• Title/Summary/Keyword: crisis response

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Problems of Government Crisis Management System and Its Improvements: Focusing on Park Geun-hye Administration (정부 위기관리시스템의 문제점과 개선방안 : 박근혜 정부를 중심으로)

  • Park, Soo-Kyung;Jang, Dong-Hyun
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.378-389
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    • 2018
  • This study is intended to comprehend the level of Crisis management through the review of the government Crisis management system, to draw its problems and improvement methods, and to present implications on the establishment of effective Crisis management systems for the future. For this, the condition of operating Crisis management system was analyzed based on legal system, organizations and networks through the major disaster cases during Park Geun-hye administration period. The result of the study showed that there was lack of the interconnectedness among laws in the legal system, manuals and disaster preparation training. The Crisis management organizations had such problems as inappropriate response to crisis, perfunctory re-organization and lack of organizations' functions. The problems in the networks were relations between central and local governments, lack of cooperation and association among each division, and operation methods. The presented improvements for the above problems were the comprehensive revision of legal system, securing responsiveness of Crisis management organizations and the establishment of organic network system.

Application of RAG(Resilience Assessment Grid) of the Aviation Safety Organization in Response to the COVID-19 Situation (코로나-19 상황에 대응하는 항공안전조직의 RAG(Resilience Assessment Grid) 적용)

  • Kim, Dae Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aviation and Aeronautics
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.38-46
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    • 2021
  • The Organization's ability to respond to social disasters has begun to be treated as important through social shock situations that have never been experienced, such as COVID-19. Among them, the ability to respond to unexpected risks and resilience is emerging. Since social disasters such as infectious diseases are periodically repeated, compounded, and enlarged, they develop into a global crisis situation, so this crisis response capability is treated as national competitiveness. Therefore, this study aims to improve the organization's response capability in terms of risk response and resilience under rapid social disasters such as COVID-19. The aviation safety field was taken as an example. From the Safety-II perspective, safety management focuses on the ability to resilience in response to system vulnerabilities in various situations. In this study, I intend to apply RAG(Resilience Assessment Grid) of Respond, Monitor, Learn and Anticipate, the four major potential of resilience engineering. Based on Hollnagel's research, potential elements were classified into four, and items were organized through an expert panel using Delphi techniques. The final configured RAG items are 15 Respond, 15 Monitor, 15 Learn and 11 Anticipate. The RAG was evaluated by 42 experts in the field of aviation safety.

Developing Strategies to Improve Efficiency of School Health Education in an Outbreak of Pandemic Disease (감염병 유행 시 학교 보건교육의 효율성 제고를 위한 전략 개발)

  • Kim, Young-Bok;Kim, Hye-Kyeong;Kim, Myung
    • Korean Journal of Health Education and Promotion
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.71-81
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    • 2012
  • Objectives: Effective and efficient response for public health crisis necessitate planning how to respond and mobilize the resources in schools. We preformed this study to develop the strategies to improve efficiency of school health education in an outbreak of pandemic disease. Methods: We tried to review the policies, regulations and response systems of all related sectors, and advanced cases associated with pandemic disease control measures by searching databases and on-line networks connected with the Korean Ministry of Education, Science and Technology. Results: It was important to implement a consistent and systematic approach for educational offices and schools to prevent confusion resulted from the inaccurate information. First, the systems and action plans for school health should be established to prepare and respond to an outbreak of pandemic disease. Secondly, the strategies to improve the efficiency of school health education in public health crisis should be in place. Finally, the personnel pool would be needed to provide the crisis management programs. Conclusion: In order for staffs and students to have abilities to respond in an outbreak of pandemic disease, comprehensive school health approaches and efficient educational efforts should be prepared in collaboration with related sectors.

Disaster Risk Analysis of Domestic Public Institutions 1 - Focusing on Simulation Training and An Attitude Survey - (국내 공공기관의 재난위험성 현황 분석 1 - 모의훈련과 의식조사를 통하여 -)

  • Seo, Gwangduck;Kim, Dongheon;Choi, Yuncheul
    • Journal of the Society of Disaster Information
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.337-345
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    • 2015
  • As the modern society becoms industry acceleration and urbanization, disaster and safetry education becoms important to educate and exercise the people for the disaster response and safety. This study suggests safety management method by simulation training and an attitude survey. The researchers of the study suggest as followers: First must be about strengthening eduation that accords to responsibility and part. The second need about manual build and simulation training for expansion disaster and crisis management. The last must be consideration to reconstitute of organization which of be not up to the disaster and crisis management.

