• Title/Summary/Keyword: connection of concept

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A Study on the Agency Theory and Accounting (에이전시이론과 회계감사에 관한 연구)

  • 공해영
    • Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering
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    • v.12 no.20
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    • pp.123-138
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    • 1989
  • The primary objective of the agency research in the game theory lives in the maintenance of Pareto is optimal condition for the optimal incentive contract. The basic concepts which are related to this objective are reviewed in connection with the general assumptions to model it, the moral hazard and adverse selection which arised from the information asymmetry, and finally the problem of risk distribution. The demand for auditing and the role of auditor have been addressed by ASOBAC. Issues which an auditor is explicitly introduced in a principal-agent framework have been addressed in this paper. These issues must be confronted to appropriately with the auditor, and to achieve an adequate understanding of optimal confronting arrangement with the auditor. The first step in introducing an auditor into this analysis is to examine the game-theoretic foundation of such a expended agency model. The Mathematical program formulated may not yield solution that are resonable. This arises because the program may call for the auditor and manager to play dominated Nash equilibra in some subgame. The nontrivial natures of the subgame implies that randomized strategies by the auditor and manager nay be of crucial importance. The possibilities for overcoming the randomized strategy problem were suggested; change the rule of the game and or impose covexity condition. The former seems unjustifiable in on auditing context, and the latter promising but difficult to achieve. The discussion ended with an extension of the revelation principle to the owner manager-auditor game, assuming strategies. An examination of the restriction and improvement direction of the basic concept of agency theory was addressed in the later part of this paper. Many important aspects of auditor incentives are inherently multiple-agent, multiple-period, multiple-objectine, phenomena and require further analyses and researches.

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A discussion on the philosophical associations between Dongmu (東武) and Nosa (蘆沙): an approach based on the Li-Qi (理-氣) theory (동무(東武)와 노사(蘆沙)의 사상적(思想的) 연계 가능성에 대한 고찰 -이기(理氣)관계를 중심으로-)

  • Lee, Jun-Hee;Koh, Byung-Hee;Lee, Eui-Ju
    • Journal of Sasang Constitution and Immune Medicine
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.12-23
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    • 2011
  • 1. Objectives: This study reviews the general theory on Li-Qi (理-氣) found in Dongmu Lee Jema (東武 李濟馬) and Nosa Gi Jeongjin (蘆沙 奇正鎭)'s works and explores the associations between their philosophical systems. 2. Methods: The main ideas on Predisposition (氣稟論) found in Dongmu's works were explored in connection with the Li-Qi (理-氣) theory and compared with the perspectives suggested by Nosa. 3. Results and Conclusions 1) Nosa criticized the "weakened supervision of Li (理)" and the "separation of Li (理) and Qi (氣)", proposing that this problem can be overcome through "mutual embracement of Li and its manifestations (理分圓融 理分相涵)". 2) When Dongmu's theory on Predisposition (氣稟論) is interpreted in terms of Li-Qi (理-氣), the Seong-Li (laws governing the organ scheme) (性理(臟理)) represents the Li (理) while the formational variations in organ scheme(臟局短長) and and the level of self-cultivation (心地淸濁) represents the Qi (氣). 3) The concept of "Diversification of Li (理之異)", bearing similarities to Nosa's Li-Qi (理-氣) theory, was introduced for the first time in Dongmu's theory on Predisposition (氣稟論), which presumably built the fundamental theories in the Sasang Constitutional Typology. 4) Within Dongmu's theory of Predisposition (氣稟論) can be found a dichotomous division of "similitude between the morally unaccomplished and the morally accomplished" in the ontological plane and "dissimilitude between the morally unaccomplished and the morally accomplished" in the axiological plane; this dichotomy is more extensive and developed compared to Nosa's attempt to find a consistent logic in both the ontological and axiological plane through a Li-Qi (理-氣) structure with Li-predominance.

