• Title/Summary/Keyword: problem analysis

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The Cross-Sectional Characteristic and Spring-Neap Variation of Residual Current and Net Volume Transport at the Yeomha Channel (경기만 염하수로에서의 잔차류 및 수송량의 대조-소조 변동과 단면 특성)

  • Lee, Dong Hwan;Yoon, Byung Il;Woo, Seung-Buhm
    • Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers
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    • v.29 no.5
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    • pp.217-227
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    • 2017
  • The object of this study is to estimate the net volume transport and the residual flow that changed by space and time at southern part of Yeomha channel, Gyeonggi Bay. The cross-section observation was conducted at the mid-part (Line2) and the southern end (Line1) of Yeomha channel for 13 hours during neap and spring-tides, respectively. The Lagrange flux is calculated as the sum of Eulerian flux and Stokes drift, and the residual flow is calculated by using least square method. It is necessary to unify the spatial area of the observed cross-section and average time during the tidal cycle. In order to unify the cross-sectional area containing such a large vertical tidal variation, it was necessary to convert into sigma coordinate system by horizontally and vertically for every hour. The converted sigma coordinate system is estimated to be 3~5% error when compared with the z-level coordinate system which shows that there is no problem for analyzing the data. As a result, the cross-sectional residual flow shows a southward flow pattern in both spring and neap tides at Line2, and also have characteristic of the spatial residual flow fluctuation: it northwards in the main line direction and southwards at the end of both side of the waterway. It was confirmed that the residual flow characteristics at Line2 were changed by the net pressure due to the sea level difference. The analysis of the net volume transport showed that it tends to southwards at $576m^3s^{-1}$, $67m^3s^{-1}$ in each spring tide and neap tide at Line2. On the other hand, in the control Line1, it has tendency to northwards at $359m^3s^{-1}$ and $248m^3s^{-1}$. Based on the difference between the two observation lines, it is estimated that net volume transport will be out flow about $935m^3s^{-1}$ at spring tide stage and about $315m^3s^{-1}$ at neap tide stage as the intertidal zone between Yeongjong Island and Ganghwa Island. In other words, the difference of pressure gradient and Stokes drift during spring and neap tide is main causes of variation for residual current and net volume transport.

Analysis of the Level of Microbial Contamination in the Manufacturing Company of Ginseng Products (인삼류(홍삼, 백삼) 제조·가공업체의 미생물 오염도 조사)

  • Shim, Won-Bo;Lee, Chae-Won;Choi, Young-Dong;Park, Sang-Gon;Jeong, Myeong-Jin;Kim, Jeong-Sook;Kim, Se-ri;Park, Ki-Hwan;Chung, Duck-Hwa
    • Journal of Food Hygiene and Safety
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.159-165
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    • 2015
  • The aim of this study was to investigate microbiological contamination levels in the manufacturing company of ginseng products (white and red ginseng). Firstly, the contamination level for ginseng and each stage ginseng were 1.8~4.9 log CFU/g (total bacteria), 1.2~3.0 log CFU/g (coliform), 0.8~4.1 log CFU/g (fungi). However, only Bacillus cereus among pathogenic bacteria was detected from a few sample. The contamination of total bacteria tended to decrease as ginseng was being processing. Therefore, that of finished products (white and red ginseng) showed the lowest contamination level among each stage ginseng sample. That of fungi decreased steadily, although the contamination of fungi has tended to increase right after ginseng was steamed. Secondly, the contamination level for working tools and facilities were $1.7{\sim}4.7log\;CFU/cm^2$ (total bacteria), $0.4{\sim}4.0log\;CFU/cm^2$ (coliform), $0.9{\sim}4.2log\;CFU/cm^2$ (fungi). Especially, washing and peeling machines were higher contamination level. Finally, the contamination level of worker who washed and steamed ginseng was higher than worker who shaped, sorted and stored ginseng. Also, Staphylococus aureus was detected at 0.2~0.7 log CFU/hand on some wokers' hands. These results showed proper heating condition (temperature and time) and tidy manufacturing facility are the most important to avoid developing any microbiological problem of Ginseng Products.

