• Title/Summary/Keyword: differentiation in mathematics education

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A study on understanding of differentiation (미분의 이해에 대한 연구)

  • Oh, Hye-Young
    • Communications of Mathematical Education
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.131-146
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    • 2018
  • Differentiation with integration is an important subject which is widely applied in mathematics, natural science, and engineering. Derivative is an important concept of differentiation. But students don't understand its concept well and concentrate on acquiring only the skill to solve the standardized calculus problem. So they are poor at understanding of the concept of differentiation. In this study, after making a survey of differentiation on college students, we try to analyze errors which appeared in solving differentiation problem and investigate mathematics process of limiting process inherent in the derivative and historical development about derivative. Thus, we try to analyze the understanding of differentiation and present the results about this.

On differentiation of multi -variable functions (다변수 미분에 관하여)

  • Pak, Hee-Chul;Park, Young-Ja
    • Journal for History of Mathematics
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.81-90
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    • 2008
  • It has been noticed the greater importance of mathematical education, particularly of multi-variable calculus in the undergraduate level with remarkable progress of all sorts of sciences requiring mathematical analysis. However, there was lack of variety of introducing the definition of differentiation of multi-variable functions - in fact, all of them basically rely on the chain rules. Here we will introduce a way of defining the geometrical differentiation of the multi-variable functions based upon our teaching experience. One of its merits is that it provides the geometric explanation of the differentiation of the multi-variable functions, so that it conveys the meaning of the differentiation better compared with the known methods.

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A Study of Current Work in Curriculum Development for School Mathematics in Korea towards the 21st Century

  • Koo, Kwang-Jo
    • Research in Mathematical Education
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.7-12
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    • 1997
  • The curriculum differentiation is supposed to maximize individual strength and possibilities of the students, and to maximize educational efficiency by differentiating the instructions according to students' abilities, aptitudes, needs and interests. The Ministry of Education has suggested a stepwise model for school mathematics. This model is named "Stepwise Curriculum Differentiation"(段階別 敎育課程 差別化). In this paper, we would like to make a specific proposal for the 7th curriculum. Our proposal reflects fully the guidelines of the Ministry of Education. It is also based on the national curriculum history up to the present time. It could be used as a reference for the continuing work of curriculum reformation. We suggest dividing the contents of mathematics for 1-10th graders into about 15 steps, to use the step-based textbooks instead of the grade-based ones, and to prepare evaluation standards for each step. We also suggest that the classes for grades 11-12 be organized according to their optional courses and/or their steps.

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  • Jung, H.S.;Ha, Y.S.
    • Journal of applied mathematics & informatics
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    • v.27 no.3_4
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    • pp.963-980
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    • 2009
  • In this paper, spectral scheme based on Hermite interpolation for solving partial differential equations is presented. The idea of this Hermite spectral method comes from the spectral method on arbitrary grids of Carpenter and Gottlieb [J. Comput. Phys. 129(1996) 74-86] using the Lagrange interpolation.

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An analysis of the introduction and application of definite integral in textbook developed under the 2015-Revised Curriculum (2015 개정 교육과정에 따른 <수학II> 교과서의 정적분의 도입 및 활용 분석)

  • Park, Jin Hee;Park, Mi Sun;Kwon, Oh Nam
    • The Mathematical Education
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    • v.57 no.2
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    • pp.157-177
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    • 2018
  • The students in secondary schools have been taught calculus as an important subject in mathematics. The order of chapters-the limit of a sequence followed by limit of a function, and differentiation and integration- is because the limit of a function and the limit of a sequence are required as prerequisites of differentiation and integration. Specifically, the limit of a sequence is used to define definite integral as the limit of the Riemann Sum. However, many researchers identified that students had difficulty in understanding the concept of definite integral defined as the limit of the Riemann Sum. Consequently, they suggested alternative ways to introduce definite integral. Based on these researches, the definition of definite integral in the 2015-Revised Curriculum is not a concept of the limit of the Riemann Sum, which was the definition of definite integral in the previous curriculum, but "F(b)-F(a)" for an indefinite integral F(x) of a function f(x) and real numbers a and b. This change gives rise to differences among ways of introducing definite integral and explaining the relationship between definite integral and area in each textbook. As a result of this study, we have identified that there are a variety of ways of introducing definite integral in each textbook and that ways of explaining the relationship between definite integral and area are affected by ways of introducing definite integral. We expect that this change can reduce the difficulties students face when learning the concept of definite integral.

