• Title/Summary/Keyword: group writing

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A Comparative Study on the Effect of Smoking Cessation Education between CAI(Computer Assisted Instruction) and Lecture - Focused on Vocational High School Male Students - (CAI 개별 학습 프로그램을 적용한 금연 교육과 강의식 금연 교육의 효과 비교 - 실업계 남자 고등학생을 대상으로 -)

  • Lee Eun Suk;Kim Chung Nam
    • Journal of Korean Public Health Nursing
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.74-94
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this study was to compare the effect of education between CAI(Computer Assisted Instruction) and lectures for smoking cessation among male students who attended vocational high schools. Conducted from February 24th to April 26th, 2003, the study design was quasi-experimental with nonequivalent control group pretest-posttest design. The study subjects were 60 male students in K vocational high school in Daegu city, who were present smokers and had more than 7.0 ppm concentration level of carbon monoxide. Thirty students were randomly chosen as the experimental group which applied CAI education method for smoking cessation. The other 30 students served as the control group which received lecture education method of 40 minutes on four consecutive days. CAI education for smoking cessation was composed of ready-made individual learning contents, counseling by using cyber-communication, writing a letter to stop smoking, and writing a written agreement for smoking cessation. Lecture education for smoking cessation was composed of a ready-prepared lecture for the group, writing a letter to stop smoking, and writing a written agreement for smoking cessation. To measure smoking related knowledge, Jeong Ree Roh(1996)'s smoking related knowledge scale$(Cronbach's\;{\alpha}=0.84)$ was modified and used by the researcher. To measure smoking related attitude, Jeong Ree Roh(1996)'s smoking related attitude scale$(Cronbach's\;{\alpha}=0.91)$ was modified and used by the researcher. Smoking related knowledge scale's Cronbach's $\alpha$ was 0.83 in the pilot study and 0.93 in this study. Smoking related attitude scale's Cronbach's a was 0.80 in the pilot study and 0.98 in this study. To determine the smoking amount, the number of cigarettes smoked per day was checked. The concentration level of CO in the exhaled breath was measured (Micro CO Cat. No. MCO2, UK). Data was analyzed by $x^2-test$, t-test, repeated measures ANOVA. simple main effects, and time contrast test with SPSS/Win 11.0 program. The results of this study were as follows: 1. The first hypothesis. that 'Smoking-related knowledge score in the experimental group by using CAI education for smoking cessation will be higher than that in the control group by using lecture education for smoking cessation', was not supported. 2. The second hypothesis, that 'Smoking-related attitude in the experimental group by using CAI education for smoking cessation will be higher than that in the control group by using lecture education for smoking cessation'. was supported(F=6490.79. p=0.000). 3. The third hypothesis. that 'Smoking amount in the experimental group by using CAI education for smoking cessation will be less than that in the control group by using lecture education for smoking cessation'. was supported. 1) The third-1st sub-hypothesis. that 'The number of cigarettes smoked per day in the experimental group by using CAI education for smoking cessation will be less than that in the control group by using lecture education for smoking cessation'. was supported(F=134.19. p=0.000). 2) The third-2nd sub-hypothesis. that 'The concentration level of CO by ppm per one exhaled breath in the experimental group by using CAI education for smoking cessation will be lower than that in the control group by using lecture education for smoking cessation"' was supported(F=268.55. p=0.000). From the above results. CAI education can be an effective intervention to improve smoking-related knowledge and attitude. and to reduce the number of cigarettes smoked per day and the concentration level of CO by ppm per one exhaled breath. Lecture education can be effective to improve smoking-related knowledge. In the future, when CAI education and lecture education for smoking cessation are applied on the school nursing field. the students can gain a comprehensive understanding of smoking cessation, changes in smoking-related knowledge. smoking-related attitude and reducing smoking amount. Furthermore, CAI education for smoking cessation could be developed as an individual self initiative program and could give a guideline to apply CAI education for smoking cessation in other field.

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The Inquiry of Students' Attitude towards Group Discussion and Presentation in a Course of Mathematics Education

  • Kim, Seong-A
    • Research in Mathematical Education
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.307-319
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    • 2014
  • This research is a survey study on students' attitude toward a class employing small group discussion and presentation by the method of free-listing. Participants in this study were students who registered in the course of Mathematical Logics and Writing during 2011 and 2014. Senior students who took the course of theory of mathematics education previously usually registered the course. The class for this course used to be designed as a class adopting group discussion and presentation. Main theme of this research is not to demonstrate some theories or hypothesis on teaching and learning, but rather to inquire students' attitude toward a class employing the constituents first and then through analyzing the results of this study to find practical ideas and strategy for design and implementation of a class which brings cultivation of students' understanding, communication and moreover writing in mathematics. Since the survey was given in the $8^{th}$ week of this class, participants of this research could be expected to have more concrete idea for positive or negative aspects of the classes employing these constituents. We compared both research results of 2011 and 2014 to view any changes in students' attitude. Research results are follows. Students began to think that group discussions and presentation bring out better learning to them. Not to give students psychological burden of discussion and presentation, instructors need to provide comfortable atmosphere through arranging suitable grouping and enough time for discussion. Moreover, simple evaluations criteria for group discussions and presentation should be well structured and more concrete guides for them are required to make students to feel comfortable and to concentrate on the given subject for discussion.

