• Title/Summary/Keyword: case markers

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A Study on Design Standards of a median strip in City considering Traffic Safety (교통안전을 고려한 도심형 중앙분리대 설치기준 마련에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Jong-Min;Kim, Jang-Wook;Noh, Kwan-Sub;Kim, Kyung-Tae
    • International Journal of Highway Engineering
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.35-43
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    • 2012
  • The Government is implementing the safety measures for pedestrian in living zone to decrease the traffic accident casualties in half. It is urgently to study the guideline because it contains to make the guideline of a median strip in City to prevent the violation of central line and jaywalking on the main contents. So, this study analyzed the pedestrian accidents and the violation of central line, and studied the type of a median strip, the installation guideline through studying the minimum crossing. Consequently, this study found out that a median strip which revised the attention inducement stick to decrease jaywalking could not have the strong prevention function of a crash barrier, so if it happens separation after the collision between vehicles, it induced the secondary accidents, and could take negative effects on traffic safety. In consideration of driving safety, this study analyzed that if it installs a median stirp, it has to ensure one meter, and such a thing could prevent the separation of lane or damage of facilities. However, if it is hard to ensure the space because of narrow road width, it could install a median strip in case of installing the road surface mark 0.5m. And the installation of the attention inducement stick or a median strip on the central line could be possible to induce the violation of central line, thus it is desirable not to install only anythings but also raised pavement markers.

Distinguishing the Korean Silage Corn Varieties through Development of PCR-Based SNP Marker (SNP마커 개발을 통한 사료용 옥수수 품종판별)

  • Kim, Sang Gon;Lee, Jin-Seok;Bae, Hwan Hee;Kim, Jung-Tae;Son, Beom-Young;Baek, Seong-Bum
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.168-175
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    • 2017
  • Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) markers allow rapid screening of crop varieties in early growth stages. We developed a modified SNP PCR procedure for assaying SNPs in maize. For SNP marker development, we chosen 200 SNP sites from MaizeGDB database, and designed two base pair mismatch primers based on putative SNP site of B73 genome sequence. PCR products size was from 200 to 500 bp or was not shown in the case of SNP site existing in Korean silage corns. Using previously discovered 16 primer sets, we investigated distinctness of 50 silage F1 hybrid corns including 10 Korean silage corns developed by RDA such as Gangdaok, Kwangpyeongok, Dapyeongok, Andaok, Yanganok, Singwangok, Jangdaok, Cheongdaok, Pyeonggangok, and Pyeonganok as well as 40 foreign commercial silage corns. From cluster analysis, we confirmed that 10 Korean silage F1 hybrid corns were clearly distinguished except for Singwangok, P1395, and several foreign commercial corns, and selected minimum SNP primer combination for Gangdaok, Jangdaok, Pyeonggangok, and Pyeonganok. Therefore, development of SNP marker sets might be faster, cheaper, and feasible breed discrimination method through simple PCR and agarose gel electrophoresis.

Usability of DNA Sequence Data: from Taxonomy over Barcoding to Field Detection. A Case Study of Oomycete Pathogens

