• Title/Summary/Keyword: national defense

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Developing Cyber Warfare of South Korea through Russia's Hybrid Warfare case (러시아의 하이브리드전을 통해 본 한국의 사이버전 발전방안)

  • Se Hoon Lee;Seung hoon Lee
    • Industry Promotion Research
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.65-76
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    • 2024
  • Recent international conflicts have evolved into hybrid warfare, combining conventional military operations with cyber warfare, public opinion manipulation, and psychological warfare. Hybrid warfare involves the unpredictable use of various forces and strategies that blur the lines between war and peace, targeting the vulnerabilities of adversary nations. Among these, cyber warfare is a key tool used to incite social chaos, weaken the enemy's resolve, and achieve political and military objectives before physical military attacks take place. This paper aims to analyze the cyber warfare tactics employed by Russia before and after its physical military engagements, focusing on key cases such as the 2007 cyberattack on Estonia, the 2008 invasion of Georgia, the 2014 annexation of Crimea, and the 2022 war in Ukraine. By examining the methods, processes, and patterns of Russia's cyber operations in these conflicts, the study seeks to predict potential cyberattack scenarios by North Korea and explore cyber warfare development strategies suitable for the security context of the Korean Peninsula. Based on these analyses, the paper suggests strategies tailored to South Korea's current situation, which involves a continuous standoff with North Korea. Proposed measures include establishing a global cyber defense cooperation framework with the United States, countering public opinion and psychological warfare through social media, and enhancing national-level civil-military cooperation to prepare for cyber-electronic warfare.

A Study on the Threat of North Korean Small Drones (북한 소형 드론 위협 사례에 대한 연구)

  • Kwang-Jae Lee
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.397-403
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    • 2024
  • North Korea's rapidly advancing drone development and operational capabilities have become a significant threat to South Korea's security. The drone incursions by North Korea in 2014, 2017, and 2022 demonstrate the technological advancement and provocative potential of North Korean drones. This study aims to closely analyze the military threats posed by North Korean drones and seek effective countermeasures. The research examines the development level of North Korean drone technology, its military applications, the characteristics and patterns of recent drone incursions, the adequacy and limitations of South Korea's current response systems, and future countermeasures. For this purpose, domestic and international research literature and media reports were reviewed, and specific North Korean drone incursion cases were analyzed. The results indicate that North Korea's small drones possess technological features such as small size, low altitude, low-speed flight, long-duration flight, and reconnaissance equipment. These drones pose threats that can be utilized for reconnaissance, surveillance, surprise attacks, and terrorism. Additionally, South Korea's current response systems reveal limitations such as inadequate detection and identification capabilities, low interception success rates, lack of an integrated response system, and insufficient specialized personnel and equipment. Therefore, this study suggests various technical, policy, and international cooperative countermeasures, including the development of drone detection and identification technologies, the utilization of diverse drone neutralization technologies, the establishment of legal and institutional foundations, the construction of a cooperative framework among relevant agencies, and the strengthening of international cooperation. The study particularly emphasizes the importance of raising awareness of the North Korean drone threat across South Korean society and unifying national efforts to respond to these threats.

A Study on Conflict Prevention in the Site Selection of National Defense Facility Relocation Projects (중대재해 처벌 법의 실효성 제고를 위한 법적 쟁점 분석 및 경영자 안전보건관리 전략에 대한 연구)

  • Hoon Han
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.10 no.5
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    • pp.253-260
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    • 2024
  • This study aims to analyze the key legal issues of the Serious Accidents Punishment Act (SAPA), which came into effect on 2022, in South Korea, and to propose practical occupational safety and health management strategies for business executives. The SAPA was introduced to prevent serious industrial accidents and protect workers' lives and safety. However, its effectiveness has been controversial due to the ambiguity of the law and uncertainty in its application. The study first provides an overview of the SAPA's main provisions and analyzes legal issues focusing on the punishment of business executives and the punitive damages system. Key issues identified include the ambiguity of "safety and health obligations," difficulties in proving causality, and unclear criteria for determining intent or gross negligence. Recent cases of serious accidents are examined to illustrate practical challenges in applying the law. Furthermore, the study compares the punitive damages system under the SAPA with that of the Product Liability Act and similar systems in the United States, United Kingdom, and Germany. This comparative analysis highlights the characteristics and problems of the Korean system, such as the unclear punitive nature, controversy over excessive compensation, and potential for abuse of litigation. Finally, the study proposes practical occupational safety and health management strategies for business executives to effectively respond to the SAPA and create safer workplaces. Key strategies include establishing a safety and health management system, conducting risk assessments, implementing safety education, managing subcontractor safety, and investing in safety and health.

