• Title/Summary/Keyword: job evaluation

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A Study on Fitness Evaluation for Major Education of Competency Unit Element by the Development and Application of Subject Contents Based on NCS of Health Majoring Students at Junior Colleges (전문대학 보건계열학과 전공학생의 NCS 기반 교과내용 개발 적용에 따른 직무능력 단위요소의 전공교육 적합성 평가)

  • Kim, Min-Ja;Yang, Hee-Jung
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.17 no.8
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    • pp.508-516
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    • 2016
  • This study was conducted to investigate the fitness of major courses according to the development and application of new curricula based on the NCS (National Competency Standards) of health-related departments at junior colleges. To accomplish this, 300 students of the health-related departments at junior colleges were surveyed from March 11 to March 30, 2016. The overall findings showed that their awareness of NCS, intent of integration and understanding of curriculum contents had a significant effect on the fitness for linkage and combination with existing education. Competency unit elements based on the newly developed NCS (job, work, qualification and training standardization of major courses) were linked with existing education. And students - who accept this - are rapidly assimilated into the new curriculum contents. In particular, they have a high understanding of the integrated development of standardized curricula between three major departments, unlike existing textbooks. In conclusion, the high perception and understanding of knowledge integration education are expected to have a positive effect on healthcare education, establishing an early health-related NCS system in the future, and improving site fitness for development of the contents of NCS.

A Case Study on High-Performance-Computing-based Digital Manufacturing Course with Industry-University-Research Institute Collaboration (고성능 컴퓨팅 기반 디지털매뉴팩처링 교과목의 산·학·연 협력 운영에 관한 사례연구)

  • Suh, Yeong Sung;Park, Moon Shik;Lee, Sang Min
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.610-619
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    • 2016
  • Digital manufacturing (DM) technology helps engineers design products promptly and reliably at low production cost by simulating a manufacturing process and the material behavior of a product in use, based on three-dimensional digital modeling. The computing infrastructure for digital manufacturing, however, is usually expensive and, at present, the number of professional design engineers who can take advantage of this technology to a product design accurately is insufficient, particularly in small and medium manufacturing companies. Considering this, the Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information (KISTI) and H University is operating a DM track in the form of Industry-University-Research Institute collaboration to train high-performance-computing-based DM professionals. In this paper, a series of courses to train students to work directly into DM practice in industry after graduation is reported. The operating cases of the DM track for two years since 2013 are presented by focusing on the progress in establishment, lecture and practice contents, evaluation of students, and course quality improvement. Overall, the track management, curriculum management, learning achievement of students have been successful. By expediting more active participation of the students in the track and providing more internship and job offers in the participating companies in addition to collaborative capstone design projects, the track can be expanded by fostering a nationwide training network.

Availability Evaluation of Quasi Static RTK Positioning for Construction of High Rise Buildings and Civil Structures (고가(高架)구조물의 정위치 시공을 위한 준스태틱RTK 측위의 적용성 실험)

  • Kim, In-Seop
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.119-126
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    • 2011
  • During precise survey on the top of High rise buildings and civil structures, optical surveying equipments like a Total Station are not recommended to use because of some reasons that uneasier alignment with reflectors located at the top of building, increasing error depends on increasement of observation distance and unavailable dynamic positioning etc. Recently various GPS positioning methods have been applied to this job however almost of them are post-processing method which is required much longer time during for whole process includes stake-out, cross checking, fixing positions and final inspections. Therefore, in this study, we applied with RTK surveying system which allows stake-out and inspection in realtime to avoid delaying of construction schedule and also applied with Quasi Static RTK measurement and network adjustment to get a high accuracy within a few millimeters in structure positioning to achieve a successful management for process and quality control of the project. As a result, very high accurate surveying for structures within approx. 2mm in realtime has been achieved when surveyor conduct a network adjustment using least square method for 4 base lines created by Quasi Static RTK data and we expect this method will be applied to construction survey for high rise buildings and civil structures in the future.

