• Title/Summary/Keyword: alternative design

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AC Loss Characteristic Analysis of Superconducting Power Cable for High Capacity Power Transmission (대용량 전력 전송을 위한 초전도 전력케이블의 교류손실 특성 분석)

  • Lee, Seok-Ju
    • Journal of Korea Society of Industrial Information Systems
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.57-63
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    • 2019
  • In order to facilitate the supply of gradually increasing power demand, it is also necessary to increase the number of power cables for power transmission as well as generation facilities. However, the expansion of electric power cables for supplying power to most urban areas requires a space for installation of additional cables, and the space for installing cables in domestic downtown areas is insufficient at present. The superconducting power cable, which can transmit more power with the same size, has emerged as an alternative to overcome the insufficient cable installation space. However, superconducting power cables, which have the advantage of large power transmission, have some losses in the AC (Alternating Current) system. Therefore, the design and analysis of AC losses are essential to introduce superconducting power cables in AC power transmission systems. In this paper, we analyze the AC loss of various superconducting power cables and consider the actual superconducting power cables and their application to the system. Although there is a theoretical calculation method of AC loss for single superconducting wire, it is not easy to calculate AC loss of superconducting power cable with large number. Therefore, the authors intend to analyze various kinds of superconducting power cable AC loss by using electromagnetic finite element analysis considering E-J (Electric field-Current density) characteristics of superconductivity. The analysis of the AC loss characteristics of the superconducting power cable will be an important factor in the design and development of the superconducting power cable to be applied to the actual system.

Numerical Reproducibility of Wave Response for an Oscillating Wave Surge Converter Using Inverted Triangle Flap (역삼각형 플랩을 이용한 진자형 파력발전장치의 파랑응답에 대한 수치적 재현 가능성)

  • Kim, Tag-Gyeom;Kim, Do-Sam;Cho, Yong-Hwan;Lee, Kwang-Ho
    • Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers
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    • v.33 no.5
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    • pp.203-216
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    • 2021
  • Analyzing various wave interactions with oscillating wave surge converters (OWSC) is essential because they must be operated efficiently under a wide range of wave conditions and designed to extract optimal wave energy. In the conceptual design and development stage of OWSC, numerical analysis can be a good alternative as a design tool. This study performed a numerical analysis on the behavioral characteristics of the inverted triangle flap against the incident waves using open source CFD to examine the essential behavioral attributes of OWSC. Specifically, the behavioral characteristics of the structure were studied by calculating the free water surface displacement and the flap rotation angle near the inverted triangular flap according to the change of the period under the regular wave conditions. By comparing and examining the numerical analysis results with the hydraulic model experiments, the validity of the analysis performed and the applicability in analyzing the wave-structure interactions related to OWSC was verified. The numerical analysis result confirmed that the hydrodynamic behavior characteristic due to the interactions of the wave and the inverted triangle flap was well reproduced.

Effect of Online Food Service Franchise Experiences on Satisfaction and Revisit Intention: Application of ANN Analysis (외식프랜차이즈의 서비스 경험이 만족과 재방문의도에 미치는 영향: 인공신경망 분석의 적용)