The Influences of Workplace Bullying on Organizational Silence: A Mediation of Job Burnout (직장 내 따돌림이 조직침묵에 미치는 영향: 직무소진의 매개효과)

  • Chan Woo Park;Jisung Park
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.205-231
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    • 2024
  • Purpose - The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between workplace bullying and defensive silence/acquiescent silence, and to examine a mediation model of job burnout. Design/methodolgy/approach - The survey questionnaires were distributed to 974 employees of a public R&D institute, financial industry, and public officials in Daejeon and Chungnam, and a total of 322 surveys were collected. 288 valid responses were used for the final data analysis using SPSS 21.0 and Amos 22.0. Descriptive statistics were used to identify demographic characteristics of the sample. Reliability analysis of the measurement was conducted using Cronbach's alpha coefficient, and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was performed to check the validity of the measurement. Hierarchical regressions were used to examine the relationship between the variables including the moderating effect of job calling. The mediating effect of job burnout and the moderated mediation effect of job calling was analyzed using bootstrapping with PROCESS Macro installed on SPSS 21.0. Findings - The findings of the study are as follows: First, workplace bullying had a significant positive effect on both defensive silence and acquiescent silence. Second, workplace bullying had a significant positive effect on job burnout. Third, job burnout had a significant positive effect on both defensive silence and acquiescent silence. Fourth, job burnout significantly mediated the relationship between workplace bullying and defensive silence, and between workplace bullying and acquiescent silence. Research implications or Originality - The results of this study show that workplace bullying is an important variable that must be managed, because workplace bullying leads to job burnout that can hinder the performance improvement and innovation activities of the organization, which in turn leads to organizational silence. On the other hand, in the research model, the job calling was used as a moderating variable to alleviate the positive effect of workplace bullying and job burnout on the defensive and acquiescent silence, but there was no significant moderating effect. In addition to the job calling, which is the moderating variable used in this study, it is judged that it is necessary to consider specific measures to prevent members from reaching job burnout and reduce silent behavior by investing appropriate job resources such as supporting colleagues, supervisors and leadership in the workplace.

A Comparative Study between Space Law and the Law of the Sea (우주법과 해양법의 비교 연구)

  • Kim, Han-Taek
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.187-210
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    • 2009
  • Space law(or outer space law) and the law of the sea are branches of international law dealing with activities in geographical ares which do not or do only in part come under national sovereignty. Legal rules pertaining to the outer space and sea began to develop once activities emerged in those areas: amongst others, activities dealing with transportation, research, exploration, defense and exploitation. Naturally the law of the sea developed first, followed, early in the twentieth century, by air law, and later in the century by space law. Obviously the law of the sea, of the air and of outer space influence each other. Ideas have been borrowed from one field and applied to another. This article examines some analogies and differences between the outer space law and the law of the sea, especially from the perspective of the legal status, the exploration and exploitation of the natural resources and environment. As far as the comparisons of the legal status between the outer space and high seas are concerned the two areas are res extra commercium. The latter is res extra commercium based on both the customary international law and treaty, however, the former is different respectively according to the customary law and treaty. Under international customary law, whilst outer space constitutes res extra commercium, celestial bodies are res nullius. However as among contracting States of the 1967 Outer Space Treaty, both outer space and celestial bodies are declared res extra commercium. As for the comparisons of the exploration and exploitation of natural resources between the Moon including other celestial bodies in 1979 Moon Agreement and the deep sea bed in the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, the both areas are the common heritage of mankind. The latter gives us very systematic models such as International Sea-bed Authority, however, the international regime for the former will be established as the exploitation of the natural resources of the celestial bodies other than the Earth is about to become feasible. Thus Moon Agreement could not impose a moratorium, but would merely permit orderly attempts to establish that such exploitation was in fact feasible and practicable, by allowing experimental beginnings and thereafter pilot operations. As Professor Carl Christol said until the parties of the Moon Agreement were able to put into operation the legal regime for the equitable sharing of benefits, they would remain free to disregard the Common Heritage of Mankind principle. Parties to one or both of the agreements would retain jurisdiction over national space activities. In so far as the comparisons of the protection of the environment between the outer space and sea is concerned the legal instruments for the latter are more systematically developed than the former. In the case of the former there are growing tendencies of concerning the environmental threats arising from space activities these days. There is no separate legal instrument to deal with those problems.

