• Title/Summary/Keyword: paper-based textbooks

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A View of Elementary School Mathematics in Open Education (초등수학 교육의 열린 교육적 관점1))

  • 이의원
    • Education of Primary School Mathematics
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    • v.1 no.2
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    • pp.85-95
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    • 1997
  • Recently, by the popularization of computers and the development of many kinds of information transmission software, the living pattern in business offices and in home-life have changed rapidly. Because of the great progression of today's science technology, the influence of social education on the children is larger than that of the traditional school.. By a rapid change in the social atmosphere, there are some people who insist the traditional school education system is of no use any more. There have been many calls for reform of traditional schooling and in particular there has been major rethinking of school mathematics. The initial demand for change in elementary school mathematics is because of the poor achievement of students. There are even more compelling reasons for change. For example today's science technology society requires a different mathematical literacy for its citizens than that of the past. The importance of problem-solving based on interest and progress is more important than just paper-pencil computation in elementary schools. And also the increasing information wave of today's society demands that the school accept the long-distance education which could not be imagined in the past. Taking account of this variety, school education in the future should willingly introduce and apply the open education system to keep pace with today's society. To accept society demands actively, today's schools are going to accept and apply the idea of the open education. In this viewpoint, the purpose of the paper is to analyze the causes of under-achievement in mathematics teaming, the directions of school mathematics education, the system of textbooks and the problems of teaching-learning programs and paper-pencil test.

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Comparison of Zhusang Between as Discovered in a Medical Book Excavated in China and Other Classical Books (중국 출토의서에 보이는 '제상(諸傷)'과 전래문헌의 비교 고찰)

  • Lee, Kyung
    • Journal of Korean Medical classics
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.17-26
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    • 2018
  • Objectives : This paper studies Zhushang, which is the name of a disease found in excavated books. Zhusang is the first disease listed in Wushierbingfang, which is a medical textbook excavated at Mawangdui, and Zhusang was followed by diseases such as Jinshang and Renshang. The paper studies what disease each of the word is refering to in terms of graphonomy, and compared the difference of their treatment from other classical texts. Methods : The scope of the study of this paper includes the excavated textbooks that seem to contain any disease related to Zhusang, and the two major text books of these are Wushierbingfang and Wuweihandaiyijian. Then Shennongbencao jing, which is the one of the earlier books on herbology, and Bencao gangmu, which was written based on the former, wer used to make comparisons. Parts in Donguibogam that seem to be related to the parts in the excavated texts were also compared. The study was done by first performing historical research on the names of the diseases in the excavated books, and compared them with the contents of the classical texts. Results : The Zhushang discovered in Wushierbingfang refers to wounds caused by metal or wood. It was interesting how they created a word for diseases depending on the cause. Only Jinshang is found in Wuweihandaiyijian, and the fact that different causes gave way to different names tells us that they had corresponding treatment. The categorization of Zhushang, Jinshang, and Renshang is corresponded better in Donguibogam than Chinese medical books.

Design and Implementation of CAl Title for Learning Basics of AC Electricity (공업계 고등학교 전기이론 교과의 교류의 기본성질 단원에 관한 CAI 교재 설계 및 구현)

  • Kim, Jong-Seong;Kwon, Myoung-Ha
    • The Journal of Korean Association of Computer Education
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.127-134
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    • 2001
  • Many teachers at vocational high schools have had difficulties overcoming the gap between what students know and what students have to achieve in many topics. Mathematics is toughest of all, since most of textbooks in electronics are assuming student's basic knowledge in math. Considering that many students with very low achievements are entering vocational high schools, reality is far from such assumption. Inevitably, we have to face two difficult questions; do we have enough time to teach these kids all the math that they need in two years? If not, what alternatives we should adopt? We just do not have enough time and therefore find out a way to cope with harsh reality. According to our preliminary study, we suggest that multimedia-based CAI may be the best way to attack this problem. From hardware point of view, fortunately, many of vocational high schools are reasonably equipped for multimedia-based education. However there have been hardly any effort to develop courseware for vocational education in Korea. In this paper, a CAI title for learning basic characteristics of alternating current has been designed and implemented. The developed multimedia-based CAI title has been applied with respect to first grade students at local vocational high schools. A survey after classes shows that CAI could help student feel much comfortable with Basic Electricity course and grasp physical understanding much easily. Accordingly we conclude that classes adopting CAI would be of great help to put education in vocational high schools on the right track.

