• Title/Summary/Keyword: author theory

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Creation through the Distancing Effect (Verfremdung) in the Fashion Field (패션에서의 '낯설게 하기(Verfremdung)'에 의한 창작)

  • Suh, Seung-Hee;Kim, Young-In
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.61 no.4
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    • pp.14-23
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    • 2011
  • The present study aims to apply the theory of Brecht's 'Verfremdung' or distancing effect to the process of fashion design. The distancing effect refers to an avant-garde artistic technique that enables artists to create their works by viewing particular objects separately from the phenomena that occur around those objects. Brecht encouraged a sense of purpose that involved shifting to the new society sought by modernism. He also suggested an artistic approach that isolates perception from judgment 'Verfremdung' which reflects his approach well. In this paper, with the distancing effect considered as a method for creation, the author identifies the system of thought associated with the distancing method and applies this system to fashion design. To this end, the author first reviewed the concepts of 'Entfremdung' (alienation) and the distancing effect and studied the backgrounds of the two concepts. Next, the author identified Brecht's epic theory and its application. As a result, a method of perceiving objects as used with the distancing effect was noted, and this method was utilized to distinguish the relationship between the body and its clothes. Specifically of interest were parts of the human body and the related functions of clothes as well as the motor functions of the body and detailed decorations on clothes. Moreover, the author discovered a trend in the wearing of clothes that exists in the context of historical changeability by examining Brecht's work as it relates to the types of clothes that are worn. Finally, the author applied the distancing effect to fashion design in consideration of the discovered trend.

Exploratory Study of Developing a Synchronization-Based Approach for Multi-step Discovery of Knowledge Structures

  • Yu, So Young
    • Journal of Information Science Theory and Practice
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.16-32
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    • 2014
  • As Topic Modeling has been applied in increasingly various domains, the difficulty in naming and characterizing topics also has been recognized more. This study, therefore, explores an approach of combining text mining with network analysis in a multi-step approach. The concept of synchronization was applied to re-assign the top author keywords in more than one topic category, in order to improve the visibility of the topic-author keyword network, and to increase the topical cohesion in each topic. The suggested approach was applied using 16,548 articles with 2,881 unique author keywords in construction and building engineering indexed by KSCI. As a result, it was revealed that the combined approach could improve both the visibility of the topic-author keyword map and topical cohesion in most of the detected topic categories. There should be more cases of applying the approach in various domains for generalization and advancement of the approach. Also, more sophisticated evaluation methods should also be necessary to develop the suggested approach.

A Study on Suwenliuqixuanzhumiyu (소문육기현주밀어(素問六氣玄珠密語)에 관한 연구(硏究))

  • Yun, Chang-yeol
    • Journal of Korean Medical classics
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.61-73
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    • 2016
  • Objectives : Suwenliuqixuanzhumiyu is a book that strongly influenced the following generations' theory of five Circuits and six Qi. It is understood that Wangbing authored the book during the Tang dynasty, but another theory suggests that a nameless author devised the book falsely in Wangbing's name. A comprehensive research is greatly significant in the development of the theory of five Circuits and six Qi. Methods : The study will focus on the analysis on the truth about Suwenliuqixuanzhumiyu, its impact on the following generations' theory of five Circuits and six Qi, the contents and comparison of Suwen's xuanzhumiyu, and the 17 books and 27 chapters of xuanzhumiyu. Results & Conclusions : First, xuanzhu was authored by Wangbing sometime around 762 AD, and Suwenliuqixuanzhumiyu was written in 690 during the rule of Empress Wu Zetian, meaning that Wangbing is not the author of Suwenliuqixuanzhumiyu. Second, Wangbing's style of writing is regular yet elegant, and keeps itself within the range of medical style of writing, but Suwenliuqixuanzhumiyu is written in a very rough style, and finds itself within the range of Tao literatures and books on trickery. Third, Wangbing's xuanzhu is a commentary on Suwen, whereas Suwenliuqixuanzhumiyu is consisting of the theory of five Circuits and six Qi, and trickeries predictive picture. As such, the two books have entirely different characters. Theories that received relatively significant impacts to the following generations' the theory of five Circuits and six Qi include Gandeokbu, Jeongwhadaewha, and the Calculation method of normal Qi. Suwen's chapter on the theory of five Circuits and six Qi and Suwenliuqixuanzhumiyu have many inconsistent and differing theories, leading the scholars to believe that they are dealing with different theory of five Circuits and six Qi which derived from separate schools of beliefs.

On Woodam Jeong Si-Han's Xin and Xing Theory (愚潭丁時翰心性論淺析 - 以退溪, 栗谷, 愚潭比較為中心)

  • Hong, Jun
    • The Journal of Korean Philosophical History
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    • no.27
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    • pp.447-468
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    • 2009
  • Jeong Si-Han(1625-1707), one of the main representatives of Toegye School in The mid-Korea Dynasty, seeking to live in seclusion of his life engaged in research work, respected by scholars for generations. He, Together with Yi Hyeon Il(1627-1704), carried out a systematic study of Toekye's Interpretation of the "Four Buddings" and "Seven Feelings". In this paper, from a comparative point of view, The author studied Jung Sihan's Li-Qi Theory, Four-Seven Theory, Human Mind and Mind of the Dao. Although his theory of interpretation about Li-Qi Theory, Four-Seven Theory, is the tendency of compromise Toegye and Yulgok's thought, but from the master and servant and upper and lower relationship between Li-Qi and Four-Seven Theory, Jung Sihan preferred the thought of Toegye. The characteristics of Human Mind and Mind of the Dao is Emphasis on Zhu Xi's theory about human mind of "is-to-be"

The role of T(X) in the ideal theory of BCI-algebras

  • Xiaohong Zhang;Jun, Young-Bae
    • Bulletin of the Korean Mathematical Society
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.199-204
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    • 1997
  • To develope the theory of BCI-algebras, the idel theory plays an important role. The first author [4] introduced the notion of T-ideal in BCI-algebras. In this paper, we first construct a special set, called T-part, in a BCI-algebra X. We show that the T-part of X is a subalgebra of X. We give equivalent conditions that the T-part of X is an ideal. By using T-part, we provide an equivalent condition that every ideal is a T-ideal.

