• Title/Summary/Keyword: partial compressive strength

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Plastic viscosity based mix design of self-compacting concrete with crushed rock fines

  • Kalyana Rama, JS;Sivakumar, MVN;Vasan, A;Kubair, Sai;Ramachandra Murthy, A
    • Computers and Concrete
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.461-468
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    • 2017
  • With the increasing demand in the production of concrete, there is a need for adopting a feasible, economical and sustainable technique to fulfill practical requirements. Self-Compacting Concrete (SCC) is one such technique which addresses the concrete industry in providing eco-friendly and cost effective concrete. The objective of the present study is to develop a mix design for SCC with Crushed Rock Fines (CRF) as fine aggregate based on the plastic viscosity of the mix and validate the same for its fresh and hardened properties. Effect of plastic viscosity on the fresh and hardened properties of SCC is also addressed in the present study. SCC mixes are made with binary and ternary blends of Fly Ash (FA) and Ground Granulated Blast Slag (GGBS) with varying percentages as a partial replacement to Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC). The proposed mix design is validated successfully with the experimental investigations. The results obtained, indicated that the fresh properties are best achieved for SCC mix with ternary blend followed by binary blend with GGBS, Fly Ash and mix with pure OPC. It is also observed that the replacement of sand with 100% CRF resulted in a workable and cohesive mix.

Durability studies on concrete with partial replacement of cement and fine aggregates by fly ash and tailing material

  • Sunil, B.M.;Manjunatha, L.S.;Yaragalb, Subhash C.
    • Advances in concrete construction
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    • v.5 no.6
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    • pp.671-683
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    • 2017
  • Commonly used concrete in general, consists of cement, fine aggregate, coarse aggregate and water. Natural river sand is the most commonly used material as fine aggregate in concrete. One of the important requirements of concrete is that it should be durable under certain conditions of exposure. The durability of concrete is defined as its ability to resist weathering action, chemical attack or any other process of deterioration. Durable concrete will retain its original form, quality and serviceability when exposed to its environment. Deterioration can occur in various forms such as alkali aggregate expansion, freeze-thaw expansion, salt scaling by de-icing salts, shrinkage, attack on the reinforcement due to carbonation, sulphate attack on exposure to ground water, sea water attack and corrosion caused by salts. Addition of admixtures may control these effects. In this paper, an attempt has been made to replace part of fine aggregate by tailing material and part of cement by fly ash to improve the durability of concrete. The various durability tests performed were chemical attack tests such as sulphate attack, chloride attack and acid attack test and water absorption test. The concrete blend with 35% Tailing Material (TM) in place of river sand and 20% Fly Ash (FA) in place of OPC, has exhibited higher durability characteristics.

The Utilization of Domestic Fly Ash as a Cement Raw Material (시멘트 원료로 국내산 석탄재의 이용 가능성)

  • Lee, Yoon-Cheol;Lee, Se-Yong;Min, Kyung-So;Lee, Chang-Hyun;Park, Tae-Gyun;Yoo, Dong-Woo
    • Korean Journal of Materials Research
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.23-29
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    • 2022
  • Fly ash is a by-product of coal fired electrical power plants and used as a material for cement and concrete; particularly, imported fly ash is mainly applied for cement production. Main objectives of this article are to replace domestic fly ash with an imported source. To verify the possibility of domestic fly ash as a material for cement from the aspect of chemical composition and physical properties, we manufactured various kinds of cement, such as using only natural raw material, shale, and partial replacement with domestic and imported fly ash. When we used the domestic and imported fly ash, there were no specific problems in terms of clinker synthesis or cement manufacturing in relation to the natural material, shale. In conclusion, domestic fly ash has been confirmed as an alternative raw material for cement because 7 days and 28 days compressive strength values were better than those of reference cement using natural raw material, on top of the process issue.

