for marketing strategy of the hospital. As a result of this research, it was proved that the small and general hospital should have expected profit with introduction of PACS and analyze its contribution to treatment service and profit after the purchase. Then, the hospital should make a proposal for introduction of the medical equipment and establish effective operation plan.

A Study on the Protection for Consumer on Expending Overseas Direct Purchase -Focus on Guarantee System- (해외직접구매 증가에 따른 소비자보호 연구 -보증제도 중심으로-)

  • Park, Jong Hyun
    • International Commerce and Information Review
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.173-197
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    • 2015
  • The development of IT expanded the scale of e-commerce, and grew large Internet shopping malls. As having raised the consumers' interest in overseas direct purchase(ODP) recently, the number and purchasing amount of ODP are constantly increasing. However, consumers need to pay attention to the potential problems which might happen by consumer's damage and conflict, as increasing the consumption through ODP. Because consumer's damages on utilizing ODP happen to the reason such as the trust problem between business and consumer due to the way which traded non face to face, non-compliance of goods delivery, returns, and refunds, and information asymmetry of items, a large number of consumer's damages in a wide range are much more likely to occur nowadays. The purpose of this study is to analyze the current state of ODP, and propose consumer damage's reduction and policy of the government through pre or post scheme for consumer damage's relief and consumer protection. As the compensation for consumer damages is actually inadequate, this study proposed a feasible alternative to the adoption of e-commerce insurance for both aggressive compensation and protection for consumer's damages and risk transfer and sustainable development of e-commerce.

  • PDF

An Analysis Method of User Preference by using Web Usage Data in User Device (사용자 기기에서 이용한 웹 데이터 분석을 통한 사용자 취향 분석 방법)

  • Lee, Seung-Hwa;Choi, Hyoung-Kee;Lee, Eun-Seok
    • Journal of KIISE:Computing Practices and Letters
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.189-199
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    • 2009
  • The amount of information on the Web is explosively growing as the Internet gains in popularity. However, only a small portion of the information on the Web is truly relevant or useful to the user. Thus, offering suitable information according to user demand is an important subject in information retrieval. In e-commerce, the recommender system is essential to revitalize commercial transactions, raise user satisfaction and loyalty towards the information provider. The existing recommender systems are mostly based on user data collected at servers, so user data are dispersed over several servers. Therefore, web servers that lack sufficient user behavior data cannot easily infer user preferences. Also, if the user visits the server infrequently, it may be hard to reflect the dynamically changing user's interest. This paper proposes a novel personalization system analyzing the user preference based on web documents that are accessed by the user on a user device. The system also identifies non-content blocks appearing repeatedly in the dynamically generated web documents, and adds weight to the keywords extracted from the hyperlink sentence selected by the user. Therefore, the system establishes at an early stage recommendation strategies for the web server that has little user data. Also, user profiles are generated rapidly and more accurately by identifying the information blocks. In order to evaluate the proposed system, this study collected web data and purchase history from users who have current purchase activity. Then, we computed the similarity between purchase data and the user profile. We confirm the accuracy of the generated user profile since the web page containing the purchased item has higher correlation than other item pages.

A Survey on Housewives' Perceptions of Branded Beef in a Metropolitan Area of Seoul Korea (수도권 주부를 중심으로 한 브랜드육에 대한 인식조사)