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  • Ryu, Kun-Sik
    • Bulletin of the Korean Mathematical Society
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    • v.47 no.1
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    • pp.131-149
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    • 2010
  • In 1992, the author introduced the definition and the properties of Wiener measure over paths in Wiener space and this measure was investigated extensively by some mathematicians. In 2002, the author and Dr. Im presented an article for analogue of Wiener measure and its applications which is the generalized theory of Wiener measure theory. In this note, we will derive the analogue of Wiener measure over paths in Wiener space and establish two integration formulae, one is similar to the Wiener integration formula and another is similar to simple formula for conditional Wiener integral. Furthermore, we will give some examples for our formulae.

Approach in Selecting Four Constitutional Acupuncture (사상인(四象人) 침혈(針穴) 선택의 방법론에 대한 연구(십이정경(十二正經)을 중심으로))

  • Cho, Hwang-Sung
    • Journal of Sasang Constitution and Immune Medicine
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.1-15
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    • 2005
  • 1. Objectives Scarcely referred except for a few phrases of the acupuncture of Dongmugong. He stated every disease could be cured through acupunture. In addition, generally there are a certain point('hyul-穴') of the body that suits according to the constitutions, and just as there are a theory that 'ascend-descend-loosen-tighten(升降緩束)' so as therapy of the symptom has the same. However, he did not indicate the concrete method of the four constitutional acupuncture. He only asked his descendants to study about it. 2. Methods Therefore, author of the thesis tries to describe the theory approach to the seletive method of four constitutional acupunture point based on ${\ulcorner}$Dongyi Suse Bowon(東醫壽世保元)${\lrcorner}$ 3. Results and Conclusions The author of the thesis recommended the methods to apply twelve channels to sasangin's disease and symptoms according to the ascend(升)-descend(降)-loosen(緩)-tighten(束)

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A Study on the Development of Navigational Safety Evaluation System in Rough Sea (황천시의 항해안전 평가시스템 개발에 관한 연구)

  • 김순갑;이충노
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research Conference
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    • 1991.06a
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    • pp.12-20
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    • 1991
  • It is of great importance for any vessel under way especially in rough sea to be maneuvered safely with proper seakeeping performance. In this paper the author aims to develope a navigational safety evaluation system in rough sea by analysis and the theory of evaluating the seakeeping performance The author suggests a computer model of navigational safety evaluation system and examined the validity of the model by computer simulation.

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Social Welfare as an Apparatus of Power : A Critique on 'Empowerment' from the Foucault's Theory of Power (권력의 장치로서의 사회복지 : 푸코의 권력이론에 입각한 '권한부여' 비판)

  • Lee, Hyuk-Koo
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.43
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    • pp.328-357
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    • 2000
  • From Foucault's Perspective of power, this study is trying to illuminate the characteristics and limitations of 'empowerment' which is widely accepted as a central value and practice skill of social work. Notwithstanding the superficial consensus on the empowerment, the author shows that it is a confusing concept with contrasting expectations and conflicting methodologies or only a wishful rhetorical jargon. Furthermore, he argues that the empowerment is not just a value-free intervention skill working outside the ruling power but a ruling-discourse or power-mechanism of a liberal society which makes citizens responsible voluntarily. For a theoretical background for these arguments, the 2nd chapter reviews Foucault's theory of power. The 1st part of the 3rd chapter summarizes the historical background of empowerment practice and its methodological characteristics and meanings, the 2nd part reviews the existing critics on the conceptual and practical limitations of empowerment, and the last part reveals, based upon Foucault's theory of power, that the empowerment is a typical mode of ruling power in liberal societies. The author expects that this study may warn the moral and intellectual superiority complex of social work discourse and help stimulate the ethical sensibility and responsibility in social work practice.

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  • Ahn, Doo-Soo;Lee, Myung-Kyu;Lee, Hae-Ki;Lee, Seung
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 1991.07a
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    • pp.657-665
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    • 1991
  • Although orthogonal function is introduced in control theory in early 1970's, it is not perfect. Since the concept of integral operator by Chen and Hsiao in mid 1970's, orthogonal function (for example Walsh, Block-pulse, Haar, Laguerre, Legendre, Chebychev etc) has been widely applied In system's analysis and identification, model reduction, state estimation, optimal control, signal processing, image processing, EEG, and ECG etc. The reason why Walsh Functions introduces in control theory is that as integral of Walsh function is also developed in Walsh orthogonal function, if we transfer give system into integral equation and introduce Walsh function. We can know that system's characteristic by algebraical expression. This approach is based on least square error and that result is expressed as computer calculation and partly continuous constant value which is easy to apply. Such a Walsh function has been actively studied in USA, TAIWAN, INDO, CHINA, EUROPE etc and in domestic, author has studied it for 10 years since it was is introduced in 1982. This paper is consider the that author has studied for 10 years and Walsh function's efficiency.

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