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A Study on the Re-examination of Theory of Pansori Originating in Chinese Tale-Song Literature (판소리 중국(中國) 강창문학(講唱文學) 기원설(起源說) 재론(再論))

  • Seo, You-seok
    • (The) Research of the performance art and culture
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    • no.36
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    • pp.103-135
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    • 2018
  • The objective of this study is to re-examine the theory of Pansori (Korean musical storytelling genre) originating in Chinese tale-song literature. The said theory, first presented by Kim Hak-ju, succeeded in confirming the common points and association between Pansori and the Chinese tale-song literature, but failed to present the supporting ground for proving that Pansori originated in the said Chinese genre by comparing the contents of works and their performance type. In actuality, it was confirmed that the common factors of Pansori and the said Chinese genre naturally resulted from the performance situation where both genres should involve one singer chanting epics and simultaneously performing various roles and functions. In addition, it was confirmed that such identity of performance environment made the Pansori clown theory and the Gosagye tale-song(鼓詞系講唱) theory very similar. In addition, it was confirmed that, for one singer to present the wide spectrum of epic to the audience, the realistic description was the main part of literary style of both tale-song literature and Pansori, and furthermore it was revealed that, in the literary style of both tale-song literature and Pansori, the mixed use of time and temporal penetration were free. If a long performance of musical storytelling can be conceptualized in terms of 'tale-song' or 'oral epic', the Chinese tale-song literature and Pansori had similarity in the bigger frame of 'tale-song' or 'oral epic' and yet developed to have their own features.

Anti-tumor Effects of Codonopsis Lanceolata Extracts on Human Lung and Ovarian Cancer (산지별 더덕 추출물의 폐암 및 난소암에 대한 항암 효능)

  • Cho, Young-Rak;Kim, Soo Hyeon;Yoon, Hyun Jae;Hong, Sam Yeol;Ko, Hee-Young;Park, Eun-Hee;Kim, Myoung-Dong;Seo, Dong-Wan
    • Food Engineering Progress
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.1-5
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    • 2011
  • Codonopsis lanceolata L. (Campanulaceae) has long been used in traditional Korean medicine to treat bronchitis, cough, and inflammatory diseases, however, the efficacy of anti-tumor activities remains to be defined. In this study the effects of Codonopsis lanceolata (C. lanceolata) on proliferation, migration and adhesion in lung (A549, H1299) and ovarian cancer (SKOV-3) cells were investigated. To assess and compare the pharmacological effects and production places of C. lanceolata, the ethanolic extracts of C. lanceolata from different places in Korea (Hongseong, Yecheon, Yeongwol, Yanggu, Gangjin, and Hoengseong) were prepared. The extract from Hoengseong county did have only marginal anti-proliferative activity in all the cell lines tested, however, other extracts had little or no effect on cell proliferation. The extracts from Hongseong, Gangjin or Hoengseong county had partial anti-migratory activity in lung cancer cells, but not in ovarian cancer cells. In addition, the extract from Hoengseong county had partial anti-adhesive activity in ovarian cancer cells, however, other extracts did not affect cell adhesion in both lung and ovarian cancer cells. Taken together, these findings provide the first description of anti-tumor efficacy of C. lanceolata from different production places in Korea, and suggest that C. lanceolata from Hoengseong county may have therapeutic potential in lung and ovarian cancers.

Reconsideration of the Linguistic Category of Mediation in Language: a Comparative Approach between French and Korean (언어의 '매개작용' 범주 고찰: 프랑스어와 한국어 비교 연구)

  • Suh, Jungyeon
    • Cross-Cultural Studies
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    • v.46
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    • pp.297-325
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    • 2017
  • In this paper, I would like to reconsider the evidential category (or the mediation category) in languages with language specific values, especially in Korean and French evidentials. We tried to analyze how the evidentials are represented in both languages including their linguistic markers (grammatical, lexical or discursive) and their semantic meanings. According to the precedent studies from the general linguistic point of view, we would like to reconsider the semantic meanings of both languages' grammatical markers, the so-called Korean retrospective marker '-te-' and French conditionals in the framework of the enunciative operation theory suggested by Desclˊes & Guentchˊeva (2000), which proposed to classify the type of discourse by the language-independent description tools conceived after the enunciation theory suggested by Bally (1965), Benveniste (1956), Culioli (1973). Through this approach, we would like to contribute to establishing the linguistic basis not only for the general linguistic research to determine the invariant meaning of linguistic evidentials and their system, but also for the applied linguistics to the language engineering field.

