• Title/Summary/Keyword: expansion evolution

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Concept Analysis of Social Intelligence of Nurses Using Hybrid Model (혼종모형을 이용한 임상간호사의 사회지능 개념분석)

  • Lee, Kyung Ran;Lee, Na Kyoung;Oh, Hee;Park, Kyoung Ae
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.54 no.3
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    • pp.459-474
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    • 2024
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to conduct a concept analysis of social intelligence in nurses so that applying social intelligence to the nursing field. Methods: In this study, we followed the hybrid model procedure, involving the following steps: First, in the theoretical stage, the attributes and definitions of the concept of social intelligence were determined through literature review. Second, the concepts' reality was confirmed during fieldwork. In the final analysis stage, the results confirmed in the theoretical and fieldwork stages were compared and analyzed to confirm the properties and definition of the concept. Results: Nurses' social intelligence consists of three dimensions: social cognitive nursing competency, human-centered social evolution, and skills for solving complex nursing situations. Nurses' social intelligence is a professional nursing competency that flexibly coordinates complex nursing situations, developed through accumulating experiences of continuous reflection and relationship expansion based on receptive listening and social sensitivity in clinical interpersonal relationships. Conclusion: Nurses' social intelligence is widely used in clinical practice and is shown to have a significant direct and indirect impact on clinical nursing. To effectively apply social intelligence in the clinical context, individual and organizational efforts are required to share and transfer knowledge and capacity-building methods through collective intelligence and education.

Effects of Magnesium on Sulfate Resistance of Alkali-activated Materials (알칼리 활성화 결합재의 황산염 침식에 미치는 마그네슘의 영향)

  • Park, Kwang-Min;Cho, Young-Keun;Ra, Jung-Min;Kim, Hyung-Suk
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.109-116
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    • 2017
  • This paper describes the investigation into the durability alkali-activated materials(AAM) mortar and paste samples manufactured using fly-ash(FA) and ground granulated blast furnace slag(GGBFS) exposed to a sulfate environment with different GGBFS replace ratios(30, 50 and 100%), sodium silicate modules($Ms[SiO_2/Na_2O]$ 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0). The tests involved immersions into 10% sodium sulfate solution($Na_2SO_4$), 10% magnesium sulfate solution($MgSO_4$), 10% magnesium nitrate solution($Mg(NO_3)_2$) and 5% magnesium nitrate($Mg(NO_3)_2$+5% sodium sulfate solution+$Na_2SO_4$). The evolution of compressive strength, weight, length expansion and microstructural observation such as x-ray diffraction were studied. As a results, in case of immersed in $Na_2SO_4$, $Mg(NO_3)_2$ and $Mg(NO_3)_2+Na_2SO_4$ shows increase in long-term strength. However, for samples immersed in $MgSO_4$, the general observation was that the compressive strength decreased after immersion. The most drastic reduction of compressive strength and expansion of weight and length occurred when GGBFS or Ms ratios were higher. Also, the XRD analysis of samples immersed in magnesium sulfate indicated that expansion of AAM caused by gypsum($CaSO_4{\cdot}2H_2O$) and brucite(MgOH). The results showed that, an additional condition $Mg^{2+}$ in which ${SO_4}^{2-}$ is the presence of a certain concentration, sulfate erosion has to be accelerated.

Shaping the 'Network Society': A Case Study of Seattle Community Network (네트워크사회' 만들기: Seattle Community Network의 사례)

  • Lee Young-Hee
    • Journal of Science and Technology Studies
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    • v.6 no.1 s.11
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    • pp.31-52
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    • 2006
  • This paper aims to analyze the rise and decline of Seattle Community Network(briefly SCN), an electronic community network based upon Seattle, U.S. from the perspective of 'social shaping of technology' theory rather than that of technological determinism That is, this paper focuses on the social processes of the evolution of SCN. And this paper considers SCN as one important element of the 'network society', a concept manufactured by Manuel Castells. SCN was built successfully over 10 years ago by some progressive local activists and volunteers. The main purpose of building SCN at that time was said to make local community stronger with the help of advanced information technology. This can be understood that the founders of SCN tried to shape the direction of network society development based on civil society's values including public access and commitment to democracy rather than those of private companies. After some years of successful working, however, SCN started to decline. The expansion of internet services and the booming of dot.com companies in the late 90's were the main factors that made SCN decline. In conclusion, it can be said that the socia-economic factors rather than technological factors gave birth to the rise and decline of SCN.

