• 제목/요약/키워드: electrode array

검색결과 224건 처리시간 0.026초

Preliminary Study on Field Emitter Array Cathodes for Electrodymanic Tether Propulsion

  • Kitamura, Shoji;Nishida, Shin'ichiro;Iseki, Yasushi;Okawa, Yasushi
    • 한국추진공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국추진공학회 2004년도 제22회 춘계학술대회논문집
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    • pp.300-305
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    • 2004
  • A preliminary study on. field emitter array cathodes was conducted aiming at applying for electrodymanic tether (EDT) propulsion systems. The EDT propulsion systems are assumed to use for active removal systems of post-mission spacecraft, which would otherwise become space debris. A survey on field emit-ter array cathode technology was conducted, and it showed that carbon nanotube (CNT) emitters are suit-able to EDT application. Trial fabrications and evaluation tests of CNT emitters were conducted, which demonstrated a target emission current density of 10 ㎃/$\textrm{cm}^2$. It was found out that the most important technical issue for developing CNT emitters is to improve the performance against voltage breakdown between the emitter and the opposite electrode.

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정전용량 형 압력맵핑센서를 위한 록인 증폭기 어레이 개발 (Development of a Lock-In Amplifier Array for Capacitive Type Pressure Mapping Sensor)

  • 김청월;이영태
    • 반도체디스플레이기술학회지
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    • 제16권4호
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    • pp.63-67
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    • 2017
  • In this study, We developed a simple and low cost capacitive pressure mapping sensor and microcontroller-base lock-in amplifier array. We developed capacitive type pressure mapping sensor by forming the electrode and adhesives on plastic films using only the printing process, and the finishing the process by bonding the two films. Lock-in amplifier array was based on a general purpose microcontroller and had only a charge amplifier as analog circuits. In this study, a $10{\times}10$ capacitive type pressure mapping sensor and lock-in amplifier array was fabricated and its characteristics were analyzed.

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Mold 법에 의해 제작된 FED용 전계에미터어레이의 특성 분석 (Fabrication & Properties of Field Emitter Arrays using the Mold Method for FED Application)

  • 류정탁;조경제;이상윤;김연보
    • 한국전기전자재료학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국전기전자재료학회 2001년도 하계학술대회 논문집
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    • pp.347-350
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    • 2001
  • A typical Mold method is to form a gate electrode, a gate oxide, and emitter tip after fabrication of mold shape using wet-etching of Si substrate. In this study, however, new Mold method using a side wall space structure is used in order to make sharper emitter tip with a gate electrode. Using LPCVD(low pressure chemical vapor deposition), a gate oxide and electrode layer are formed on a Si substrate, and then BPSG(Boro phospher silicate glass) thin film is deposited. After, the BPSG thin film is flowed into a mold as high temperature in order to form a sharp mold structure. Next TiN thin film is deposited as a emitter tip substance. The unfinished device with a glass substrate is bonded by anodic bonding techniques to transfer the emitters to a glass substrate, and Si substrate is etched using KOH-deionized water solution. Finally, we made sharp field emitter array with gate electrode on the glass substrate.

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Electrochemical Characterization of Nanosized Electrode Arrays Prepared from Nanoporous Self-Assembled Monolayers

  • Choi, Shin-Jung;Park, Su-Moon
    • Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • 제23권5호
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    • pp.699-704
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    • 2002
  • We characterized nanoelectrode arrays prepared from self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) by adsorption from a solution containing thiolated $\beta$-cyclodextrin ($\beta$-CD) and n-alkanethiol on the gold electrode surface, using electrochemical methods. While the framework, the n-hexadecanethiol SAM, effectively blocked electron transfer between the electrode surface and solution-phase redox probe molecules, the $\beta$-CD cavities isolated in the forests of n-hexadecanethiol molecules were shown to act as an ultramicroelectrode array. The shapes of cyclic voltammograms of probe molecules were related to the number densities of $\beta$-CD molecules within the monolayer films. Probe molecules that have the correct combination of physical and chemical characteristics were shown to effectively penetrate the framework through the $\beta$-CD pores and exchange electrons with the electrode surface.