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A Study on Intensive Quantities Handled in Korean Elementary Math Textbooks and Workbooks (우리나라 초등학교 수학 교과서 및 익힘책에서 취급하는 내포량에 관한 연구)

  • Choi, Jong Hyeon;Ko, Jun Seok;Lee, Jeong Eun;Park, Kyo Sik
    • Journal of Elementary Mathematics Education in Korea
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.1-15
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    • 2016
  • In this paper, the following three issues are discussed in connection with intensive quantities. (1) Is there any relationship among intensive quantity, per unit quantity, and ratio? (2) Which intensive quantities obtained by two same extensive quantities are handled? And How are they handled? (3) Which intensive quantities obtained by two different extensive quantities are handled? And How are they handled? Based on the results of this discussions, three implications are suggested as conclusions to explore the direction for the development of handling intensive quantities in elementary math textbooks and workbooks. Firstly, it is necessary to systematize the systemize a series of processes to handle intensive quantities. There is a need to rethink to use terms like speed and velocity before handling the ratio. Secondly, there is a need to rethink the definition of intensive quantities which have the particular names. For example, it is necessary to rethink using average distance in the definition of speed and the average population in the definition of density of population. Thirdly, it is necessary to consider the limiting the kinds of intensive quantities obtained by two same extensive quantities handled in the elementary math. There is a need to set limit to them which are used in daily life, and there is a need to rethink to use them which are used in the specialized area. There is a need to rethink the using hitting ratio in the form of %.

Analysis on the Status of the Pilot Project to Spread Hands-on Robots in Elementary After-School (초등 방과후학교 교구로봇 시범사업 현황 분석)

  • Kim, Deok-Gwan;Ryuh, Young-Sun;Han, Jeong-Hye
    • Journal of The Korean Association of Information Education
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.79-87
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    • 2010
  • To support the expansion of diversity for schooling and make a plan for systematic robot education Ministry of Knowledge Economy did Pilot Project of Hands-on Robot at 68 Elementary Schools after building up the supporting system for teachers to practically use robots such as training course with Hands-on Robot. According to this, this paper will be shown about the analysis results of preliminary data about next expansion project of Hands-on Robot through analyzing the current status of Pilot Project of Hands-on Robot at Elementary After-School. For this, status of offered lesson and usage of teaching aids and materials, the number of regular/part-time teachers, students' satisfaction and so on at schools which are listed for the Pilot Project. The results show that at most of elementary schools students' creativity and interests about robots was increased and they tried to take the classes actively with high concentration. In spite of these positives, improvement needs for textbooks were also ascertained, therefore proper textbooks for student and teaching aids to bring on variable activities of students shall be based on additionally for the success.

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High Achieving Students' Understanding of Continuity of Function (상위 집단 학생들의 함수의 연속 개념 이해)

  • Lee Kyung Hwa;Shin Bo Mi
    • Journal of Educational Research in Mathematics
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.39-56
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    • 2005
  • This paper provides an analysis of a survey on high achieving students' under-standing of continuity of function. The purposes of the survey in this paper were to identify high achieving students' concept images of continuity of function in the way of Tall & Vinner(1981). The students' individual written answers were collected and task-based, semi-structured individual interviews with 5 students were videotaped. Students were asked to explain their under-standing or reasoning about continuity of function. Five types of the concept images were identified in the analysis. Obvious discrepancy of results between this study and Tall & Vinner(1981)'s were pointed out. It is very likely that the differences in results drawn in both studies are results of the different orientations of the textbooks in terms of their degree of emphasis on the concept definition of continuity of function.

