• 제목/요약/키워드: modern literature

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A Literature Review and A Clinical Examination of Burning Acupuncture Therapy of using D.I.T.I. (화침요법(火鍼療法)의 연구동향(硏究動向)과 D.I.T.I를 활용(活用)한 임상적(臨床的) 고찰(考察))

  • Park Sang-Jun;Ahn Soo-Gi
    • Journal of Acupuncture Research
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.407-425
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    • 1998
  • We have studied the clinical application of burning acupuncture by examining 18recent-published papers in the journal 'ZHONGGUO ZHENJIU(中國鍼灸)' for the bibliographical study and clinical study and have given medical treatment of burning acupuncture on 21 Patients who suffered 'the body chill symptoms(冷症)' at the oriental hospital of Won-Kwang University, Kwang-Ju. As a result, we have come to some conclusions as below. 1. The diseases for which the modern borning acupuncture is efficacious are widely extended to various kinds of field such as surgery, internal medicine, gynecology, ophthalmology, otolaryngology. etc. as well as numbness, meridian muscle disease(經筋病) mentioned in 'Neijing(內徑)' . 2. The effects of burning acupuncture therapy are wen zhuang yang qi(溫壯陽氣), sheng ji lian chuang(生肌斂瘡), san han chu shi(散寒除濕), qu fens zhi yang(祛風止痒), qu yu chu fu pai nong(祛瘀除腐排膿), san jie xiao zhong(散結消腫), zhi tong huan ji chu ma mu(止痛緩急除麻木), qing re xie hue jie du(淸熱瀉火解毒). 3. The recently reported diseases for which burning acupuncture is good are internal and external humeral epicondylitis, atheroma, menorrhalgia, thecal cyst, tragomaschalia, pruritus, traumatic onychophemia, gout of feet, prostatomegaly, aacne, supprative infection of body surface, snapping finger, backache, numbness, pyocyst etc. 4. The subjective symptoms of 'the body chill symptoms(冷症)' were, most of all, feeling cold accompanied by pain(16 case), while just 4 cases were feeling cold only. 5. In the related diseases of the body chill symptoms(冷症), feeling pain like arthralgia was the most case, and then dysmenorrhea, menorralgia, depression, anemia in order. 6. In the D.I.T.I before and after burning acupuncture treatment, 6 patients had shown 'excellent' effects and 8 patients had turned out 'good', while 7 patients had become'fair'. 7. In the degree of patient-satisfaction, 5 patients announced 'excellence' and 6 patients expressed 'good', 4 expressed 'fair', while the other 6 showed no change. 8. In the correlation of D.I.T.I and patient-satisfaction, the better the result of clinical treatment was, the more satisfied the patient was, however, in the case 'fair', we saw the degree of patient-satisfaction was relatively low, so we could admit the judging significance of D.I.T.I.

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Literature Review on Parkinson's Disease in Oriental Medicine (파킨슨병의 한의학적 고찰 -병인병리(病因病理)와 침구요법(鍼灸療法)을 중심으로-)

  • Park, Sang-min;Lee, Sang-hoon;Yin, Chang-shik;Kang, Mi-kyeong;Chang, Dae-il;Kang, Sung-keel;Lee, Yun-ho
    • Journal of Acupuncture Research
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.202-210
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    • 2004
  • Objective: In order to find oriental medical therapies on Parkinson's disease and to make a fundamental basis for clinical application, this study was performed. Methods: We reviewed 35 kinds of the ancient and modern text, and related articles. Results: Parkinson's disease is an extrapyramidal disease characterized by akinesia, tremor at rest, rigidity, and slowness of movement. In old oriental medical text, Parkinson's disease is described as Jinjeon(振顫), Chi, Gyeong (痙), Gyejong, Ryeon(攣) and Pyeongo(偏枯), Tantan, Jungbu(中腑症) of Jungpung(中風). According to the text, major pathological causes were Wind(風), Fire(火), Phlegm(痰), and Blood stasis(瘀血). And Parkinson's disease can be classified into four clinical types as liver & kidney yin-deficiency, qi & blood deficiency, retention of phlegm-heat, and qi-stagnation & blood stasis. Standardized acupuncture points are GV20, GB20, GV14 on head, CV12, ST25 on abdomen, GV26, ST7, GB1, S14, LI20 on face, LI4, LI11, TE5, SI3, HT3, LI15, SI6 on upper extremity, and ST36, GB34, SP6, LR3, KI1, GB30, BL40 on lower extremity. Other methods, such as scalp acupuncture, electro-acupuncture, and herb-acupuncture, can be applied to treat Parkinson's disease. Conclusions: We find out that there are oriental medical concepts related with Parkinson's disease such as Jinjeon(振顫), Chi, Gyeong (痙), Gyejong, Ryeon(攣) and Pyeongo(偏枯), Tantan, Jungbu(中腑症) of Jungpung(中風), of which major causes are Wind(風), Fire(火), Phlegm(痰), and Blood stasis(瘀血). We can also apply many effective acupuncture points and acupuncture therapies according to differential diagnosis, for example, liver & kidney yin-deficiency. qi & blood deficiency, retention of phlegm-heat, and qi-stagnation & blood stasis.