A Reconsideration of the List of National Endemic Plants (appendix 4-1) Under the Creation and Furtherance of Arboretums Act Proposed by Korea Forest Service (산림청 수목원 조성 및 진흥에 관한 법률의 특산식물 목록의 재고)

  • Park, Soo Kyung;Gil, Hee-Young;Kim, Hui;Chang, Chin-Sung
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.102 no.1
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    • pp.38-58
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    • 2013
  • The existence of endemism in many parts of the world is an important factor for conservationists. Conservation can only be carried out under national legislation, and national endemics, which have very limited ranges, fully depend on the effort and success of conservation. A total of 523 vascular plant taxa were listed in the latest national checklist by Ministry of Environment in 2005, while the 'Creation and Furtherance of Arboretums Act' including a national endemic list (appendix 4-1) was established by Korea Forest Service and was legislated as a law in late 2011. This legislation by Korea Forest Service on endemism of Korean vascular plants have required much attention because of discrepancies of nomenclature, taxonomic bias and inflation. Examining data for both lists proposed by Ministry of Environment and Korea Forest Service, of the total of 360 legislated taxa, around 286 taxa are shared with the list of Ministry of Environment, of which about 80% have been found as common taxa. Around 67(18.7%) are typographic errors, and 14 taxa (3.9%) are recorded as illegitimate and invalidly published names. Through this analysis 12 taxa (3.4%) were found in China as well as in Korea and these are thought to be non Korean endemic taxa. Taken together, the legislated list displayed 1/4 (24.9%) errors out of the total list. Only 59 taxa (16.5%) are identified as national endemic species. The remainder are either unresolved candidates (73 taxa, 20.4%) or synonyms (196 taxa, 54.7%) status. It must be noted, that the concept of endemism very much depends on the knowledge of the species concept, taxonomic bias and geographical range of a species. Also, the most major nomenclatural problem tend to be more stable if the information on database about Korea Plant Name, which is managed by Korea National Arboretum are well updated year to year. These exaggerated numbers underscore the urgency for regional conservation planning and implementing effective strategies to preserve these real endemic taxa into the future.

A retrospective statistical analysis of dental implants (치과 임플란트 환자의 통계 분석에 관한 후향적 연구)

  • Zhao, Chun-Ri;Cho, In-Ho;Moon, Eun-Soo
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics
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    • v.47 no.3
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    • pp.266-272
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    • 2009
  • Statement of problem: The number of edentulous patients is increasing due to an aging society, which leads to increased demands and interests on implant restorations. Implant restorations are an effective treatment method for both complete and partially edentulous patients, and the success rate has been reported to be high. But because of the increased use of implants in various situations have resulted in frequent reports of failures on implant restorations. Various efforts to overcome these failures have been made. Purpose: The aim of this study was to investigate the statistic survival rate of dental implants on patients who were treated at Dankook University Dental Hospital during the past 10 years based on their charts. Materials and methods :The research was made for two different periods of time; The first investigation was for patients from August, 1998 to August, 2003 and the second was for patients from September, 2003 to April, 2007. Information on the number of implants placed, the location and distribution of implants, the duration between the first and second surgery, and the survival rate of implants were investigated from the patients'charts. Results: 1. According to the first investigation, 1680 implants were placed on 612 patients and the second investigation showed 2438 implants placed on 933 patients. Thus a total of 4118 implants on 1545 patients. 2. Among the 1545 patients, 884 patients were male (57.2 %) and 661 patients were female (42.8%). Out of 4118 implants, 1739 implants (42.2%) were placed on the maxilla, and 2379 implants (57.8%) on the mandible. Implants were placed most frequently in the posterior region of the mandible. A total of 2043 implants (53.2%) were placed in this region. 3. According to the first investigation, 57 out of 1680, implants failed, while from the second investigation, 17 out of 2438 implants were reported as failure. In total, 74 implants failed, which results in a 98.2% survival rate. 4. The average duration between the first and the second surgeries in maxillas decreased from 7.4 months to 6.8 months. The duration also decreased from 5.6 months to 5.0 months in mandibles. Conclusion: As shown in the results, the number of placed implants and the survival rate of implants were higher in the second investigation than that of the first investigation. And the time spent after the first surgery to the second surgery was less in the second investigation. Consequently, it can be presumed that the demand and consumption of dental implants as well as the survival rate will increase in the future.

