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Problems of Government Crisis Management System and Its Improvements: Focusing on Park Geun-hye Administration  

Park, Soo-Kyung (충남대학교 행정학부)
Jang, Dong-Hyun (충남대학교 행정학과)
Publication Information
This study is intended to comprehend the level of Crisis management through the review of the government Crisis management system, to draw its problems and improvement methods, and to present implications on the establishment of effective Crisis management systems for the future. For this, the condition of operating Crisis management system was analyzed based on legal system, organizations and networks through the major disaster cases during Park Geun-hye administration period. The result of the study showed that there was lack of the interconnectedness among laws in the legal system, manuals and disaster preparation training. The Crisis management organizations had such problems as inappropriate response to crisis, perfunctory re-organization and lack of organizations' functions. The problems in the networks were relations between central and local governments, lack of cooperation and association among each division, and operation methods. The presented improvements for the above problems were the comprehensive revision of legal system, securing responsiveness of Crisis management organizations and the establishment of organic network system.
Crisis Management; Governance; Park Geun-hye Administration; Disaster; Control Tower;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
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