  • LEE, Shin-Hwa;AHN, Sung-Man;LEE, You-Jung
    • The Korean Journal of Franchise Management
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.59-70
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    • 2019
  • Purpose - Every company studies how to attract and retain new customers to increase competitiveness and profitability. Companies establish strategies to attract customers, secure competitive advantage and generate revenue. Businesses are looking for newer and better ways to differentiate themselves in the marketplace. One of the requirements for service differentiation is to make it a prerequisite for an engaging customer experience. Customer experience can be attained through service experience. Satisfaction determine whether to reuse the food service franchise. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of customer experience on the satisfaction and revisit intention of food service franchise. In this study, customer experience consists of three attributes such as service environment, food quality, and price fairness. Also, this study is to identify the importance of three service experience attributes of customer satisfaction and revisit intention using ANN (artificial neural network) analysis. Research design, data, methodology - The survey was conducted on customers who have visited franchise restaurants in one month in order to examine how service environment, food quality, and price fairness have been influenced customer satisfaction and revisit intention through online survey company (SM culture & contents). A total of 300 representative surveys were collected. Of those collected surveys, 26 were not used due to missing information, resulting in 274 as the final sample size. The sample size was more than 10 times more than the number of variables used in the structural model analysis. Results - The findings of this study are as follows: Service environment and price fairness have a significant effect on satisfaction. However, food quality did not have a significant effect on satisfaction. Finally, it was found that satisfaction had a significant effect on revisit intention. Meanwhile, according to the results of ANN analysis, satisfaction as a dependent variable was found to be the most important in male price fairness and service environment in female. Also, when the revisit intention is used as a dependent variable, both male and female price fairness are important. Also, when the intention to revisit is used as a dependent variable, both male and female price processes are important. Conclusions - First, a restaurant franchise enterprise needs to manage customer service experience. Customers should strive to eat and enjoy at a dining franchise store. Second, it is necessary to design a food service franchise shop as a customer-oriented service environment. Franchise companies need to improve the environment so that customers can use the store conveniently. Third, the restaurant franchise menu price needs to be cheaper than the alternative menu. The restaurant franchise menu needs to be constructed with a popular menu that can be used continuously by the customer, so that it can be set at a reasonable price.

Developing the District Unit Plan Simulation using Procedural Modeling (절차적 모델링을 활용한 지구단위계획 시뮬레이션 개발)

  • Jun, Jin Hwan;Kim, Chung Ho
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.546-559
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    • 2021
  • This research aimed to develop the district unit plan simulation using procedural modeling based on shape grammar. For this, Esri's CityEngine 2020.0 was selected as a main development tool, and Inside Commercial Area in Bangi-dong, Songpa-gu, Seoul as the research site where about 25% of the total area was developed over the past five years. Specifically, the research developed the simulation through the following three phases of Data-Information-Knowledge after selecting necessary parameters. In the Data phase, 2 and 3 dimensional data were obtained by utilizing data sharing platforms. In the next Information phase, the acquired data were generated into various procedural models according to the shape grammar, and the 2D and 3D layers were then integrated using relevant applications. In the final Knowledge phase, three-dimensional spatial analysis and storytelling contents were produced based on the integrated layer. As a result, the research suggests the following three implications for the simulation development. First, data accuracy and improvement of sharing platforms are needed in order to effectively carry out the simulation development. Second, the guidelines for district unit plans could be utilized and developed into shape grammar for procedural modeling. Third, procedural modeling is expected to be used as an alternative tool for communication and information delivery.

Design of FMCW Radar Signal Processor for Human and Objects Classification Based on Respiration Measurement (호흡 기반 사람과 사물 구분 가능한 FMCW 레이다 신호처리 프로세서의 설계)

  • Lee, Yungu;Yun, Hyeongseok;Kim, Suyeon;Heo, Seongwook;Jung, Yunho
    • Journal of Advanced Navigation Technology
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.305-312
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    • 2021
  • Even though various types of sensors are being used for security applications, radar sensors are being suggested as an alternative due to the privacy issues. Among those radar sensors, PD radar has high-complexity receiver, but, FMCW radar requires fewer resources. However, FMCW has disadvantage from the use of 2D-FFT which increases the complexity, and it is difficult to distinguish people from objects those are stationary. In this paper, we present the design and the implementation results of the radar signal processor (RSP) that can distinguish between people and object by respiration measurement using phase estimation without 2D-FFT. The proposed RSP is designed with Verilog-HDL and is implemented on FPGA device. It was confirmed that the proposed RSP includes 6,425 LUT, 4,243 register, and 12,288 memory bits with 92.1% accuracy for target's breathing status.

