• Title/Summary/Keyword: future anxiety

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Changes in the Labor Market and Response Strategies of Construction Automation Services -Focused on purpose, implication, and strategy- (건설 자동화 서비스로 인한 노동시장의 변화와 대응전략 -목적, 시사점, 전략을 중심으로-)

  • Jae-Myung Lee;Yong-Ki Lee
    • Journal of Service Research and Studies
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.158-175
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    • 2022
  • This study discusses mass unemployment and job insecurity due to the 4th industrial revolution and technological progress. In particular, the construction automation service method can contribute to increasing work productivity, preventing on-site safety accidents, and enhancing the competitiveness of the construction industry according to rapid development and convergence between technologies. However, there is great concern that the position of workers will decrease and the income distribution will deteriorate. Therefore, this study is necessary to alleviate the anxiety of the labor market and to find a direction for the government and all walks of life to ponder. To carry out this study, in-depth interviews were conducted with two experts currently engaged in the construction field, and through analysis, we intend to derive meaning and identify current trends, identify necessary improvement measures and institutional areas and suggest research directions. As a result of the analysis, it is possible to suggest a response strategy in a total of three themes: purpose, implication, and strategy. Based on this, there are response strategies in four areas: (1) industrial site response, (2) worker response, (3) education, and (4) training response, and government and corporate response. Through this study, it is necessary to revitalize economic and sociological discussions in the future so that the improvement in productivity and efficiency of society as a whole due to technological innovation of construction automation services does not lead to social problems such as an increase in the unemployment rate and a decrease in jobs in the labor market.

Resilience and Characteristics of Sleep and Defense among Shift Work Nurses (교대근무자의 회복력과 수면 및 방어 특성)

  • Lee, So-Jin;Park, Chul-Soo;Kim, Bong-Jo;Lee, Cheol-Soon;Cha, Boseok;Lee, Dongyun;Seo, Ji-Yeong
    • Sleep Medicine and Psychophysiology
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.74-79
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    • 2014
  • Objectives: Shift work is a stressful situation. It is important to know the factors associated with the ability to adapt to a shift work schedule. The aim of the present study was to investigate the association between sleep, as well as personality variables, and the resilience of shift work nurses. Method: Self-report questionnaires were administered to 95 nurses who worked in one national university hospital. Connor-Davidson resilience scale, hospital anxiety and depression scale, morningness-eveningness scale, Pittsburgh sleep quality index, other sleep-related questionnaires, and Korean defense style questionnaires were used. Results: Age, shift work duration, off-day oversleep, depression, anxiety, adaptive defense style, and self-suppressive defense style were significantly associated with resilience (p < 0.05). Multiple regression analysis showed that age (${\beta}=0.34$, p < 0.05), depression (${\beta}=-0.25$, p < 0.05), adaptive defense style (${\beta}=0.45$, p < 0.001), and self-suppressive defense style (${\beta}=-0.19$, p < 0.05) significantly predicted the resilience of shift work nurses. Concerning individual defense mechanisms, resignation (${\beta}=-0.20$, p < 0.05), sublimation (${\beta}=0.19$, p < 0.05), omnipotence (${\beta}=0.19$, p < 0.05), and humor (${\beta}=0.20$, p < 0.05) significantly predicted the resiliency. Conclusion: The findings indicate that a specific defense style and other mechanisms were associated with the resilience of shift work nurses. A future prospective study with more participants could further clarify the relationship between sleep-related variables, as well as personality factors, and resilience of shift work nurses.