  • Kim, Mi-Hyun;Lee, Nam-Hyouck;Rho, Jeong-Hae
    • The Korean Journal of Food And Nutrition
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.96-101
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    • 2007
  • Thoughts on beef consumption and Korean beef were surveyed through questionnaire, with 150 housewives living in Seoul and its metropolitan area as subjects. The reasons for buying Korean beef were revealed as taste/quality(56.5%) and sanitation/safety(27.8%). The places of purchase were meat shops(42.3%), department stores, discount stores or super stores(28.1%), and agricultural cooperative stores or livestock cooperative stores(19.9%). The average purchase amount of Korean beef was 0.84 kg and the price was 22 USD(20,944 Won; 1 USD = 950 Won), and 61.7% of consumers thought the price of Korean beef was expensive. The major reason for buying imported beef was indicated as low price(78.0%) and the purchase locations were discount stores, department stores(39.4%) and meat shops (31.1%). When the subjects were surveyed on brands of Korean beef 73.3% had heard of branded beef but only 48% had purchased it. The reasons for buying branded beef were revealed as taste(40.0%) and sanitation(25.2%). When subjects were asked to compare branded beef with general Korean beef, 51.1% gave an answer of 'Very good/Good' for taste and quality, 'Similar' was 22.4% and 'No difference' was 29.9%, suggesting that the trust for branded beef was not strong yet. The important factors for buying branded beef were indicated as quality/taste(54.9%) and sanitation/safety(38.9%) and subjects were willing to pay up to 18.0% more for branded beef compared to the price of general Korean beef.

The Determinants of Purchasing Private Health Insurance in Korean Cancer Patients (암 환자의 민간의료보험 가입 실태와 관련 요인)

  • Lim, Jin-Hwa;Kim, Sung-Gyeong;Lee, Eun-Mi;Bae, Sin-Young;Park, Jae-Hyun;Choi, Kui-Son;Hahm, Myung-Il;Park, Eun-Cheol
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.40 no.2
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    • pp.150-154
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    • 2007
  • Objectives : The aim of this study is to identify factors determining the purchase of private health insurance under the mandatory National Health Insurance(NHI) system in Korea. Methods : The data were collected by the National Cancer Center in Korea. It includes cancer patients who were newly diagnosed with stomach (ICD code, C16), lung(C33-C34), liver (C22), colorectal cancer(C18-C20) or breast(C50) cancer. Data were gathered from the hospital Order Communication System (OCS), medical records, and face-to-face interviews, using a structured questionnaire. Clinical, socio-demographic and private health insurance related factors were also gathered. Results : Overall, 43.9% of patients had purchased one or more private health insurance schemes related to cancer, with an average monthly premium of \65,311 and an average benefit amount of \19million. Females, younger aged, high income earners, national health insurers and metropolitan citizens were more likely to purchase private health insurance than their counterparts. Conclusions : About half of Korean people have supple-mentary private health insurance and their benefits are sufficient to cover the out-of-pocket fees required for cancer treatment, but inequality remains in the purchase of private health insurance. Further studies are needed to investigate the impacts of private health insurance on NHI, and the relationship between cancer patients' burden and benefits.

A Study on the Factor Which Causes the Imbalance Between DAU and Game Purchase in the Mobile Game Market - With an emphasis on Google Play Free Games - (모바일 게임 시장에서 DAU와 게임 구매간의 불균형성을 발생시키는 요인에 대한 고찰 - 구글 플레이 무료게임을 중심으로 -)

  • Lim, Jun;Choi, Sung Wook
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.293-303
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    • 2014
  • The mobile game market is fast growing after the Kakao game launched. Especially, the market is placed at the second highest by occupying 33.1% of the market. However, the rate of the total sales amount is only 6%, showing quite an imbalance between the market occupancy and the sales amount. This means that the profit-making models are not stabilized yet in the mobile game market. The absence of profit-making models can be ascertained by the relationship of DAU and sales ranking. There are several games which are ranked at DAU Top10 among Google free games, but not ranked at top 10 among sales amounts. On the other hand, there are several games which are low in DAU ranking but high in sales amount ranking. This result shows that there is no direct interrelation between the product attractiveness which users feel and the profit-making models in the market. This study compared the Google play free games which are ranked at top 10 in terms of DAU ranking and sales amount ranking to find out the factor which causes the imbalance between the DAU ranking and sales amount ranking. Based on this outcome, this study presents the reference point for the design of profit-making models on behalf of the manufacturers who wish to launch into the mobile game market in the future.