An Analysis of Operation Structure and Contribution of Civilian Expert Program for Landscape Architects focusing on Local Governments (지방자치단체의 조경분야 민간전문가 제도 운영현황 및 문제점 분석)

  • Park, Jeongeun;Kim, Youngmin
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.50 no.1
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    • pp.78-90
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    • 2022
  • This research analyzed the status and problems of civilian expert programs for landscape architects to suggest alternatives to improve the current system. Literature research focused on the issues of the legal definition of civilian experts, the background of the program, and related regulations. Based on the understanding of the legal system, the research analyzed the operation status, structure, roles of the civilian expert program of local governments where landscape architects were delegated as civilian experts. Currently, 50 local governments are running the civilian expert program, and landscape architects are working as civilian experts in 11 institutions. The majority of landscape architects are working as MA or general architects. Only SMG runs an independent general landscape architect program. Based on the literature research and interviews with 16 experts, the research examined four main issues related to the program. First, the legal system issues of the civilian expert programs are related to the regulations assuming architects as experts. Revising the current legal system is a better alternative than promulgating a new law for landscape architects. Second, the compensation issue was a main problem related to operation. Securing a sufficient budget and more effective administration is required to solve the problem. Third, related to the role, the tasks being limited to consultation were regarded as the main problem. Although landscape architects wanted more opportunities to directly participate in the project's design, the fairness of the public project contracting system needed to be considered. Fourth, the competence issue is related to the number of available landscape architects. This issue can be solved by expanding the pool of civilian experts to adjacent disciplines, such as public design or landscape management.

Evaluation of Applicability of CMD-SOIL Recycled Resources as Ground Improvement Material for Deep Mixing Method (심층혼합공법용 지반개량재로서 순환자원을 재활용한 CMD-SOIL의 적용성 평가)

  • Ham, Tae-Gew;Seo, Se-Gwan;Cho, Dae-Sung
    • Journal of the Korean Geosynthetics Society
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.43-52
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    • 2021
  • As port development in soft ground is actively promoted for international logistics and transportation, the Deep Mixing Method (DMM) is continuously applied to form an improved column body directly in the ground by mixing cement with soil to secure the stability of the structure. However, in the case of cement, there is a problem of emitting a lot of greenhouse gases during the production process, so the development and use of new alternative materials are socially required to achieve the national goal of carbon neutrality. Accordingly, in this study, CMD-SOIL, developed to induce a hardening reaction similar to cement by recycling recycled resources, was used as a ground improvement material for the DMM. In addition, it was attempted to determine the possibility of replacing cement by conducting on-site test construction and evaluating applicability. As a result of the study, the compressive strength of CMD-SOIL compared to the design reference strength was 1.46 to 2.64 times higher in the field mixing test and 1.2 to 5.03 times higher than in the confirmed boring. In addition, the ratio (λ) of the compressive strength in the field to the design reference strength was 0.63 to 1.14, which was similar to the previous research results. Therefore, in the case of CMD-SOIL, it is possible to express the compressive strength necessary to secure stability, and there is no difference in applicability compared to existing materials such as ordinary portland cement and blast furnace slag cement, so it was analyzed that it could be used as a ground improvement material for the DMM.

Overview of Appropriate Technology Research Organizations in France (프랑스의 적정기술 관련 연구기관 개요 및 주요 활동 소개)

  • Kim, Byoung-Yoon;Choi, Kyeong-Il;Kim, Eunjung;Kim, Dowon;Shim, Changhyun
    • Journal of Appropriate Technology
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.144-150
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this paper is to introduce representative appropriate technology research organizations operating in France. Among them, we would like to investigate and introduce five institutions that have acquired a lot of experience due to their long history. Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD) is a government-funded institution that strengthens science and technology infrastructure in Africa and overseas territories with the aim of supporting and educating science communities in developing countries, and conducts collaborative research with more diverse developing countries. Antenna France is an NGO organization whose main activity is to improve malnutrition in Africa. Ingénieurs sans frontiers is an NGO organization that sets sustainable development as the main goal of the association's activities and leads various activities such as education. Terre & Humanism is an NGO organization that practices ecological agriculture and carries out a social change movement urging to respect life and land, and to constitute an alternative society. Humanitarian Design Bureau is a corporation concept company that mainly carries out R&D for environmentally friendly products necessary for NGO activities.