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The relationship of the office given condition of the country important facility private security and job satisfaction degree (국가중요시설 경비원의 직무여건과 직무만족도의 관계)

  • Son, Ki-Ho
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.33
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    • pp.103-135
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    • 2012
  • The object is that this research searches the relationship of the office given condition actual condition of the country important facility private security guard and job satisfaction degree. In order to grasp and analyze the real state of the country important facility private security guards directly, the questionnaire, that is the general measurement tool, was utilized and the guard whom it works in the airport, the port region and general work place, that is the national important facility of Busan and Ulsan area, was aimed at. The enough survey object was illustrated to the facility and person in charge in the security company and the item was previewed and the total 400 sheets was distributed and 331 sheets (82.8%) except the doubleness subject intention and incongruent questionnaire was utilized for the analysis. The statistic processing of collected data utilized the SPSS version 15.0 the statistical package program through data coding and cleaning process and performed the frequency analysis, reliability analysis, t-test, one way analysis of variance, Pearson analysis, and regression analysis. The relationship of the office given condition actual condition of the guard about the national important facility and job satisfaction degree was classified into the interpersonal relationship, task characteristic, office environment, and complement factor and the difference of the job satisfaction degree according to the general characteristic was verified. If the conclusion obtained through the method of study described in the above looked at, for as to general tendency, the low wages and poor field environment was continued. In the general characteristic, the man was higher than the excitation about the job satisfaction level. As there was lots of the age and the scholarship was low, the age was high. And as there was lots of the career and income, the police of a petition or search and guide staff was high and the job satisfaction degree in which relatively the employee and the other job group is high so that the case of being the former student incidence can be the poorest was shown rather than the facility security agent. As the interrelation analysis result job satisfaction was high, the change of occupation pseudo was low and the organizational commitment degrees was increased. The regression analysis result job satisfaction degree was exposed to reach the meaningful effect on the change of occupation pseudo and organizational commitment. It had an effect on the change of occupation pseudo as the task characteristic and office ambient level was low. It had an effect on the organizational commitment as the extend of satisfaction about the task characteristic and interpersonal relationship, complement, and office ambient level were high. If the research result of this time is integrated, the support of the political system including the interpersonal relationship thesis between top and bottom of the organized I and substantial complement actualization is urgently needed between the office given condition improvement effort in the country important facility defense manpower field and police of a petition and special guard.

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60 Years since the Armistice Treaty, the NLL and the North-Western Islands (정전협정 60년, NLL과 서북 도서)

  • Jhe, Seong-Ho
    • Strategy21
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    • s.31
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    • pp.27-56
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    • 2013
  • The United Nations Command (UNC) and the communist North failed to reach an agreement on where the maritime demarcation line should be drawn in the process of signing a truce after the Korean War because of the starkly different positions on the boundary of their territorial waters. As a result, the Armistice Treaty was signed on July 1953 without clarification about the maritime border. In the following month, Commander of the UNC unilaterally declared the Northern Limit Line (NLL) as a complementing measure to the Armistice. Referring to this, North Korea and its followers in South Korea wrongfully argue that the NLL is a "ghost line" that was established not based on the international law. However, one should note that the waters south of the NLL has always been under South Korea's jurisdiction since Korea's independence from Japan on August 15, 1945. There is no need to ask North Korea's approval for declaring the territorial waters that had already been under our sovereign jurisdiction. We do not need North Korea's approval just as we do not need Japan's approval with regard to our sovereign right over Dokdo. The legal status of the NLL may be explained with the following three characteristics. First, the NLL is a de facto maritime borderline that defines the territorial waters under the respective jurisdiction of the two divided countries. Second, the NLL in the West Sea also serves as a de facto military demarcation line at sea that can be likened to the border on the ground. Third, as a contacting line where the sea areas controlled by the two Koreas meet, the NLL is a maritime non-aggression line that was established on the legal basis of the 'acquiescence' element stipulated by the Inter-Korea Basic Agreement (article 11) and the Supplement on the Non-aggression principle (article 10). Particularly from the perspective of the domestic law, the NLL should be understood as a boundary defining areas controlled by temporarily divided states (not two different states) because the problem exists between a legitimate central government (South Korea) and an anti-government group (North Korea). In this sense, the NLL problem should be viewed not in terms of territorial preservation or expansion. Rather, it should be understood as a matter of national identity related to territorial sovereignty and national pride. North Korea's continuous efforts to problematize the NLL may be part of its strategy to nullify the Armistice Treaty. In other words, North Korea tries to take away the basis of the NLL by abrogating the Armistice Treaty and creating a condition in which the United Nations Command can be dissolved. By doing so, North Korea may be able to start the process for the peace treaty with the United States and reestablish a maritime line of its interest. So, North Korea's rationale behind making the NLL a disputed line is to deny the effectiveness of the NLL and ask for the establishment of a new legal boundary. Such an effort should be understood as part of a strategy to make the NLL question a political and military dispute (the similar motivation can be found in Japan's effort to make Dokdo a disputed Island). Therefore, the South Korean government should not accommodate such hidden intentions and strategy of North Korea. The NLL has been the de facto maritime border (that defines our territorial waters) and military demarcation line at sea that we have defended with a lot of sacrifice for the last sixty years. This is the line that our government and the military must defend in the future as we have done so far. Our commitment to the defense of the NLL is not only a matter of national policy protecting territorial sovereignty and jurisdiction; it is also our responsibility for those who were fallen while defending the North-Western Islands and the NLL.