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Theory and Practice in Media Education (언론학 교육에서 이론과 실제)

  • Song, Woo-Chun
    • Korean journal of communication and information
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    • v.17
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    • pp.61-84
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    • 2001
  • Discussions and debates over media education abound in Korra as the number of both institutions that provide media related education and students enrollment for these programs increases rapidly in recent years. In spite of this rather impressive expansion, however, many have raised serious questions about media education of Korea for its not being able to meet the need of the Industry and students, and, moreover, inability to face the challenges brought by new communication related technologies. Who teaches What for what purposes are some of the fundamental questions underlying these heated debates and discussions. To understand these rather complex and interrelated issues more clearly, it is attempted to delineate the nature of these debates by exploring the evolutionary process of media education. The issues related to debates over purposes of media education, curriculum, and faculty qualification have changed through the history of media education, but the nature of the debates, that is the struggle between professionalism and academism, or the tension between practice and theory, has not. Upon this understanding, some argue that what distinguishes opposing sets of dichotomies, such as skills vs. knowledge, training vs. education, now-how vs. know-why. professional vs. academic, practice vs. theory, is more a reflection of social class division and group interests which have privileged theory over practice than a rational scholastic distinction. In addition, it has been often pointed out that the media studies have failed to establish ties with specific industries, and furthermore academic studies seriously lack solid theoretical and practical bases. In the case of the United States, leaders of the industry had contributed much for the Initiation of journalism education in a college setting. However, once inaugurated,, the process of its evolution has depended heavily on academicians. In a country like Korea, where academic and theoretical orientation is much stronger, these problems of media studies and education are even more acute. In this study, it is suggested that academicians and educators be more open-hearted to the realities of changing world, practices of the industries, and recruitment of professionals and practitioners to fill the gap between practice and theory, for the sake of the future of media studies and education.

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The Evolution of Regional Geography in France (프랑스 지역지리연구의 전개과정)

  • Son, Myoung-Cheol
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.81-91
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    • 1995
  • Modern geography in France since the end of 19th century was begun with regional geography. France after losing the Franco-Prussian war in 1871 had tried to regain the deteriorated national proudness through the colonial expansion. The social and historical contexts in France had encouraged French geographers to engage in detailed small area studies. In particular, after Blache became a faculty at Sorbonne University his idea on integrative rather than selective description on area studies had gained paradigmatic popularity not only in geography but in other disciplines. The regional geography tradition was then firmly established as a science and as an art by Vidalian school until the beginning of Second World War. However, when industrialization and urbanization were the dominant science since the 1950s spatial analytic geography has become popular research tradition replacing the previledged regional geography. Nevertheless, geography in France is still acknowledged as an interesting and valuable discipline since regional geography tradition had accumulated rich knowledges on various regions. As regional geography provides valuable information and helps to understand various world regions, it should be regenerated as a research tradition which are able to fulfill societal needs accruing nowadays. By doing this, geography can rectify its disciplinary identity which has been disintegrated internally by giving too much emphasis on specialties, and melding into nearby disciplines. Our geography education for the chorography in particular focuses mainly on the listings of simple geographic facts, in this regard. Rather than attracting students' concern and motivation, geography is considered as a subject oriented toward simply memorizing geographic facts. To overcome these problems, regional geography should be discussed openly and popularized in research. Regional geographic methods available and results produced in other countries should be introduced, and critical assessments should be made for selective acknowledgment for nurturing our regional geography.

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Establishment Strategy for R&D Special District in Gwangju Area (광주지역 연구개발특구 육성방안에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Jeong-Rock;Kim, Jae-Chul
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.104-117
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    • 2007
  • According to the evolution of knowledge based economy, the expansion of significance of high-tech and technical innovation, in recent, many of local government of Korea have concern on the establishment and promotion of new growth power such as technopolis, science park, and innovative clusters for regional development. This study focuses on the establishment strategy for R&D special district in Gwangju area. Gwangju area have many potentials in several dimensions; comfortable physical environment, new agglomeration of photonics and household electric industry, the existence of excellent research related manpower, the strong networking with universities, laboratories, and firms. In addition, the establishment of R&D special district in Gwangju area will be provide positive effects in the increase of competitiveness of state, balanced development between regions, revitalization and development of southwestern area, and establishment of innovative clusters for regional development. However, in order to promote and establish the R&D special district of Gwangju area, central and local governments have to concern with some improvements such as the construction of R&D related infrastructure, the strengthening of research activities of research institutes, the building of cluster of strategic industries of Gwangju area, the supporting system for the revitalization of R&D special district.

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Ecosystem Configuration and its Structure of Cultural Contents -Focused on Busan International Motor Show- (전시회 구성 콘텐츠가 재방문 및 추천의사에 미치는 영향 -부산 국제모터쇼를 중심으로-)

  • Min, Jin-Hong;Ha, Kyu-Soo
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.10 no.10
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    • pp.197-208
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    • 2010
  • The cultural contents are a field that originally has a cycle ranged from producers of various contents and distribution consumption. The various object elements composing of an ecosystem of cultural contents in this cycle, and the search of harmonious relations between these objects is becoming an important issue. The ecological approach on the cultural contents field is not being tried authentically until now, in spite of the expansion of interest and usefulness from its application at present, so there is no detailed discussion on the inside of an ecosystem and itsaction such as confirmation of object elements composing of the ecosystem, interaction principles between objects and object development, principles of co-evolution, etc. achieving common development of all objects composing of the ecosystem. Therefore, the present research aims to confirm object elements composing of the ecosystem of cultural contents through an ecosystem model that has been researched in several fields of the ecosystem and social science, and to seek interaction between objects and each object as well as a development direction of a total ecosystem.