A study on the literatherapy effects of Sijo - Focused on the 16th-17th century Gangho Sijo - (시조의 문학 치료적 기능에 관한 고찰 -16.17세기 강호시조를 대상으로-)

  • Kim, Sang-Jean
    • Sijohaknonchong
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    • v.26
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    • pp.25-54
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    • 2007
  • This paper examines the literatherapy effects of Korea's oldest form of literature, Sijo, and its role in the future of literatherapy. Since literature is the expression of human emotions, and therapy is related to medicine, the two seem to have little in common, but they share the function of resolving conflicts. The effectiveness of literatherapy has only recently become a matter of discussion. However, literatherapy is greatly involved with the utility value of literature, and should be taken seriously. This research focused on the literatherapy function of the 16th-17th century Gangho-Sijo. Gangho-Sijo was created by literary men from the Sarim-school, who were removed from their posts in the government due to a massacre(Sawha) and rianly(Dangjaing), and spent most of their time away from politics. Their Sijo were mostly about life in retreat, and their mental state at that time. In relation to literatherapy, the mentality and attitudes of these scholars can be divided into three stages. The first is anxiety and depression, the second tranquility and harmony. and the third serenity. At the final stage, the scholars are liberated from worldly desires. Each of these phases hold the effect of literatherapy. The first stage can relate to 'theory of purgation', ISO-Prinsip, which is based on 'like cures like' which means to treat something with its own kind Fight fire with fire. The second step involves 'theory of purification', and by balancing his emotions, the scholar can achieve mental stability. In the final stage, literatherapy is acquired when the scholar expresses his emotions in a clarification(theory of clarification). At this phase, literatherapy finally has an effect, while the phase itself functions as literatherapy as well. The study of literatherapy is still at its early stages, thus has many limitations. However, literatherapy has bright prospects, and it is my hope that this report will be used as a reference for its further research.

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Neuropeptides in Clinical Psychiatric Research : Endorphins and Cholecystokinins (정신질환에 있어서의 신경펩타이드 연구 - Endorphin과 cholecystokinin을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Young Hoon;Shim, Joo Chul
    • Korean Journal of Biological Psychiatry
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.34-45
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    • 1998
  • We provide the reader with a brief introduction to the neurobiology of neuropeptides. Several comprehensive reviews of the distribution and neurochemical, neurophysiological, neuropharmacological and behavioral effects of the major neuropeptides have recently appeared. In reviews of the large number of neuropeptides in brain and their occurance in brain regions thought to be involved in the pathogenesis of major psychiatric disorders, investigators have sought to determine whether alternations in neuropeptide systems are associated with schizophrenia, mood disorders, anxiety disorders, alcoholism and neurodegenerative disease. There is no longer any doubt that neuropeptide-containing neurons are altered in several neuropsychiatric disorders. One of the factors that has hindered neuropeptide research to a considerable extent is the lack of pharmacological agents that specifically alter the synaptic availability of neuropeptides. With the exception of naloxone and naltrexone, the opiate-receptor antagonists, there are few available neuropeptide- receptor antagonists. Two independent classes of neuropeptide-receptor antagonists has been expected to be clinically useful. Naltrexone, a potent ${\mu}$-receptor antagonist, has been used successfully to reduce the need for alcohol consumption. And cholecycstokinin antagonists are now in development as a new class of anxiolytics, which would be expected to be free from tolerance and physical dependence and lack of sedation. In this review, we deal with these two kinds of neuropeptide system, the opioid system and cholesystokinins in the brain. The role of opioid systems in the reinforcement after alcohol consumtion and that of cholesystokinins in the pathogenesis of anxiety will be discussed briefly. As we know, the future for neuropeptides in psychiatry remains bright indeed.

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Open Clinical Trial of Morning Light Therapy in Sleep Disturbance of Alcohol Dependent Patients (알코올의존 환자에서의 수면장애에 대한 아침 광치료의 임상시도)

