• Title/Summary/Keyword: intention

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A Study on the Relationship between Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction, and Long-term Orientation for Eco-Friendly Car Maintenance Using Service Profit Chain Model: Focusing on Comparison between Internal and External Customers (서비스 이익 사슬 모델을 활용한 친환경 자동차 정비 서비스품질, 고객만족, 장기지향성 간의 관계에 대한 연구: 내부 및 외부 고객 간 비교를 중심으로)

  • Jung Yup Hwang;Chan Kwon Park;Chae Bogk Kim
    • Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering
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    • v.46 no.2
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    • pp.82-101
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    • 2023
  • This study is to identify the maintenance service quality of eco-friendly cars, which are rapidly increasing recently. Research is conducted by synthesizing research from the perspectives of internal employees and external customers by using the service profit chain model. Specifically, it is to study the overall structural relationship between internal customer satisfaction, physical quality, interaction quality, outcome quality, external customer satisfaction and long-term orientation. For the study, 202 questionnaires were collected from internal employees and 204 questionnaires from external customers. The results of testing the research hypotheses targeting the internal employee group are as follows. As a result of testing hypothesis 1, internal customer satisfaction has a significant positive (+) effect on physical quality and interaction quality. As a result of testing hypothesis 2, the service quality of eco-friendly car maintenance has a significant positive (+) effect on each other. As a result of testing hypothesis 3, physical quality and outcome quality have a significant positive (+) effect on external customer satisfaction. The results of testing the research hypotheses targeting an external customer group are as follows. As a result of testing hypothesis 2, in the relationship between eco-friendly car maintenance service quality, physical quality has a significant positive (+) effect on interaction quality, and interaction quality has a significant positive (+) effect on outcome quality. As a result of testing hypothesis 3, interaction quality and outcome quality have a significant positive (+) effect on external customer satisfaction. As a result of testing Hypothesis 4, external customer satisfaction has a significant positive (+) effect only on intention to reuse. Finally, as a result of examining the difference in perception between the internal employee group and the external customer group in eco-friendly car maintenance service quality and external customer satisfaction, it was verified that there was a significant difference only in outcome quality and external customer satisfaction.

Analyzing the Relationship between Environmental Consciousness and Railway Choice Behavior (환경의식과 철도이용행동의 관련성 분석)

  • Lee, Jae-Boong;Kim, Hyun;Oh, Seung Hwoon
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.30 no.6D
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    • pp.697-705
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this research is to clarify the relation between environmental consciousness and railway usage behavior. Author would locate this research on position of basic survey to promote railway use according to Low Carbon Green Growth policy in Korea. In this research, we would perform descriptive analysis using data of research on the actual condition of railway use in 2008, Daegu, and describe its relationship. In addition, we would suggest some idea about policy which can promote railway use. The order of railway choice behavior noticed in clustering of environmental consciousness was cooperative behavior type, middle type and non-cooperative behavior type. It suggests that environmental consciousness has effect on transportation choice behavior. Specially, railway improvement isn't enough to promote railway use. And, it is advisable to carry out the improvement in such a way that it may encourage the nation to move from the current environmental consciousness stage to cooperative behavior. Moreover, we assumed Binary Probit(BP) model using SP data of time or condition of transportation expense compared with passenger car and bus. As the results, modified likelihood ratio of two BP models is favorable variables. And it occurred that mode was transferred from passenger car to railway when it showed higher social environment consciousness and low selfish environment consciousness, because t-statistic which represents selfish environment consciousness showed significance in 95% confidence level. That is, it can be described that environment consciousness affect on the intention of railway use.