A Study on the Effect of Chanel Style on Cosmetic and Beauty (샤넬스타일이 향장미용에 미친 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Seok, Eun-Kyung;Chae, Keum-Seok
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.611-621
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    • 2009
  • As fashion is a visual symbol that reflects age and culture, cosmetics and beauty are other products of fashion that move the time. A dominant designer of 20th century Chanel does not merely stand for a design innovation of fashion industry that created a vogue. With liberation from corsets that cruelly exaggerated and suppressed female body, meaning of style in modern fashion could be found not only in clothing but also in make-up and hair style. Simplest possible comfort was aimed for, and philosophical concepts of minimalism, modernism and dandyism were incorporated with clothing, cosmetics, perfume, make-up and hair style to establish aesthetical concept of total fashion. Chanel thought of cosmetics as an accessory with essential role and although her philosophy on cosmetics and beauty is not as well known as her clothing style, the authors believe that understanding such philosophy will become an important stepping stone for accurately understanding Chanel style. The purpose of this study is to firstly illuminate the idea that cosmetic beauty can be studied with artistic and philosophical background in addition to its functional side and to secondly investigate the reason why Chanel style is being loved by women with such durability over time and space and with what tempo fashion is connected with cosmetic beauty culture and develops. Third, by studying the ways in which characteristics of Chanel's fashion philosophy are expressed in cosmetics and beauty culture, this study aims to accurately understand Chanel's philosophy on cosmetics and beauty. The meaning of this study can be found by showing the evidence that globalization of Korean fashion beauty culture can be achieved only when cosmetics and beauty culture moves with an intimate connection to clothing culture.

A Study on Automatic Design of Artificial Meural Networks using Cellular Automata Techniques (샐룰라 오토마타 기법을 이용한 신경망의 자동설계에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Dong-Wook;Sim, Kwee-Bo
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Telematics and Electronics S
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    • v.35S no.11
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    • pp.88-95
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    • 1998
  • This paper is the result of constructing information processing system such as living creatures' brain based on artificial life techniques. The living things are best information processing system in themselves. One individual is developed from a generative cell. And a species of this individual has adapted itself to the environment through evolution. In this paper, we propose a new method of designing neural networks using biological inspired developmental and evolutionary concept. Ontogeny of organism is embodied in cellular automata(CA) and phylogeny of species is realized by evolutionary algorithms(EAs). We call 'Evolving Cellular Automata Neural Systems' as ECANSI. The connection among cells is determined by the rule of cellular automata. In order to obtain the best neural networks in given environment, we evolve the arragemetn of initial cells. The cell, that is a neuron of neural networks, is modeled on chaotic neuron with firing or rest state like biological neuron. A final output of network is measured by frequency of firing state. The effectiveness of the proposed scheme is verified by applying it to Exclusive-OR and parity problem.

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Design Validation through Analysis of Concrete Modular Road Behavior under Static Axial Loads (콘크리트 모듈러 도로 축하중 거동 분석을 통한 설계 타당성 검증)

  • Nam, Jeong-Hee;Kim, Woo Seok;Kim, Ki Hyun;Kim, Yeon Bok
    • International Journal of Highway Engineering
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    • v.17 no.6
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    • pp.37-45
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    • 2015
  • PURPOSES : The purpose of this study is to validate the design criteria of the concrete modular road system, which is a new semi-bridge-type concept road, through a comparison of numerical analysis results and actual loading test results under static axial loads. METHODS : To design the semi-bridge-type modular road, both the bridge design code and the concrete structural design code were adopted. The standard truck load (KL-510) was applied as the major traffic vehicle for the design loading condition. The dimension of the modular slab was designed in consideration of self-weight, axial load, environmental load, and combined loads, with ultimate limit state coefficients. The ANSYS APDL (2010) program was used for case studies of center and edge loading, and the analysis results were compared with the actual mock-up test results. RESULTS : A full-scale mock-up test was successfully conducted. The maximum longitudinal steel strains were measured as about 35 and 83.5 micro-strain (within elastic range) at center and edge loading locations, respectively, under a 100 kN dual-wheel loading condition by accelerating pavement tester. CONCLUSIONS : Based on the results of the comparison between the numerical analysis and the full-scale test, the maximum converted stress range at the edge location is 32~51% of the required standard flexural strength under the two times over-weight loading condition. In the case of edge loading, the maximum converted stresses from the Westergaard equation, the ANSYS APDL analysis, and the mock-up test are 1.95, 1.7, and 2.3 times of that of the center loading case, respectively. The primary reason for this difference is related to the assumption of the boundary conditions of the vertical connection between the slab module and the crossbeam module. Even though more research is required to fully define the boundary conditions, the proposed design criteria for the concrete modular road finally seems to be reasonable.