Perception and Service Needs about Nutrition Education of Pregnant and Lactating - To Compare with Pregnant and Lactating Women, Health Specialist and College Women - (집단 변인에 따른 임신 및 수유에 관한 의식 및 영양 교육 요구도 비교 - 임신수유부, 의료전문인, 여대생 집단 비교 -)

  • Ahn Hong-Seok;Lee Young-Mee;Oh Yu-Jin
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.327-337
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    • 2006
  • The major purpose of this study was to develop the nutrition education contents and material through the basic data from the service provider and the consumer. And also, to find out the differences of attitude and needs between the service provider (SP breastfeeding specialist), present consumer (PC, pregnant or lactating women) and future consumer (FC, college women). There were types of questionnaires, which consisted of needs and attitudes toward child and maternal nutrition, as well as the personal characteristics of the study subjects. The subjects consisted of 113 breastfeeding specialists who served at medical related institutions, 197 pregnant or lactating women and 309 college women. The self-administered questionnaires from subjects were collected from October to November 2005 in Seoul and Kyunggi Province. The data was analysed by SPSS Win 12.0, ANOVA and Kruskal-Wallis test. The results of this study were as following: 1) The most Important determining factors on breastfeeding was 'medical specialist's support' (3.51) and the next one was 'knowledge of maternity care practice' (3.39). And the importance score of determinating factors on breastfeeding was significantly different between each group (p < 0.001). The groups of consumer (3.50 at PC and 3.59 at FC) considered the service provider (3.32) more important. The service providers considered a more effective determining factor to be 'husband and family support' and 'peer support' than the others (p <0.001). 2) To compare the effective factors of breastfeeding practices between the three groups, the service providers were more significantly considered than the otters such as 'attendance of intervention program' (p < 0.001). But the PC group considered the most effective factors wis 'mother's job after delivery'. 3) The self-evaluated score of the breastfeeding knowledge was the most high in SP; the score was significantly different between groups. The knowledge score of nutritional aspects in human milk was most highly evaluated. But maternity care practice and public acceptance marked the lower evaluation score than other issues. 4) The desirable types of educational material was mass media, and the next was printed matter such as booklets. Two kinds if consumers preferred DVD or VCR tapes than and the service provider group (p < 0.001). 5) The priority contents of nutrition service PC group wanted the information about infant care more than maternal care (p < 0.05), but FC group's priority was significantly different compared with PC group (p < 0.001). The priority of SP group pointed out the information of practical child care methods. The results showed the needs of nutrition service, education channels, and perception toward effective factors on consumer behavior changes were significantly different between each group. Thus the result of this study may suggest that consumer oriented nutrition service programs must be developed.

Top Management's Human and Social Capital Effect on Governmental R&D Support System Utilization and Success (최고경영진의 인적 및 사회적 자본이 정부의 R&D 지원제도 활용과 초기 성과에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Je-Keum;Hwang, Hee-Joong;Song, In-Am
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.13 no.6
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    • pp.71-78
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    • 2015
  • Purpose - This study attempts to analyze whether or not there are characteristics among the top management of companies that promote corporate performance at venture companies. It investigates the characteristics of the human and social capital that are inherent in top management at a venture company and conducts an empirical analysis of hypotheses examining if these characteristics will affect utilization of the governmental R&D support system as well as affect the firm's initial success. Research design, data, and methodology - This study conducted theoretical and empirical research together to accomplish the goal of the study. The pilot study researched human capital and social capital as the independent variables; the governmental R&D support system as the parameter; and, the initial success as the dependent variable. The empirical study carried out research on the model, establishment of hypotheses, and the statistical treatment. A survey was conducted targeting top management of high-tech venture companies in Daedeok Innopolis; 500 questionnaires were distributed; and, 222 were collected. Results - The human and social capital inherent in top management at venture companies in the early stages of their existence become good evaluation data for those who are invested in similar resources. If top management includes strong human and social capital, access to external resources will be easier; these will have a positive influence on the selection of overnmental support systems; and, this proper support will also have a positive influence on the initial success of the venture company. The results revealed the following. First, it was found that when the educational level and functional background, (the top management human capital), are the output function, top management human capital had a significant influence on selection of governmental R&D support funds. Second, it was found that the internal social capital and external social capital, (the top management social capital), had a significant influence on selection of governmental R&D support tasks. Third, it was found that selection of the governmental R&D support tasks at the start of the venture company had a positive influence on the corporate financial performance such as sales, business profits, and the increase in workers; and, had a significant influence on nonfinancial performance such as market share, competitive position, product competitiveness, and the future product development. Conclusions - Selection of the governmental R&D support system is not recognized as part of the direct sales of a venture company in its early stages, but as it can reduce costs for technical development and helps significantly in creating test products and mass production, it has a positive influence on the company's financial performance and nonfinancial performance as a result. Therefore, companies should take great efforts to frequently be selected as a candidate in the governmental R&D support system, as it can help facilitate R&D that requires extensive funds. As a result, companies can expect effects such as job creation and patent applications and they can advance future product sales.