Development of a Tactile Sensor Array with Flexible Structure Using Piezoelectric Film

  • Yu, Kee-Ho;Kwon, Tae-Gyu;Yun, Myung-Jong;Lee, Seong-Cheol
    • Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology
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    • 제16권10호
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    • pp.1222-1228
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    • 2002
  • This research is the development of a flexible tactile sensor array for service robots using PVDF (polyvinylidene fluoride) film for the detection of a contact state in real time. The prototype of the tactile sensor which has 8${\times}$8 array using PVDF film was fabricated. In the fabrication procedure, the electrode patterns and the common electrode of the thin conductive tape were attached to both sides of the 281$\mu\textrm{m}$ thickness PVDF film using conductive adhesive. The sensor was covered with polyester film for insulation and attached to the rubber base for a stable structure. The proposed fabrication method is simple and easy to make the sensor. The sensor has the advantages in the implementing for practical applications because its structure is flexible and the shape of the each tactile element can be designed arbitrarily. The signals of a contact force to the tactile sensor were sensed and processed in the DSP system in which the signals are digitized and filtered. Finally, the signals were integrated for taking the force profile. The processed signals of the output of the sensor were visualized in a personal computer, and the shape and force distribution of the contact object were obtained. The reasonable performance for the detection of the contact state was verified through the sensing examples.

터널 굴착면 전방조사를 위한 전기비저항 탐사에서 전극의 변화가 미치는 영향에 대한 이론 및 실험연구 (Theoretical and experimental studies on influence of electrode variations in electrical resistivity survey for tunnel ahead prediction)

  • 홍창호;정성훈;홍은수;조계춘;권태혁
    • 한국터널지하공간학회 논문집
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    • 제21권2호
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    • pp.267-278
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    • 2019
  • 터널의 안정적인 시공을 위해 터널 굴진 도중 터널 전방의 이상영역을 확인할 수 있는 다양한 방법의 터널전방예측 기법들이 사용되고 있다. 터널전방예측 방법 중 하나인 2전극 전기비저항 탐사(Pole-Pole array)는 터널직경 5배 이내의 함수대, 연약대 등을 확인하기 위해 자주 사용되고 있다. 2전극 전기비저항 탐사 시 가장 중요한 것 중 하나는 원지반의 전기비저항값을 유추하는 것이며, 원지반의 전기비저항은 1) 지반과 전극의 접촉면적을 계산하고, 2) 그와 동일한 표면적을 가지는 반구형으로 가정하는 과정을 거쳐 얻어진다. 이러한 가정은 지반과 전극이 접촉하는 면적이 적고 충분한 거리가 떨어져야 한다. 하지만 전극의 크기, 형태 및 전극사이의 거리에 따라 실제 측정되는 저항이 달라지므로 이에 대한 정확한 평가가 필요하다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 전기비저항 탐사에서 주로 사용되는 원기둥형 전극의 크기와 전극사이의 거리에 따른 영향에 관한 이론식을 유도하고, 실험 연구를 통해 검증하였다. 이를 바탕으로 원기둥형 전극의 관입깊이가 반지름에 비해 큰 경우, 등가 반구형 전극의 가정을 사용하면 에러가 증가하므로 적용 시 주의해야 함을 확인하였다.

방조제 누수지점 탐지를 위한 SP및 단극배열 전기비저항탐사의 적용 (Application of SP and Pole-pole Array Electrical Resistivity Surveys to the Seawater Leakage Problem of the Embankment)

  • 송성호;이규상;김진호;권병두
    • 자원환경지질
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    • 제33권5호
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    • pp.417-424
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    • 2000
  • We applied SP monitoring and resistivity surveys using the pole-pole electrode array to seawater leakage problems in the Youngsan estuary dam and the Eoeun embankment to estimate and detect the zone of seawater leakage. The embankment is generally affected by tidal variation and has low resistivity characteristics due to the high saturation of seawater. For this reason, SP monitoring and the pole-pole array resistivity surveys, which are relatively more effective to the conductive media, were carried out to delineate the leakage zones of sea water through the embankment. We checked out electrical conductivity (EC) and temperature variations along the inner part of Youngsan estuary dam to detect the zone of seawater leakage and found that the measured EC value agreed to that of seawater in the leakage zone and the temperature was lower than that of the vicinity of leakage zone. SP monitoring results were coincided with tidal variations at each embankment. At the leakage zones in the Youngsan estuary dam and the Eoeun embankment, SP anomalies are in the range of -60~-85 mV and -20~-50 mV, respectively, and true resistivity values obtained by 2-D inversion are 3~15 ohm-m and below 0.3 ohm-m, respectively. Both SP monitoring and the pole-pole array resistivity method are found to be quite effective for investigation of seawater leakage zones in the embankment.