A Comparative Study on the Measurement Model of Anti-Corruption Index : Anti-Corruption Index and CCEJ's Corruption Index (부패지수 측정모형에 대한 비교연구 : 서울시 시정청렴성지수 측정모형과 경실련 부패지수 측정모형을 중심으로)

  • Park, Yong-Chie;Lee, Chung-Min
    • Survey Research
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.1-38
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    • 2005
  • Considering the importance of corruption index measurement model and the diffusion of popular awareness about the importance of anti-corruption, this research compared and analyzed existing corruption index measurement models. This paper has selected "Anti-Corruption Index model(ACI model)" that was developed by Seoul Development Institute and "CCEJ's Corruption Index model" which is under use by the Citizens' Coaltion for Economic Justice. These two models were analyzed in terms of appropriateness of 'the indicator and index choice method', 'the research design' and 'the use of statistical data'. This analysis shows that two models have some problems. First, at the level of indicator and index choice method, the indicators of CCEJ's corruption index model is too atomized and redundant. As not putting weight of indicator, it did not consider importance of each indicator. Citizens who evaluated the level of corruption didn't participate in the weight evaluation team, which results in failure of the model to reflect the citizens' opinion. Also, because the question about Seoul Metropolis' corruption level is not included, it is not detected difference between real corruption level and perceptive corruption level. Second, in terms of appropriateness of research design, the sample of the CCEJ' corruption index model is too small to get credibility. The objectivity of research method seems to be low because survey was performed by exit interview. In addition, 38 items are overfull in the questionnire of CCEJ's corruption index model compare to 13 items in ACI model. Also, in making up questions, the terms are redundant and unobvious. Third, in regarding with feasibility of the statistical data, the CCEJ's corruption index model uses regulation data for disciplinary punishment of 25 local governments in Seoul from 1995 to 1999. But, it is common ideas of scholars that statistical data indicates the tip of an iceberg in corruption. So for using a statistical data, it needs a data of enough quantity and has a high level credibility. In addition, objective method of giving weight is not developed. In this point of view, the use of statistical data has some limits. To solve this problem, ① objective data should be included in the indicators, ② various indicators should be developed and ③ a method of giving weight should be improved.

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Clinical Characteristics and Prognosis of Lymphocyte Dominant Exudative Pleural Effusion with Low ADA, Low CEA, Negative Cytology and Negative AFB Smear (항산균 도말 검사, 세포진 검사가 음성이고, ADA와 CEA가 낮은 림프구성 흉막 삼출증의 임상 양상과 예후)

  • Kang, Young Ae;Yoon, Young Soon;Lee, Sei Won;Choi, Chang Min;Kim, Deog Kyeom;Lee, Hee Seok;Ko, Dong Seok;Yoo, Chul Gyu;Kim, Young Whan;Han, Sung Koo;Shim, Young Soo;Yim, Jae Joon
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.58 no.1
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    • pp.5-10
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    • 2005
  • Background : A pleural effusion is a common medical problem. Despite several diagnostic tests, 15-20% of pleural effusions go undiagnosed. The aim of this study was to evaluate the clinical characteristics and prognosis of a lymphocyte dominant exudative pleural effusion with a low adenosine deaminase (ADA), low carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), negative cytology and negative acid fast bacilli (AFB) smear. Method : From Jan 2000 to Aug 2001, 43 patients with lymphocyte dominant exudative pleural effusions whose AFB smear and cytologic exam were negative, their pleural fluid ADA level was < 40 IU/L, and their CEA level was < 10 ng/mL were enrolled in this study. A retrospective analysis of the patients' medical records was carried out. Result : Among 31 of the 43 cases (72%), probable underlying diseases causing the pleural effusion were identified: 21cases of malignant diseases, 4 cases of liver cirrhosis, 2 cases of pulmonary tuberculosis, 1 case of end stage renal disease, 1 case of a chylothorax, 1 case of a post-CABG (coronary artery bypass graft) state, 1 case of a pulmonary embolism. No clinically suspected etiology was identified in the remaining 12 cases (28%). Of these 12 pleural effusions, 7 cases spontaneously resolved, 2 effusions resolved with antibiotics, and the other 2 cases were persistent. Conclusion : Lymphocyte dominant exudative pleural effusions with a low ADA, low CEA, negative cytological exam, and negative AFB smear, but without a definite cause might have a benign course and clinicians can observe them with attention.

A Survey on the Perceptions of Consumer Organizations to Promote Risk Communication for Food Additives (식품첨가물의 리스크 커뮤니케이션 촉진을 위한 소비자단체의 인식조사)

  • So, Yun-Ji;Kim, Suna;Lee, Jee-Hyeon;Park, Eun-Young;Kim, Hee-Jung;Kim, Ji-Sun;Kim, Jeong-Weon
    • Korean journal of food and cookery science
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.105-113
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    • 2013
  • Consumer organizations usually lead the opinions of the consumers. This study was performed to investigate the perceptions and information needs of consumer organizations on food additives for the promotion of risk communication. A survey was conducted for 4 weeks in March 2012 by using a self-administered questionnaire consisting of 32 questions. Total 111 responses were collected for analysis. 'Safety (91.0%)' was the most important factor influencing the purchase of processed food, and both 'food additives (24.3%)' and 'environmental pollution (23.4%)' were considered as main risk factors. The longer the career of the members had, the higher negative perceptions on food additives (p<0.01). About 70% of the respondents who had known KFDA's researches on evaluating safety of food additives answered that researches were not enough to make sure the safety. Although lectures and other domestic organization were the main channels for getting information, 'TV' was considered as the most suitable way for it. 'Poor risk communication (32.4%)' was pointed out as the serious problem of government's food safety policy. Based on these results, consumer organizations' low level of trust on government should be overcome by continuous supply of information what they need to facilitate risk communication on food additives.

