• Title/Summary/Keyword: framework data

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Impact of Future Chinese Emissions on Ozone Air Quality and Human Health in Northeast Asia (동북아 지역에서 중국의 미래 배출량 변화가 오존농도와 보건에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Hyeon-Kook;Lyu, Youngsook;Woo, Jung-Hun;Hong, Sung-Chul;Kim, Deok-Rae;Seo, Jeonghyeon;Shin, Myunghwan;Kim, Sang-Kyun
    • Journal of Climate Change Research
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.451-463
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    • 2016
  • We explore the impact of Chinese future air pollutant emissions on ozone air quality in Northeast Asia (NEA) and health in South-Korea using an assessment framework including ICAMS (The Integrated Climate and Air Quality Modeling System) and BenMAP (The Environmental Benefits Mapping and Analysis Program). The emissions data sets from the climate change scenarios, the Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs) (emission scenarios, EMSO), are used to simulate ozone air quality in NEA in the current (1996~2005, 2000s), the near future (2016~2025, 2020s) and the distant future (2046~2055, 2050s). Furthermore, the simulated ozone changes in the 2050s are used to analyze ozone-related premature mortality and economic cost in South-Korea. While different EMSOs are applied to the China region, fixed EMSO are used for other country regions to isolate the impacts of the Chinese emissions. Predicted ozone changes in NEA are distinctively affected by large changes in NOx emission over most of China region. Comparing the 2020s with the 2000s situation, the largest increase in mean ozone concentrations in NEA is simulated under RCP 8.5 and similarly small increases are under other RCPs. In the 2050s in NEA, the largest increase in mean ozone concentrations is simulated under RCP 6.0 and leads to the occurrence of the highest premature mortalities and economic costs in South-Korea. Whereas, the largest decrease is simulated under RCP 4.5 leads to the highest avoided premature mortality numbers and economic costs. Our results suggest that continuous reduction of NOx emissions across the China region under an assertive climate change mitigation scenario like RCP 4.5 leads to improved future ozone air quality and health benefits in the NEA countries including South-Korea.

Development of self-esteem enhancement program and effective evaluation through instructional sand box play -Focusing on Multicultural Family Children- (지시적 개별모래상자놀이를 통한 자아존중감 향상 프로그램개발 및 효과성 검증 -해체 다문화가족 아동을 중심으로-)

  • Lee, Ok-Ja
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.353-365
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this research is to guide the development of the program for the Directive Individual Sand Box Play for the improvement of the self-esteem of children of the dissolved multicultural families. For quantitative analysis data, the scores from before and after the program were compared. The SPSS 18.0 Package was used for statistical analysis. For the qualitative analysis, the linguistic changes in B children during the session were collected and analyzed using the self-expression scale. The research period lasted for around 3 months from February 2017 to May 2017, for a total of 12 sessions which included individual activities, 1 session of group activities, and 1 night and 2 days of family camp activities featuring a total of 6 children. The main results of this research include quantitatively through the program of the Directive Individual Sand Box Play in relation to the social self-esteem capability at z=-2,200 on the level of p<.05, the significant difference was shown. Qualitatively, positive expression increased as sessions proceeded and negative expression reduced regarding the linguistic expressions by session of children B. This means that the method of the Directive Individual Sand Box which presents the topic and in addition, the process of visiting the house of a child which is the most secure environment had shown the effectiveness that increases the improvement of the self-esteem of the children of the dissolved multi-cultural families. According to the diverse special characteristics of clients, a preliminary basic framework for the mobile individual sand box program through the directive approach method will be prepared.

Development of AAB (Algorithm-Aided BIM) Based 3D Design Bases Management System in Nuclear Power Plant (Algorithm-Aided BIM 기반 원전 3차원 설계기준 관리시스템 개발)

  • Shin, Jaeseop
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.28-36
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    • 2019
  • The APR1400 (Advanced Power Reactor 1400MW) nuclear power plant is a large-scale national infrastructure facility with a total project cost of 8.6 trillion won and a project period of 10 years or more. The total project area is about 2.17 million square meters and consists of more than 20 buildings and structures. And the total number of drawings required for construction is about 65,000. In order to design such a large facility, it is important to establish a design standard that reflects the design intent and can increase conformity between documents (drawings). To this end, a design bases document (DBD) reflecting the design bases that extracted in regulatory requirements (e.g. 10CFR50, Korean Law, etc.) is created. However, although the design bases are important concepts that are a big framework for the whole design of the nuclear power plant, they are managed in 2-dimensional by the experts in each field fragmentarily. Therefore, in order to improve the usability of building information, we developed BIM(Building Information Model) based 3-dimensional design bases management system. For this purpose, the concept of design bases information layer (DBIL) was introduced. Through the simulation of developed system, design bases attribute and element data extraction for each DBIL was confirmed, and walls, floors, doors, and penetrations with DBIL were successfully extracted.