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  • 한원석;윤종렬
    • 지구물리
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    • 제6권3호
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    • pp.155-164
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    • 2003
  • 차원 전기비저항 탐사자료의 획득에 널리 사용되는 roll-along 기법의 타당성과 효율성을 현재 통용되고 있는 쌍극자-쌍극자 배열법(dipole-dipole array) 과 베너 슐럼버저 (Wenner-Schlumberger array)배열법 의 경우에 대하여 수치 모델링을 통해 분석하였다 천부 정보를 상대적으로 많이 포함하고 있는 가단면도 상부에 위치한 자료들은 기법에 의한 자료의 누락이 없으므로 천부의 전기비저항 이상대는 두 배열법에서 모두 성공적으로 영상화되었다 그러나 비교적 심부에 위치한 이상대는 roll-along기법으로 야기되는 자료의 누락으로 인해 왜곡된 형태로 나타날 수 있으며 이 현상은 자료획득의 수평 범위가 상대적으로 빈약한 베너 슐럼버저 배열법에서 더 크게 나타나는 것으로 확인되었다 또한 실제 탐사에서 쌍극자 쌍극자 배열법은 S/N비가 낮아 유한한 전극 개수로 구현할 수 있는 최대전극전개계수($n_max$) 까지 전극을 전개할 수 없는 경우가 많은 이유로 roll-along기법으로 인한 자료의 누락이 적게 나타나지만 베너 슐럼버저 배열법의 경우에는 S/N비가 높아 ($n_max$)까지 전극을 전개하게 되어 자 료의 누락이 커지므로 역산 단면의 왜곡이 야기될 수 있는 것으로 분석되었다 따라서 동일한 기본전극간격 ($a$)과($n$)을 사용하였을 때 쌍극자 쌍극자 배열법보다 깊은 median depth(Edwards, 1977)를 제공하는 베너 슐럼버저 배열 법의 경우 roll-along기법에 의한 자료의 왜곡을 줄이고 효율적인 현장 작업을 위하여 ($n_max$)보다는 자료의 누락이 무시될 수 있는 ($n_prob$)을 기준으로 가탐심도에 적합한 를 결정한 후 측선 중첩구간이 전체 측선 길이의 3/4이 되도록 전극을 전진 배치하는 전극배열 방식이 추천되며 이는 수치 모델링을 통해 확인되었다.

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Liquid Crystal Lens Array with Thermally Controllable Focal Length and Electrically Convertible Lens Type

  • Heo, Kyong Chan;Kwon, Jin Hyuk;Gwag, Jin Seog
    • Journal of the Optical Society of Korea
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    • 제19권1호
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    • pp.88-94
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    • 2015
  • This paper reports the fabrication of a lenticular liquid crystal (LC) lens array with thermally tunable focus and with the function of a convertible lens type, using the surface structure of a UV-curable polymer and a twisted-nematic (TN) LC cell. The TN LC cell makes the LC lenticular lens function as a converging or diverging lens by controlling electrically the polarization of input light. Therefore, the focal lengths for both the converging and diverging lenses, which can be switched from the TN cell, can be tuned by changing the effective refractive index of the LC by Joule heating of the transparent electrode. As a result, the focal length of the lens with the E7 LC was changed continuously from 8.7 to 31.2 mm for the converging lens type and from -9.8 to -14.2 mm for the diverging lens when the temperature was increased from 25 to $56^{\circ}C$.

Hybridization by an Electrical Force and Electrochemical Genome Detection Using an Indicator-free DNA on a Microelectrode-array DNA Chip

  • Choi, Yong-Sung;Lee, Kyung-Sup;Park, Dae-Hee
    • Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • 제26권3호
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    • pp.379-383
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    • 2005
  • This research aims to develop DNA chip array without an indicator. We fabricated microelectrode array by photolithography technology. Several DNA probes were immobilized on an electrode. Then, indicator-free target DNA was hybridized by an electrical force and measured electrochemically. Cyclic-voltammograms (CVs) showed a difference between DNA probe and mismatched DNA in an anodic peak. Immobilization of probe DNA and hybridization of target DNA could be confirmed by fluorescent. This indicator-free DNA chip microarray resulted in the sequence-specific detection of the target DNA quantitatively ranging from $10^{-18}\;M\;to\;10^{-5}$ M in the buffer solution. This indicator-free DNA chip resulted in a sequence-specific detection of the target DNA.