• Title/Summary/Keyword: internet ethics awareness

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Factors affecting the awareness of internet ethics and the intention to practice internet ethics in dental hygiene students (치위생과 학생의 인터넷 윤리의식과 인터넷 윤리 실천의지의 영향요인)

  • Kim, Yun-Jeong
    • Journal of Korean society of Dental Hygiene
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    • v.17 no.6
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    • pp.1183-1193
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    • 2017
  • Objectives: The purpose of the study was to investigate factors affecting the awareness of internet ethics and intention to practice internet ethics in dental hygiene students. Methods: A self-reported questionnaire was completed by 254 dental hygiene students in the Jeonnam area from September 1 to 22, 2017. The data were analyzed by exploratory factor analysis, Pearson's correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis using the SPSS 12.0 program. Results: Factors affecting the awareness of internet ethics were personal information sensitivity (${\beta}=0.242$, p<0.01) and ethical identity(${\beta}=0.185$, p<0.05) (Adjusted $R^2=0.143$). The factor related with intention to practice internet ethics was personal information sensitivity (${\beta}=0.464$, p<0.001) (Adjusted $R^2=0.212$). Conclusions: To improve the awareness of internet ethics and intention to practice internet ethics in dental hygiene students, it is necessary to promote internet ethics education in as a part of curriculum and develop internet ethics education's program to enhance personal information sensitivity and ethical identity.

Intrinsic and Extrinsic Factors Impacting Individuals' Cyber Ethics Awareness and Behavior Intention (사이버윤리 준수인식과 행동의도에 영향을 미치는 사용자의 내·외적요인)

  • Kim, Sanghyun;Park, Hyunsun
    • The Journal of Information Systems
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.111-138
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    • 2014
  • As the Internet is widely used worldwide, Cyber world has become a part of daily life. On the other hand, the adverse effects of Internet, such as abusive comments, illegal harmful contents, rumor diffusion, infringement on a right have emerged with the increase. Researchers recognized the important of cyber ethics as an effective means of coping with the adverse effects on Internet. But, Little empirical research has been related to cyber ethics in management information systems. Thus, the purpose of this research is to identify multidimensional motivation factors that cyber ethics awareness and compliance behavior Intention. For this, this study investigated the factors that might influence Internet users to compliance cyber ethics. Using university students as a sample, one hundred and ninety six are collected for further analysis. The results of this study are as follows; First, self-esteem, Moral Obligation, self-control, cyber ethics education and Social Influence are significantly related to cyber ethics awareness, while punishment is not significantly related. Second, cyber ethics awareness have a positive effect on cyber ethics compliance behavior Intention. Third, the moderating effect of ego strength is also significant. This study is significant in that it established a behavior model to understand the compliance of cyber ethics with internet user in Korea.

Mediating effect of self-control in the relationship between internet addiction and internet ethics awareness in healthcare-related college students (보건계열 대학생이 지각하는 인터넷 윤리의식과 인터넷 중독성향과 관계에서 자기 통제력의 매개효과)

  • Kang, Da Jeong;Jun, Soo Young
    • Journal of the Korean Data and Information Science Society
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.261-270
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    • 2017
  • This research aims to investigate how healthcare professionals can control their behaviors in the internet and the status of their Internet addiction, thus emphasizing appropriate internet ethics awareness of students majoring in healthcare-related field, the future healthcare professionals. The goal of this research is to verify the mediating effect of self-control between the status of internet addiction of healthcare-related college students and their internet ethical awareness. A questionnaire survey was conducted on 236 students majoring in healthcare-related fields in 5 universities located in D city from March to April, 2016. The result of analyzing correlation of Internet addiction, internet ethics awareness, and self-control shows that self-control is negatively correlated with internet addiction but positively correlated with internet ethics awareness. The result of research suggests that self-control does have partial mediation effect on internet addiction and internet ethical awareness. Accordingly, it is necessary to develop mediator program that enhances self-control in order to improve internet ethical awareness of healthcare-related college students and develops measures to prevent addition to the internet, one of the primary cause of decline in internet ethics awareness.