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A Study for Examine into Nursing Organizational Culture (I);Review of the Literature about the Concept of Organizational Culture (병원 간호조직문화 규명을 위한 연구(I);조직문화 개념에 대한 문헌고찰)

  • Kim, Moon-Sil;Han, Su-Jeong;Kim, Jung-A;Park, Hyun-Tae
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.89-105
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    • 1998
  • Modern organizations, both complicated and complex, operate in an economic climate of· turbulence and rapid change. And Today's healthcare environment is changing, driven by demographic, environmental. social, political and technological forces. In actual practice, the organization usually depend on several factors such as economic state of organization, managerial strategies, a synthesis of several theories that reflect individual biases, specific circumstances, and practical realities. These rapidly changing healthcare environment and professional nursing practice need a strategy for the organizational development and goal attainment. An understanding of organizational culture could help managers enhance or expand their management strategy, thus increasing the probability of their success in the organization. Organizational culture is an abstract, yet potent managerial concept. With roots in several disciplines, several perspectives and definitions of organizational culture have emerged. The concept of organizational culture has been rapidly introduced into the academic and organizational world, with the much attention to the excellent companies that have continued rapid grow th despite the overall world economic recession in the late of 1970s. Organizational culture is the combination of the symbols, language, assumptions, and behaviors that overtly manifest an organization's norm and values. It is the taken-for-granted and shared meanings people assign to their social surroundings that can have a profound effect on an organizaitonal decision making and performance. For attaining a organizational goal and developing organization, it is necessary to put emphasis on developing organizational culture. It has to set organizational culture well understood by its members as an instrument to achieve the organizational goals. Both Manager and staff can focus and act on the values identified. Also, managers will exhibit better decision making capabilities because they are guided by perception of the organizational values. Therefore, understanding of organizational culture could give a strategy for organizational development that assist hiring personnel, orienting new comers, facilitating organizational change and promoting learning and so on. But their is few study on nursing organizational culture in Korea. Moreover they have not had a clear definition of Korean nursing organizational culture. Therefore, it is necessary to lay down definition of Korean nursing organizational culture and fine out real factor of Korean nursing culture. For defining a definition of Korean nursing organizational culture, this study assessed several definitions of organizational culture, factors of culture, types of culture, and functions of culture through book review.

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A Study on Rural Landscape Change by Government's Development Policy (농촌개발정책이 농촌경관 변화에 미친 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Kang, Young-Eun;Choi, Dong-Wook;Hong, Sung-Hee;Jung, Yun-Hee;Kim, Sang-Bum;Im, Seung-Bin
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.39 no.6
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    • pp.21-35
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    • 2011
  • This study is basic research which aims to compare and analyze changes in rural areas in modern times. The main purpose of this study is to comprehend the characteristics of changes in the Korean rural landscape and to suggest the implications for preservation and maintenance of the rural landscape. To help in understanding the rural landscape systematically, it should be divided into six types: housing landscape, cultivation landscape, green landscape, waterside landscape, streetscape and symbolic and religious landscape. According to this step, the contents and the procedures of changes were analyzed generally. Based on the literature review and field survey, the styles of changes were deduced to be formation, alternation, relocation, damage and restoration on landscape elements. Lastly, it was concluded that complex changes of landscape in rural areas from the government's development policy have been continued from macroscopic changes like overall structure and system of landscape to microscopic changes like shape, material, size and color of each landscape element. Rural villages which have not had the government's development policy applied to them may not be appropriate for this study. However, this study has significance in that it can suggest the direction for desirable rural planning. Future studies need to consider landscape change through not only the development policy but also economic, social and cultural factors.