The Strength and Characteristic of PCC Bottom Ash (석탄재의 강도 특성에 관하여)

  • Shin, Sanguok;Sanjeev, Kumar;Jung, Teuok;Shin, Bangwoong
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.57-63
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    • 2007
  • Coal combustion by-product (CCB) bottom ash, obtained from burning of pulverized coal, has physical properties which are similar to that of natural sand with particle sizes ranging from fine gravel to fine sand. Several studies have been completed to utilize pulverized coal combustion (PCC) bottom ash as a partial or full replacement of fine aggregate in cement concrete products. The objectives of this study were to develop air-entrained concrete composites using PCC bottom ash from burning of Illinois coal and to demonstrate the use of these composites on real-world projects. The results obtained show that the compressive, splitting-tensile, and flexural strengths of concrete composites is slightly lower than that of conventional concrete are early curing ages. However, after 60 days of curing, the strength of concrete composites is either equal to or slightly higher than that of an equivalent conventional concrete. The concrete composites showed lower resistance to chloride ion penetrability than that of an equivalent conventional concrete at early curing ages. However, after 28 days of curing, concrete composites showed better resistance to chloride ion penetrability compared to that of an equivalent conventional concrete.

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Valorization of marble's waste as a substitute in sand concrete

  • Ouassila, Boughamsa;Houria, Hebhoube;Leila, Kherref;Mouloud, Belachia;Assia, Abdelouahed;Chaher, Rihia
    • Advances in concrete construction
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.217-225
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    • 2020
  • The recovery of waste proves a solution with two impacts: the environmental impact by the reduction of pollution and the gain of the occupied space by this waste, and the economic impact by the use of these lasts in the building and in the area of public works. The present research consists in recovering a waste marble (thrown powder exposed to the different meteorological phenomena) generated by the quarry marble of Fil-fila, located at the east side of Skikda in the north-east of Algeria, and add it, as sand in the composition of sand concrete. To carry out this research, we analyzed the evolution brought by the substitution of ordinary sand by marble waste sand, with 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% on the properties in the fresh state (density, workability and air content) and in the cured state (compressive strength, tensile strength, surface hardness and sound velocity). For durability we tested water absorption by immersion and chloride penetration. The results obtained are compared with control samples of 0% of substitution rate. In order to have a good filling of the voids in the granular skeleton; we added a quantity of limestone recycled fines from the quarries and for a good workability a super-plasticizing additive. The results showed that the partial substitution modified both the fresh and the hardened characteristics of the tested concretes, the durability parameters also improved.


  • Yi Yang-Jin;Yoon Dong-Jin;Park Chan-Jin;Cho Lee-Ra
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics
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    • v.41 no.6
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    • pp.762-771
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    • 2003
  • Statement of problem. In dentistry, the minimally prepared inlay resin-bonded fixed partial denture (FPD) made of new ceromer / fiber-reinforced composite (FRC) was recently introduced. However, the appropriate dimensions for the long-term success and subsequent failure strength are still unknown. Purpose. The aim of this study was to investigate the most fracture-resistible thickness combination of the ceromer / FRC using a universal testing machine and an AE analyzer. Material and Methods. A metal jig considering the dimensions of premolars and molars was milled and 56-epoxy resin dies, which had a similar elastic modulus to that of dentin, were duplicated. According to manufacturer's instructions, the FRC beams with various thicknesses (2 to 4 mm) were constructed and veneered with the 1 or 2 mm-thick ceromers. The fabricated FPDs were luted with resin cement on the resin dies and stored at room temperature for 72 hours. AE (acoustic emission) sensors were attached to both ends, the specimens were subjected to a compressive load until fracture at a crosshead speed of 0.5 mm/min. The AE and failure loads were recorded and analyzed statistically. Results. The results showed that the failure strength of the ceromer/FRC inlay FPDs was affected by the total thickness of the connectors rather than the ceromer to FRC ratio or the depth of the pulpal wall. Fracture was initiated from the interface and propagated into the ceromer layer regardless of the change in the ceromer / FRC ratio. Conclusion. Within the limitations of this study, the failure loads showed significant differences only in the case of different connector thicknesses, and no significant differences were found between the same connector thickness groups. The application of AE analysis method in a fiber-reinforced inlay FPD can be used to evaluate the fracture behavior and to analyze the precise fracture point.