  • Ko, Young-Hoon;Joe, Sook-Haeng;Jeon, Seung-Kyu;Kim, Byoung-Kyu;Kwon, Sung-Min
    • Korean Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.196-204
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    • 2003
  • Objectives: It is known that sedative hypnotics would make cross tolerance with alcohol and deteriorate quality of sleep in alcoholics. Light therapy is effective non-pharmacological intervention for sleep disturbance in circadian phase disorders, jet-lag, shift-work and age-related sleep disorders. Authors would investigate the effects of morning light therapy on sleep of patients with alcohol dependence during recovery state without withdrawal symptoms. Methods: 13 patients with alcohol dependence who have not any alcohol withdrawal symptom were recruited. Light therapy during 1 hour in the morning had been administered by 2500 Lux light box through serial 3 days. Sleep state of subjects were assessed by sleep log and the subjective satisfaction at sleep was by 100 mm visual analogue scale. Sleepiness, depressive mood, anxiety were evaluated by 100mm visual analogue scale at 8 AM, 2 PM and 8 PM. For assessment of performance ability that would be associated with sleepiness and vigilance, trail making test A, B and digit symbol substitution test were performed by two times on base line and 4th day. Univariate repeated-measures ANOVAs were performed for each measures except performance tests which were analysed by paired t-test. Results: Sleep latency and sleep efficiency were significantly improved with light therapy and satisfaction at sleep was. There was no significant difference in sleepiness at 2 PM with light therapy but sleepiness at 8 AM significantly decreased and at 8 PM increased. The time to complete Trail making test and digit symbol substitution test were significantly shortened at 4th day compared with baseline. Fatigue at 8 AM were not significantly changed with light therapy but at 2 PM and 8 PM significantly decreased. Depressive mood and anxiety were not significantly changed with light therapy. Conclusion: Although this study had some limitations, it showed that light therapy would be effective modality on sleep disturbance of patients with alcohol dependence who have recovered from alcohol withdrawal symptoms. It is proposed that short term light therapy could be used clinically for alcoholics with insomnia. In the future, long term controlled studies using more objective tools for sleep are required to further investigate the effect of light therapy in alcoholics.

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The Relationships between Mathematically Gifted Students and Regular Students in Perfectionism and the Affective Traits (중등 영재학생과 일반학생의 완벽주의 성향과 수학교과에 대한 정의적 특성과의 관계)

  • Whang, Woo-Hyung;Lee, Yu-Na
    • Communications of Mathematical Education
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.1-38
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    • 2009
  • This study investigates the relationships of perfectionism and the affective traits(academic self-concept, learning attitude, interest, mathematical anxiety, learning habits) in mathematics between the gifted students and the regular students in Korean Middle Schools. The findings of this study can be used for the understanding of the gifted students, and as data or resources for counsellors when they advise the gifted students on enhancing study strategies and developing future courses. This study was investigated by measuring the relationships between perfectionism and the affective traits on mathematics between two groups. Here, the correlation analysis, t-test, and regression analysis of the SPSS for Window 12.0 Program were applied to measure the differences of both groups. Therefore, there were no differences in perfectionism between the gifted students and the regular students. But the self-oriented perfectionism of the gifted students appeared higher compare with regular students. The affective traits in mathematics of the gifted students appeared more positive compare with regular students. There were a few correlations between the perfectionism and the affective traits in mathematics at two group all. however the self-oriented perfectionism and the affective traits in mathematics showed to correlation. There were several suggestions based on the results of this study. First, the results showed that professional assistance is needed for the gifted students so that their perfectionism flows positively into developing their gifts. Secondly, the results suggested that specialized mathematical program reflecting on the affective traits of the gifted students in mathematics should be offered.Lastly, tthe results of this study suggested a researcher regarding relevance with perfectionism and affective traits regarding subject shall be performed more. The result of research shall be included to contents of training for the gifted students and their parents.