A Study on Brand Selection Property of Preliminary Business Founder In Food Service Franchise Foundation (외식 프랜차이즈 가맹점창업 시 예비 창업자의 브랜드 선택 속성에 관한 연구)

  • Sung, Daw-kwon;Wu, Jong-phil;Lee, Hyung-gun
    • The Korean Journal of Franchise Management
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.92-110
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    • 2012
  • Due to the social problems including recent economic crisis and unemployment rate increase, the demand of business foundation market has been increased and, in the meantime, on the basis of the business foundation support policy of the government including youth foundation support policy and Small & Medium Business Administration foundation planning, business foundation market has been showing steady growth trend. With this enlargement of foundation market, as the accompanied increase of franchise market is expected, it is considered that the importance of more realistic and concrete research about franchise market be larger than before. This study considered brand image, main office support, foundation cost, information search activity as the advanced variable of effect on brand selection and established the cause of effect on brand selection by improving the existing advanced research, and its result is as follows. First, according to foundation business kind, age, sex, yes or no of marriage, there is some difference III the thought about brand image and foundation possibility. Second, Second, the most important factor of franchise contract intention is economical specificity. It is difficult to consider brand image, franchise support and information search activity as the property having a big effect on preliminary founder, and it was shown that the cost for franchise management(Consistency with initial foundation cost and self-capital, promotion cost, management fund, facility/equipment reinvestment, etc.) is an important property. Specially, it was shown that consistency with initial foundation cost and self-capital is the most important factor for preliminary founder.

Impact of Franchisor Leadership and Franchisee Marketing Efforts on Franchisee Dissatisfaction and Switching Intentions (프랜차이즈 가맹본부 리더십과 가맹점 마케팅 노력이 가맹점 불만족과 전환의도에 미치는 영향)

  • Han, In-Su;Lee, Phil-Soo;Park, Heung-Jin
    • The Korean Journal of Franchise Management
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.31-44
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    • 2016
  • Purpose - This study aims to examine different impacts of franchisor's leadership and franchisee's marketing efforts on franchisee dissatisfaction and switching intentions, and to investigate how franchisee dissatisfaction plays a mediating role in the relationship between these constructs. This study attempted to fill the gap in the literature by treating the franchisee dissatisfaction as a mediator in the relationship between these constructs, identify how franchisor's leadership and franchisee's marketing efforts have effects on franchisee dissatisfaction, in turn, reduce switching intentions, and provide the managerial implications for building a long-term relationship to achieve mutual goals between franchisors and franchisees Research design, data, and methodology - In order to test the hypotheses, the data were collected from franchisees in Seoul and Gyeonggi Province. The franchisee owners were informed about the purpose of this study by the trained interviewers. The respondents received a letter introducing the purpose of this study and another letter that the owners wrote to encourage their active participation. Among the 300 questionnaires distributed, 260 (86.7%) questionnaires were returned. Of those collected questionnaires, 6 uncompleted responses were excluded, and 254 questionnaires with an effective response rate of 84.7% were coded and analyzed using frequency, confirmatory factor analysis, and correlations analysis, and structural equation modeling with SPSS 21.0 and SmartPLS 3.0. Results - The findings of the study are as follows. First, franchisor leadership had a negative effect on franchisee dissatisfaction, but franchisee marketing efforts did not have a significant effect on franchisee dissatisfaction. Second, franchisee dissatisfaction had a positive effect on switching intentions. Third, franchisor leadership had a negative effect on switching intentions, but franchisee marketing efforts did not have a significant effect on switching intentions. Conclusions - This study researched the franchisor's leadership as a single factor of transformational leadership. Thus, it may have limits in measuring leadership. Future studies shall include emotional, loyal, and transactional leadership. In addition, the future studies shall also research the effect of franchisor's leadership and franchisees' marketing efforts on dissatisfaction and switching intentions. For example, the franchisor's relationship-oriented efforts can be a crucial parameter that reduces dissatisfaction and switching intentions.