Apparent metabolizable energy, growth performance and carcass traits of Japanese quail fed select modern grain sorghum varieties

  • Moritz, A.H.;Krombeen, S.K.;Presgraves, J.;Blair, M.E.;Buresh, R.E.;Bridges, W.C.;Arguelles-Ramos, M.;Wilmoth, T.A.
    • Animal Bioscience
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    • v.35 no.12
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    • pp.1911-1920
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    • 2022
  • Objective: This study was performed to determine the apparent metabolizable energy (AMEn) content of tannin-free red/bronze, white/tan and U.S. No. 2 varieties of grain sorghum for feeding Japanese quail and validate their nutrient profile by evaluating effects on performance and carcass traits with full-substitution of corn. Methods: Experiment 1 determined the AMEn content of red/bronze, white/tan, and U.S. No. 2 grain sorghum varieties fed to mixed-sex Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica) (n = 314) at 3 and 6-weeks of age. Analyses were based on a 2×4 factorial treatment design with age and grain types defining the treatments, and a randomized complete block experiment design with cage and trials defining the block. AMEn values were validated by evaluating the performance and carcass traits of Japanese quail (n = 644) from 1 to 40 days of age in Experiment 2 with birds were fed 1 of 4 complete diets. Statistical analyses were conducted on performance data and select individual carcass trait measurements. Results: Determined AMEn values at 3-weeks of age were 3,524±122.03 (red/bronze), 3,252±122.03 (white/tan), and 3,039±123.44 (U.S. No. 2) kcal/kg. At 6-weeks of age, determined AMEn were 3,373±297.35 (red/bronze), 3,279±297.35 (white/tan), and 2,966±298.64 (U.S. No. 2) kcal/kg. Carcass traits showed live body weight (p = 0.0409) and hot carcass weight (p = 0.0234) were greatest in U.S. No. 2; however, carcass yield (p<0.0001) was lowest. No significant differences were observed among treatments for feed intake, feed conversion ratio, breast weight and breast yield (p>0.05). Conclusion: These studies demonstrated that tannin-free grain sorghum varieties may be a potential alternative to corn in quail diets while maintaining growth performance and carcass parameters.

Garden City Strategies as the Development Concept of Planned City - Focused on the Conceptual Master Plan for Solaseado - (신도시 개발 컨셉으로서 정원도시 구현 전략 - 영암·해남 관광레저형 기업도시 솔라시도를 대상으로 -)

  • Lee, Seoyoung;Yu, Jimhin;Jeong, Wookju
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.50 no.5
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    • pp.54-68
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    • 2022
  • This study proposes urban development concept and strategies for Garden City, focused on Solaseado, Yeongam Heanam Tourism-Leisure Type Enterprise City in Korea. Understanding that an essential element of a garden is the endless care performed by gardeners, the Garden City development concept suggests applying this idea to making planned cities by cultivating the potential natural landscape of the site in the long run. The meaning of Garden City can be defined in three aspects; an attitude and process of planning a city, a system for constructing the spatial structure of a city, and city branding. A Garden City is a city structured with the spirit of a garden, a city where open space networks become the urban structure, and a city that builds its identity through the landscape, respectively. From this point of view, the research draws development strategies with spatial design examples to embody the Garden City concept in Solaseado by following three steps; establishing the main urban axes, creating city networks through the conjunction of the axes, and categorizing and systematizing open spaces within the city. Consequently, the study shows an alternative urban planning model that extends the concept of a Garden City while maintaining the intrinsic landscape as an urban resource. In addition, the conceptual master plan of Solaseado will structure the urban landscape and park system according to the Garden City strategies.