Benefit Evaluation for Traffic Transfer System using Contingent Valuation Method in Tourist Resort (CVM을 이용한 관광지 환승 교통시스템의 편익 추정에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Byeong-Ju;Seo, Im-Gi;NamGung, Mun
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.57-66
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    • 2007
  • According to the rapid economic growth and the escalation of recreational tourism activities due to the change of job and working patterns, currently various traffic problems often occur in tourist areas. As tourist traffic, contrary to general traffic, is not regional but rather from outside the area of interest, it is hard to grasp the traffic situation surrounding the tourist area. Furthermore, since the traffic is concentrated during a limited tourist season, it is difficult to examine and solve the problem. In this study, in order to test the feasibility of introducing a traffic transfer system to reduce congestion in tourist areas, the authors considered the differences in traffic congestion between typical and tourist seasons and designed a willingness to pay model. The willingness to pay amount for a shuttle bus fare is assumed as 1,430 Won and 1,650 Won is assumed for a transfer parking charge. These amounts were slightly above the current bus fare in the study area, but many people thought that the introduction of a traffic transfer system would help to relieve the traffic congestion approaching the tourist area and to develop tourism resources. As the willingness to pay appeared high from the persons used in this study, it was indirectly confirmed that the introduction of a traffic transfer system would be a step in the right direction.

An Improvement in Level of Facility Security Operation (시설보안 운영수준 향상방안)

  • Chung, Tae-Hwang;Chang, Hang-Bae
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.32
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    • pp.205-225
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    • 2012
  • This study is to present an improvement of facility security through the evaluation of facility security operation level. To fulfill the purpose of the study, a survey of some facilities was conducted and the result was analyzed as follows; First, although security personnels were deployed in the facilities, the level of security personnel operation was relatively low. Second, job education training level was relatively proper, that is relevant to the result that show the level of service mind and the working mind of security personnel were proper, also relevant to the relatively good work shift system. Third, although situation room was operated well, the level of restricted area set-up and access control of visitor were low, and the level of article inspection and vehicle access control were very low. Forth, the level of security manual application that include detailed security method and procedure was proper. But accident prevention and response manual application was lower than security manual application, that show preparation for fire and negligent-accident is passive. For the improvement of facility security, the high level part and low level part in the survey result could be merged. For example, we could specify factors that show low level in the survey such as security personnel operation, access control of visitor and vehicle, article inspection, accident prevention and response in the security manual and promote education circumstance that show high level.

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Analysis of the Quality of Distance Education Contents in Pursuit of Better Educational Effectiveness (원격교육의 효과성 향상을 위한 콘텐츠 품질수준 분석)

  • Kim, Ja-Mee;Kim, Yong;Lee, Won-Gyu
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.11 no.5
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    • pp.1838-1844
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    • 2010
  • In distance education, contents are to convey what to learn to learners, and the efficient quality assurance of contents is the very first step to the enhancement of distance education. Most studies of the quality assurance of contents have mostly centered around the development of evaluation tools, and few studies have ever focused on analysis of the quality of contents itself, since it's not easy to do that due to difficulties in the selection of evaluatees or of contents to be analyzed. The purpose of this study was to analyze the quality of 58 distance education contents of on-the-job training and another training for the acquisition of qualifications. As a result, the contents of the learning contents segment ranked first. Among the components of each segment, there was room for improvement in the level of learning and learning elements in the learning contents segment. In terms of instructional design, the quality of interaction components should be taken to another level to boost the quality of contents in this segment. The findings of the study are expected to give some suggestions about which parts of contents should be improved in quality from a perspective of contents developers or suppliers to enhance the overall quality of contents.

A Study on the Nutrition Intake Realities to an Affect Influence Factors for Dweller in City Area (도시지역주민의 영양제 복용 실태와 이에 영향을 미치는 요인)