A Study on the Development of the Cyber Ethic Educational Program Establishing Program for Establishing Cultural Framework in Cyber Spaces (건전한 사이버문화 형성을 위한 사이버 윤리교육 프로그램개발을 위한 기초연구)

  • 장진경
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.39 no.12
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    • pp.15-35
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    • 2001
  • This research aims to investigate the casual effects of not only the level of ethic awareness in general among internet users but also the level of internet skills on inadequate behaviors in cuber spaces. This research also try to develop the framework for the cyber ethic educational program in order to establishing adequate attitudes in cuber spaces. For accomplishing the purposes of this research, the data, 522, had been collected from both on-line and off-line. The major statistical methods for data analysis were frequency, factor analysis, multiple regression, and path analysis. The results of this casual effect analysis were as follows: 1. There were positive direct causal effects of sex, occupation, place for internet use, and internet skills on inadequate behaviors in cuber spaces. On the other hand, the negative casual effect of the awareness of legal ethics on inadequate behaviors in cuber spaces. 2. Such variables as sex, age, internet-related and the awareness of ethics in general had indirect causal effects on the inadequate behaviors in cuber spaces through the variable which is the awareness of cyber ethics. The implications of this findings were discussed.

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Relationship of Ethics Consciousness in Internet and Moral Behavior : Analysis of The Relation among Moral Judgement, Information Ethics Judgement and Internet Ethics Consciousness of Undergraduate Students (인터넷 상에서의 윤리적 인지와 도덕적 행동 관련성 : 대학생의 도덕 판단력과 정보윤리 판단력, 인터넷윤리의식 간의 관계를 바탕으로)

  • Jang, SoonSun;Lee, OkHwa
    • The Journal of Korean Association of Computer Education
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.11-19
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    • 2014
  • Presently the instructional model for internet ethics education is modeled after the integrated morality. The model is based on the assumption that ethical awareness will lead to ethical activities which is based on the theory that cognition is correlated to the behavioral domains. But the side effects of the information society in the cyber space increased even when the education for the awareness of ethics in the cyber space has been taught more aggressively than before. In this study, the relation of the cognition for information ethics and the ethical behavior in the cyber space was analyzed in order to find out the implications for the effective internet ethics education model. The tools used are the 'DIT (Defining Issues Test)' to measure the behavioral ability in the physical world, the Information Ethics Judgment to measure the behavioral ability in the cyber space, and the self diagnostic tool of 'Internet ethics awareness' to measure the level of cognitive knowledge for internet ethics. The correlation of three measures was analyzed. The results were college students' levels of ethics from three tools from are considerably low. Moral judgement and information ethics judgement were not correlated which means that the behavior in the physical world was not necessarily correlated to the behavior in the cyber space. The three measurements were not statistically significantly correlated. Therefore the cognitive awareness for the information ethics were not necessarily correlated to the ethical behavior in the cyber space. Ethical cognition and the moral behavior need to be taught with equal emphasis as they do not have strong correlation.

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A Study on the Development of the framework for the Cyber Ethic Educational Program for Adolescents (청소년을 위한 정보통신윤리교육 프로그램 개발 연구)

  • 장진경
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.42 no.1
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    • pp.133-152
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    • 2004
  • This research aims at investigating the relationships among such variables as internet use, social-ethics, info-ethics, and the needs for info-ethic educational program. Another purpose of this study is to develop the framework for the cyber ethic educational program. For accomplishing the purpose, a survey questionnaire had been administered to 522 respondents online and of nine. The major statistical methods for data analysis were frequencey and t-test. The results of this analysis were as fellows: 1. Such variables as sex, the awareness of social law-ethics and social general ethics increased the awareness of info-ethics. 2. Variables that influenced the needs for info-ethic educational program were internet skills, social general ethics, and net info-ethics. The implications of these findings were discussed. Finally, the cyber ethic educational program was developed by the researcher band on the results of this study.