  • Choi, Young-Joon;Thines, Marco
    • 한국균학회소식:학술대회논문집
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    • 2015.11a
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    • pp.41-41
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    • 2015
  • Oomycetes belong to the kingdom Straminipila, a remarkably diverse group which includes brown algae and planktonic diatoms, although they have previously been classified under the kingdom Fungi. These organisms have evolved both saprophytic and pathogenic lifestyles, and more than 60% of the known species are pathogens on plants, the majority of which are classified into the order Peronosporales (includes downy mildews, Phytophthora, and Pythium). Recent phylogenetic investigations based on DNA sequences have revealed that the diversity of oomycetes has been largely underestimated. Although morphology is the most valuable criterion for their identification and diversity, morphological species identification is time-consuming and in some groups very difficult, especially for non-taxonomists. DNA barcoding is a fast and reliable tool for identification of species, enabling us to unravel the diversity and distribution of oomycetes. Accurate species determination of plant pathogens is a prerequisite for their control and quarantine, and further for assessing their potential threat to crops. The mitochondrial cox2 gene has been widely used for identification, taxonomy and phylogeny of various oomycete groups. However, recently the cox1 gene was proposed as a DNA barcode marker instead, together with ITS rDNA. To determine which out of cox1 or cox2 is best suited as universal oomycete barcode, we compared these two genes in terms of (1) PCR efficiency for 31 representative genera, as well as for historic herbarium specimens, and (2) in terms of sequence polymorphism, intra- and interspecific divergence. The primer sets for cox2 successfully amplified all oomycete genera tested, while cox1 failed to amplify three genera. In addition, cox2 exhibited higher PCR efficiency for historic herbarium specimens, providing easier access to barcoding type material. In addition, cox2 yielded higher species identification success, with higher interspecific and lower intraspecific divergences than cox1. Therefore, cox2 is suggested as a partner DNA barcode along with ITS rDNA instead of cox1. Including the two barcoding markers, ITS rDNA and cox2 mtDNA, the multi-locus phylogenetic analyses were performed to resolve two complex clades, Bremia lactucae (lettuce downy mildew) and Peronospora effuse (spinach downy mildew) at the species level and to infer evolutionary relationships within them. The approaches discriminated all currently accepted species and revealed several previously unrecognized lineages, which are specific to a host genus or species. The sequence polymorphisms were useful to develop a real-time quantitative PCR (qPCR) assay for detection of airborne inoculum of B. lactucae and P. effusa. Specificity tests revealed that the qPCR assay is specific for detection of each species. This assay is sensitive, enabling detection of very low levels of inoculum that may be present in the field. Early detection of the pathogen, coupled with knowledge of other factors that favor downy mildew outbreaks, may enable disease forecasting for judicious timing of fungicide applications.

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The Forecasting a Maximum Barbell Weight of Snatch Technique in Weightlifting (역도 인상동작 성공 시 최대 바벨무게 예측)

  • Hah, Chong-Ku;Ryu, Ji-Seon
    • Korean Journal of Applied Biomechanics
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.143-152
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this study was to predict the failure or success of the Snatch-lifting trial as a consequence of the stand-up phase simulated in Kane's equation of motion that was effective for the dynamic analysis of multi-segment. This experiment was a case study in which one male athlete (age: 23yrs, height: 154.4cm, weight: 64.5kg) from K University was selected The system of a simulation included a multi-segment system that had one degree of freedom and one generalized coordinate for the shank segment angle. The reference frame was fixed by the Nonlinear Trans formation (NLT) method in order to set up a fixed Cartesian coordinate system in space. A weightlifter lifted a 90kg-barbell that was 75% of subject's maximum lifting capability (120kg). For this study, six cameras (Qualisys Proreflex MCU240s) and two force-plates (Kistler 9286AAs) were used for collecting data. The motion tracks of 11 land markers were attached on the major joints of the body and barbell. The sampling rates of cameras and force-plates were set up 100Hz and 1000Hz, respectively. Data were processed via the Qualisys Track manager (QTM) software. Landmark positions and force-plate amplitudes were simultaneously integrated by Qualisys system The coordinate data were filtered using a fourth-order Butterworth low pass filtering with an estimated optimum cut-off frequency of 9Hz calculated with Andrew & Yu's formula. The input data of the model were derived from experimental data processed in Matlab6.5 and the solution of a model made in Kane's method was solved in Matematica5.0. The conclusions were as follows; 1. The torque motor of the shank with 246Nm from this experiment could lift a maximum barbell weight (158.98kg) which was about 246 times as much as subject's body weight (64.5kg). 2. The torque motor with 166.5 Nm, simulated by angular displacement of the shank matched to the experimental result, could lift a maximum barbell weight (90kg) which was about 1.4 times as much as subject's body weight (64.5kg). 3. Comparing subject's maximum barbell weight (120kg) with a modeling maximum barbell weight (155.51kg) and with an experimental maximum barbell weight (90kg), the differences between these were about +35.7kg and -30kg. These results strongly suggest that if the maximum barbell weight is decided, coaches will be able to provide further knowledge and information to weightlifters for the performance improvement and then prevent injuries from training of weightlifters. It hopes to apply Kane's method to other sports skill as well as weightlifting to simulate its motion in the future study.

