• Title/Summary/Keyword: job autonomy

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Task performance and Job Satisfaction of Nurses in Non-life Insurance Companies (손해보험사 심사간호사의 업무수행과 직무만족)

  • Park, Soon-Joo
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.487-495
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    • 2001
  • Purpose : In this study, task performance and job satisfaction of nurses in non-life insurance companies were examined to improve the personnel management in their companies. Method : Data collection was done with 119 nurses in non-life insurance companies in October and November, 1999. Data analyses were performed using SPSS Win 8.0 package. Result: The Results were as follows: 1. The tasks most commonly performed by nurses were 'medical fee inspection', 'education for staves', 'management of the injured', 'management of injury and disablement'. 2. The mean score of total job satisfaction was 3.2(interaction. 3.8; professional status, 3.6; autonomy, 3.4; task requirements, 3.1; administration, 2.8; pay and advancement, 2.6). 3. Task performance was significantly correlated with job satisfaction total score(r=0.478, p<.01). The item, 'executing statistical works and data analyses related with injury and disablement', was highly correlated with job satisfaction total score(r=0.418, p<.01). 4. The amount of task performance was significantly correlated with educational background and position. The job satisfaction level significantly correlated with personal experience and position. Conclusion : To improve the work efficiency and job satisfaction in the companies, it is necessary to set the bounds of task performance and to enlarge the promotion opportunities to higher positions.

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A Study on the Job and Need Satisfactions of Elementary School Foodservice Employees in Seoul Area (서울지역 초등학교 급식종사원의 직무 및 욕구만족도에 관한 연구)

  • 장서영;한명주
    • Korean journal of food and cookery science
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    • v.18 no.6
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    • pp.625-631
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    • 2002
  • The objectives of this study were to determine the degree of job satisfaction and need satisfaction of school foodservice employees, and the relationship between Job in General(JIG) and need satisfaction. The six demographic items, the Job Descriptive Index(JDI) and JIG scale, and Need Satisfaction Questionnaire(NSQ) were used to evaluate job satisfaction and need satisfaction of school foodservice employees. The results of this study showed that the employees were satisfied with co-workers(2.52), then supervision(2.48), work(1.86), promotion(0.72) and pay(0.51) in decreasing order. Older employees(Age$\geq$40) tended to be more satisfied in JIG(p=0.0620) than younger employees(20$\leq$Age$\leq$39). Employees were satisfied in social needs, then autonomy needs, self-actualization needs, esteem needs, security heeds in decreasing order. There were no significant differences between demographic factors and five need categories. When the employees were classified by their scores on JIG, Group I having the lowest score tended to be less satisfied(p=0.0627) in security needs than Group II and Group III. The information of study could be useful for foodservice managers in job design to increase the productivity.

Relationship Between Job Characteristics and Production Performance of Employees in Production Department - Centered on Moderating Effects of Characteristics of Managerial Accounting Information - (생산부서 종업원들의 업무특성과 생산성과와의 관계분석 - 관리회계정보 특성의 조절효과를 중심으로 -)

  • Lim Kyu-Chan
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.125-135
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    • 2006
  • The objective of this study is to verify effects of employees' cognition of their job characteristics in production department of manufacturing companies on production performance and also to verify the moderating effect of the characteristics of managerial accounting information in the relationship between job characteristics and productivity. To achieve this purpose, this study divides the factors of job characteristics into task diversity, task significance, autonomy, and task identity and production performance into flexibility, time, and quality. The results of this study are as follows. First, There is a significant relationship between job characteristics and production performance according to employees' cognition of their job characteristics. Second, There is a significant relationship between job characteristics and production performance according to the characteristics of managerial accounting information.

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The Effect of Job Crafting on Career Satisfaction and Job Satisfaction - Mediating Effect of Person-Job fit - (잡 크래프팅(Job Crafting)이 경력만족 및 직무만족에 미치는 영향 - 개인-직무 적합성의 매개효과 -)

