• Title/Summary/Keyword: activity limitation

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Effect of Movement Plane and Shoulder Flexion Angle on Scapular Upward Rotator During Scapular Protraction Exercise (운동면과 어깨 관절 굽힘 각도가 어깨뼈 내밈 운동 시 어깨뼈 위쪽 돌림근에 미치는 영향)

  • Choung, Sung-Dae;Weon, Jong-Hyuck;Jung, Do-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Physical Medicine
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.41-48
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    • 2013
  • PURPOSE: This study was to determine the effect of the plane of movement (sagittal plane vs. scapular plane) and shoulder flexion angle ($90^{\circ}$ vs. $130^{circ}$) during scapular protraction exercises in healthy subjects by investigating the elecromyographic (EMG) activities of the serratus anterior (SA), upper trapezius (UT), and pectoralis major (PM). METHODS: Twenty-one healthy subjects participated in this study. Subjects performed maximal scapular protraction at the $90^{\circ}$ or $130^{\circ}$ shoulder flexion angles in the sagittal or scapular planes. Surface EMG was recorded from the SA and UT, and PM muscles. Dependent variables were examined by 2 (plane) ${\times}$ 2 (angle) repeated measures of analysis of variance (ANOVA). RESULTS: Significantly increased EMG activities in the SA and UT were found during scapular protraction exercise at the $130^{\circ}$ shoulder flexion angle in the sagittal and scapular plane. Also, EMG activity of the PM significantly decreased at the $130^{\circ}$ shoulder flexion angle in the sagittal plane and the $90^{\circ}$ and $130^{\circ}$ shoulder flexion in the scapular plane. CONCLUSION: we recommend scapular protraction exercise at the $90^{\circ}$ shoulder flexion in the sagittal plane to selectively strengthen the SA muscle with limitation of upper trapezius activity and at the $130^{\circ}$ shoulder flexion in the scapular plane to selectively strengthen the SA muscle with limitation of pectoralis major activity.

Comparison of the VMO/VL EMG Activity Ratio According to Resistance Condition in Partial Lunge Exercise

  • Nam, Ki-Seok
    • The Journal of Korean Physical Therapy
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    • v.32 no.5
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    • pp.273-276
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    • 2020
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of the resistance conditions on the electromyography (EMG) activity ratio of vastus medialis oblique (VMO) and vastus lateralis (VL) muscle during partial lunge exercise in healthy subjects in order to suggest the basic data of exercise intervention for such as patients with patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS). Methods: The participants of this study were healthy twenty two people with no knee pain, limitation of motion and past history of operation at lower extremity. The participants performed three types of lunge 1) no resistance, 2) anterolateral 45° resistance and 3) lateral 90° respectively. The EMG activity of the VMO and VL were recorded by surface EMG and the measured data normalized by the %MVIC value was analyzed by repeated measured ANOVA. Results: The results showed that the VMO/VL EMG activity ratio during lunge with anterolateral 45° resistance was significantly higher than with no resistance and lateral 90° resistance (p<0.05). There was no significant difference in VMO, VL, and VMO/VL muscle activity between male and female subjects (p>0.05). Conclusion: This study suggests that partial lunge exercise with anterolateral 45° resistance can increase the VMO/VL muscle activity in healthy subjects. This result could be used as basic data to develop therapeutic exercise programs such as PFPS patients.

Factors associated with unmet dental needs among adults with activity limitations (활동제한 성인의 미충족 치과의료에 영향을 미치는 요인)

  • Lee, Won-Ik
    • Journal of Korean society of Dental Hygiene
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    • v.20 no.5
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    • pp.571-580
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    • 2020
  • Objectives: This study aimed to investigate the factors associated with unmet dental needs among adults with activity limitations. Methods: Data were obtained from the seventh Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES). The final sample consisted of 945 adults aged 20 years or older with limited activity. Logistic regression analysis was used to examine the influence of predisposing, enabling, and need factors on unmet dental needs. Results: The proportion of adults with unmet dental needs during the last year was 52.2% in the middle-aged group and 45.5% in the older adult group. Higher household income was associated with fewer unmet dental needs in both groups. In the older adult group, married people were less likely to have unmet dental needs. In the middle-aged group, adults who perceived their oral health as poor were more likely to have unmet dental needs. Conclusions: All three factors (predisposing, enabling, and need) were found to be associated with unmet dental needs among adults with activity limitations. Special efforts should be made to improve access to dental care services for middle-aged adults with activity limitations.