Decision based uncertainty model to predict rockburst in underground engineering structures using gradient boosting algorithms

  • Kidega, Richard;Ondiaka, Mary Nelima;Maina, Duncan;Jonah, Kiptanui Arap Too;Kamran, Muhammad
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.259-272
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    • 2022
  • Rockburst is a dynamic, multivariate, and non-linear phenomenon that occurs in underground mining and civil engineering structures. Predicting rockburst is challenging since conventional models are not standardized. Hence, machine learning techniques would improve the prediction accuracies. This study describes decision based uncertainty models to predict rockburst in underground engineering structures using gradient boosting algorithms (GBM). The model input variables were uniaxial compressive strength (UCS), uniaxial tensile strength (UTS), maximum tangential stress (MTS), excavation depth (D), stress ratio (SR), and brittleness coefficient (BC). Several models were trained using different combinations of the input variables and a 3-fold cross-validation resampling procedure. The hyperparameters comprising learning rate, number of boosting iterations, tree depth, and number of minimum observations were tuned to attain the optimum models. The performance of the models was tested using classification accuracy, Cohen's kappa coefficient (k), sensitivity and specificity. The best-performing model showed a classification accuracy, k, sensitivity and specificity values of 98%, 93%, 1.00 and 0.957 respectively by optimizing model ROC metrics. The most and least influential input variables were MTS and BC, respectively. The partial dependence plots revealed the relationship between the changes in the input variables and model predictions. The findings reveal that GBM can be used to anticipate rockburst and guide decisions about support requirements before mining development.

Valorization of bottom ash with geopolymer synthesis: Optimization of pastes and mortar

  • Froener, Muriel S.;Longhi, Marlon A.;de Souza, Fabiana;Rodriguez, Erich D.;Kirchheim, Ana Paula
    • Advances in concrete construction
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 2022
  • Due to the physical-chemical characteristics of some bottom ash (BA), there are technical, economic and environmental limitations to find a destination that will add value to it. In Brazil, this residue is eventually used for filling coal extraction pits or remains in sedimentation ponds, creating a susceptible panorama to environmental issues. The geopolymers binders are one of the alternatives to the proper use high amounts of these materials. In this work, geopolymeric binder pastes were produced with BA mixed to activators with different alkali contents (expressed as %Na2O), as well as the incorporation of soluble silicates (Ms content). The production of binary geopolymeric pastes based on the use of two industrial wastes: fluid catalytic cracking (FCC) and aluminum anodizing sludge (AAS), was also assessed. The content in mass of BA/FCC and BA/AAS ranged from 100/0, 90/10; 80/20 and 70/30. Systems with soluble silicates as activator in a molar ratio SiO2/Na2O of 1.0 (Ms = 1.0) and Na2O content of 15%, showed the best results of mechanical strength (42 MPa at day 28th). The improvement is up to 5X when compared to NaOH based systems. For systems with partial replacement of BA of 10% of AAS and 20% of FCC (80/20), the presence of soluble silicates was also effective to increase compressive strength.

A novel analytical evaluation of the laboratory-measured mechanical properties of lightweight concrete