Two Cases of Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome with Pulmonary Hemorrhage Induced by Injection of Silicone at Perineum (외음부의 실리콘액 주사에 의한 폐출혈 및 급성 호흡 곤란 증후군 2예)

  • Kang, So-Eun;Yong, Suk-Joong;Lee, Won-Yeon;Shin, Pyo-Jin;Kim, Mi-Hae;Park, Hark-Cheon;Shim, Myung-Sook;Choi, Hyun-Min;Shin, Kye-Chul;Lim, Mi-Ae;Yang, Kyung-Moo
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.51 no.2
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    • pp.166-172
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    • 2001
  • Silicone fluid is a biomaterial widely used in modern cosmetic procedures because there are few side effects, considerable chemical stability and predictable physical properties. However, many local and systemic adverse reactions have reported. In particular some serious pulmonary complications have been reported such as pulmonary thromboembolism, acute respiratory distress syndrome with some cases leading to mortality. Most of the serious complicated cases were induced by an illegal silicone fluid injection. We experienced two cases of acute respiratory distress syndrome with pulmonary hemorrhage induced by an illegal silicone fluid injection. The patients were 41 & 51 year old women, who complained of dyspnea. The chest X-ray and HRCT scan findings showed a bilateral ground glass attenuation on the bilateral dependent portion of the upper and middle lung zone. The patients clinical symptoms and the radiologic and other laboratory findings were compatible with acute respiratory distress syndrome induced by the silicon fluid injection. Here we report two cases of acute respiratory distress syndrome with pulmonary hemorrhage induced by an illegal silicone injection with a review of the relevant literature.

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The Effects of Cinema Costumes on Fashion -Based onEdith Head's Work- (영화예술에 나타난 의상이 유행에 미친영향 - Edith Head의 영화 의상을 중심으로 -)

  • 이정희
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.31
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    • pp.145-164
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    • 1997
  • Cinema costume can stimulate the public to synchronize with and replicate what they see in the movies. Especially when the public thinks the stars in the movies . Especially when the public thinks the stars in the movies are beautiful or dramatic the styles of cinema costumes powerfully affect them. Thus cinema costume designers quickey become fashion designers. Edith Head who strongly believed cinema costumes to be an effective means of portraying the Character's personality and psychological make-up was an innovative designer whose costumes manifested this belief. She enhanced the character's individual image and distinction for the public through her artistic design in costumes. She adapted a realistic approach but her costumes invariably produced aesthetic ef-fects. Since the Academy Awards added the category of costume design she led the field with 35 nominations and eight oscars during 33 years of her productive work. Edith head was a dominant figure in costume design; her creations were highly renowned as an art form while they gained popularity. The purpose of this study was to reveal the ef-fects of Edith Head's cinema costume designs on fashion. This study was also to emphasize the powerful influence on ashion of cinema costume and cinema costume designers in general. The study was done through literature movies for which she created costumes fashion magazines and Edith Head's original sketches. The influence of Edith Head's costume de-sign on fashion is as follows: 1. She introduced and lead the casual fashion in the 1950's combining simplicity and sophistication. 2. She altered uniforms and reconstructed public clothing for multiple functions. 3. She rearranged high school prom dresses through the movie 'A Place in the Sun" to en-hance characteristic of each gender and the Dandy Look of the 1930's into men's apparel in the 1970's through the movie "The Sting" 4. She expanded the traditional style in the 1940's and became a leader in ecological style. 5. She adapted glitter from astronaut's ap-parel into public clothing. 6. She resturctured Sabrina Pants in the 1960's to accentuate the individuals strength by overcoming one's weakness without minimi-zing it's aesthetic appeal and reintroduced the pants in the 1990's. 7. She introduced elegant negligees to gen-eral public and maintained it in the public do-main. As it is revealed Edith Head's costume de-sign not only impacted the field of fashion dur-ing her time but also is presently influencing modern fashion throughout the world as it is witnessed by repeated reintroduction of her fashion styles. Reviewing her cinema costumes it is concluded that cinema costumes it is concluded that cinema costumes powerfully af-fect the public through a visual channel more than any other routes. Cinema costumes can become the origin of fashion by stimulating the public to synchronize with and replicate what they see in the movies. Since cinema costumes can launch fashion trend it requires further research. Based on what is revealed in this study. it would be beneficial to examine how cinema costumes affect people socially and culturally and how they could provide resources for re-search in fashion trends. It is also the writers opinion that there should be more designers such as Edith head who could lead the field of costume design into the twenty-first century.