A Study on the Children's Perspective in Iranian Films - Focus on the films by Director Majid Majidi (이란 영화 속에 나타난 어린이 시각에 관한 연구 - 마지드 마지디 감독 작품을 중심으로)

  • JIAYI WAN;Daniel H. Byun
    • Trans-
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    • v.14
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    • pp.93-122
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    • 2023
  • Children's films can be found by country and region within the scope of world films, but children's films have different definitions depending on the country and region. For example, American children's films represented by Disney are mainly aimed at satisfying the joys of children and families.Chinese children's films place more importance on the educational role of children. Although the purpose is different, children's films in the general sense are films that main audiences are children and are created for children. Children's films in Iran differ greatly from ordinary children's films. It indirectly expresses the creator's intention by reflecting reality while looking at the adult world through the eyes of children. This special function is a children's visual language that indirectly conveys the creator's thoughts. The use of children's perspective is a kind of special strategy, paving the way for Iranian films to survive in a special creative environment, and creating unique characteristics of Iranian films. Among the numerous Iranian directors who make children's films, Majid Majidi is one of the representative directors with personal characteristics. Of his nine Iranian films written and directed, five are children's films.At the same time, in his other Iranian films, we can more or less see the traces of children and children's perspective of the narrative and performance.Looking at the use of children's vision in Iranian films, the use of children's vision in Iranian films began with children's films and developed in Iranian children's films and other genres of Iranian films.

Considerations for Implementing Online Art-Based Peer Supervision (온라인 미술기반 동료 슈퍼비전 실행에 대한 고려사항)

  • Yoon, Ra-Mi;Kim, Soo-In;Jung, HeeJae
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.22 no.5
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    • pp.404-415
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study is to propose considerations to help actual application based on the characteristics of the online art-based peer supervision execution process. Colleagues in the clinical art therapy doctoral program, including the researcher, attempted to repeatedly identify problems and apply improvements in the implementation process as research participants, and qualitatively analyzed the various data collected in the process. Looking at the characteristics of the analysis results, extensibility of materials and space was confirmed in terms of 'art-based' and initiative, convenience, and speed in terms of 'online'. The considerations identified through this are as follows. First, 'pre-structuring' should be based on clear boundaries and setting, prior consultation of the group, and self-directed preparation and attitude. Second, for the 'structural aspect of art', space and media to help immersion through creation, and stable implementation structure should be established. Third, in the 'technical aspect', it is necessary to apply a method that can deliver a work of art and a method that can communicate the creator's clear intention. Lastly, for the 'ethical aspect', it is necessary to use online software in accordance with the minimum security standards and to make efforts to repeatedly maintain confidentiality. This study is meaningful in that it suggested a practical method for maintaining the professional competence of art therapists and expanding networks among art therapists in various situations including pandemics.

A Survey of Occupational Therapists' Perceptions of Telerehabilitation Dementia Prevention Education (비대면 치매 예방 교육에 대한 작업치료사의 인식 조사)

  • Kim, Min-Ji;Shin, Won-Mi;Yang, Yeong-Ae
    • Therapeutic Science for Rehabilitation
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.35-47
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    • 2022
  • Objective : In this study, we conducted a questionnaire survey of occupational therapists to examine their perceptions on and willingness to provide telerehabilitation dementia prevention education. Methods : From March 13 to 19, 2021, a questionnaire survey targeting occupational therapists in Busan, Ulsan, and Gyeongnam was conducted. 100 questionnaires were distributed but only 70 were collected. The collected data were subjected to frequency analysis and descriptive statistics using the statistical program SPSS version 23.0. Results : The average scores by region were as follows. The average compatibility score was highest at 3.92 score, intention to providing education, doctors 3.89 score, community-centric rehabilitation awareness 3.81 score, cost saving 3.78 score, perceiver usefulness 3.75 score, accessibility 3.62 score, the quality of telerehabilitation service was in order of 3.49 score. Conclusion : All items asking whether occupational therapists participate in community-centered rehabilitation and non-face-to-face dementia prevention education programs showed high scores, indicating the willingness to participate actively. In the future, in addition to follow-up research on the implementation of telerehabilitation dementia prevention education, measures for improving accessibility within the local and national government should be discussed.