A Study on Children's Poetry Activity through Integrative Music Appreciation Program in A Small Group (통합적 음악 감상을 통한 유아 소그룹 동시짓기 활동의 효과)

  • Park, Boo Sook;Lim, Myeung Hee;Park, Yoon Joe
    • Korean Journal of Child Education & Care
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.233-258
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    • 2017
  • Although listening to music is the most basic musical experience that is ahead of all the other musical activities, it tends to be neglected due to lack of awareness and difficult teaching methods. This study is to compose integrative music appreciation by reflecting thoughts of children, draw children's attention to listening to music, and let them to discover and create musical concept and structures by themselves, accompanied by related activities through which children can express their thoughts and feelings with children's poem. Considering the peculiarities of three-four year-olds, it may be difficult for them to create poems individually, so we let them to write poems through small group discussion in which they can share their opinions and observe their peers' reaction. We provided a teaching method to teachers who find activities of listening to music and writing poems difficult, then we analyzed the effect. When children finished writing poems in small groups through integrative music appreciation reflecting their thoughts, they placed greater weight on preparing to listen to music at first, but going through the program, they discovered musical concepts and became active in music appreciation. In the related activity, writing poems inspired them to think creatively, listening to their peer's stories. Even children who were not interested in children's poem showed higher participation. Teachers found children's creative words to be interesting, discovering the joy of creation.

College Students’ Reflection on the Uncritical Inference Test Activity in Organic Chemistry Course

  • Cha, Jeongho;Kan, Su-Yin;Chia, Poh Wai
    • Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.60 no.2
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    • pp.137-143
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    • 2016
  • Effective teaching and learning is a continuous process of monitoring and re-organization of teaching method, so to benefit both students and educators. Reflective journal writing is an effective method for students to reflect on their learning experience about a new concept or subject taught and at the same time enables educators to improve on their academic skills. In the present paper, we have examined and evaluated the effectiveness of the Uncritical Inference Test (UIT) that was conducted in our basic organic chemistry course through a systematic network built based on students’ reflective writing. From the data analysis, the UIT has benefited students in three dimensions, namely cognitive, affective and group learning domains. Moreover, the UIT activity instilled an active learning environment in organic chemistry classroom and deeper learning among chemistry students as shown in the collected data. In future, this activity could be adapted as a teaching method to enhance students’ critical thinking skills and question-asking capability in other teaching courses.

The Effects of Making Science Newspaper Activity on the Science Inquiry Process Ability of Elementary School Students and Analysing the Writing Context (과학신문만들기 활동이 초등학생의 과학탐구능력에 미치는 영향과 글쓰기 맥락 분석)

  • Hong, Juneuy
    • Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.146-153
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study were to know the effects of making science newspaper activity on the science inquiry process ability of elementary school students and to analyse the writing context about their articles. The 33 sixth grader were participated in this program and they made 3 or 4 make a group, 9 groups made their own science newspaper. The results are as follow: first, there were statistically significantly differences(p<.01) on the basic science inquiry process abilities especially measurement and reasoning on making science newspaper activity. But there were no significantly differences on the integrative science inquiry process abilities; second, according to their articles on science newspaper, in personal context, they used many terms such as ecosystem, producer, consumer, decomposer, balance, but it was not personalized. And in social context, They pointed the cause and solution for the pollution and destruction in ecosystem, but it was superficial. Lastly in physical context, They used well their science concepts from class and format in newspaper in making science newspaper.

Academic Effect of a Reflection Journal applied on Linux Courses (Linux 교과목에서 성찰일지 적용이 학업에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Cha-jong;Kim, Hae-kyung
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.475-481
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    • 2017
  • This paper describes an in-depth study on the effect of students' writing of a reflection journal on academic achievement in Linux courses. For this purpose, students who took a Linux class were surveyed. Those participants were divided into two groups; an experimental group and a control group. Their academic achievement was compared and analyzed for this study and reflection journal was applied for 6 weeks after middle test. The results suggests that task achievement, expectation, learning persistence, self-efficacy, learning attitude, satisfaction in writing a reflection journal, and subject study were improved for the students who wrote a reflection journal. In addition to this, it suggests that the writing of a reflection journal has a significant effect on academic achievement in Linux subjects. It is meaningful for teaching skill of computer engineering education.