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Korean Urban Woman's Experience of Menopause : Newlife (중년기 여성의 폐경경험)

  • Lee, Kyung-Hee;Chang, Choon-Ja
    • 모자간호학회지
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.70-86
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    • 1992
  • What is the meaning of menopause experienced by urban Korean women? Nurses need an under standing of menopause as it is experienced by women themselves. Nursing needs to build knowledge of womens' health experiences. This phenomenological study examined what menopause means to modern Korean woman to build a structure of knowledge useful for practice to enhance the quality of life of women throughout this experience. Traditional definition of menopause according to physiological changes, as illness and more recently as psychosociocultural phenomena were examined along with the folk lore information generally available in the society A review of the research and scientific literature was done from the perspectives of four models including the medical model of menopause as disease, the psychosocial model as positive and negative behavioral responses to menopause, a feminist model of menopause as a time of rebirth and a nursing model of the changing patterns of meaning, rythms and transformation women experience through menopause. Van Kaam's method was used to analyse data audio-recorded during interviews by the investigator with 65 women, 40 to 60 years of agey whose confidentility was assured. Interpretation of the data was enhanced luther by consultation with professional colleugues and with informants. Four rhythmical patterns of process emerged : from suffering to comfort, from oppression to freedom from being a good wife and wise mother to becoming a woman and from a hard life to an abundant life. The detailed common elements making up each of the four patterns and definitions of each pattern were presented. Each pattern was discussed critically from the point of view of medical, psychosociocultural, womens' and nursing models. The structural definition of the synthesis of the four process patterns was stated as : in spite of suffering the middle-aged urban Korean woman find she is able to help herself to feel comfortable and to realize release as she moves from oppression to liberation and freedom from being a good wife and wise mother she experiences rebirth as a woman : she begins to live a profitable and valuable life : her life becomes one of transformed abundant living. The definition transcends the medical and phychosociocultural model to embody a nursing model. The analysis was critiqued by using Parse' Human Becomming theory of nursing because the emerging themes were process patterns. Parse' theory provides and explanation of the experience of menopause consistant with the data which enhances nursing understanding of womens' experience of menopause. Parse' practice methodology provide guidance for promoting womens' quality of life throughout the experience of menopause. Feminist analysis contributes valuable critique to nursing research, richly expanding the perspective from traditional approaches to promote understanding of the meaning of womens' health experiences.

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A Study on The Evaluation for Quality Factors of SNS and SNS Media by Using AHP (AHP 기법을 적용한 SNS 품질요인 및 SNS 매체 평가에 관한 연구)

  • Li, Nan;Park, Deuk
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.19 no.12
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    • pp.299-307
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    • 2014
  • Nowadays, SNS media has become one of the most common and economic communication methods in the modern word. With the rapid development of communication technology, a variety of SNS media makes easier for us to reach other people everywhere and people are getting more and more reliant on them. The surge in SNS media users and SNS media diversity gets more important every day, but academic research on SNS media evaluation program is scanty. In order to present an evaluation program on the SNS media, this study selected some applicable measurement factors based on reference research, and then evaluate major SNS medias by using AHP analysis method. With these purposes, Kakaotalk, Twitter and Facebook, are the three major SNS medias that were chosen for the analysis. Through collections and analysis of usability evaluation factors about SNS quality from related literature, some factors were concluded: system quality, information quality, interface quality and service quality, to build an AHP frame. And to achieve these purposes, this study applied comprehend mutual questionnaire survey for experts and users to gather research date. Empirical studies about the results were performed using AHP method with Microsoft Office Excel 2010. In this study, the final SNS media evaluation result is that Kakaotalk ranks first of the three SNS media, Facebook is in the second place, and Twitter as least. When SNS media are evaluated, system quality, information quality, interface quality and service quality should be considered. Among all factors, service quality is the most important.