The Significance of Managing "Mibyeng" in Geriatric Health by Focusing on the Connection between Korean Medicine and Psychology: A Review (노년기 건강에 있어 미병(未病) 관리의 의의: 한의학과 심리학의 연관성을 중심으로)

  • Bae, Suhyun;Park, Miso;Lee, Siwoo;Beak, Younghwa;Yoo, Horyong;Kim, Giyeon
    • Journal of Oriental Neuropsychiatry
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.109-119
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    • 2020
  • Objectives: The aim of this study is to review the significance of managing "Mibyeong" in geriatric health in Korean medicine and psychology. Methods: We performed a literature search using OASIS, Koreantk, RISS, DBpia, and PubMed databases. We retrieved research articles using the keywords related to mibyeong (未病), sub-health (亞健康), Korean-medicine, psychology and geriatric health. Results: Both Korean medicine and psychology emphasize biological, psychological, and social balance and well-being. In addition, both value individual personality and constitution. Mibyeong is a Korean medical concept suggesting sub-health. Elderly individuals who are in a state of Mibyeong are frail and vulnerable to disorders and illness. Since depression, chronic diseases, low physical and mental activity have fatal outcomes in frail and elderly subjects, positive psychological support and active management of Mibyeong are very important. Conclusions: Geriatric health conditions are associated with chronic disease and multiple risk factors, including physiological, psychological, social, and economic conditions. A preventive and integrative approach is essential for geriatric health as prevention is better than cure for most geriatric diseases and illnesses.

Bibliographic Study on the Interrelation between Dong Shi' Acupuncture and Twelve Regular Channels (동씨침법(董氏針法)과 십이정경(十二正經)의 상관성(相關性)에 관(觀)한 연구(硏究))

  • Jang Jin-Yo;Kim Kyung-Sik;Sohn In-Chul
    • Korean Journal of Acupuncture
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.107-130
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    • 2002
  • In the clinics of traditional medicine, various acupuncture methods, that is Sa-Am' acupuncture, scalp acupuncture, auricular acupuncture and Dong-Shi' acupuncture, have been introduced and increased gradually to treat the diseases. In this bibliographic study, we examined the interrelation between the Dong Shi' acupuncture and 12 regular channels. The theoretical origination of Dong Shi' acupuncture and 12 regular channels was applied from Yin and Yang, Five Element, State of Viscera and so on. As the treatment using by 12 regular channels have used to 'regulating Qi and Treating Shin (調氣治神)', Dong Shi' acupuncture have used to the itself defense mechanism and relative balance of human beings. Also, these methods have the same rules that was selected to the opposing needling (巨刺) of remote point selection, however, Ah-Shi' points (阿是穴) were not used for the selection. Of Dong-Shi' acu-points, there were many ones which have the same location as the acupoints of regular channels. However, these one was renamed according to the new characteristics and therapeutics found by Dong Shi. Dong Shi' acupuncture has divided human body to the 12 areas but not considered to the concept of a mutual connection of human being body. The needling manipulation methods were vary at the regular channels, but Dong Shi' acupuncture did not use the traditional manipulation method except for supplementary Dong-Qi acupuncture, To-Ma acupuncture and To-In acupuncture. From these study, we found that the Dong-Shi' acupuncture have something in common with 12 regular channels, although the Dong-Shi' acupuncture was not based on the theory of 12 regular channels.

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Modem Leadership Wisdoms from Tasan's Ideology-Centered Upon the Connection between Leadership of Generals and MokMinShimSuh (다산 사상에서 찾는 현대 리더십의 지혜-고급제대 리더십과 목민심서의 연계를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Jong-Du
    • Journal of National Security and Military Science
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    • s.4
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    • pp.45-82
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    • 2006
  • This paper seeks to search for wisdoms that may be applied to modern leadership through Tasan Jeong Yakyong's ideology, ShilHak, from the Chosun Dynasty. The present period is referred as the period of transformation and innovation or the period of knowledge information The leadership appropriate for the current period is thus called revolutionary leadership. This leadership accomplishes its goals by influencing the constituent's values, ethics, behavioral norms, and visions based on the leader's moral values, knowledge, and information. Thus, the essence of this paper is in acquiring wisdoms of leadership by company revolutionary leadership with Tasan's life. Tasan pursued change and innovation in a time where Chosun was in a state of decay by following the flow of world powers towards the concept of studying truth based upon facts such as changing the system of thought, reforming legislation, and developing technology. Moreover, he gave courage and hope to the people by demonstrating such leadership in practice. In addition, despite false accusations and spending 18 years in exile, he showed revolutionary life as an active intellectual by leaving 542 volumes of writing through his 'value innovation' that he "pursue things only for the people and the state." Consequently, the paper first deals with what kind of leadership is required for a leader in the position of a general and examines the kind of leadership capacity demanded. Subsequently, Tasan 's revolutionary life and hints of leadership messages in MokMinSimSuh are examined. Thus, this paper is centered upon the leadership of generals regarding how MokMinShimSuh may be applicable to modern leadership.