Discussion of the procedures and contents of Gangneung Danoje as a county festival (고을축제로서 강릉단오제의 절차와 내용에 대한 검토)

  • Han, Yang-Myong
    • (The) Research of the performance art and culture
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    • no.18
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    • pp.563-598
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    • 2009
  • Gangneung Danoje is a local festival that has its origin in the county festival handed down premodern society. It was designated as an important intangible cultural asset in 1966, and has appreciated as a representative traditional festival of Korea since UNESCO designated it as 'the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity' in 2005. Generally, it is known as a festival which it keeps up the premodern tradition. However, we can know that it is different from the festival performed in the 19 century in its framework and contents if we pay attention to the texts of festival performed in Gangneung today. I think that this change is a result of cultural adaptation by the change of transmission situation, and especially today texts of festival is an result of the pursuit, restoration and reproduction of its traditional form so as to be designated as a cultural asset. In this paper, after I have an accurate grasp of the traditional form of Gangneung Danoje from the present data related to Gangneung Danoje, I will compare its traditional text with the existing text which was reconstructed at the time of being designated as an important intangible cultural asset. To do this work, I verified the composition method of a county festival by investigating a general aspect of county festival in the $Chos{\breve{o}}n$ dynasty, brought out the aspect of its change by comparing its existing text with the procedures and contents of Gangneung Danoje before the Japanese occupation by force, and discussed the matter of its some changes. As a result of my work, I ascertained that the present Gangneung Danoje is very different from the festival transmitted in premodern society in the structure, time and space of festival, and the contents of performance containing the procedures of meeting god, seeing god off, and enjoying god.

A Study of Curriculum Changes in Dental Hygiene Department of Colleges (전문대학 치위생과 교육과정 편제의 변화 추이에 관한 연구)

  • Choi, Gyu Yil;Choi, Byung Ok;Choe, Ho Seong
    • Journal of vocational education research
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.85-106
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze and diagnose the curriculum framework of dental hygiene department. Through document analysis process, this study found several empirical data which could give us a clue to understand characteristics of curriculum changes and factors which have impacts on those changes in curriculum at college level. In this study, we could conclude that even curriculum changes at college level had been influenced by social changes like extention of academic years from 2 years to 3 years and changes in licensure test at national level. And also, essential issues in college curriculum like amount of credits, course titles, and requirements-electives distinction etc. also were changed in accordance to social changes and requests. This study found that there is many difference of objectives, credits and course titles among colleges. For that, colleges will form a consultative group under the college level. Based on these results, we can suggest that college curriculum should be flexibly and effectively adapted to changes coping with social and policy changes.

A Study on the Development of Parents' Character Competency Reinforcement Program for the Prevention of Child Abuse (아동학대 예방을 위한 부모 인성역량 강화 프로그램 개발 연구)

  • Kim, Bong Je;Kwon, Ki Nam
    • Korean Journal of Child Education & Care
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.109-121
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    • 2018
  • Objective: The purpose of this study is developing parents' character competency reinforcement program for the prevention of child abuse based on the critical competencies suggested by Character Education Promotion Act. Methods: For the development of the program, the literature review about child abuse prevention program in domestic and international research was conducted. Also, we conducted focus group interviews with kindergarten (n = 3) and elementary school (n = 4) teachers who experienced abusive parents for grasping their characteristics as a qualitative data collecting strategy. Results: As a result, parents' character competency reinforcement program for the prevention of child abuse was composed of a total of 7 activities; 'Understanding me and child', 'Anger management training for parent', 'Improving effective communication skill with child', 'Practicing two-way communication with child', 'Arts and Culture experience with child', 'Understanding my and child's feelings', 'We need a whole village to raise a child'. This program curriculum can be greatly four parents' character competency parts; self-management competency, communication competency, sensitivity competency, community competency. Conclusion/Implications: The program developed in this research can utilize the basic framework of the program to strengthen parent's toughness ability and it is crucial to develop customized toughness capacity increasing plan according to parent's characteristics It will be essential information.

Modularization of Automotive Product Architecture: Evidence from Passenger Car (자동차 아키텍처의 모듈화: 승용차 사례를 중심으로)

  • Kwak, Kiho
    • Journal of Technology Innovation
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.37-71
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    • 2019
  • How has the passenger car's architecture evolved? In the meantime, the discussions on the car architecture have been mixed, i.e., integral, modular, and the coexistence of two types. Therefore, in this study, we aim to develop two indices can measure the degree of modularization of passenger car and its all modules using global trade data. By applying the indices to the framework of architecture positioning that reflects the hierarchical structure of a product, we examined that the degree of modularization of the passenger car architecture has been enhanced. Meanwhile, the degree of modularization differs across the modules that make up the car. Specifically, we observed the higher degree of modularization in front-end, cockpit and seat modules. Whereas, we found that body module had a relatively low degree of modularization. In particular, we observed that the platform of passenger car has notably modularized due to carmakers' efforts to achieve model diversification and reduction of cost and period in new product development at the same time. Interestingly, we showed that three modules, i.e., engine, chassis (relatively less modularized), and transmission (relatively highly modularized), had a different level of modularization, even if they commonly make up the platform. We contribute to the suggestion for analytical approaches that examine the degree of modularization and its progress longitudinally. In addition, we propose the necessity of decomposition of a system into elements in a study of product architecture, considering the possibly distinctive progress of modularization across the elements.