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The Development of the Writing Software for the Electronic Blackboard Supporting the User Action Recognition Functions (사용자 동작 인식 기능을 지원하는 판서 소프트웨어 개발)

  • Choi, Yun-Su;Jung, Jin-Uk;Hwang, Min-Tae;Jin, Kyo-Hong
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.1213-1220
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    • 2015
  • By the dissemination of the electronic blackboard systems, smart devices, and digital contents, the Korean government is recently conducting the project that replaces the classic education which utilizes paper textbooks with SMART education using various devices. Also, teachers in the field must be easily able to use SMART education infrastructure for the activation of SMART education. Especially, since the electronic blackboard is expected as a education device which will be most common for teachers, the writing software operated on the this device must supports a simple interface. And the usage of it must be simple. In this paper, we developed the writing software for the electronic blackboard which everyone can use easily. Our writing software supports the basic writing function, the human gesture recognition function which recognizes the user gesture and performs works corresponding with that gesture, and the automatic button alignment function based on the frequency of the usages.

The current state of early English education and its more desirable direction (조기 영어교육의 실태와 바람직한 방향 -우리나라 초등학교 영어교육을 중심으로-)

  • Kim, Hae-Gyeom;Cha, Ho-Soon
    • English Language & Literature Teaching
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    • no.3
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    • pp.141-183
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    • 1997
  • This paper aims to find out the current state of early English education in the world(including Korea) and to suggest its more desirable direction, with special reference to TEFL in elementary schools of Korea. In fact English teaching in elementary schools of Korea has been put into practice as an extracurricular activity since 1982. But in 1995 the Ministry of Education proclaimed a policy to establish a TEFL program as the regular course in elementary schools of Korea since 1997. In this connection, the writer surveyed several kinds of theories about early English education to verify the necessity and validity of Korea's elementary school English education. The logical result from these theories is that younger children are better equipped to learn foreign languages with efficiency than older children or adults. However, as most studies are based on logical inferences rather than on direct observation or experimental evidence, we are not sure that those theories are right. In this view, the writer put stress on the preparation of educational environments to establish a more desirable direction of early English education in Korea, since Korea's elementary school English education will be practiced under EFL environment, not ESL environment. The writer also pointed out some problems of educational finances, the curriculum development process and its content, teaching materials(textbooks and tapes), English teachers, teaching methods, evaluation, educational facilities. This paper concludes that we have to try to solve these problems to succeed in a TEFL program in elementary schools of Korea and suggests several things for a more desirable direction of Korea's elementary school English education.

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Blended Learning Applied Curriculum Design for Nursing Department's Computer-Utilizing Academic Subjects (간호학과의 컴퓨터 활용 교과목 수업을 위한 브랜디드 러닝을 적용한 교과과정 설계)

  • Yoon, Sung-Ja;Kim, No-Whan;Park, Jin-Seob
    • The Journal of the Korea institute of electronic communication sciences
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.375-384
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    • 2017
  • This paper is intended to provide a good lecture to computer utilizing courses in the Department of Nursing, therefore first analyzes the outlines of relevant qualifying examinations as well as the contents of the textbooks and syllabus that are currently taught in universities, and then design the curriculum by applying blended learning for effective proceedings of computer-utilizing course. The curriculum for computer-utilizing course which this paper suggests is based on blended learning which blends face-to-face classes with e-learning classes, and its two tracks of teaching and practice include weekly core areas, teaching goals, and subjects. Therefore, this curriculum is expected to lead to excellent learning outcomes as it will become a good teaching scheme for teachers and will motivate students to acquire license. and to find employment.

A Design and Demonstration of Future Technology IT Humanities Convergence Education Model (미래기술 IT인문학 융복합 교육모델 설계 및 실증)

  • Eunsun Choi;Namje Park
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.159-166
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    • 2023
  • Humanities are as crucial as the technology itself in the intelligent information society. Human-centered convergence information technology (IT), which reflects emotional and human nature, can be considered a unique technology with an optimistic outlook in the unpredictable future. Based on this research background, this paper proposed an education model that can improve the IT humanities capabilities of various learners, including elementary and secondary students, prospective teachers, incumbent teachers, school managers, and the general public, through analysis of previous studies on convergence education models. Furthermore, the practical aspects of the proposed model were closely examined so that the proposed education model could be stably incorporated and utilized in the educational field. There are seven strategies for implementing the education model proposed in this paper, including research on textbooks, teaching and learning materials, activation of research results, maker space creation, global joint research, online education operation, developing living lab governance, and diversification of self-sustaining platforms for sustainable and practical education. In the future, validity verification through expert Delphi is required as a follow-up study.