A Study on the Collecting Policy of Oral History Archives (구술기록의 수집과 아카이브 정책에 관한 연구)

  • Cho, Young-Sung
    • The Korean Journal of Archival Studies
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    • no.25
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    • pp.233-278
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    • 2010
  • An interest in various description of history was increased, resolutely breaking away from the existing frame also in a historical science world, under the influence of post-modernism arisen from the mid 20th century, and for this, oral history archives and oral history methodology began to attract the attention in various academia including archival science as a method for a new writing of history. Also, under the circumstance of korea having a difficulty in performing a whole reconstruction of modern age history and a liquidation of past affairs due to an absolute lack of archives, the tendency is toward more active management of oral history archives and establishing oral history archives in the context of an excavation of new archives and a reinterpretation of history, owing to the necessity in a particular situation. This article started with a critical mind regarding an absence of a collecting policy which can help an effective development of collection from a point of view of archival science, with regard to oral history archives that recently shows a rapid increase of an interest. For this, this article intended to present an new element of a collecting policy besides the study on a collecting policy performed meanwhile by an archival science world by noticing a characteristic and a collecting method of oral history archives, this can be examined largely through 'a statement of mission and collection purpose', 'a policy of collection at large', 'a definition of maintenance and use of the holdings', and 'a guide for a development of collection', and add a proposal regarding a plan to embody the parr which should be actually applied to collection of oral history archives among the existing constituents.

A Full Scale Hydrodynamic Simulation of High Explosion Performance for Pyrotechnic Device (파이로테크닉 장치의 고폭 폭발성능 정밀 하이드로다이나믹 해석)

  • Kim, Bohoon;Yoh, Jai-ick
    • Journal of the Korea Society for Simulation
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.1-14
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    • 2019
  • A full scale hydrodynamic simulation that requires an accurate reproduction of shock-induced detonation was conducted for design of an energetic component system. A detailed hydrodynamic analysis SW was developed to validate the reactive flow model for predicting the shock propagation in a train configuration and to quantify the shock sensitivity of the energetic materials. The pyrotechnic device is composed of four main components, namely a donor unit (HNS+HMX), a bulkhead (STS), an acceptor explosive (RDX), and a propellant (BPN) for gas generation. The pressurized gases generated from the burning propellant were purged into a 10 cc release chamber for study of the inherent oscillatory flow induced by the interferences between shock and rarefaction waves. The pressure fluctuations measured from experiment and calculation were investigated to further validate the peculiar peak at specific characteristic frequency (ωc=8.3kHz). In this paper, a step-by-step numerical description of detonation of high explosive components, deflagration of propellant component, and deformation of metal component is given in order to facilitate the proper implementation of the outlined formulation into a shock physics code for a full scale hydrodynamic simulation of the energetic component system.

Revised Crackling Core Model Accounting for Fragmentation Effect and Variable Grain Conversion Time : Application to UO2 Sphere Oxidation (파편화 효과와 결정립 가변 전환시간을 고려한 Crackling Core Model의 개선 : UO2 구형 입자의 산화거동으로의 적용)

  • Lee, Ju Ho;Cho, Yung-Zun
    • Journal of Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Waste Technology(JNFCWT)
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.411-420
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    • 2018
  • This study presents a revised crackling core model for the description of UO2 sphere oxidation in air atmosphere. For close reproduction of the sigmoid behavior exhibited in UO2 to U3O8 conversion, the fragmentation effect contributing to the increased reactive surface area and the concept of variable grain conversion time were considered in the model development. Under the assumptions of two-step successive reaction of UO2U3O7U3O8 and final grain conversion time equivalent to ten times the initial grain conversion time, the revised model showed good agreement with the experimental data measured at 599 - 674 K and a lowest deviation when compared with Nucleation and Growth model and AutoCatalytic Reaction model. The evaluated activation energy at 100% conversion to U3O8, 57.6kJmol1, was found to be closer to the experimentally extrapolated value than to the value determined in AutoCatalytic Reaction model, 48.6kJmol1.

Linguistic Features of Spontaneous Speech Production in Normal Aging, Alzheimer's Disease (정상 노인과 알츠하이머성 치매 환자의 자발화 산출에서의 언어적 특징)

  • Kim, Jung Wan
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.32 no.3
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    • pp.747-758
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    • 2012
  • Detecting probable Alzheimer's disease (AD) at an early stage is crucial in slowing the progression of the disease and initiating drug therapy for more effective symptom management. Therefore, this study aimed to identify linguistic features that allow us to distinguish between patients with AD and normal controls. This paper reports on characteristics of spontaneous speech in subjects in three stages of AD (questionable, mild, moderate) compared with education- and age-matched normal controls. Four components of speech were measured in Korean native speakers with AD and normal aging: speech tempo, hesitation (measured in seconds), rate of articulation errors, and rate of grammatical errors. The results revealed significant differences in most of these speech components among the four groups, including significant differences between normal controls and the questionable AD group in the areas of speech tempo and rate of grammatical errors. Phonological? articulatory ability was preserved in questionable AD, and grammatical ability was preserved in questionable and mild AD. Subjects with moderate AD were severely impaired in grammatical ability. Prospective assessments of spontaneous speech skills using a dialogue and picture-description task are useful in detecting the subtle, spontaneous speech impairments that AD causes even in its early stage.