Numerical study on mechanical and failure properties of sandstone based on the power-law distribution of pre-crack length

  • Shi, Hao;Song, Lei;Zhang, Houquan;Xue, Keke;Yuan, Guotao;Wang, Zhenshuo;Wang, Guozhu
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.421-434
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    • 2019
  • It is of great significance to study the mechanical properties and failure mechanism of the defected rock for geological engineering. The defected sandstone modeling with power-law distribution of pre-cracks was built in this paper by Particle Flow Code software. Then the mechanical properties of sandstone and the corresponding failure process were meticulously analyzed by changing the power-law index (PLI) and the number of pre-cracks (NPC). The results show that (1) With the increase of the PLI, the proportion of prefabricated long cracks gradually decreases. (2) When the NPC is the same, the uniaxial compressive strength (UCS) of sandstone increases with the PLI; while when the PLI is the same, the UCS decreases with the NPC. (3) The damage model of rock strength is established based on the Mori-Tanaka method, which can be used to better describe the strength evolution of damaged rock. (4) The failure mode of the specimen is closely related to the total length of the pre-crack. As the total length of the pre-crack increases, the failure intensity of the specimen gradually becomes weaker. In addition, for the specimens with the total pre-crack length between 0.2-0.55 m, significant lateral expansion occurred during their failure process. (5) For the specimens with smaller PLI in the pre-peak loading process, the concentration of the force field inside is more serious than that of the specimens with larger PLI.

Structural and optical properties of Si nanowires grown by Au-Si island-catalyzed chemical vapor deposition (Au-Si 나노점을 촉매로 성장한 Si 나노선의 구조 및 광학적 특성 연구)

  • Lee, Y.H.;Kwak, D.W.;Yang, W.C.;Cho, H.Y.
    • Journal of the Korean Vacuum Society
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.51-57
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    • 2008
  • we have demonstrated structural evolution and optical properties of Si-nanowires (NWs) synthesized on Si (111) substrates with nanoscale Au-Si islands by rapid thermal chemical vapor deposition (RTCVD). The Au-Si nano-islands (10-50nm in diameter) were employed as a liquid-droplet catalysis to grow Si-NWs via vapor-liquid-solid mechanism. The Si-NWs were grown by a mixture gas of SiH4 and H2 at a pressure of 1.0 Torr and temperatures of $500{\sim}600^{\circ}C$. Scanning electron microscopy measurements showed that the Si-NWs are uniformly sized and vertically well-aligned along <111> direction on Si (111) surfaces. The resulting NWs are ${\sim}60nm$ in average diameter and ${\sim}5um$ in average length. High resolution transmission microscopy measurements indicated that the NWs are single crystals covered with amorphous SiOx layers of ${\sim}3nm$ thickness. In addition, the optical properties of the NWs were investigated by micro-Raman spectroscopy. The downshift and asymmetric broadening of the Si main optical phonon peak were observed in Raman spectra of Si-NWs, which indicates a minute stress effects on Raman spectra due to a slight lattice distortion led by lattice expansion of Si-NW structures.

The study on the diagnosis and measurement of post-information society by ANP (ANP를 활용한 후기정보사회의 수준진단과 측정에 관한 연구)

  • Song, Young-Jo;Kwak, Jeong-Ho
    • Informatization Policy
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.73-97
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    • 2016
  • Social changes due to ICT like Big Data, IoT, Cloud and Mobile is progressing rapidly. Now, we get out of the old-fashioned frame was measured at the level of the information society through the introduction of PC, Internet speed and Internet subscribers etc and there is a need for a new type of diagnostic information society framework. This study is the study for the framework established to diagnose and measure post-information society. The framework and indicators were chosen in accordance with the technological society coevolution theory and information society-related indicators presented from authoritative international organizations. Empirical results utilizing the indicators and framework developed in this study were as follows: First, the three sectors, six clusters (items), 25 nodes (indicators) that make up the information society showed that all strongly connected. Second, it was diagnosed as information society development (50.34%), technology-based expansion (25.03%) and ICT effect (24.63%) through a network analysis (ANP) for the measurement of importance of the information society. Third, the result of calculating the relative importance of the cluster and nodes showed us (1)social development potential (26.04%), (2)competitiveness (15.9%), (3)ICT literacy (15.5%) (4) (social)capital (24.3 %), (5)ICT acceptance(9.54%), (6)quality of life(8.7%). Consequently, We should take into account the effect of the economy and quality of life beyond ICT infrastructure-centric when we measure the post-information society. By applying the weighting we should performs a comparison between countries and we should diagnose the level of Korea and provide policy implications for the preparation of post-information society.