This study was investigated to know the correlation of complete blood count(CBC), biochemical examination and DSOM fluents(Diagnosis System of Oriental Medicine, (C)2005-01-122-004154). There are 5 fluents in DSOM such as DSOM score(病機點數), mean of the index for pathogenic factor(病機指標 平均), 5-division of DSOM score(病機點數 五點尺度), 5-division of the index for pathogenic factor(病機點數 五點尺度), weighted pathogenic factor(病機加重値).We have carried out clinical trials who volunteered for Sasang constitutional medicine and Oriental OB & GY, Oriental Medical hospital of Dong-Eui University, from May 2005 to June 2006. Volunteers were 245 persons. Because 7 persons didn't checkup DSOM, so we analyzed the results statistically for 238 persons. In the relation of CBC and DSOM, the scores(病機點數, zp) and mean of the index for Pathogenic factor(病機指標 平均, zps) showed correlation more frequently, and correlation with results of RBC, hemoglobin, hematocrit was more significant. Correlation with fluents of pathogenic factor(病機) were more significant and high in deficiency of blood(血虛), insufficiency of Yang(陽虛), coldness(寒), damp(濕), dryness(燥), kidney(腎), phlegm(痰), heat syndrom(熱), lung(肺), and was very low in spleen(脾). There was no correlation with deficiency of Yin(陰虛). If volunteers have DSOM fluents, results of RBC and RBC index was decreased(- derection), and results of RDW, ESR was increased(+ direction). But increase and decrease direction in heat syndrom(熱), lung(肺) was contrary to the others. Correlation with fluents of Pathogenic factor(病機) of WBC, platlet, PDW, MPV was not many. In the relation of biochemical examination and DSOM fluents, correlation with results of albumin, uric acid, triglyceride was more significant. If volunteers have fluents of pathogenic factor(病機), result of examination was usually decreased. Especially result of examination was decreased(- derection) highly in deficiency of blood(血虛), stagnation of (氣滯) coldness(寒), dryness(燥), and was increased(+ direction) highly in heat syndrom(熱), lung(肺). But there was a tendency to show high correlation with specific pathogenic factor (病機) and specific examination in biochemical examination.