Young Children's Literacy Behavior in Dramatic Play: The Effects of Literacy-Enriched Play Settings and Teacher's Intervention (극놀이 영역의 환경구성 및 교사의 역할이 유아의 문해행동에 미치는 효과)

  • Kang, In Ku;Hyun, Eun Ja
    • Korean Journal of Child Studies
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.167-181
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    • 1995
  • The purpose of this study was to examine how the intervention of a literacy environment influences young children's literacy behavior in dramatic play. Four classrooms at S kindergarten and Y kindergarten in Seoul were randomly selected for this study. Each of the classrooms was designated as an experimental group: that is, experimental group A (38 children), experimental group B (34 children), experimental group C (35 children) and a Control group (40 children), respectively. Group C was provided with literacy materials, theme of dramatic play and teacher's intervention. Group B was provided with literacy materials and theme of dramatic play. Group A was provided with only literacy materials. It was found that the intervention of the literacy environment in dramatic play brought about an increase in children's total literacy behavior, increase in the frequency of children's reading behavior, and increase in the frequency and function of children's writing.

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The Effects of the "We Start" Institution Visiting Intervention Program on the Development of Young Children from Low-Income Families (위스타트(We Start) 기관방문 교육중재 프로그램이 저소득가정 유아의 발달에 미치는 영향)

  • Hwang, Hye Jung
    • Human Ecology Research
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    • v.52 no.2
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    • pp.189-198
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of the We Start center visiting intervention program on the positive changes in the developmental areas and literacy interests of young children from low-income families. The subjects were 195 young children (109 in the experimental group, M=71.7 months; 86 in the control group, M=73.3 months) living in We Start areas (Ansan, Gwangmyeong, and Suwon cities) of Gyeonggi-do. The We Start center visiting intervention programs were conducted for 30-34 weeks in each city, and pre-tests and post-tests were conducted before and after the intervention programs. The instruments used were the developmental checklist and the literacy interests test The developmental checklist consisted of 7 domains (personality & sociality; language, reading, & writing; scientific thinking; mathematical thinking; arts; social learning; and physical development). The literacy interests test consisted of 2 factors (interest in literacy and interaction during activity). The scores on the developmental checklist showed positive changes in several domains (personality & social development; language, reading, & writing ability; scientific thinking; and social learning), but not in mathematical thinking, arts, and physical development. Second, the results of the literacy interests test showed positive effects on interaction during activity and the total score. In conclusion, the We Start center visiting program for young children from low-income families is an effective early intervention program to end the intergenerational transference of poverty in Korea.

Groupware: Current Status Analysis II (그룹웨어의 현황 분석 II)

  • Kim, Sun-Uk;Gim, Bong-Jin
    • IE interfaces
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.211-225
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    • 1998
  • As mentioned in Part I all groupware products have been categorized into three areas which include cooperation/document management systems(CMS), collaborative writing systems(CWS), and decision-making/meeting system(DMS). This study deals with a comparative analysis of the last two areas, which is added to the first. It turns out that DMS has a higher market share than CWS. However. since effective collaboration requires the functions inherent to these two systems. they should be integrated somehow. The systems' functions that have been implemented in response to design issues have been described. Each group of the functions has been divided into three parts which consist of basic function, quasi-basic function. and others. Such a decision has been made according to the frequency rate of the functions provided in the products. While the basic functions in CWS include collaboraive writing beyond restriction of time and place, group awareness. version control. and others, in DMS realtime collaboration. brainstorming. presentation. various task support. policy formation. document management, multimedia, subgroup communication. topic commenter, categorizer, screen capture and various rile transfer. The basic functions are merged into the integrated functional model which was proposed in Part I. Since the model is so flexible that it can partially include the quasi-functions in addition to the hasic functions. a large number of products may stem from the modification of the functional model.

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Formulaic Language Development in Asian Learners of English: A Comparative Study of Phrase-frames in Written and Oral Production

  • Yoon Namkung;Ute Romer
    • Asia Pacific Journal of Corpus Research
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.1-39
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    • 2023
  • Recent research in usage-based Second Language Acquisition has provided new insights into second language (L2) learners' development of formulaic language (Wulff, 2019). The current study examines the use of phrase-frames, which are recurring sequences of words including one or more variable slots (e.g., it is * that), in written and oral production data from Asian learners of English across four proficiency levels (beginner, low-intermediate, high-intermediate, advanced) and native English speakers. The variability, predictability, and discourse functions of the most frequent 4-word phrase-frames from the written essay and spoken dialogue sub-corpora of the International Corpus Network of Asian Learners of English (ICNALE) were analyzed and then compared across groups and modes. The results revealed that while learners' phrase-frames in writing became more variable and unpredictable as proficiency increased, no clear developmental patterns were found in speaking, although all groups used more fixed and predictable phrase-frames than the reference group. Further, no developmental trajectories in the functions of the most frequent phrase-frames were found in both modes. Additionally, lower-level learners and the reference group used more variable phrase-frames in speaking, whereas advanced-level learners showed more variability in writing. This study contributes to a better understanding of the development of L2 phraseological competence.