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A study for diagnosis and pattern identification of Hwa-Byung (화병의 진단 및 변증유형에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Hui-Young;Park, Jong-Hoon;Whang, Wei-Wan;Kim, Jong-Woo
    • Journal of Oriental Neuropsychiatry
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.1-17
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    • 2005
  • Objective : This empirical research is performed to recognize diagnostic concept, pattern identification, and clinical features of Hwa-byung. In other words, the aims of this research are to examine the differences of the diagnosis between Hwa-Byung and the other psychiatric disorders, and to find out pattern identification, and clinical characteristics of Hwa-Byung for prescriptions of this syndrome. Method : In the experiment, there were participated 30 patients who were met for our criterions according to HBDIS (Hwa-Byung Diagnostic interview Schedule). These patients were diagnosed as Axis1 according to criterions of DSM-IV with administering SCID-I. OMS-prime was utilized for finding out pattern identification of oriental medicine. Symptom Check List-90-Revision(SCL-90-R), Hemilton rating Scale for Depression(HRSD), Heart Rate Variability(HRV), and Digital Infrared Thermographic imaging(D.I.T.I.) were also utilized to discover clinical characteristics of Hwa-Byung Patients. Results : 1. Regarding Sex-ratio, male subjects were 3(10%), and female subjects are 27(90%). The age of subjects ranged from 22 year old to 75 $(51.87{\pm}11.04;\:Mean{\pm}SD)$ 2. In the results of diagnosis on the basis of DSM-IV, the 17(56.67%) patients were MOD (Major Depressive Disorder), the 5(16.67%) patients were USD (Undifferentiated Somatoform Disorder), the 4(13.33%) patients were Dysthymic Disorder, the 3(10%) patients were GAD (Generalized Anxiety Disorder), and the 1(3.33%) was Panic Disorder. Two of the patients who diagnosed as MOD were diagnosed as Panic Disorder too, and one of them was diagnosed as Pain Disorder too. 3. Regarding pattern identification, Hwa-Byung is positively correlated to deficiency of Heart(心). and then to stagnancy of Liver-Gall bladder. Hwa-Byung is correlated deficiency symptom-complex rather than excessiveness symptom-complex. That is also correlated positively to Pathological heat and fire. 4. In SCL90-R, the mean of PSDI was $(75.3{\pm}10.7;\:Mean{\pm}SD)$. The each mean of the other 11 factors was distributed between50-70. 5. The mean of HRSD was $(17.9{\pm}5.6;\:Mean{\pm}SD)$ in the entire subject's group. Then the group of MDD was $20.9{\pm}4.4$ and the group of USD was $12.0{\pm}4.8$ 6. In the results of HRV. the mean of TP is $972.4{\pm}1174(Mean{\pm}SD)$, this is lower than normal range 1000-200. The other factors were within normal range. Then, there were no significant differences between them (p<0.05). 7. The temperatures of each acupoint have significant differences between HNl(印堂) and PC6(內關), between CV17(顫中) and PC6(內關), between HN1(印堂) and CV8(神闕), between CV17(顫中) and CV8(神闕) in comparison with the average of body temperature in the use of D.I.T.I. (p<0.01) 8. In the analysis of correlation between SCL-90-R, HRSD, HRV. and D.I.T.I. there were no significant results. According to results that the correlation was analyzed with only the MDD group as subjects, there was negative correlation between RMSSD of HRV and HRSD, between LF of HRV and PDSIof SCL-90-R, and between LF/HF of HRV and ANX, PSY, and PDSI of SCL-90-R. Conclusion : In the observation of clinical features of 30 cases of Hwa-Byung patients by using diverse structured tests, there could make diverse diagnosis as depressive disorder, anxiety disorder, and Somatoform Disorder. Particularly. MDD was highly distributed. Considering oriental medicine's pattern identification of Hwa-Byung, this syndrome is related strongly to Heart, and there were demonstrated deficiency symptom-complex, and Pathological heat and fire. One of the limits of this study is lack of control subject's group, therefore, in the future study, it requires reexamination through a comparative research with these data to complete this study.

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Differences in Cognitive and Psychological Characteristics of Psychiatric Patients with Military Service Issues versus General Psychiatric Outpatients (군 복무 적합성 평가를 위해 정신건강의학과에 내원한 환자군과 일반 외래 환자군의 인지적 및 심리적 특성의 차이)

  • Shim, Seungyun;Choi, Junho;Kim, Eunkyeong
    • Korean Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.143-154
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    • 2020
  • Objectives : The purpose of this study was to examine cognitive and psychological characteristics of patients with military service suitability issues compared to the general psychiatric outpatients. Methods : 108 patients who visited psychiatric clinic center due to military service suitability issues and 80 general psychiatric patients were recruited from the Department of Psychiatry of university hospital. ANCOVA and chi-equare test were used to examine differences between two groups. Furthermore, we utilized paired t-test to compare the scrore within military group depending on when they performed the psychological assessment. Results : There were no significant differences between military group and general outpatient group in WAIS-IV scores. However, military group scored remarkably higher than control group on validity scales, F-r and Fp-r whereas they scored lower on validity scale, K-r. Furthermore, military group showed significantly higher on BDI and MMPI-2-RF, EID, RCd, RC2, RC3, COG, HLP, SFD, NFC, STW, SAVE, SHY, DSF, NEGE-r, INTR-r. As a result of comparison within the military group following the periods of assessment, military group did not show the significant differences on the overall scales of MMPI-2-RF. Conclusions : The present study showed that military group tends to report their psychological distress more exaggeratedly. In addition, they had significantly elevated not only emotional distress such as depression and anxiety but interpersonal problem. The implications and limitations were discussed along with some suggestions for the future studies.