    • Publications of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.499-502
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    • 2015
  • Starburst galaxies have strong star formation activity and generate large scale outflows which eject a huge amount of gas mass. This process affects galaxy activity, and therefore, the detailed study of nearby starburst galaxies could provide valuable information for the study of distant ones. So far there have been only a few studies of galactic-scale molecular outflows due to the sensitivity limitation of telescopes. Our study provides two nearby examples, NGC 2146 and NGC 3628. We used Nobeyama Millimeter Array (NMA) CO(1-0) data, Chandra soft X-ray data, and NMA 3 mm data to study the kinematics of molecular outflows, their interaction with ionized outflows, and the star forming activity in the starburst region. We found that the gas ejected through molecular outflows is much more significant than that used to form stars.

Mass Production of Aphicidal Beauveria bassiana SFB-205 Supernatant with the Parameter of Chitinase

  • Kim, Jae-Su;Je, Yeon-Ho;Yu, Yong-Man
    • Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology
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    • v.21 no.6
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    • pp.604-612
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    • 2011
  • Beauveria bassiana SFB-205 supernatant can effectively control cotton aphid populations, which is closely associated with its chitinase activity. The present work extends to optimizing a culture medium to produce more efficacious supernatant in flask conditions, followed by scale-up in 7 L, 300 L and 1.2 KL fermentors with the parameter of chitinase. In flask conditions, a combination of soluble starch and yeast extract produced the greatest amount of chitinase (5.1 units/ml) and its supernatant had the highest aphicidal activity. An optimal quantitative combination of the two substrates, estimated by a response surface method, enabled the supernatant to have 15.7 units/ml of chitinase activity and 3.7 ml/l of median lethal concentration ($LC_{50}$) of toxicity against cotton aphid adults in laboratory conditions. In the scale-up conditions, overall supernatant had 25-28 units/ml of chitinase activity. Decrease in pH and limitation of dissolved oxygen (DO) during cultures were significantly related to the yield of chitinase. These results suggest that the substrate-dependent chitinase production can be background information for optimizing a culture medium, and pH and DO are critical factors in maximizing the production in scale-up conditions.

A Study on Viewer's activity and Satisfaction on the Changed TV (수용자에게 요구된 능동성과 이용만족도 관계 연구 - TV의 변화에 따른 수용자 행태 변화와 만족도에 대한 연구)

  • Baik, So-Yeon;Ji, Yong-Gu
    • 한국HCI학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2008.02b
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    • pp.179-184
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    • 2008
  • Changed TV, that has multi-channel and interactive attribute, requires viewer's activity. Also, broadcasting environment and TV user interface require same things equally. But, the viewer feels uncomfortable in current situation because they recognize the TV as passive media. especially, TV interface can't overcome limitation of TV media. And such interface is provided as it is. This problem brings viewer's confusion and dissatisfaction more and more. This study raises a question about viewer's activity and satisfaction, analyzes the relation and effect between activity and satisfaction.

  • PDF

Correlation between structures related to movement, activity, and participation in Disabled Persons Living at Home (재가 장애인의 운동관련 구조손상 영역 및 활동과 참여 영역의 상관관계 분석)

  • Park, Seung Kyu;Heo, Jae Won
    • The Journal of Korean Physical Therapy
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.130-135
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    • 2014
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine the impairments of body structures, activity limitation, and participation restriction. In addition, we wanted to provide basic data on correlation between impairments of body structures, activity, and participation in Disabled Persons Living at Home. Methods: After selection of 128 people with physical disabilities more than the third level and brain damage disabilities living at home, we conducted testing for impairments of body structures, activity, and participation, according to the ICF checklist. Results: Impairments of body structures was highest in the upper and lower extremity. 2) Mobility, domestic life, and self care were more limited. 3) Also, the structure related to movement showed correlation with mobility, domestic life, and self care. Conclusion: We observed differences in participation and activities of persons with disabilities Living at Home depending on the impairments of body structures. After thorough review of the status of Disabled Persons Living at Home, we decided to appropriate support and social services.