Tuberous Sclerosis Complex with Crohn's Disease (크론병과 병발한 결절성경화증 1예)

  • Kim, Min Hee;Lee, Yoon Jin;Kim, Jae Young;Yi, Yoon Young;Kang, Joon Won
    • Journal of the Korean Child Neurology Society
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.284-287
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    • 2018
  • Tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) is an autosomal dominant disorder caused by mutation of one of two genes, TSC1 (encoding hamartin, 9q34) and TSC2 (encoding tuberin, 16p13). It invades the central nervous system and various parts of the body, causing various symptoms. Crohn's disease (CD) is a chronic immune-mediated disease that has not been clearly elucidated. It is thought to be caused by an excessive immune response of the body to bacteria that normally exist in the digestive tract with genetic factors. No cases have been reported in which both of the above-mentioned diseases occurred simultaneously. We report a case of CD in a patient with TSC. A 12-year-old boy was brought to our hospital because of abdominal pain. Skin lesions were observed in the TSC. Fundus examination revealed a hamartoma in the right retina. Brain magnetic resonance imaging revealed a subendothelial giant cell astrocytoma (SEGA). On the basis of these findings, he was diagnosed as having TSC. Blood test results showed increased levels of inflammatory markers. On abdominal ultrasonography, his colon walls were observed to be thickened with increased vascularity of the proximal ascending colon, ileocecal valve, and terminal ileum. Colonoscopy revealed discontinuous ulcerations and inflammations of the ileum, IC valve, and cecum, similar to those found in CD. Everolimus was administered orally for the SEGA but was discontinued frequently owing to the exacerbation of CD. The possibility of CD should be kept in mind in patients with TSC considering to undergo treatment for SEGA.

Monitoring of Commercial Cephalopod Products Sold on the South Korea Market using DNA Barcode Information (DNA 바코드를 이용한 국내 유통 두족류 제품의 원재료 모니터링 연구)

  • Yu, Yeon-Cheol;Hong, Yewon;Kim, Jung Ju;Kim, Hyung Soo;Kang, Tae Sun
    • Journal of Food Hygiene and Safety
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    • v.34 no.5
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    • pp.502-507
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    • 2019
  • Cephalopods are one of the most important fishery resources in the world because of their desirable taste and nutritional value. In south Korea, one of the countries in which a large amount of seafood is consumed, cephalopods (e.g., octopus, squid, and cuttlefish) have an annual consumption rate of over 400,000 metric tons. In this study, octopus and squid products (n=28) sold on the market were monitored by analyzing sequences of DNA barcode markers (cytochrome c oxidase subunit I and 16S ribosomal RNA genes). For species identification, the NCBI BLAST database was screened with the sequences and analyzed as a query. In this BLAST search, twelve squid products showed 99-100% sequence identity to Dosidicus gigas (n=3) and Todarodes pacificus (n=9). In the case of the other 16 products that were declared using octopus as raw materials on the labels, six products were identified as Cistopus taiwanicus (n=1), Amphioctopus marginatus (n=1), Scaeurgus unicirrhus (n=1), and Dosidicus gigas (n=3). Monitoring results indicated that a significant percentage (37.5%) of mislabeling was present in octopus products sold on the South Korean market.

What is the Appropriate Kettlebell Mass for a Kettlebell Swing? (케틀벨 스윙 시 적당한 케틀벨의 무게는 얼마일까?)