The Comparison and Analysis on Students' Awareness of National Security -Focus on the students of military science established college and those of military science non-established college- (대학생들의 안보의식에 대한 비교·분석 -군사학과 설치 대학과 미설치 대학 대학생들을 중심으로-)

  • Lee, Sung Choon
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.15 no.7
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    • pp.4246-4257
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    • 2014
  • The aim of this study was to search for a security strategy and security education program by analyzing the security awareness of universities with and without Department of Military Science. The results of university student's security awareness revealed a normal level of recognition and differences according to region and gender. The recognition of stability of current Korean national security is normally low on average, which suggests that students feel anxiety towards national security. In addition, the North Korea provocation influence on national security has been recognized highly (score of 4.33 on average). The national security awareness of university students in the case of whether establishing a Dept. of Military Science or not showed a normal level, which revealed a score of 3.44, and differed according to region, gender and recruitment, and had a relationship with the recognition of Dept. of Military Science management. Therefore, the political consideration of security authorities is in strong demand to improve the security awareness of general university students, and have an influx of great human resources by advertising the educational contents, advantages and future career of Dept. of Military Science students.

Correlation Study between Stress Responses and Life Events as a Stressor (미국이민 한국인의 스트레스 반응 양상과 생활사건과의 상관 연구)

  • 이소우
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.299-315
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    • 1993
  • Koreans are one of the fastest growing immigrant groups in America. Stress responses and stressors among this large cultural minority has been rarely been studied by nursing researchers. Adjusting to life in foreign country produces a great deal of stress. Differences in culture, language, expectations and social behavior can lead to misunderstandings between health care providers and clients. These misunderstandings are not well accounted for in health assessment. This study investigated the relationship between life events or / and daily activities as a stressor and the symptoms of stress among a sample of Korean immigrants in America. The symptoms of stress scale (SOS) was used to identify stress responses and open-ended questions were used to identify life events and daily activities considered by the respondents to be stressful. A simple random sample of 283 subjects was selected from the Directory of the Korean Society of Chicago, New York, Los Angeles, Philadelphia and Seattle. Demographically, the subjects ranged in age from 20 to 69 years, and the percentage of women and men was approximately 50% each. Almost ninety percent of the subjects were highly educated, 17% owners of business, 19% white collar professionals, 14% employed in sales or as skilled /unskilled labor, 27% as housewives and students and 3% had no occupation. The total group SOS mean was 0.8042 ; the SOS men for man was 0.7371, and for women was 0.8713. The stress response of this subject group was high, -the stress response of women higher than that for men. In an earlier study(June, 1992) with another sample, the total mean SOS score was similar to this one. The main stressful life events or / and daily activities were, in order, economic problems (N=97), interpersonal problems (N=68), children care problems (N=258), health problems (N=49), communication problems (N=42), family problems (N=38), worry about future career (N=36), and religious problems (N=25). There was a significant difference in the SOS means between the group that expressed life events or / and daily activities to be stressful and the group that did not. Interpersonal relationships and economic and family problems were stressors for those who complained about peripheral manifestations. cardiopulmonary symptoms, central-neurological symptoms, gastrointestinal symptoms, muscle ten-sion, habitual patterns, depression, anxiety, emotional irritability and cognitive disorganization. In summary, interpersonal relationships and economic and family problems influenced stress response manifestations. Income, the number of people in the family, the year of immigration. the level of education, and marital status were related to physiological and psychosocial stress responses.

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