Bioaccumulation and Baseline Toxicity of Hydrophobic Chemicals: Molecular Size Cutoff, Kinetic Limitations, and Chemical Activity Cut-off (소수성화학물질의 생물축적과 기저독성: 분자크기, 반응속도, 화학적 활성도에 따른 제약)

  • Kwon, Jung-Hwan
    • Environmental Analysis Health and Toxicology
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.67-77
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    • 2008
  • It has been observed that the linear relationship between the logarithm of bioconcentration factor (log BCF) of highly hydrophobic chemicals and their log $K_{ow}$ breaks when log $K_{ow}$ becomes greater than 6.0. Consequently, super hydrophobic chemicals were not thought to cause baseline toxicity as a single compound. Researchers often call this phenomenon as "hydrophobicity cutoff" meaning that bioconcentration or corresponding baseline toxicity has a certain cutoff at high log $K_{ow}$ value of hydrophobic organic pollutants. The underlying assumption is that the increased molecular size with increasing hydrophobicity prohibits highly hydrophobic compounds from crossing biological membranes. However, there are debates among scientists about mechanisms and at which log $K_{ow}$ this phenomenon occurs. This paper reviews three hypotheses to explain observed "cutoff": steric effects, kinetic or physiological limitations, and chemical activity cutoff. Although the critical molecular size that makes biological membranes not permeable to hydrophobic organic chemicals is uncertain, size effects in combination with kinetic limitation would explain observed non-linearity between log BCF and log $K_{ow}$. Chemical activity of hydrophobic chemicals generally decreases with increasing melting point at their aqueous solubility. Thus, there may be a chemical activity cutoff of baseline toxicity if there is a critical chemical activity over which baseline effects can be observed.

Efficient Expression of a Carbon Starvation Promoter Activity Under Nutrient-Limited Chemostat Culture

    • Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.678-682
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    • 2005
  • The promoter region of a carbon starvation gene isolated from Pseudomonas putida was cloned and analyzed for its potential use for in situ bioremediation and bioprocessing. We constructed a recombinant plasmid pMKD101 by cloning the 0.65 kb promoter region of the gene into the promoter proving vector, pMK301, which contains the lacZ for ${\beta}$-galactosidase activity as a reporter gene. pMKD101 was transformed into the wild-type P. putida MK1, resulting in P. putida RPD101, and analyzed for ${\beta}$-galactosidase activity under different culture conditions. When RPD101 was grown on the minimal medium plus $0.1\%$ glucose as a sole carbon source in batch cultures, ${\beta}$-galactosidase activity was found to be 3.2-fold higher during the stationary phase than during the exponential phase. In chemostat cultures, ${\beta}$-galactosidase activity was found to be 3.1-fold higher at the minimal growth rate (dilution rate=$0.05\;h^{-1}$) than at the maximal growth rate (dilution rate=$0.173;h^{-1}$). The results suggest that a carbon starvation promoter can be utilized to maximize the expression of a desired gene under nutrient limitation.

Development and Evaluation of Functional Group Activity Program on Institutionalized Aged (시설 노인을 위한 기능적 그룹활동 프로그램의 개발 및 운영 평가)

  • Bang, Yo-Soon;Kim, Hee-Young
    • Journal of muscle and joint health
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.83-92
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    • 2011
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify the changes of physical function, perceptual and cognitive function, emotional function, and functional independence in the institutionalized aged according to functional group activity program (self help Tai Chi exercise plus functional task). Methods: Study subjects were 20 institutionalized aged from June to October in 2010. The subjects received functional group activity program two times a week for 15 weeks. Physical function (grip strength, coordination, lower extremity strength, balance, gait, trunk flexibility), perceptual and cognitive function, emotional function(depression, social skill), and functional independence were measured before and after the program. Results: The subjects showed significantly increased physical function (coordination, lower extremity strength, gait, trunk flexibility), perceptual and cognitive function, emotional function (depression, social skill), and functional independence. The functional group activity program may be an effective strategy for institutionalized elders to enhance their functions. Conclusion: The functional group activity program may be effective on elderly institutions which have limitation in human, material, environmental resources.