  • Kim, Bo Kyeong;Thau, Dao Van;Yoon, Sukhoon
    • Korean Journal of Applied Biomechanics
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.308-313
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    • 2021
  • Objective: The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of different kettlebell mass (30%, 40%, and 50% of the body mass) on kinematics and kinetic variables of kettlebell swing. Method: Total of 16 healthy male who had at least 1 year of kettlebell training experience were participated in this study (age: 31.69 ± 3.46 yrd., height: 173.38 ± 4.84 cm, body mass: 74.53 ± 6.45 kg). In this study, a 13-segments whole-body model (upper trunk, lower trunk, pelvis, both side of forearm, upperarm, thigh, and shank) was used and 26 reflective markers were attached to the body to identify the segments during the movement. A 3-dimensional motion analysis with 8 infrared cameras and 4 channeled EMG was performed to find the effect of kettlebell mass on its swing. To verify the kettlebell mass effect, a one-way ANOVA with a repeated measure was used and the statistical significance level was set at 𝛼=.05. Results: Firstly, in all lower extremity joints and thoracic vertebrae, a statistically significant change in angle was shown according to an increase in kettlebell mass during kettlebell swing (p<.05). Secondly, in both the up-swing and down-swing phases, the knee joint and ankle joint ROM showed a statistically significant increase as the kettlebell mass increased (p<.05) but no statistically significant difference was found in the hip joint and thoracic spine (p>.05). Lastly, the hamstrings muscle activity was statistically significantly increased as the kettlebell mass increased during up-swing phases (p<.05). Also, as the kettlebell mass increased in P4 of the down swing phase, the gluteus maximus showed a statistically significantly increased muscle activation, whereas the rectus femoris showed a statistically significantly decreased muscle activation (p <.05). Conclusion: As a result of this study, hip extension decreased and knee extension increased at 40% and 50% of body mass, and the spine also failed to maintain neutrality and increased flexion. Also, when kettlebell swings are performed with 50% of body mass, synergistic muscle dominance appears over 30% and 40% of body mass, which is judged to have a risk of potential injury. Therefore, it is thought that for beginners who start kettlebell exercise, swing practice should be performed with 30% of body mass. In addition, even in the case of experienced seniors, as the weight increases, the potential injury risk may increase, so it is thought that caution should be exercised when performing swings with 40% and 50% of body mass. In conclusion, it is thought that increasing the weight after sufficiently training with 30% of the weight of all subjects performing kettlebell swing is a way to maximize the exercise effect as well as prevent injury.

The Disease Severity and Related Pathogens Caused by Root Rot on 6 Years Old Ginseng Cultivation Fields (인삼 6 년근 수확지의 뿌리썩음병 발생현황 및 관련 병원균 동정)

  • Seo, Mun Won;Han, You Kyoung;Bae, Yeoung Seuk;Lee, Seung Ho
    • Korean Journal of Plant Resources
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.144-152
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    • 2019
  • Ginseng (Pnanx ginseng C. A. Meyer) is famous worldwide, and is very important cash crop and medicinal herb in Korea. It takes four to five years to produce harvestable ginseng roots, and ginseng is attacked by several pathogens during cultivation. We investigated the disease rate caused by ginseng root rot from 6 years old ginseng cultivation fields (Chungnam; 9 fields, Chungbuk; 11 fields, Gangwon 5 fields). The highest disease severity was Dangjin D (2.9) and the lowest one was Gaesan C (0.6). Of the 625 isolations, 340 isolations were classified as Ilyonectria radicicola and Fusarium solani. Finally, genetic diversity of I. radicicola and F. solani was confirmed by sequence analysis. Among the I. radicicola group, I. mors-panacis, which is known as highly virulent pathogen, and I. liriodendri, I. robusta and I. cyclamicicola, which are weakly virulent pathogens, were identified. In the case of F. solani, it is divided into two groups, but it is necessary to conduct diversity research through genetic analysis and pathogenetic studies using various markers. Based on these results, it could be used as a basic data for control of ginseng root rot pathogens.