  • S. Sivakumar;R. Prakash;S. Srividhya;A.S. Vijay Vikram
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.87 no.3
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    • pp.221-229
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    • 2023
  • Urbanization and industrialization have significantly increased the amount of solid waste produced in recent decades, posing considerable disposal problems and environmental burdens. The practice of waste utilization in concrete has gained popularity among construction practitioners and researchers for the efficient use of resources and the transition to the circular economy in construction. This study employed Lytag aggregate, an environmentally friendly pulverized fuel ash-based lightweight aggregate, as a substitute for natural coarse aggregate. At the same time, fly ash, an industrial by-product, was used as a partial substitute for cement. Concrete mix M20 was experimented with using fly ash and Lytag lightweight aggregate. The percentages of fly ash that make up the replacements were 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, and 25%. The Compressive Strength (CS), Split Tensile Strength (STS), and deflection were discovered at these percentages after 56 days of testing. The concrete cube, cylinder, and beam specimens were examined in the explorations, as mentioned earlier. The results indicate that a 10% substitution of cement with fly ash and a replacement of coarse aggregate with Lytag lightweight aggregate produced concrete that performed well in terms of mechanical properties and deflection. The cementitious composites have varying characteristics as the environment changes. Therefore, understanding their mechanical properties are crucial for safety reasons. CS, STS, and deflection are the essential property of concrete. Machine learning (ML) approaches have been necessary to predict the CS of concrete. The Artificial Fish Swarm Optimization (AFSO), Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), and Harmony Search (HS) algorithms were investigated for the prediction of outcomes. This work deftly explains the tremendous AFSO technique, which achieves the precise ideal values of the weights in the model to crown the mathematical modeling technique. This has been proved by the minimum, maximum, and sample median, and the first and third quartiles were used as the basis for a boxplot through the standardized method of showing the dataset. It graphically displays the quantitative value distribution of a field. The correlation matrix and confidence interval were represented graphically using the corrupt method.


  • Seo, Young-Ho;Yim, Chang-Joon;Lee, Jae-Il
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons
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    • v.26 no.6
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    • pp.557-564
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    • 2000
  • The bone graft materials can be grossly divided into autogenous bone, allogenic bone, xenogenic bone, and alloplastic material. Much care was given to other bone graft materials away from autogenous bone due to its additional operation for harvesting, delayed resorption and limitation of quantity. Demineralized freeze-dried bone(DFDB) and hydroxyapatite are the representatives of bone graft materials. As resorbable hydroxyapatite is developed in these days, the disadvantage of nonresorbability can be overcome. So we planned to study on the strength and the bone formation at the rats calvarial defects of DFDB graft and those of the composite graft with DFDB and resorbable hydroxyapatite. We used the 16 male rats weighting range from 250 to 300 gram bred under the same environment during same period. After we made the 6mm diameter calvarial defect, we filled the DFDB in 8 rats and DFDB and resorbable hydroxyapatite in another 8 rats. We sacrificed them at the postoperative 1 month and 2 months with the periostium observed. As soon as the specimens were delivered, we measured the compressive forces to break the normal calvarial area and the newly formed bone in calvarial defect area using Instron(Model Autograph $S-2000^{(R)}$, Shimadzu, Japan). The rest of the specimens were stained with H&E(Hematoxylin & Eosin) and evaluated with the light microscope. So we got the following results. 1. In every rats, there was no significant difference between the measured forces of normal bone area and those of the bone graft area. 2. In 1 month, the measured forces at DFDB graft group were higher than those of the DFDB and resorbable hydroxyapatite composite graft group(P<0.05). 3. In 2 months, there was no significant differences between the measured forces of DFDB graft group and those of the DFDB and resorbable hydroxyapatite composite graft group. 4. In lightmicroscopic examination, most of the grafted DFDB were transformed into bone in 1 month and a large numbers of hydroxyapatite crystal were observed in DFDB and resorbable hydroxyapatite composite graft group in 1 month. 5. Both group showed no inflammatory reaction in 1 month. And hydroxyapatite crystals had a tight junction without soft tissue invagination when consolidated with newly formed bone. 6. In both groups, newly formed bone showed the partial bone remodeling and the lamellar bone structures and some of reversal lines were observed in 2 months. From the above results, it is suggested that DFDB and resorbable hydroxyapatite composite graft group had a better resistance to compressive force in early stage than DFDB graft group, but there would be no significant difference between two groups after some period. And it is suggested that the early stage of bone formation procedure of DFDB and resorbable hydroxyapatite composite graft group was slight slower than that of DFDB graft group, but there would be no significant difference between two groups after some period.

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