Measurement and Analysis of the Internet Ethics Observance among Undergraduate Students in Korea (대학생의 인터넷 정보윤리 준수 실태 측정과 분석)

  • Chang, Hye Rhan
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.47 no.1
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    • pp.327-347
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    • 2013
  • The use of the Internet is spread over all areas of our lives. However, its features raised serious social issues due to unethical behavior. To understand the level of Internet ethics among undergraduate students, a survey questionnaire of 31 questions regarding netiquette awareness, ethical norms, information credibility, and personal background is devised; data was collected from 830 students. Descriptive analysis shows low level of netiquette awareness, considerable deviation from six categories of ethical norms and problems of network information credibility. Results of statistical testing show gender and grade level as factors affecting Internet ethics. However, there is no significant difference in Internet ethics depending on related education experience. Based on the results, recommendations to promote Internet ethics are suggested.

The Effect of PBL Model on Ethics Awareness in Internet Ethics Learning (인터넷 윤리 수업에서 PBL 모델이 윤리의식에 미치는 영향)

  • Kang, Oh-Han
    • The Journal of Korean Association of Computer Education
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.75-82
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    • 2014
  • This thesis focuses on developing an appropriate model for teaching internet ethics based on problem-based learning, and studying its effect on morality. The PBL model is focused on encouraging participation from students through discussion and essay-writing. To test the validity of the new model, the control group was constructed and was assigned an existing lecture-based model. The research applied the new method at class and compared changes in Internet ethics between two groups. The results showed that the PBL model was more effective in enhancing internet ethics among students than the lecture-based model, and they were statistically valid. Especially, the "responsibility" part within the internet ethics showed the biggest improvement.

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Analysis of the relationship between nursing students' Internet ethics awareness, self-control, nursing professional intuition, and patient privacy protection awareness (간호대학생의 인터넷 윤리의식, 자기통제력, 간호전문직관 및 환자개인정보 보호인식간의 관계분석)

  • Oe Nam Kim;Jae Woo Oh;Jung Hoe Kim
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.693-701
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    • 2024
  • This study examined the relationship between internet ethics, self-control, nursing professionalism, and patient privacy awareness among nursing students with clinical practice experience, and attempted to provide basic data for the development of patient privacy awareness improvement programs reflecting the flow of information age. The data collection period was from November 20 to December 15, 2023. The questionnaires of 142 nursing students who agreed to participate in this study and were enrolled in D and C universities in Daejeon Metropolitan City and Cheongju City were analyzed. The results showed that nursing professionalism and self-control were the influential factors on nursing students' perception of patient privacy. The explanatory power of these variables was 24%. In conclusion, in order to improve the patient privacy awareness of nursing students, it is necessary to explore ways to promote the ethical awareness of internets and develop educational programs to increase nursing professionalism.

A Preliminary Study on Internet Addiction in a view point of Ethics (윤리적 관점에서의 인터넷중독에 대한 시론적 연구)

  • Kim, Bongseob
    • The Journal of Korean Association of Computer Education
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2013
  • Until now, the study of Internet addiction have focused on (1)Internet overuse (2)addiction (3)the real situation of disability in order. This approach have given a social awareness about Internet addiction as well as have been used as base for introduction of psychological and emotional means to prevent and treat Internet addiction. However, There are very few an ethical approach that is related in human values that what purpose does people use Internet for and how to use Internet. Accordingly, This study provides teleological, deontological, virtue and responsible ethics of Internet addiction. And, this study insist that Internet addiction is a wrongdoing on the basis of four ethical views. Based on these claims, this study stress the needs for Internet ethical education as a program to prevent and treat Internet addiction and se to tu1rn pop1 computer ethics into theoretical computer ethics.

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