DNA Yield and PCR Success Rate of the Establishment Time of Wood Annual Ring: A Case Study of Korean Red Pine (Pinus densiflora) (목재의 나이테 생성 시기에 따른 DNA 추출 수율 및 PCR 성공률: 소나무(Pinus densiflora) 목재의 사례)

  • So Hyeon Kim;Byeong-Ju Lee;Ji Young Ahn;Jei-Wan Lee;Hyun-Mi Lee;Soo Hyung Eo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.112 no.4
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    • pp.554-560
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    • 2023
  • To prevent illegal timber distribution, DNA markers have been used to identify the species and origin. However, extracting high-quality DNA from timber is difficult because of its physical and chemical properties. In this study, we investigated whether the age of timber tissue influences the yield of DNA extraction and the success rate of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to understand the relationship between the establishment time of the wood annual ring and the extracted DNA concentration (ng/μl), purity (A260/A280), and PCR success rate (%) from pinewood, a major Korean domestic species. According to the results, it was observed that as the distance from the cambium increased, indicating that the tissue was older, the concentration and purity of the extracted DNA decreased significantly. For the trnM-trnV (285 bp) and rpoC1 (298 bp) regions, the PCR success rate was 100%. However, for the rbcL (1.3 kb) region, the PCR success rate was 66.67%. Moreover, PCR amplification of the rbcL region failed at all points older than 30 years. Thus, it is deduced that as time passes, along with the decay of timber cells, DNA is degraded, leading to a decrease in DNA concentration, purity, and PCR success rate. The results of this study are expected to be beneficial for future applications, such as the species identification of timber, providing valuable insights and potential utilization in this field.

The Role of Percutaneous Pleural Needle Biopsy in the Diagnosis of Lymphocyte Dominant Pleural Effusion (림프구 우위성 삼출성 늑막액의 진단에 있어서의 경피적 늑막 침 생검의 역할)

  • Yim, Jae-Joon;Kim, Woo-Jin;Yoo, Chul-Gyu;Kim, Young-Whan;Han, Sung-Koo;Shim, Young-Soo
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.44 no.4
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    • pp.899-906
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    • 1997
  • Background : The percutaneous pleural needle biopsy have been regarded as cornerstone in the diagnosis of lymphocyte dominant pleural effusions of which acid fast bacilli smear and cytologic exam was negative. However, the complications of percutaneous pleural needle biopsy is not rare and its diagnostic efficacy is not always satisfactory. Recently, pleural fluid adenosine deaminase (ADA) and carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) are widely accepted as markers of tuberculous pleurisy and malignant pleural effusion respectively. We designed this study to re-evaluate the role of percutaneous pleural needle biopsy in the diagnosis of lymphocyte dominant exudative pleural effusions whose AFB smear, cytologic exam was negative. Method : Retrospective analysis of 73 cases of percutaneous pleural needle biopsy in case of lymphocyte dominant exudative pleural effusions whose AFB smear and cytoloic exam was negative from Jan 1994 to Feb 1996 was done. Result : In 35 cases, specific diagnosis was obtained(all cases were tuberculous pleurisy), and in 30 cases specific diagnosis was not obtained in spite of getting adequate pleural tissues, and in the other 8 cases, percutaneous pleural biopsy failed to get pleural tissues. In 9 cases, complications were combined including pneuomothorax and hemothorax. All 49 cases of pleural effusions whose ADA value was higher than 40IU/L and satisfying other categories were finally diagnosed as tuberculous pleurisy, however, the pleural biopsy confirmed only 28 cases as tuberculous pleurisy. In 6 cases of pleural effusions of which CEA value is higher than 10ng/ml, the pleural biopsy made specific diagnosis in no case. Final diagnosis of above 6 cases consisted of 4 malignant effusions, 1 malignancy associated effusion and 1 tuberculous pleurisy. Conclusion : In the diagnosis of 73 cases of lymphocyte dominant pleural effusions of which acid fast bacilli smear and cytologic exam was negative, percutaneous pleural biopsy diagnosed only in 35 cases. In the diagnosis of tuberculous pleurisy, the positive predictive value of higher ADA than 40 IU/L in lymphocyte dominant pleural effusion with negative AFB smear and negative cytologic exam was 100%. And the diagnostic efficacy of pleural biopsy was 57%. In cases of effusions with high CEA than 10ng/ml 83% and 0% respectively. Finally, we concluded that percutaneous pleural needle biopsy in the diagnosis of AFB smear negative and cytologic exam negative lymphocyte dominant exudative pleural effusion was not obligatory. especially in effusions with high ADA and low CEA value.

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