• 제목/요약/키워드: Yielding curve

검색결과 113건 처리시간 0.034초

J2 와 J3 불변량에 기초한 항복함수의 제안과 이방성 판재에의 적용 (Yield Functions Based on the Stress Invariants J2 and J3 and its Application to Anisotropic Sheet Materials)

  • 김영석;눙엔푸반;김진재
    • 소성∙가공
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    • 제31권4호
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    • pp.214-228
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    • 2022
  • The yield criterion, or called yield function, plays an important role in the study of plastic working of a sheet because it governs the plastic deformation properties of the sheet during plastic forming process. In this paper, we propose a novel anisotropic yield function useful for describing the plastic behavior of various anisotropic sheets. The proposed yield function includes the anisotropic version of the second stress invariant J2 and the third stress invariant J3. The anisotropic yield function newly proposed in this study is as follows. F(J2)+ αG(J3)+ βH (J2 × J3) = km The proposed yield function well explains the anisotropic plastic behavior of various sheets by introducing the parameters α and β, and also exhibits both symmetrical and asymmetrical yield surfaces. The parameters included in the proposed model are determined through an optimization algorithm from uniaxial and biaxial experimental data under proportional loading path. In this study, the validity of the proposed anisotropic yield function was verified by comparing the yield surface shape, normalized uniaxial yield stress value, and Lankford's anisotropic coefficient R-value derived with the experimental results. Application for the proposed anisotropic yield function to aluminum sheet shows symmetrical yielding behavior and to pure titanium sheet shows asymmetric yielding behavior, it was shown that the yield curve and yield behavior of various types of sheet materials can be predicted reasonably by using the proposed new yield anisotropic function.

밀 장려품종에 있어서 다수확 관련형질의 개량효과 (Studies on the Improvement Effects Associated with High Yielding Characters in Recommended Varieties of Winter Wheat(Triticum aestivum L. emend Thell))

  • 조장환
    • 한국작물학회지
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    • 제37권2호
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    • pp.123-133
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    • 1992
  • 밀품종 영광외 12품종을 공시하여 맥류연구소 시험포장에서 1990년에 파종하여 이상형 밀품종육성을 위한 생리생태적 구성형질의 변화를 구명하고자 난괴법 3반복으로 시험하였으며 그 결과를 요약하면 아래와 같다. 1. 1959년부터 1980년까지 21년간 출수기가 17일, 개화기가 15일, 성숙기가 14일 각각 단축되었으며 조숙성품종육성을 위하여 출수일수 및 등숙일수의 단축이 효과적이었다. 2. 출수기에 관여하는 생리적요인은 춘추파성, 광주반응, 협의의 조만성 및 내한성인데 조숙화를 위하여 파성은 III~IV급, 단일반응은 새밀, 중국8001보다 둔감한 품종, 내한성은 그루밀, 새밀 정도인 품종 등이 요구된다. 3. 성숙기에 관여하는 요인은 출수일수, 개화일수, 등숙일수로서 출수일수를 단축시키는 것이 성숙기를 빠르게 하는데 가장 효과적이며 그 다음이 등숙일수이며 개화일수의 단축은 성숙기를 빠르게 하는데 효과가 적어 보였다. 4. 이상초형은 그루밀과 새밀의 단간직립형이며 반왜성유전자를 2개정도가진 간장은 70~80cm의 단간종이 다수확재배에 알맞고 간장이 짧으면 수장을 길게 하거나 소수당립수가 많은 것이 바람직하다. 5. 등숙중인 6월 2일, 8일, 15일의 경, 엽신, 수의 평균 생체중비율에 있어서 다수성품종은 수의 비율이 45-49%정도이며 과거육성품종에 비하여 최근육성품종은 경생체중은 낮으나 유생체중은 높고 엽신의 생체중 차이는 적었다. 6. 등숙중인 6월 2일, 8일, 15일의 m$^2$당 평균건물중 비율에 있어서 다수성인 최근품종은 과거품종에 비하여 경, 엽신의 건물중 비율이 낮아지고 수의 건물중 비율(40-80%)이 높아졌으며 영광, 장광, 진광 등은 수 또는 엽신에 비하여 경의 건물중이 높았다. 7. 엽면적지수는 수잉기를 정점으로한 정규곡선을 그리며 조숙다수성품종은 엽면적지수의 최고점이 조기에 오고 만생종은 늦게 최고점에 달하였다. 최고점의 엽면적지수는 6.4~6.8이었고 측정시기별 엽면적지수합계치는 최근품종이 24.6~28.8범위인데 과거품종은 이보다 훨씬 많았다. 8. 조숙다수성인 조광, 내밀, 그루밀, 새밀의 엽록소함량은 월동후 4월 21일까지 높았고 출수후(5월 12일~26일)의 엽록소함량도 높았으며 과거품종인 영광, 장광, 진광, 원광, 신광은 엽록소함량이 낮았다. 9. 순동화율은 다수성품종일수록, 초성이 좋을수록 높았고 장간인 과거품종은 순동화율이 낮았다. 10. 수당립중은 만생종보다 조생종이 낮으며 입모중 1일당 수분감소율은 평균 1.2%, 영광, 진광, 남광, 원광, 신광은 1.5%이었고 조광, 내밀, 그루밀, 새밀, 올밀, 청계밀, 중국8001는 9~1.1이었다. 11. 과거품종에 비하여 최근품종은 다수품종이 많으며 수량의 증가는 직선적으로 증가되고 조광, 내밀, 그루밀, 새밀이 가장 다수성품종이었다. 수량구성요소를 보면 수원 육성품종은 m$^2$ 당수수와 천립중의 증가에 의하여, 밀양육성품종은 m$^2$당수수의 증가에 의하여 수량이 높아졌으며 앞으로 수원에서는 수당립수, 밀양에서는 수당립수와 천립중의 증가에 주력해야겠다.