  • Hyeryeon An;Sunhwa Kwag
    • Journal of East Asia Management
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.63-92
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    • 2023
  • This study analyzes the effect of job crafting behavior on career satisfaction and job satisfaction that allows active participants to perform their jobs in a work environment where autonomy and delegation are emphasized, and how the degree of person-job fit plays a role in the relationship between the three variables. The results of an empirical analysis of 360 employees of domestic companies are as follows. First, job crafting was found to have a positive (+) effect on career satisfaction and job satisfaction, respectively, confirming the importance of job crafting in a situation where the work environment changes rapidly. Second, job crafting was found to have a positive (+) effect on desire-supply fit and ability-demand fit, respectively, which are components of person-job fit. This means that person-job fit can be improved through task, cognitive, and relationship crafting. Third, it was found that desire-supply fit and ability-demand fit had a positive (+) effect on career satisfaction and job satisfaction. This means that the higher the person-job fit the more satisfied the career and job. Finally, desire-supply fit has a partial mediating effect in the relationship between job crafting, career satisfaction, and job satisfaction and ability-demand fit has a partial mediating effect in the relationship between job crafting, job satisfaction. In summarizing the above research results, this study suggested in a changing organizational environment that it is necessary to provide individual active work performance (job crafting) opportunities for career satisfaction and job satisfaction, and that it is important to create an organization's support environment to enhance person-job fit.

A Comparative Study on the Job Characteristics and Job Satisfaction in Correctional Nurses and Hospital Nurses (교정간호사와 병원간호사의 직무특성과 직무만족도의 비교)

  • Kim, Ki-Kyong;Hur, Hea-Kung
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.233-241
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    • 2003
  • Purpose : This comparative study was designed to compare job characteristics and job satisfaction in correctional nurses and hospital nurses. Methods : The participants for this study were 96 nurses (46 correctional nurses, 50 hospital nurses). The survey instruments included Job Diagnostic Survey(JDS) developed by Hackman & Oldman (1980) and amended by Lee(1997) and Index of Work Satisfaction(IWS) developed by Stamps and Piedmonte (1978) and amended Park & Yun (1992). Data were analyzed using of means, percentages, $x^2$ - test, t-test, Pearson correlation coefficient with SPSS program. Results : 1) Differences in job characteristics between correctional nurses and hospital nurses were not significant, but the mean score for correctional nurses' skill variety was significantly higher (t=-1.99, p<0.05) than hospital nurses 2) Differences in job satisfaction between two group were not significant, but the mean score for correctional nurses' pay satisfaction was significantly lower (t=-3.67, p<0.01.) than hospital nurses 3) There were significant negative correlations(r=-.544, p<.01) between correctional nurses' job characteristics and job satisfaction related to pay, but significant positive correlations (r=.331, p<.05) between job characteristics and professional status of job 4) There were significant positive correlations (r=.283, p<.05) between hospital nurses' job characteristics and job satisfaction, job characteristics and professional status of job (r=.530, p<.O1), and positive correlations between autonomy of job characteristics and job satisfaction (r=.522, p<.01). Conclusion : The results suggest a redesign of correctional nurses' job and improvement of outcomes. it is also recommended that job be done toward expanding and improving the reward system

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The influential Factors of excessive daytime sleepiness for public Service Workers at Subway Stations (지하철 역무직 근로자의 주간수면과다증 영향 요인)

  • Choi, Suk-Kyong;Jung, Eun-Sook
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.13 no.12
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    • pp.225-233
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    • 2015
  • This study was conducted in an attempt to determine the factors that cause excessive daytime sleepiness among 927 subway station employees located in Seoul. Data were collected with a structured questionnaire through the web site and were analyzed using SPSS 20.0 statistical software. Results showed that marital status made a statistically significant difference in general characteristics, and hobby/leisure activities made a statistically significant difference in health-related characteristics. Workplace and satisfaction with the organization made a significant difference in job-related characteristics, and physical environment, job demand, job autonomy, relationship conflicts, organizational system, inappropriate compensation, and organizational culture made a statistically significant difference in job stress factors. Factors that affect excessive daytime sleepiness were hobby and leisure activities, satisfaction with the organization, physical environment, job demand, job autonomy, organizational system and organizational culture, showing a 20.5% explanatory power. This study proposes the operation of programs that can improve the physical environment, change the organizational system and increase satisfaction with the organizational culture among station employees in order that they can enjoy their hobby/leisure life and relieve job stress so that they can avoid excessive daytime sleepiness.

Identification of Employee Experience Factors and Their Influence on Job Satisfaction (직원경험 요인 파악 및 직무 만족도에 끼치는 영향력 분석)