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Study on the Change of Significance in Female Tattoos (여성 Tattoo의 의미변화 연구)

  • Bang, Soo-Ran
    • Journal of the Korea Fashion and Costume Design Association
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.39-56
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    • 2008
  • It is a remarkable phenomenon that tattoos has been rapidly spreading among women of modern years. The extremism of feminine ornaments, and pricking and piercing of the skin seem to have deep connection with women's consciousness changing to being independent, active and aggressive. The objective of this study is to analyze the potential quality of today's women, who appears emblematically through tattoo, and to search out the whole aspect and keynote of female tattoos. The methods of research are by examining the general characteristics including concept and history, considering the type and significance of ethnic female tattoos, and then comparing with the symbolism of today's female tattoos. The sphere is limited to women's tattoos from ancient times to today's modern lift, examined from large portions of Africa, Asia, Australasia, the Americas, and Arctic regions. As a result, the following had been reflected in female tattoos in the past. First, incantation, tribe, adult age, adornment, marital status, domestic ability and sex distinction, where among others, the incantatory, ornamental symbol, and domestic sign were representatives. Second, the most popular body parts for having a tattoo were around the lips, hands and abdominal region. Third, the more harsh the environment becomes such as tropical forests, isolated islands, and polar regions, the more number of females have tatoos. Fourth, women's tattoos were much less glamorous and smaller compared to those of men, distinguishing one's sex. On the other hand, today's female tattoos can be classified as five symbols: masculinity, independence, voluptuousness, affection, and purity. These symbols contain women's mentality to pass the limit, and to overcome social inferiority. In modern society, where women must compete with met it has become necessary for women to educe their potential masculine qualities. Being violent accessories for them, tattoos became a mark of such potential. Therefore, in the future, women's interest and demand for tattoos are expected to rise in proportion to the social demand of women's force.

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Level of Yangseng by Certain Elderly People in connection with their Perception of health - Focused on the Elderly People in Jeonbuk Area - (일부 노인의 건강인식에 따른 양생(養生)수준 - 전북지역(全北地域)을 중심(中心)으로 -)

  • Kim, Jeong-Hwan;Gwon, So-Hui;Kim, Ae-Jeong;Seo, Myeong-Hyo;Park, Jae-Su;Lee, Ki-Nam
    • Journal of Korean Medical Ki-Gong Academy
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.115-127
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    • 2005
  • The present study aims to provide efficient regimen by means of the Oriental medicine tool to measure Yangseng developed to fit the situation of Korea. For this purpose, the elderly people aged older than 65 were selected and their level of Yangseng was compared and analyzed depending on their perception of health. From the study, following conclusions could be drawn: 1. The total subject of study were 763 consisting mostly of the illiterate and spoused with disease but without leisure activities. 2. Most of the subjects were found to have little confidence with their health. With regard to their level of Yangseng, higher points were rated in morality yangseng, followed by activities & rest, diet, mind yangseng, sleep, seasonal yangseng, exercise and sex life in order. 3. By socio-demographic characters for the group with confidence in health, there were more male than female, with spouse, disease and leisure activities currently. In the group without confidence in health, there were more female, without spouse and leisure activity but with disease presently. 4. As for the level of Yangseng in the group with confidence in health, higher points were recorded in morality yangseng, followed by activities & rest, mind yangseng, diet, sleep, exercise and sex life in order. In case of the group without confidence in health, higher points were recorded in morality yangseng, followed by activities & rest, diet, mind yangseng, sleep, exercise and sex life in order. From the above outcomes, it would be necessary to motivate the subjects to have a renewed concept for health and efficient regimen. Continued and repeated eforts should be made to fill the gap in the study using the tool to measure Yangseng of the elderly people.