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Some Issues on China General Aviation Legislation (中國通用航空立法若干問題研究)

  • Shuang, Luan
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.99-143
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    • 2016
  • General aviation and air transport are two wings of the civil aviation industry. Chinese air transport is developing rapidly, and has become the world second air transport system only second to US since 2005. However, Chinese civil aviation is far behind the world average level, and cannot meet requirements of economic construction and social development. The transition and structural adjustment of Chinese economy provide the general aviation with a unprecedented broad market. The prospect of general aviation is promising and anticipated. The development of general aviation industry needs the legislative supports, and the current legislative conditions of Chinese general aviation are undoubtedly far behind the realistic requirements. Accelerating the legislation in Chinese general aviation industry requires scientific legislation concept. First, Legislation must promote development of general aviation industry. The general aviation will serves as a Chinese emerging industry that boosts domestic demand, promotes employment and expedite domestic economic development. We should, based on both the concept of promoting the industrial development of general aviation and national industrial planning, enact and rectify relative laws and regulations. And we should also straighten out the relationship between aviation security and industrial development and promote the revolution of low-altitude airspace management in an all-round way, in order to improve the utilization rate of airspace resources, classify and establish airspace, simplify examination and approval procedure and intensify operation management. In addition, what we should do is to expedite the infrastructure layout construction, guide the differentiated but coordinated development of general aviation industries in various areas, establish a united supervision mechanism of general aviation, redistrict the responsibilities of Chinese Air Control Agency and set up legislation, law enforcement and judicial systems with clarified institutions, clear positioning and classified responsibilities, so as to usher in a new era of the legislative management of Chinese general aviation industry. Second, shift the focus from regulations to both regulations and services. Considering the particularity of the general aviation, we should use American practices for reference and take into account both regulation and service functions when enacting general aviation laws. For example, we should reduce administrative licensing and market supervision, and adopt "criteria" and "approval" management systems for non-commercial and commercial aviation. Furthermore, pay attention to social benefits. Complete social rescuing mechanism through legislation. It should be clarified in legislation that general aviation operators should take the responsibilities of, and ensure to realize social benefits of environmental protection and ecological balance .Finally, rise in line with international standards. Modify Chinese regulations which is inconsistent with international ones to remove barriers to international cooperation. Specify basic legislative principles. One is the principle of coordination. Realize coordination between the civil aviation and general aviation, between military aviation and civil aviation, and among departments. Two is the principle of pertinence. The general aviation has its own rules and specialties, needing to be standardized using specialized laws and regulations. Three is the principle of efficiency. To realize time and space values of general aviation, we should complete rules in aerospace openness, general aviation airport construction, general aviation operations, and regulation enforcement. Four is the principle of security. Balance the maximum use of resources of Chinese airspace and the according potential threats to Chinese national interests and social security, and establish a complete insurance system which functions as security defense and indemnificatory measure. Establish a unified legal system. Currently, the system of Chinese general aviation laws consists of national legislation, administrative laws and regulations and civil aviation regulations (CAR). Some problems exist in three components of the system, including too general content, unclear guarantee measures, incomplete implementation details, and lacking corresponding pertinence and flexibility required by general aviation regulations, stringency of operation management and standards, and uniformity of standards. A law and regulation system, centered on laws and consisting of administrative laws regulations, industrial regulations, implementation details, industrial policies and local laws and regulations, should be established. It is suggested to modify the Civil Aviation Law to make general aviation laws complete, enact the Regulations of General Aviation Development, and accelerate the establishment, modification and abolition of Chinese general aviation laws to intensify the coordination and uniformity of regulations.

