• Title/Summary/Keyword: circuit realization etc

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Study on Wireless Communication Module for a Realization of Maritime Telemedicine System (해상 원격의료진료 시스템 구현을 위한 통신모듈에 관한 연구)

  • Yun, Young
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research Conference
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    • 2019.11a
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    • pp.209-210
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    • 2019
  • This paper deals in the wireless communication module for a realization of maritime telemedicine system. In order to provide a maritime telemedicine service, we realized a digital electronic circuit for a visual communication and remote control system. In this work, we report the digital circuit structure, and communication method, etc.

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A Constructing the Efficiency Multiple Output Switching Function of the Combinational Logic Systems (조합논리시스템의 효율적인 다중출력스위칭함수 구성)

  • Park, Chun-Myoung
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers
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    • v.54 no.1
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    • pp.41-45
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    • 2017
  • This paper presents a method of constructing the efficiency multiple output switching function of the combinational logic systems. The proposed method reduce the optimized input variable pair and output variable pair after we obtained the final multiple output switching function which was time based multiplexing and obtained the common multiple end node extension logic decision diagram. Also the proposed method have an advantage of the cost, input-output node number, circuit simplification, increment of the arithmetic speed, and more regularity and extensibility compare with previous method.

Design and Implementation of a Sequential Polynomial Basis Multiplier over GF(2m)

  • Mathe, Sudha Ellison;Boppana, Lakshmi
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.11 no.5
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    • pp.2680-2700
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    • 2017
  • Finite field arithmetic over GF($2^m$) is used in a variety of applications such as cryptography, coding theory, computer algebra. It is mainly used in various cryptographic algorithms such as the Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC), Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), Twofish etc. The multiplication in a finite field is considered as highly complex and resource consuming operation in such applications. Many algorithms and architectures are proposed in the literature to obtain efficient multiplication operation in both hardware and software. In this paper, a modified serial multiplication algorithm with interleaved modular reduction is proposed, which allows for an efficient realization of a sequential polynomial basis multiplier. The proposed sequential multiplier supports multiplication of any two arbitrary finite field elements over GF($2^m$) for generic irreducible polynomials, therefore made versatile. Estimation of area and time complexities of the proposed sequential multiplier is performed and comparison with existing sequential multipliers is presented. The proposed sequential multiplier achieves 50% reduction in area-delay product over the best of existing sequential multipliers for m = 163, indicating an efficient design in terms of both area and delay. The Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) and the Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) implementation results indicate a significantly less power-delay and area-delay products of the proposed sequential multiplier over existing multipliers.

Challenges for Nanoscale MOSFETs and Emerging Nanoelectronics

  • Kim, Yong-Bin
    • Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Materials
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.93-105
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    • 2010
  • Complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) technology scaling has been a main key for continuous progress in silicon-based semiconductor industry over the past three decades. However, as the technology scaling enters nanometer regime, CMOS devices are facing many serious problems such as increased leakage currents, difficulty on increase of on-current, large parameter variations, low reliability and yield, increase in manufacturing cost, and etc. To sustain the historical improvements, various innovations in CMOS materials and device structures have been researched and introduced. In parallel with those researches, various new nanoelectronic devices, so called "Beyond CMOS Devices," are actively being investigated and researched to supplement or possibly replace ultimately scaled conventional CMOS devices. While those nanoelectronic devices offer ultra-high density system integration, they are still in a premature stage having many critical issues such as high variations and deteriorated reliability. The practical realization of those promising technologies requires extensive researches from device to system architecture level. In this paper, the current researches and challenges on nanoelectronics are reviewed and critical tasks are summarized from device level to circuit design/CAD domain to better prepare for the forthcoming technologies.