A Study on Expressing 3D Animation by Visual Direction : focused on 〈 How to train your dragon 〉 (시각적 연출에 의한 3D 입체 애니메이션 표현 연구: 〈드래곤 길들이기〉를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Jung-Hyun
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.26
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    • pp.1-30
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of animation is to give interesting stories to an audience through motion. To achieve the purpose, over the past century since its inception, animation has adopted many kinds of technologies, and thus developed diverse narrative methods and visual expression techniques. In addition, with the advancement of expression techniques, all elements making up animation have gradually been systemized, and at the same time, have helped express the worlds beyond the reality. As a result, people have faced the era when an audience can watch everything imaginated by an animation director on a big screen. These days, more efforts have been made in order for the audience to feel much more than enjoy pictures moving in a frame. In other words, the purpose of the animation is changing from the passive viewing of animation to feeling and sensing stuffs through the animation. In the center of the changing process is 3D technology which gives new interesting to an audience. Sometime ago, a 3D animation movie was produced in Korea. But it did not bring out box-office profits, for it failed to give satisfaction to an audience who expected high perfection and beauty being able to be rivalled to those of international 3D animation movies. The failure is attributable to the fact that the domestic 3D animation production industry is merely in the early stage, and has not sufficient human resources, technology, and experiences in producing 3D animation films. Moreover, the problem is that most studies on 3D focus on the technologies related to reenactment, but that few studies on the images, which an audience directly faces, have been conducted. Under the domestic circumstance, the study on stereoscopic image screen of , a 3D stereoscopic animation film which was released in 2010 and has been seen as the best successful 3D stereoscopic animation, is worthwhile. Thus this thesis conducted theoretical consideration and case analysis focusing on the visual direction that creates the pictures to deliver abundant three dimensional effect so that it can be used as a basic data when producing high quality-domestic 3D animation and training professional labor forces. In the result, it was found that the 3D animation was not a new area, but the area which has been expanded and changed by applying the characteristics of 3D image based on the principles of the existing media aesthetics. This study might be helpful to establish the foundation of the theoretical studies necessary for producing 3D animation contents for realizing the sense of reality.

A Study on the Actual Condition of the Adult-smoking in a Region (일 지역 성인의 흡연실태)