  • 최종생;변정환;남철현
    • Korean Journal of Health Education and Promotion
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.34-51
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    • 1991
  • In the research and analysis for survey practice on stability on the nutrition intake relities to an affect influence factor for variable reason to discovers dweller in cities area which is in order to prevent an unfortunately influence that thus obviously restricted by nutrition intake would be restoration. And then attempted to avhivement of stability fulfil to correct nutrition intake needed under the establish for effectiveness measured to provide the primary required resources be considerations must accomplish certain survey of goals. Therefore subject of criticism for survey was conducted during January 4 1990 to January 24 1990 through 20 days adapted place were Seoul, Taegu and Pohang cities dweller 1206 person be conducted under the expert survey personnel by directly the survey was conducted with the questional form has atapted for its survey conclusion of result be summarixed as bellow. 1) The subject of criticism for survey was ferformed to personnel adapted age group 40 to 49 were 24.9%, Age group 50 to 59 were 18.4% shows most adult group has significant higher value rate appearenced. In consideration the education level were evaluated the college grauated ; 48.8% and High School graduated: 30.1% shows that more educated level has significant higher rate value were appearenced. 2) On the subject of criticism to evaluation for adapted personnel by native place such as larger citypeople ; 29.6%, Farming and fishing village people were 28.4%, although the classfication of job analysis for estimation appearence rate were ; students 27.4%, Sales and service field personnel rate ; 15.1% and expert technique field personnel were ; 90% comprehensively appearenced. Although consideration for ecnomics situation review to the middle level shows of rate ; 61.7% and lower level was appearenced rate ; 23.9% of each others. 3) The people of resident in cities were appearenced nutrition intake has more than 2 weeks continuousely practiced by experiance rate shows ; 72% thus intake has experianced rate were 74.6% and female was 68.5% affact is comprehensively male has more many higher rate valued. In the classfication by age group 60 year old has 100% they have experiaced of nutrition intake and age group 50 to be appearenced its rate ; 76.4 % and age group 40 were 75.5% Thus result of survey for comparative rate shows in generally say more aged group has intake significant higher than younger age of group. Nevertheless, age group 10 years old be experienced of nutrition of intake rate ; 63.2% and age group 20 shows 73.9% was comparative more significant higher than age group 30 years old level adolescents.

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Research into Clinical Nurses' Knowledge, Importance and Perception of Diabetes Mellitus (임상 간호사의 당뇨병에 대한 지식, 중요도 및 인지도 조사)

  • Shin, Jeong-Sup;Park, Choon-Ja
    • The Journal of Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.95-107
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    • 2002
  • The purpose of this study is to determine the clinical nurses' knowledge of DM and diabetes patient education aptitude so as to provide a basis for clinical nurse training with respect to diabetes patient education program. The data has been collected through the questionnaires of 42 items from the Knowledge on DM and each 16 item from the Importance on the elements of diabetes patient and the Recognition for clinical nurses, respectfully. 166 nurses from a general hospital who had participated in clinical nurse training in Sep. 28 and Oct. 4, 2001 were subject to respond the questionnaires. Analysis has been done by using statistical method such as percentage, average, standard deviation, t-test, ANOVA, Duncan test and Pearson correlation coefficients. The findings are as follows: 1. Clinical nurses' knowledge levels of diabetes 1) The average level of nurses' knowledge about diabetes is 29.37 (right answer- finding rate: 70%), which is intermediate. 2) Amongst the nurses classified by their knowledge levels about diabetes, the group with less than one year career and that with more than 5 year careers are found to have higher knowledge levels. The item with the highest right answer-finding rate was 'Please find the wrong out of the following examples about foot care'. Meanwhile, the item with highest incorrect answer-finding rate was 'what does blood sugar control aims for amongst gestational diabetes?'. 2. Clinical nurses' importance and perception levels of educational training about diabetes 1) There were no differences amongst nurses' importance level about diabetes. 2) Nurses usually had high scores(4.30) in terms of the items related to the importances about educational training. 3) There were quite high recognitions of general characteristics and symptoms about diabetes, amongst the nurse cohorts working more than one year and less than 5 years, and over 5 years, the group belonging to the internal department, that having the previous experiences of dealing with diabetes, and that having their diabetic relatives and other close people. Meanwhile, strangely, the group who identified themselves as 'not good at treating diabetes' had a high recognition level of educational training about diabetes. 3. Relationship between knowledge levels and importance & perception levels of diabetes 1) The higher knowledge about diabetes nurses had, the more importance they recognized. 2) It is found that there was no relationship between knowledge and perception of diabetes. 3) The more importance about diabetes nurses had, the higher perception they obtained. In conclusion, there is an urgent need for systematic educational programs about diabetes including technical aspects, in order to upgrade and improve nurses knowledge levels. In addition, re-educational training should be provided at regular intervals. Further, we believe the nurses with high knowledge about diabetes and interests in the provision of educations for patients can be far more confident, and in return, patients can have better self-management about diabetes obtained through educations. Based on the above-mentioned findings, we would like to make the suggestion: re-evaluation about nurses' knowledge and cognition levels should be carried out after job training programs about diabetes.

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