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마취제처리에 의한 잠아선발 연구(I) (Studies on Silkworm Selection by Use of Anesthetic(1) (The Effect of Silkworm Analysis through Anesthesia))

  • 최병희;강석권;김정일
    • 한국잠사곤충학회지
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    • 제13권2호
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    • pp.123-133
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    • 1971
  • The author is the first man who tried to use an anesthetic on insect specially for silkworm in orde to evaluate the silkworm health and silk yielding ability and the obtained results are as followings. 1. The necessary ether vapor induction for narcosis on silkworms is varied by the glowth of the silkworm which the larger worm is, the longer induction is required. For instance, it was 2∼3 minutes for the worms of third day fifth instar silkworm in case use of ether anesthetic. 2. The longer anesthetic induction for silkworms, the longer recovery needs from anesthesia. In case five minutes ether vapor induction, silkworms recovered narcosis during in 5∼130 minutes which had varied very much by the health variation. 3. The ether induction caused silkworm to vomit digestive juice from a few per cent of the worms, but the chloroform induction showed majority of the worms to vomit the digestive juice out of mouth. So, the ether was found as better anesthetic for silkworms. 4. When ether induction last more than 20∼30 minutes, the recovered silkworms can eat mulberry, but when it gets more than three hours they can not eat mulberry. And when it last more than ten minutes, the silkworm may eat mulberry leaf, but they can not spinn cocoon properly. 5. In case five minutes ether induction for silkworms on third day fifth instar, the stronger variety is, the rallier recovered from narcosis. 6. The recovering duration from narcosis varies regarding with each worm health which shows Poisson′s distribution even in a same variety silkworm. 7. The female worms recover from narcosis earlier than male worms which means the female worm is stronger than male one. 8. The later recovered silkworm from narcosis spinned more rich cocoon silk and ended with smaller pupae weight. Such a tendency showed until at some recovery duration, then the silk yield droped down on the worms recovered in more longer duration. The author (Choe) had named such a relation curve as "Silk Yield Curve against Silkworm Health." 9. The silk yield or cocoon layer ratio had varied from 13 to 27% even in a same worm varity cocoon which showed serious variation and call attention carefulness for the duplication work of a variety silkworm eggs. 10. Not always the rich silk yielding worm is the best worm during the silkworm selection and it should be considered with the silkworm health evaluation. 11. At present situation, only specific breeding expert is allowed to join in the selection service because of need many years experience by use of visual observation, but the ether anesthesia method may help such an evaluation with more accuracy and easy way even for the people in fresh on the field. 12. The effect of the narcosis on the silkworm for the next generation or hybrid worm will be reported in next publication.

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  • Kim, J.S.;Huh, H.;Lee, K.W.;Ha, D.Y.;Yeo, T.J.;Park, S.J.
    • International Journal of Automotive Technology
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    • 제7권5호
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    • pp.571-577
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    • 2006
  • This paper deals with dynamic tensile characteristics for the polypropylene used in an IP(Instrument Panel). The polypropylene is adopted in the dash board of a car, especially PAB(Passenger Air Bag) module. Its dynamic tensile characteristics are important because the PAB module undergoes high speed deformation during the airbag expansion. Since the operating temperature of a car varies from $-40^{\circ}C$ to $90^{\circ}C$ according to the specification, the dynamic tensile tests are performed at a low temperature($-30^{\circ}C$), the room temperature($21^{\circ}C$) and a high temperature($85^{\circ}C$). The tensile tests are carried out at strain rates of six intervals ranged from 0.001/sec to 100/sec in order to obtain the strain rate sensitivity. The flow stress decreases at the high temperature while the strain rate sensitivity increases. Tensile tests of polymers are rather tricky since polymer does not elongate uniformly right after the onset of yielding unlike the conventional steel. A new method is suggested to obtain the stress-strain curve accurately. A true stress-strain curve was estimated from modification of the nominal stress-strain curves obtained from the experiment. The modification was carried out with the help of an optimization scheme accompanied with finite element analysis of the tensile test with a special specimen. The optimization method provided excellent true stress-strain curves by enforcing the load response coincident with the experimental result. The material properties obtained from this paper will be useful to simulate the airbag expansion at the normal and harsh operating conditions.