Comprehensive Crisis Management System of Operational Continuity Management (운영연속성관리(OCM)관점에서 위기관리통합시스템 구축)

  • Kang, Heau-Jo
    • Journal of Advanced Navigation Technology
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.127-133
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    • 2010
  • The process for establishment of Operational Continuity Management Plan is organized repeatedly of Business Risk Assessment, Crisis Analysis, Business Impact Analysis, Establishing Business Recovery Strategies, Detailed Planning, Plan Execution, Test and Maintenance(Including Monitoring). Therefore, in this paper in response to global environmental change and the construction and operation of social security systems to maximize operational continuity management, crisis management and crisis management systems, building integrated systems for building technology in general and operational continuity management within an organization to understand developed to provide a framework for implementing operational continuity management in terms of crisis management has proposed to build an integrated system.

Inclusive Crisis Communication During COVID-19: Lessons Learned from the Experiences of Persons with Disabilities in Makassar, Indonesia

  • Sudirman Karnay;Rahmatul Furqan;Rahman Saeni
    • Asian Journal for Public Opinion Research
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.201-233
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    • 2023
  • Persons with disabilities (PwD) are believed to be a group that had a greater risk during the pandemic. While PwD are vulnerable to the spread of COVID-19 due to their high dependence on physical contact, a series of policies restricting public movement during the pandemic had the potential to place PwD in increasingly marginalized situations. This situation reinforces the urgency of crisis communication as one of the critical parts of the COVID-19 response to ensure that all levels and groups of society can accept and understand the flow of information. Using a qualitative approach, this research was conducted through in-depth interviews with PwD age 17-50 in the city of Makassar, Indonesia. The results of this study suggest that crisis communication during the pandemic should involve participatory communication, which focuses on collaboration with empowerment. The PwD communities need to be actively engaged during the communication process of a pandemic crisis to ensure that inclusiveness is always taken into account. During the distribution of information, the relevant health officers or the government at the regional level need to carry out more frequent socialization and special services for PwD based on the characteristics of their disabilities.

A study on adaptation measures to climate crisis for water supply system of Jeju Special Self-Governing Province (제주특별자치도 상수도 기후위기 적응대책 연구)

  • Jinkeun Kim
    • Journal of Korean Society of Water and Wastewater
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    • v.37 no.6
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    • pp.447-456
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    • 2023
  • Risk assessment on Jeju Special Self-Governing Province(JSSGP)'s water supply facilities and establishment of adaptation measures for climate crisis factors were implemented. JSSGP's vulnerability to the climate crisis was high in the order of drought, heat wave, heavy rain and strong wind. As a drought adaptation measure, policies of water saving and revenue water ratio improvement were considered. As for the heat wave adaptation measure, the introduction of an advanced water treatment process was suggested in response to the increase of algae cell number which resulting in taste and odor problem. As for heavy rain adaptation measures, the installation and operation of automatic coagulant injection devices for water purification plants that take turbid surface water were proposed. As a measure to adapt to strong winds, stabilization of power supply such as installation of dual power line was proposed in preparation for power outages. It is expected that water facilities will be able to supply high-quality tap water to customers even under extreme climate conditions without interruption through risk assessment for climate crisis factors and active implementation of adaptation measures.

The Use Plan of the Effective Computer Simulation Program for Strengthening the Disaster Field Response Strategy

  • Ham, Seung Hee;Park, Namkwun;Yoo, Myong O
    • Journal of the Society of Disaster Information
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.176-180
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    • 2016
  • The full extent of damage depend greatly on the quick and rational decision making by the incident commander soon after the disaster. The decision that everybody should wait by the captain, not to enter into the ship by the first dispatched incident commander, broadcasting failure have brought about a huge loss of life at Sewol cruise ship incident. Thus this study reviews the training and education system supporting the rational crisis decision making performed by the incident commander to cut off the expansion of disaster which is caused by the failure of the incident situation awareness and the decision making described above.

A Study on Crisis Response Strategies for Global Solar Energy Companies - Focusing of M&A and Restructuring - (글로벌 태양광기업의 위기극복전략 연구 - 기업 인수합병과 구조조정을 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Chang Seok;Yoo, Sung Yeon;Han, Ki Ju;Cha, Jae Hyung;Jeon, Eui Chan
    • Journal of Climate Change Research
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.91-97
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    • 2017
  • Korean solar energy companies are currently suffering bankruptcy, receivership, liquidation of operation, lay-off or other similar event and most of the conglomerate are also downsized or discontinued operations in the industry. This study aims to assist Korean solar energy companies in making decision to overcome the current industrial crisis through looking into the Korean companies' growth, encounter with the crisis and strategies to survive. The main research topic in this study is a comparison between respective effect of M&A and restructuring on corporate value to understand such effects on solar energy companies. In this study, we utilized a variety of research methodologies, including dummy regression analysis, binary analysis of variance, analysis of cross addition to T-test was carried out empirical analysis. As a result, it seems that the companies who chose an M&A are facing a better situation in terms of survival and market share despite the ongoing crisis. Through this study, it could be found that, for a technology company, an M&A would be a better option than restructuring to grow and overcome a crisis.