Analysis on Gender Characteristics Expressed in Male and Female Costume During the Ancient Greek Age (그리스 시대의 남성복과 여성복에 표현된 젠더(gender) 특성 분석)

  • Yi, Myoung-Hee;Choi, Yoonmi
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.63 no.4
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    • pp.84-100
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    • 2013
  • Ancient Greece was a patriarchal society that distinguished gender roles between men and women. Although their costumes were composed of simple rectangular fabric without any technical complications in itself, the Greeks did try to express gender differences in their clothing. The final look of the Greek costume was dependent on the way the cloth draped onto its wearer as well as the wearer's identity. Greeks costume could just be seen as a rectangular fabric when it was not draped on a person's body. The purpose of this study is to examine how the gender differences were expressed in the ancient Greek drapery costume, which was made by using a completely different technical process, compared with the modern tailored costume. There are four elements of the costume that give the costume its formative shape, which are the wearer's body, the rectangular fabric (material as the first formative costume), the way the fabric is draped, and the final appearance as the second formative costume (the relationship between the wearer's body and the costume) and this study analyzes these elements individually. It is intended to analyze the gender characteristics and how each element appears in a different way from the perspective of Structuralism, an analytical method that considers a phenomenon as a total sum of the elements. Literature research was conducted and representative sculpture, painting and pottery, were used between the Archaic Period (B.C. 800~500) and the Classical Period (B.C. 500~323). The results show that the gender differences appear in each formative element of costume: First, the body was distinguished by the ancient Greek custom. The man's nudity was accepted while the woman's body was concealed. Second, in regards to the first formative costume, which was the rectangular fabric, men's were made with thick high quality wool because their involvement in outdoor activities meant that they needed clothes to stay warm, while the women wore clothes made of thin wool or hemp cloth, because their most of their activities were at home. Third, the way to drape the fabric shows the gender differences by changing the length of the clothing and its design ; men's short khiton was practical for big movement and at the same time the clothing exposed the man's body. The woman's doric khiton diversified its decoration by the size of the apotigma and by using the belt. Finally the second formative costume reflected the Greeks' social distinction between a man's body and a woman's body. The man's costume naturally exposed the man's body. On the other hand, the woman's long costume has a variety of shapes on the ground, that concealed her lower body, while the ornamental function was more accentuated than the man's costume. The gender differences expressed in Greek costume fundamentally reflected the point of view of the male and female body and their social roles in society.

A Study on the European Symbolist Costume -Focusing on Gustav klimt's Art World- (유럽 상징주의 복식에 관한 연구 -구스타브 클림트(Gustav Klimt)의 회화 세계를 중심으로-)

  • 양숙희
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.22
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    • pp.277-296
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    • 1994
  • The progressive artists in Austria including Gustav Klimt organized the Viennes Se-cessionist in 1897 and they took an active part in the reformation of the reformation of the applied art by accepting the Jugendstil standing for the true art. The vocabularies which characterize this group are decoration literature and the power of symbol. Klimt especially expressed these characteristics and his strong person-ality. For he created his works with the sym-bolic and friendly splendor through his highly decorative talents by accepting the enwly changed artistic situation in those days and by getting out of the naturalistic trends he was regarded as an avant-garde artist as a major figure among the Symbolist artists who revived European culture which was destroyed through the World War I. The characteristics of klimt's works was to express the various human thoughts and minds through the decorativeness and the femininity and to use the decorative elements of old Greek and Egyptian culture and Japanese art as the motives of his works, His art is to be found between the naturalistic characteristics and formalization as well as between the in-dustrial arts and the fine arts. In his many portraits he preferred women by trying to express eroticism hidden behind the human inner world. For this he demonstrated the attractiveness and the characteristics of the models by designing the illusionary and unique clothes. In general his genius was to be seen through the costume which was decorated with metals and jewels and through the characteristics of the modern costume in which the previous solid silhouette was removed and the gentle and elegant me-dium color was used. by accepting the new artistic trends in the turn of the century by fully expressing those characteristics in his creative world and by taking his theme from the eroticism through the decorativeness and the expression of women Gustav Klimt's uniquely decorative ex-pression completely realized the aesthetics of Jugendstil symbol decoration and expression which displayed not only the external appear-ance but also the inner world. Especially he created a new appearance emphasizing the costume of the characters in his works. Also through the costume he expressed his artistic consciousness and psy-chology. He showed the characteristics of the reformed costume through the medium color the simple forms and gentle silhouette. Also he tried to symbolize the passionate inner pow-er by designing the small mosaics such as the geometrical patterns whirlpool patterns and the indecent meanings all over the costume. Klmt's this kinds of attemps shows a Stil Kostume as the external outcome of the inner spiritual activities like art and it establishes a basis for the theory of costume are which deals with the concepts of costume from the artistics points of view. This tradition playing an important role in the contemporary history of costume even has been still inherited up to today.

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