A Research on the Use of Faceted Navigation of KOLIS-NET (KOLIS-NET의 패싯 네비게이션 활용에 관한 연구)

  • Yoon, Cheong-Ok
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.53 no.1
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    • pp.109-132
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study is to examine and propose to improve the features of a simple keyword search box and faceted navigations of KOLIS-NET operated by the National Library of Korea. A record group of '2011-2020 (776)' under 'Publication date' facet, out of 3,702 records retrieved from a search of '김훈', were examined. Major findings are as follows: (1) Five facets including 'Format', 'Publication date', 'Subject', 'Language' and 'Country' are used to limit search results only in the first step, and multiple facets cannot be simultaneously used; (2) With 'Publication date' facet formed in the span of ten years, a separate publication year cannot be identified; (3) 'Subject' facet based on KDC limits the results only in broad subject classes without sub-facets; (4) Under 'Format' facet, a special format such as large print texts cannot be identified; (5) Without 'Author' facet, authors cannot be identified; and (6) 'Publication date missing', 'Language missing', and 'Miscellaneous subject' record groups cannot be clicked and displayed, a navigation to-and-fro between a brief list and bibliographic records is not smooth, etc. Therefore an application of multiple facets in all stages of limiting the search result, a construction of sub-facets for 'Publication date' and 'Subject' facets, an accurate description and coding of 'General Material Designation', etc. are suggested to improve KOLIS-NET's faceted navigation.

Effect of Modified Flank Exercise on Abdominal Muscle Thickness Using Sling Suspension System (슬링현수장치를 이용한 변형 플랭크 운동이 복부 근육 두께에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Keoncheol;Bae, Wonsik;Kim, Hyeonsu;Kang, Raekyung;Jang, Haejin
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Integrative Medicine
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.39-45
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    • 2018
  • Purpose : The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of core motion pattern on abdominal muscle thickness on unstable support surface using sling suspension system and to provide an effective exercise program for therapeutic rehabilitation in clinical practice. Methods : In this study, we used the flank exercise using a sling. It was intended for 21 healthy men and 9 healthy women. Before and after the exercise of the subjects, abdominal muscles (EO, IO, TrA the thickness of the muscle) was determined using a diagnostic ultrasonic apparatus. The period of exercise was 3 times a week for 6 weeks. The exercise for each group started with 3 sets per week and 1 set per week was added. A description of the method and attitude of each exercise is as follows. First, the push-up flank 's exercise position is to put both feet on the sling and hold the floor with both hands. Second, the side flank's exercise postures take the side flanks, while the two legs hang on the sling and one arm supports the body with an articulated bend (about 90). Third, the elbow flank's exercise position is to put the two legs on the sling, and take a flank posture with the arms bent and joint bending (about 90). Results : There was a significant difference in the thickness of the muscle in the three flank movements after the exercise (p<.05). The most significant difference was in the change of the muscle thickness in the abdominal muscle, the outer muscle, and the stomach in the elbow flank exercise after exercise. There was a significant difference between the mean thickness of the abdominal muscles according to the flank type after exercise (p<.05). Conclusion : In flank exercise for core stabilization using sling, it is considered effective to strengthen the abdominal muscles by considering the support surface, difficulty level, change of movement pattern.

Local Prominent Directional Pattern for Gender Recognition of Facial Photographs and Sketches (Local Prominent Directional Pattern을 이용한 얼굴 사진과 스케치 영상 성별인식 방법)

  • Makhmudkhujaev, Farkhod;Chae, Oksam
    • Convergence Security Journal
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.91-104
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    • 2019
  • In this paper, we present a novel local descriptor, Local Prominent Directional Pattern (LPDP), to represent the description of facial images for gender recognition purpose. To achieve a clearly discriminative representation of local shape, presented method encodes a target pixel with the prominent directional variations in local structure from an analysis of statistics encompassed in the histogram of such directional variations. Use of the statistical information comes from the observation that a local neighboring region, having an edge going through it, demonstrate similar gradient directions, and hence, the prominent accumulations, accumulated from such gradient directions provide a solid base to represent the shape of that local structure. Unlike the sole use of gradient direction of a target pixel in existing methods, our coding scheme selects prominent edge directions accumulated from more samples (e.g., surrounding neighboring pixels), which, in turn, minimizes the effect of noise by suppressing the noisy accumulations of single or fewer samples. In this way, the presented encoding strategy provides the more discriminative shape of local structures while ensuring robustness to subtle changes such as local noise. We conduct extensive experiments on gender recognition datasets containing a wide range of challenges such as illumination, expression, age, and pose variations as well as sketch images, and observe the better performance of LPDP descriptor against existing local descriptors.