Network vision of disaster prevention management for seashore reclaimed u-City (해안매립 신도시의 재해 예방관리 네트워크 비젼)

  • Ahn, Sang-Ro
    • Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference
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    • 2009.09a
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    • pp.117-129
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    • 2009
  • This paper studied the safety management network system of infrastructure which constructed smart sensors, closed-circuit television(CCTV) and monitoring system. This safety management of infrastructure applied to bridge, cut slop and tunnel, embankment etc. The system applied to technologies of standardization guidelines, data acquirement technologies, data analysis and judgment technologies, system integration setup technology, and IT technologies. It was constructed safety management network system of various infrastructure to improve efficient management and operation for many infrastructure. Integrated safety management network system of infrastructure consisted of the real-time structural health monitoring system of each infrastructure, integrated control center, measured data transmission using i of tet web-based, collecting data using sf ver, early alarm system which the dangerous event of infrastructure occurred. Integrated control center consisted of conference room, control room to manage and analysis the data, server room to present the measured data and to collect the raw data. Early alarm system proposed realization of warning and response within 5 minute or less through development of sensor-based progress report and propagation automation system using the media such as MMS, VMS, EMS, FMS, SMS and web services of report and propagation. Based on this, the most effective u-Infrastructure Safety Management System is expected to be stably established at a less cost, thus making people's life more comfortable. Information obtained from such systems could be useful for maintenance or structural safety evaluation of existing structures, rapid evaluation of conditions of damaged structures after an earthquake, estimation of residual life of structures, repair and retrofitting of structures, maintenance, management or rehabilitation of historical structures.

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Plasma Etching Process based on Real-time Monitoring of Radical Density and Substrate Temperature

  • Takeda, K.;Fukunaga, Y.;Tsutsumi, T.;Ishikawa, K.;Kondo, H.;Sekine, M.;Hori, M.
    • Proceedings of the Korean Vacuum Society Conference
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    • 2016.02a
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    • pp.93-93
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    • 2016
  • Large scale integrated circuits (LSIs) has been improved by the shrinkage of the circuit dimensions. The smaller chip sizes and increase in circuit density require the miniaturization of the line-width and space between metal interconnections. Therefore, an extreme precise control of the critical dimension and pattern profile is necessary to fabricate next generation nano-electronics devices. The pattern profile control of plasma etching with an accuracy of sub-nanometer must be achieved. To realize the etching process which achieves the problem, understanding of the etching mechanism and precise control of the process based on the real-time monitoring of internal plasma parameters such as etching species density, surface temperature of substrate, etc. are very important. For instance, it is known that the etched profiles of organic low dielectric (low-k) films are sensitive to the substrate temperature and density ratio of H and N atoms in the H2/N2 plasma [1]. In this study, we introduced a feedback control of actual substrate temperature and radical density ratio monitored in real time. And then the dependence of etch rates and profiles of organic films have been evaluated based on the substrate temperatures. In this study, organic low-k films were etched by a dual frequency capacitively coupled plasma employing the mixture of H2/N2 gases. A 100-MHz power was supplied to an upper electrode for plasma generation. The Si substrate was electrostatically chucked to a lower electrode biased by supplying a 2-MHz power. To investigate the effects of H and N radical on the etching profile of organic low-k films, absolute H and N atom densities were measured by vacuum ultraviolet absorption spectroscopy [2]. Moreover, using the optical fiber-type low-coherence interferometer [3], substrate temperature has been measured in real time during etching process. From the measurement results, the temperature raised rapidly just after plasma ignition and was gradually saturated. The temporal change of substrate temperature is a crucial issue to control of surface reactions of reactive species. Therefore, by the intervals of on-off of the plasma discharge, the substrate temperature was maintained within ${\pm}1.5^{\circ}C$ from the set value. As a result, the temperatures were kept within $3^{\circ}C$ during the etching process. Then, we etched organic films with line-and-space pattern using this system. The cross-sections of the organic films etched for 50 s with the substrate temperatures at $20^{\circ}C$ and $100^{\circ}C$ were observed by SEM. From the results, they were different in the sidewall profile. It suggests that the reactions on the sidewalls changed according to the substrate temperature. The precise substrate temperature control method with real-time temperature monitoring and intermittent plasma generation was suggested to contribute on realization of fine pattern etching.

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