Determinants of the Users' Intention to Retain the Monthly Movie Subscription VOD in the Pay-TV:A Dual Model of Dedication-Based and Constraint-Based Mechanisms (유료방송 영화 VOD 월정액 서비스 이용자의 가입유지의도에 영향을 미치는 요인에 관한 연구: 자의기반과 구속기반 메커니즘의 이원적 모형을 중심으로)

  • Jo, Sungkey
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.19 no.9
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    • pp.57-66
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    • 2019
  • This study investigates the factors influencing to users' intention to retain monthly movie subscription VOD service in the Pay-TV. A dual model of a dedication-based mechanism and constraint-based mechanism used as the analytical framework for the service subscription retention. This study surveyed the total of 366 respondents who aged 15 years or older among the subscribers who use monthly movie subscription VOD service in Pay-TV from May 8 to May 14, 2018 through online surveys. And the study used SPSS 25 and AMOS 21 for data analysis. The results of the analysis are as follows. First, the price, the contents diversity and the ease of use were found to affect the user satisfaction. From three components, the price is the most effective and the ease of use is the next. Second, user satisfaction were found to affect the intention to retain a subscription in the dedication-based mechanism. Third, procedural switching cost were found to affect the intention to retain a subscription in the constraint-base mechanism.

A Qualitative Study on the Gambling Experiences of delinquents Juvenile Dropouts (학교 밖 비행청소년의 도박경험에 관한 질적연구)

  • Kim, Jin-Woong;Kim, Ju-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.10 no.5
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    • pp.229-238
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study is to understand in depth the gambling experiences of delinquent juveniles who have dropped out of school and analyze the content and meaning of gambling experiences. Thus, utilized a Giorgi's phenomenological research method. Data was gathered through in-depth interviews, and the gambling experiences of six youths who are under juvenile law protective disposition were examined through a four-step analytic process. From the results, 6 parent components and 18 sub-components were derived. That is, "the temptation of close gambling", "trapped in the bridle of gambling", "deterioration of life", "damaged of non-official networks relationship", "corruption of existence" and "attempts to escape gambling" were appeared. These results are meaningful because they have allowed researchers to identify the essential meaning and experiential structure of delinquents juvenile' gambling experiences outside of school, which has not been studied thus far. Further, this study has empirical value as its framework includes a joint analysis in terms of welfare and gambling addiction and focuses on a precarious population-delinquent juveniles who have dropped out of school. The results provide a foundation from which practical implications and policy alternatives for the prevention and treatment of gambling problems in delinquent juveniles dropped out of school.

Exploring Policy Contexts and Sustainable Management Structure for Park Regeneration - A Focus on the Case of Green Estate Ltd, Sheffield, UK - (공원 재생을 위한 정책 및 지속 가능한 경영구조 연구 - 그린 에스테이트 사례를 중심으로 -)

  • Nam, Jin-Vo;Kim, Nam-Choon;Kim, Du-Won
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.15-34
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    • 2019
  • Today, there is increasing recognition of the importance of urban regeneration for better public places. Urban parks as a public area play an important role in harnessing its positive impact on people's well-being: where the standards and funding of/for the parks are getting worse. There is however less a focus on policy approach to park regeneration in the country. Neverthless, a few UK's cases of such innovative park management(PM) has shown successful park regeneration based on policy support. Therefore, the aim of this research is to draw policy implications by exploring a case of successful park regeneration. To address the aim, this research conducts an in-depth case study of 'Manor Fields Park, UK', digging into its PM structure and PM body 'Green Estate Ltd' in relation to relevant policy. The data is mainly collected by interviews including a group interview. The analytical framework 'Place-keeping(PK)' and its six dimensions are employed to determine the characteristics of MFP's PM structure. Resultingly, there is a significant shift in the approach to PM which stresses the principle of long-term and self-sustaining structure led by a non-profit organisation and strong impacts of policy. In this context, PK highlights significant drivers for parks regeneration particularly in terms of policy implications: 1)providing policy support to encourage non-profit organisations in PM, 2)extending community involvement in decision-making processes, 3)promoting income generation by community groups, 4)shifting public awareness of shared responsibility for PM, 5)completing regular park maintenance assessment by community groups, and 6)delivering low-maintenance approaches to PM. To support these implications, PM structure for successful parks regeneration does meet a holistic and multi-dimensional approach of place-keeping underlined by understanding policy contexts and rethinking current status quo of PM. Addressing these implications will shed light on urban PM in an era of austerity and ultimately contribute to improving people's well-being.