압력수준과 세립분함유량에 따른 모래의 압축특성 (Influences of Confining Pressure and Fines Content on Compressibility Characteristics of Sand)

  • 김욱기;장리;김주현
    • 한국지반공학회논문집
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    • 제28권9호
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    • pp.97-106
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    • 2012
  • 본 논문에서는 혼합토의 역학적 특성을 해명하기 위한 기초연구로 모래와 비소성 실트로 구성된 혼합토를 대상으로 모래가 골격구조의 주체를 이루는 범위 안에서 다양한 세립분함유율로 조성된 공시체를 제작하였다. 모래입자의 파쇄가 발생하는 고압영역의 등방압축실험을 수행하기 위하여 고압삼축시험기를 이용하여 혼합토의 압축특성 및 파쇄에 대한 영향을 조사했다. 시험 결과, 모래의 압축특성은 입자파쇄가 발생함에 따라 항복에 도달한 뒤에는 1개의 NCL에 수렴하는 경향을 나타낸다. 한편, 혼합토의 압축특성은 세립분함유율이 증가함에 따라 조립자가 세립분에 의해 둘러싸여 쿠션작용에 의해, 조립자가 파쇄를 일으키기 어려워지므로 압축곡선의 최대경사가 완만해지고 항복응력 또한 증가함을 알 수 있다.

An analytical model for PVC-FRP confined reinforced concrete columns under low cyclic loading

  • Fang, Yuan;Yu, Feng;Chen, Anchun;Wang, Shilong;Xu, Guoshi
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • 제77권2호
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    • pp.179-196
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    • 2021
  • Experimental investigations on the seismic behaviors of the PVC-FRP Confined Reinforced Concrete (PFCRC) columns under low cyclic loading are carried out and two variable parameters including CFRP strips spacing and axial compression ratio are considered. The PFCRC column finally fails by bending and is characterized by the crushing of concrete and yielding of the longitudinal reinforcement, and the column with a high axial compression ratio is also accompanied by the cracking of the PVC tube and the fracture of CFRP strips. The hysteretic curves and skeleton curves of the columns are obtained from the experimental data. With the increase of axial compression ratio, the stiffness degradation rate accelerates and the ductility decreases. With the decrease of CFRP strips spacing, the unloading sections of the skeleton curves become steep and the ductility reduces significantly. On the basis of fiber model method, a numerical analysis approach for predicting the skeleton curves of the PFCRC columns is developed. Additionally, a simplified skeleton curve including the elastic stage, strengthening stage and unloading stage is suggested depending on the geometric drawing method. Moreover, the loading and unloading rules of the PFCRC columns are revealed by analyzing the features of the skeleton curves. The quantitative expressions that are used to predict the unloading stiffness of the specimens in each stage are proposed. Eventually, an analytical model for the PFCRC columns under low cyclic loading is established and it agrees well with test data.

Study on acoustic emission fracture response and constitutive model of layered sandstone

  • Zhanping Song;Xiaojing Xu;Xiaoxu Tian;Tong Wang;Wanxue Song;Yun Cheng
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • 제39권2호
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    • pp.157-170
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    • 2024
  • In the present study, the acoustic emission characteristics of hard sedimentary sandstone with varying bedding dip angles were examined through uniaxial compression tests using a rock mechanics creep apparatus combined with an acoustic emission system. The deformation and failure behavior of the sandstone was analyzed by correlating acoustic emission parameters with stress over time. A damage constitutive model was developed, incorporating cumulative acoustic emission ringing counts as a key parameter, with time acting as the intermediary. The findings indicate that, despite the differences in bedding dip angles, the stress-strain curves of the samples follow a similar pattern throughout the loading process, passing through four distinct phases: compaction, elastic deformation, yielding, and post-peak failure. The fracture patterns of the sandstone are influenced by the dip angle of the bedding. Acoustic emission parameters, including the ringing count, cumulative ringing count, and energy, align with these four stages of the stress-strain curve. During the compaction and elastic deformation phases, acoustic emissions remain in a quite state, with only brief spikes at points of rapid stress change. In the unstable fracture stage, acoustic emissions become highly active, while they return to a quite state in the post-fracture stage. The RA value of the acoustic emission displays a banded pattern as time progresses, with areas of dense clustering. When the stress curve declines, RA values enter an active period, mainly associated with the generation of shear cracks. Conversely, during periods of smooth stress progression, RA values remain in a quiet state, primarily linked to the formation of tensile cracks. The time-based damage constitutive model for layered sandstone effectively captures the entire process of rock fracture development.