The Effect of Translationally Controlled Tumor Protein (TCTP) of the Arctic Copepod Calanus glacialis on Protecting Escherichia coli Cells against Oxidative Stress (북극 동물플랑크톤 Calanus glacialis TCTP (Translationally Controlled Tumor Protein)가 산화적 스트레스 상태에서 E. coli 세포의 저항성에 미치는 효과)

  • Park, Yu Kyung;Lee, Chang-Eun;Lee, Hyoungseok;Koh, Hye Yeon;Kim, Sojin;Lee, Sung Gu;Kim, Jung Eun;Yim, Joung Han;Hong, Ju-Mi;Kim, Ryeo-Ok;Han, Se Jong;Kim, Il-Chan
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.30 no.11
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    • pp.931-938
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    • 2020
  • Translationally controlled tumor protein (TCTP) is one of the most abundant proteins in various eukaryotic organisms. TCTPs play important roles in cell physiological processes in cancer, cell proliferation, gene regulation, and heat shock response. TCTP is also considered an important factor in the resistance to oxidative stress induced by dithiothreitol or hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). Arctic calanoid copepods have a variety of antioxidant defense systems to regulate the levels of potentially harmful reactive oxygen species generated by ultraviolet radiation in the Arctic marine ecosystem. However, information on the antioxidant activity of TCTP in the Arctic Calanus glacialis is still scarce. To understand the putative antioxidant function of the Arctic copepod C. glacialis TCTP (Cg-TCTP), its gene was cloned and sequenced. The Cg-TCTP comprised 522 bp and encoded a 174-amino acid putative protein with a calculated molecular weight of ~23 kDa. The recombinant Cg-TCTP (Cg-r TCTP) gene was overexpressed in Escherichia coli (BL21), and Cg-rTCTP-transformed cells were grown in the presence or absence of H2O2. Cg-rTCTP-transformed E. coli showed increased tolerance to high H2O2 concentrations. Therefore, TCTP may be an important antioxidant protein related to tolerance of the Arctic copepod C. glacialis to oxidative stress in the harsh environment of the Arctic Ocean.

Life-time Prediction of a FKM O-ring using Intermittent Compression Stress Relaxation (CSR) and Time-temperature Superposition (TTS) Principle (간헐 압축응력 완화와 시간-온도 중첩 원리를 이용한 FKM 오링의 수명 예측 연구)

  • Lee, Jin-Hyok;Bae, Jong-Woo;Kim, Jung-Su;Hwang, Tae-Jun;Park, Sung-Doo;Park, Sung-Han;Min, Yeo-Tae;Kim, Won-Ho;Jo, Nam-Ju
    • Elastomers and Composites
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    • v.45 no.4
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    • pp.263-271
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    • 2010
  • Intermittent CSR testing was used to investigate the degradation of an FKM O-ring, also the prediction of its life-time. An intermittent CSR jig was designed taking into consideration the O-ring's environment under use. The testing allowed observation of the effects of friction, heat loss, and stress relaxation by the Mullins effect. Degradation of O-rings by thermal aging was observed between 60 and 160C. In the high temperature of range (100160C) O-rings showed linear degradation behavior and satisfied the Arrhenius relationship. The activation energy was about 60.2 kJ/mol. From Arrhenius plots, predicted life-times were 43.3 years and 69.9 years for 50% and 40% failure conditions, respectively. Based on TTS (time-temperature superposition) principle, degradation was observed at 60C, and could save testing time. Between 60 and 100C the activation energy decreased to 48.3 kJ/mol. WLF(William-Landel-Ferry) plot confirmed that O-rings show non-linear degradation behavior under 80C. The life-time of O-rings predicted by TTS principle was 19.1 years and 25.2 years for each failure condition. The life-time predicted by TTS principle is more conservative than that from the Arrhenius relationship.