Current Status and Dietitians' Perception of Rice Bread in the Noncommercial Foodservice Menu (단체급식 식단의 쌀빵 이용 현황 및 영양사의 인식 분석)

  • Cha, Sung-Mi;Lee, Min-A;Lee, Hae-Young;Lee, So-Jung;Yang, Il-Sun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.356-365
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study was to survey the current status of bread menus at school, business and industry (B & I), and military foodservice operations and to analyze dietitians' perceptions of applying rice bread in foodservice menus. A questionnaire, which was developed by content analysis, situation analysis, and in-depth interview, was distributed to 183 schools, 31 B & I operations, and 26 air force dietitians. In the school and B & I foodservices, wheat bread was used much more than rice bread and serving frequencies of morning rolls and sliced bread were higher. The military foodservices, however, served much more rice bread as burger buns than the other groups. For the school and B&I operations, consumer preference for wheat bread was perceived as high. In contrast, soldiers preferred rice bread to wheat bread in the military foodservices. The recognized advantages of using rice bread were different among the three groups. The military dietitians perceived the main advantage of using rice bread as an increase of rice consumption, while the school and B & I dietitians viewed it as promoting a healthy image. In all groups, the primary difficulties for using rice bread were the higher cost of rice bread as compared to wheat bread and a lack of facilities (e.g. oven). The military dietitians had the highest levels of positive and active interest as well as intention and opinions toward using rice bread. On the other hand, the school and B & I dietitians had very positive perceptions of rice bread but did not actually apply it in their foodservice menus. Overall, the results of this study suggest that the development of diverse menus using rice bread along with government support of its use, including facilities with ovens as well as rice bread subsidies, should be carried out for on-going expansion of the rice bread supply.

A Study on the Economical Analysis Model for Asphalt Pavementin Congestion Area of Metropolitan (대도시 혼잡구간의 아스팔트 포장에 대한 경제성 분석 모델 연구)

  • Jo, Byung Wan;Tae, Ghi Ho;Kim, Do Keun
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.26 no.5D
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    • pp.771-781
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    • 2006
  • This Study is about the development of LCC Analysis Model and Evaluation of VE. It was carried out to help the person's intention decision about choosing the pavement construction method that can deal with 'Pavement Life Factor' like Area Character and Traffic Volume efficiently, by considering the total life cycle cost of pavement life cycle happens according to the numbers of public use year. For this, we developed the new LCC Analysis Model by using the Data of Seoul city the representative city in Korea, and carried out VE Evaluation that reflects the opinions of specialists. This Analysis Model consists of cost items that affects directly the choice of pavement construction, except for the common cost items of the various pavement construction. And we investigated the propriety by applying our model to the example line that are used for the public at present. About the base data of cost items that are used for our analysis, we enhanced our model's confidence by using the statistics data of Seoul and the standard data of unit cost calculation.

Analysis of Determinants on Residential Resettlement in Accordance with Urban Regeneration (도시재생에 따른 주거재정착 결정요인 분석)

  • Choi, Yeol;Yim, Ha Kyoung;Jang, Won Ho
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.29 no.3D
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    • pp.409-418
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    • 2009
  • The aim of this study is to analyze the evaluations and determinants on residential resettlements in accordance with urban regeneration by 7,396 samples from 19 housing redevelopment districts in Busan. The major finding on determinants on residential resettlements in accordance with urban regeneration are as follows; A binary logit model for determinants on residential resettlements in accordance with urban regeneration are composed of owner's characteristics, land and building characteristics, housing complex characteristics, and location characteristics. The significant variables in relation to owner's characteristics are owner's age, owner's place of residence, the possession period against property and investment intention. As a result of logit model for residential resettlements, it shows that the variables in relation to land and building characteristics are the land classification, the use of building, the size of land or building, the permission of building and the appraisal price on land and building. This result means that actual customer's investment connects to resettlement after redevelopment project. The other side, the housing complex variables consist of the brand of construction company, the ratio of large size housing and floor are ratio shows that improvable conditions for housing value are important factor to induce residence's resettlement. The location variables show that Dongbusan has higher probability, the reverse Jungbusan has lower probability in residential resettlement likewise residential preference.