  • Chong Young-sook
    • Journal of Korean Public Health Nursing
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.97-113
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    • 1999
  • To investigate the actual condition of the adult-smoking in Chinan County. I used self-reporting questionnaires among 923 residents living in nine districts selected at random among the sites of eleven eup-myons from December 28. 1998 to January 6. 1999. collected data and analyized using SPSS. The smoking rate of adults in Chinan County was $36.9\%$. There was a significant difference in smoking rate according to the age. gender, education and job among general characteristics. The smoking rate in group of above 40s was about $40\%$ and that of the male took $55.5\%$ which was higher than that of female and the smoking rate of the people having high-school education was the highest$(46.2\%)$. With regard to the career. the smoking rate of the farmers ranked first$(46.1\%)$. Therefore anti-smoking business for smokers should be focused on above 40 years old, males. people having high school education and farmers. As the result of the survey of smoking habits of 340 people who smoke currently, the average smoking begining age was 21.8 and $81.5\%$ among them was between 16-25 years old. $4.4\%$ was under 15. during around the elementary school. Most motives to smoke were as followed; curiosity or taste$(33.6\%)$, relief of stress $(31.2\%)$, peer presure$(26.5\%)$ And considering the amount of the cigarette which is smoked per day, the case which is less than a pack of cigarettes was highest as $75.5\%$ and the people who smoke over one pack of cigarettes took $24.5\%$. As for the kind of tobacco which is smoked, how to smoke and the desire for the smoking, most case was toxin was moderate$(47.8\%)$ or mild$(46.9\%)$. shallowly$(49.0\%)$ or deeply$(46.3\%)$ and under stress$(33.4\%)$. after meals$(27.8\%)$, during drink$(15.7\%)$ and so on. The highest point marked among the factors of smoking motives was 'the reduce of negative emotion' $(3.27\pm1.00)$. followed by 'uncomfortable habits' $(2.87\pm1.02)$, 'addiction' $(2.84\pm1.06)$. 'habit' $(2.74\pm1.12)$. 'pleasure' $(2.70\pm1.04)$. 'stimulus' $(2.59\pm.90)$, 'sensation-exercise satisfaction' $(2.42\pm.97)$. Smokers smoke to reduce the negative emotions when angry in most common case. depressed. anxious. uncomfortable. lone. ashamed or embarrased. and intend to solve the certain problem. etc. Other motives are uncomfortable habit. addiction. habit. pleasure and the pursuit of stimulus. The level of nicotine dependence of adults m Chinan County was 10.57 which amount to 'high' wholly. As the resulf of the level of nicotine dependence score. the people who are low in the level of nicotine was $33.5\%$. the people who are high was $48.2\%$. very high was $18.4\%$. The approach for anti-smoking for smokers should be conducted differently according to the level of the nicotine. For the people who are in low level of nicotin dependence the prohibition of the smoking should be guided through the approach to foster strong will. for those who are in 'high' by acquiring proper method for the prohibition of smoking. and for those who are 'very high' the anti-smoking should be induced by providing proper program because of the possibility of the suffer from abstinence syndrome. The difference of the level of nicotine with the general characteristics of the objects had not statistically significant difference. The difference of the level of nicotine dependence accompanied by smoking habit had statistically significant difference according to the amount of smoke, the kind of tobacos. smoke inhale habit. In other words, the group of heavy smokers had higher level of the nicotine dependence than that of the light smokers relatively and the group which smoke strong taboaco has higher level of nicotine than that of which smoke mild or moderate. And the group of smokers who smoke deeply has higher level of nicotine than that who smoke shallowly or nonswallow. Aa a result of the analysis of the correlation between smoking motive factors and the level of nicotine, there was the indication that people who smoke for the decrease of the negative emotion. habit, pleasure. stimulus. sensation-exercise satisfaction had high level of the nicotine dependence. As the result of the anti-smoking will of smokers. $65.0\%$ of them had prohibition of smoking will. $29.3\%$ had no will to quit smoke. The most important reason for anti-smoking was health. $67.9\%$ had experience to try to quit smoke and the biggest reason to fail to quit smoking was the lack of the will power to keep anti-smoking. $52.8\%$ of them were advised to stop smoking from their spouses or children. only $2.8\%$ were by medical. The people who have the opinion to need anti-smoking education were $69.6\%$. Therefore when the business for the hygine of the mouth for adult is set. it should be centered on the people who have intention of prohibition of the smoking and help to quit smoking by way of other affirmative counter-program not smoking under stress.

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A Survey on Self-reported Health and Eating Habit of Elite Female Adolescent Athletes in Incheon by Sport Type (인천지역 대표 중고등학교 여자 선수의 운동경기 종목별 건강 및 식습관에 관한 조사)

  • Sung, Hyuni;Chang, Kyung-Ja
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.366-373
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    • 2005
  • This study was carried out to investigate the self-reported health and eating habit of the elite female adolescent athletes in Incheon. The subjects were 102 elite female athletes of middle and high schools located in Inchon. A self-administered Questionnaire was used for this cross-sectional survey. Statistical analysis by two-way ANOVA was performed to discriminate between the main effects of age (as middle and high school athletes) and sports type, and their interaction. As use of nutritional supplements, 35.8% of the total subjects took vitamin and iron supplements and 62.5% of field and track athletes took vitamin and iron supplements. While mental stress related to exercise was much in fencing &gt; shooting &gt; field and track &gt; swimming athletes, physical burden during training was higher in swimming &gt; field and track &gt; fencing &gt; shooting athletes. More than half of the subjects showed irregular menstrual cycle. As the most severe problem of eating habit, they reported skipping meal &gt; overeating &gt; prejudiced meal &gt; preference to salty and spicy foods. More than half of the subjects skipped meal over three times per week. Fencing and shooting athletes showed very significantly higher frequency of skipping meal and more irregular breakfast time compared to those of other sport types. As for snack, they ate cookies, carbonated drink, chocolate, candy &gt; milk, yogurt, ice cream &gt; cake, bread, rice cake &gt; fried noodle &gt; hamburger, pizza. Therefore, nutritional counseling and education by sport type are necessary for health and good eating habit of these elite female adolescent athletes.