Mathematical Modeling of the Tennis Serve: Adaptive Tasks from Middle and High School to College

  • Thomas Bardy;Rene Fehlmann
    • Research in Mathematical Education
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.167-202
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    • 2023
  • A central problem of mathematics teaching worldwide is probably the insufficient adaptive handling of tasks-especially in computational practice phases and modeling tasks. All students in a classroom must often work on the same tasks. In the process, the high-achieving students are often underchallenged, and the low-achieving ones are overchallenged. This publication uses different modeling of the tennis serve as an example to show a possible solution to the problem and develops and discusses one adaptive task each for middle school, high school, and college using three mathematical models of the tennis serve each time. From model to model within the task, the complexity of the modeling increases, the mathematical or physical demands on the students increase, and the new modeling leads to more realistic results. The proposed models offer the possibility to address heterogeneous learning groups by their arrangement in the surface structure of the so-called parallel adaptive task and to stimulate adaptive mathematics teaching on the instructional topic of mathematical modeling. Models A through C are suitable for middle school instruction, models C through E for high school, and models E through G for college. The models are classified in the specific modeling cycle and its extension by a digital tool model, and individual modeling steps are explained. The advantages of the presented models regarding teaching and learning mathematical modeling are elaborated. In addition, we report our first teaching experiences with the developed parallel adaptive tasks.

A study on tangent of quadratic curves and cycloid curves using vectors (벡터를 활용한 이차곡선과 사이클로이드의 접선에 대한 연구)

  • Lee, Dong Won;Chung, Young Woo;Kim, Boo Yoon
    • The Mathematical Education
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    • v.53 no.3
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    • pp.313-327
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    • 2014
  • 'Tangent' is one of the most important concepts in the middle and high school mathematics, especially in dealing with calculus. The concept of tangent in the current textbook consists of the ways which make use of discriminant or differentiation. These ways, however, do not present dynamic view points, that is, the concept of variation. In this paper, after applying 'Roberval's way of finding tangent using vectors in terms of kinematics to parabola, ellipse, circle, hyperbola, cycloid, hypocycloid and epicycloid, we will identify that this is the tangent of those curves. This trial is the educational link of mathematics and physics, and it will also suggest the appropriate example of applying vector. We will also help students to understand the tangent by connecting this method to the existing ones.


  • Darvishi, M.T.;Ghoreishi, F.
    • Journal of applied mathematics & informatics
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.523-538
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    • 1999
  • A new preconditioning method is investigated to reduce the roundoff error in computing derivatives using Chebyshev col-location methods(CCM). Using this preconditioning causes ration of roundoff error of preconditioning method and CCm becomes small when N gets large. Also for accuracy enhancement of differentiation we use a domain decomposition approach. Error analysis shows that for this domain decomposition method error reduces proportional to the length of subintervals. Numerical results show that using domain decomposition and preconditioning simultaneously gives super accu-rate approximate values for first derivative of the function and good approximate values for moderately high derivatives.

A Study on History of Mathematics and Illustrations for Interesting in Mathematics Classes - Centering on Mathematics I of Highschool - (수학수업의 흥미유발을 위한 수학사 및 예화자료 연구 - 수학I을 중심으로 -)

  • 이덕호;이만희
    • Journal of the Korean School Mathematics Society
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.59-67
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    • 2000
  • This study has been done to help teach mathematics on the spot of education by providing the history of mathematics and illustrations concerning mathematics, which were rearranged for the level of the second grade students in highschool and intented to interest students in mathematics classes. The contents of teaching, according to each unit (Matrix, Sequence, Limit, Differentiation, Integration, Probability, Statistics) include the life of the representative mathematician, the historical background centered on episodes, questions linked with reality, questions making sensations in history and something for maxim in mathematics. If such contents are properly used, they are expected to be able to stimulate students' curiosity, and to be effective in improving students' learning ability in mathematics by causing them to show their active attitudes toward learning mathematics.

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Visualisation of the Mathematical Process: Boolean Algebra and Graph Theory with TI-83/89

  • Gashkov, Igor
    • Research in Mathematical Education
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.143-151
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    • 2007
  • Nowadays there are practically no mathematical courses in which Computer Algebra Systems (CAS) programs, such as MATHEMATlCA, Maple, and TI-89/92, are not used to some extent. However, generally the usage of these programs is reduced to illustration of computing processes: calculation of integrals, differentiation, solution of various equations, etc. This is obtained by usage of standard command of type: Solve [...] in MATHEMATICA. At the same time the main difficulties arise at teaching nonconventional mathematical courses such as coding theory, discrete mathematics, cryptography, Scientific computing, which are gaining the increasing popularity now. Now it is impossible to imagine a modern engineer not having basic knowledge in discrete mathematics, Cryptography, coding theory. Digital processing of signals (digital sound, digital TV) has been introduced in our lives.

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