  • Juhyeon Lee;So-Hyun Lee;Hee-Woong Kim
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.181-203
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    • 2023
  • With the fierce competition of companies for the attraction of outstanding individuals, job satisfaction of employees has been of importance. In this circumstance, many companies try to invest in job satisfaction improvement by finding employees' everyday experiences and difficulties. However, due to a lack of understanding of the employee experience, their investments are not paying off. This study examined the relationship between employee experience and job satisfaction using employee reviews and company ratings from Glassdoor, one of the largest employee communities worldwide. We use text mining techniques such as K-means clustering and LDA topic-based sentiment analysis to extract key experience factors by job level, and DistilBERT sentiment analysis to measure the sentiment score of each employee experience factor. The drawn employee experience factors and each sentiment score were analyzed quantitatively, and thereby relations between each employee experience factor and job satisfaction were analyzed. As a result, this study found that there is a significant difference between the workplace experiences of managers and general employees. In addition, employee experiences that affect job satisfaction also differed between positions, such as customer relationship and autonomy, which did not affect the satisfaction of managers. This study used text mining and quantitative modeling method based on theory of work adjustment so as to find and verify main factors of employee experience, and thus expanded research literature. In addition, the results of this study are applicable to the personnel management strategy for improving employees' job satisfaction, and are expected to improve corporate productivity ultimately.

Organizational Commitment of Hospital Employees -Testing a Causal Model in Korean Hospitals- (병원근무자의 직장애착에 관한 연구 -한 인과모형의 검증을 중심으로-)

  • 서영준
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.173-201
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    • 1995
  • A causal model of organizational commitment on the basis of Western literature was tested with a sample of 1,164 employees from two university hospitals in Korea. The model contains three groups of determinants : environmental variables(job opportunity, spouse support, and parent support), psychological variables(met expectations, work involvement, positive affectivity, and negative affectivity), and structural variables(job autonomy, work unit control, routinization, supervisor support, coworker support, role ambiguity, role conflict, workload, resource inadequacy, distributive justice, promotional chances, job security, job hazarda, and pay). The data were colleted with questionnaires and analyzed with the LISREL maximum likelihood method. It is found that (1) the following variables, listed in order of size, have significant total effects on organizational commitment : job satisfaction, met expectations, supervisor support, job security, routinization, job opportunity, negative affectivity, work involvement, distributive justice, and promotional opportunity, (2) the model explains fifty-nine percent of the variance in organizational commitment, and (3) the link with expectancy theory is justified by the results for met expectations. Two conclusions can be drawn from these findings. First, the model of organizational commitment appears to be generalizable to Korean hospitals. Second, the model of organizational commitment should include such theoretical variables as environmental, psychological, and structural factors.

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Job Stress and Health Status of Circulation Enterprise Workers (일 유통업체 근로자의 직무스트레스와 건강상태)

  • Han, Young-Ran;Park, Hyun-Ju;Yoon, Hee-Sang
    • Research in Community and Public Health Nursing
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.622-635
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    • 2008
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to measure the level of job stress and health status and find out factors affecting the health status among circulation enterprise workers. Method: This study was a cross-sectional descriptive study. The subjects were 128 workers whose mean age was 33.2 years. Korean occupational stress questionnaire Short Form was used to measure job stress. Todai Heath Index that was made by Aoki in 1977 and translated by Kim(1997) was used to measure the health status. Results: The total job stress scores of men and woman fell in the lower 50% of Korean workers. Job autonomy and interpersonal conflicts as a subcategories fell in upper level 50% in both men and women and job insecurity fell in the upper level 50% in women. The mean score of health status was 51.47, indicating slightly higher frequency of complains of health symptoms. There was no significant correlation between total job stress and total health status. Finally, factors influencing the health status were organizational system and age. Conclusion: Based on the results of this study, it is necessary to develop comprehensive stress management programs including interventions of personal and organizational levels for promoting workers' health.

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Influence of Rehabilitation Therapists Six Personality Factors on Job Stress and Turnover Intention

  • Wang, Joong San;Park, Hyun Ju
    • Journal of International Academy of Physical Therapy Research
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.1528-1532
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    • 2018
  • This study aimed to analyze the six personality factors of rehabilitation therapists and to identify the effects of these factors on their job stress and turnover intention. This study involved physical therapists and occupational therapists as rehabilitation therapists. A structured questionnaire was distributed to rehabilitation therapists, and 186 answered copies were used for data analysis. The results of the survey were as follows: Among the six personality factors, the rehabilitation therapists showed the highest level of honesty-humility and the lowest level of openness to experience. In terms of job stress, the subjects experienced the highest level of stress from job autonomy and the lowest level of stress from relationship conflict. In terms of turnover intention and work motivation reduction, the subjects scored above the median points, showing their high levels of turnover intention. In addition, higher levels of extraversion and agreeableness in the rehabilitation therapists led to a statistically significant reduction in their turnover intention and a statistically significant decrease in most of their job stress factors. Based on these results, organizational management aimed at increasing the personality factors of extraversion and agreeableness is necessary as a measure to effectively manage rehabilitation therapists' job stress and turnover intention.