Endotracheal intubation by inexperienced trainees using the Clarus Video System: learning curve and orodental trauma perspectives

  • Moon, Young-Jin;Kim, Juyoung;Seo, Dong-Woo;Kim, Jae-Won;Jung, Hye-Won;Suk, Eun-Ha;Ha, Seung-Il;Kim, Sung-Hoon;Kim, Joung-Uk
    • Journal of Dental Anesthesia and Pain Medicine
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    • 제15권4호
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    • pp.207-212
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    • 2015
  • Background: The ideal alternative airway device should be intuitive to use, yielding proficiency after only a few trials. The Clarus Video System (CVS) is a novel optical stylet with a semi-rigid tip; however, the learning curve and associated orodental trauma are poorly understood. Methods: Two novice practitioners with no CVS experience performed 30 intubations each. Each trial was divided into learning (first 10 intubations) and standard phases (remaining 20 intubations). Total time to achieve successful intubation, number of intubation attempts, ease of use, and orodental trauma were recorded. Results: Intubation was successful in all patients. In 51 patients (85%), intubation was accomplished in the first attempt. Nine patients required two or three intubation attempts; six were with the first 10 patients. Learning and standard phases differed significantly in terms of success at first attempt, number of attempts, and intubation time (70% vs. 93%, $1.4 {\pm}0.7$ vs. $1.1{\pm}0.3$, and $71.4{\pm}92.3s$ vs. $24.6{\pm}21.9s$, respectively). The first five patients required longer intubation times than the subsequent five patients ($106.8{\pm}120.3s$ vs. $36.0{\pm}26.8s$); however, the number of attempts was similar. Sequential subgroups of five patients in the standard phase did not differ in the number of attempts or intubation time. Dental trauma, lip laceration, or mucosal bleeding were absent. Conclusions: Ten intubations are sufficient to learn CVS utilization properly without causing any orodental trauma. A relatively small number of experiences are required in the learning curve compared with other devices.

Experimental study and calculation of laterally-prestressed confined concrete columns

  • Nematzadeh, Mahdi;Fazli, Saeed;Hajirasouliha, Iman
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • 제23권5호
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    • pp.517-527
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    • 2017
  • In this paper, the effect of active confinement on the compressive behaviour of circular steel tube-confined concrete (STCC) and concrete-filled steel tube (CFST) columns is investigated. In STCC columns the axial load is only applied to the concrete core, while in CFST columns the load is carried by the whole composite section. A new method is introduced to apply confining pressure on fresh concrete by laterally prestressing steel tubes. In order to achieve different prestressing levels, short-term and long-term pressures are applied to the fresh concrete. Three groups of STCC and CFST specimens (passive, S-active and L-active groups) are tested under axial loads. The results including stress-strain relationships of composite column components, secant modulus of elasticity, and volumetric strain are presented and discussed. Based on the elastic-plastic theory, the behaviour of the steel tube is also analyzed during elastic, yielding, and strain hardening stages. The results show that using the proposed prestressing method can considerably improve the compressive behaviour of both STCC and CFST specimens, while increasing the prestressing level has insignificant effects. By applying prestressing, the linear range in the stress-strain curve of STCC specimens increases by almost twice as much, while the improvement is negligible in CFST specimens.

스테인레스 강판의 가공특성과 성형성에 관한 고찰 (Review of Formability and Forming Property for Stainless Steel)

  • 김영석;박진기;안덕찬;김영환
    • 소성∙가공
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    • 제20권3호
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    • pp.193-205
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    • 2011
  • Because of its rustproof property, stainless steel is widely used in kitchen appliances, building materials, electronics, chemical plants and automobile exhausts. In addition, the utilization of stainless steel for fuel cell application is growing. As the demand for this material increases, it is necessary to study the basic properties of stainless steel such as corrosion resistance, heat transfer, formability, cutting or shearing ability and weldability. In this article, the mechanical properties, formability and press forming performance of stainless steel are reviewed. Since temperature and strain rate affect the press forming performance of STS304(austenitic) stainless steel, the influence of these parameters on the plastic behavior should be investigated. Moreover, measures for the prevention of ridging of STS430(ferritic) and delayed fracture of STS430, which respectively appear during and after press forming, should be considered. Recently, stainless steel sheets with a thickness lower than 0.2 mm have been widely used in applications for mobile phone, digital camera and fuel cell separator. Therefore, there is a growing interest of studying the grain size effect and plasticity at the crystal scale in order to understand the anisotropic behavior and micro forming ability of thin sheets. This review paper was written with the objective of helping engineers and researchers to understand the forming characteristics of stainless steel and to establish standards in plastic forming techniques.