• Title/Summary/Keyword: Yaw system

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Development of Control Algorithm for Ship Berthing and Unberthing Systems Using a Joystick (조이스틱을 이용한 선박의 입출항 및 접이안 시스템의 제어 알고리즘 개발)

  • Hong, Seong-Kuk;Jung, Yun-Ha;Kim, Sun-Young;Won, Moon-Cheol
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.31 no.5 s.121
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    • pp.325-332
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    • 2007
  • This study develops a control algorithm on berthing/unberthing system using a joystick for ships with thrusters and a rudder. A nonlinear mathematical model for low speed maneuvering of typical container ships is used to develop a MIMO(multi-input multi-output) nonlinear control algorithm for velocity feedback joystick control. Also a virtual HILS(hardware in the loop simulation) software program for berthing/unberthing is developed to test the performance of the nonlinear and a PID control algorithm. The program is developed using LabWindow/CVI, and a user can see current position and desired trajectory of ship in a monitor, then he can control forward and yaw velocities of a ship using a joystick. The simulation results show that the nonlinear mfd the PID controller have superior performance over a simple open loop joystick control algorithm.

Postural Control in Brain Damage Patients According to Moving Surround (뇌기능 장애 환자의 가상영상(Moving Sorround) 자극에 따른 자세 균형 제어)

  • 김연희;최종덕;이성범;김종윤;이석준;박찬희;김남균
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Emotion and Sensibility Conference
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    • 2002.11a
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    • pp.233-244
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    • 2002
  • The purpose of this study is to assess the ability of balance control in moving surround using head mount device and force platform and to examine the clinical usefulness of COP parameters. Fifteen patients with stroke and healthy persons were participated. COP parameters were obtained as total path distance, frequency of anterior-posterior and medial-lateral component by FFT analysis, weight-spectrum analysis in the two different conditions; (1) in comfortable standing with opened or closed eyes, (2) in virtual moving surround delivered using HMD to four different moving pattern. In virtual moving surround setting, moving pattern was composed of close-far, superior-inferior tilting(pitch), right-left tilting(roll) and horizontal rotation(yaw) movement. In all parameters, the reliebility of COP analysis system was significantly high. Also, the construct validity compared between fifteen patients with stroke and normal persons was excellent in virtual moving surround condition(p

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Verify Image-Guided Shifts for 6DoF Couch using Yonsei Cancer Center QA Set (Yonsei Cancer Center QA Set을 이용한 6DoF Couch의 이동 정확성 검증)

  • Jung, Dongmin;Park, Hyokuk;Yoon, Jongwon;Lee, Sangkyu;Kim, Jooho;Cho, Jeonghee
    • The Journal of Korean Society for Radiation Therapy
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.7-18
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    • 2017
  • Purpose: A QA Set was established to verify the movement accuracy of image-guided 6DoF Couch and to evaluate its usefulness. Materials and Methods: Two sets of linear accelerators equipped with 6DoF Couch and CBCT were used. Using the established QA Set, each CBCT image was obtained over 15 times through the Penta-Guide Phantom installed with off-set shift values along six translational (Translation; TX, TY, TZ) and rotational (Rotation, Pitch; RX, Roll; RY, Yaw; RZ) directions. Using this method, we compared the reference image and the registration image, and we analyzed the error calculated by measuring the positional accuracy of the modified 6DoF Couch. Results: The Air Cavity corresponding to the Pixel of the reference image and the registration image were all contained between 30 and 66, and the revealing high registration accuracy. Error between the modified off-set value of 6DoF Couch and the measured value along translational directions were $0.25{\pm}0.18mm$ in the TX direction, $0.25{\pm}0.25mm$ in the TY direction, and $0.36{\pm}0.2mm$ in the TZ direction. Misalignments along the rotational axis were $0.18{\pm}0.08^{\circ}$ in the RX direction, $0.26{\pm}0.09^{\circ}$ in the RY direction, and $0.11{\pm}0.08^{\circ}$ in the RZ direction, it was corrected precisely for any value. Conclusion: Using the YCC QA Set, we were able to verify the error of 6DoF Couch along both the translational and rotational directions in a very simple method. This system would be useful in performing Daily IGRT QA of 6DoF Couch.

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Opportunities and Challenges for Multi-Level-Stakeholder Participation in Community-Based Ecotourism Development: The Case of the Boabeng-Fiema Monkey Sanctuary, Ghana (지역사회 기반 생태관광 개발에서 다양한 이해 관계자들의 참여 기회와 도전: 가나 Boabeng-Fiema 원숭이 보호구역 사례를 중심으로)

  • Owusu, Victor;Boafo, Yaw Agyeman
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.53-68
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    • 2018
  • Community-based ecotourism (CBE), if well-developed can be a practical approach for promoting socio-economic well-being and sustaining ecological resources. The growth and its development worldwide especially in developing economies is a welcome development. The study aimed at assessing the Boabeng-Fiema Monkey Sanctuary in Ghana, as an example of traditional conservation system of management that has ensured greater community participation, equity, inclusiveness, and multi-level stakeholder partnership. In-depth interviews with key informants and documentary analysis of relevant peer reviewed and grey literature were the main qualitative data collection used. Results revealed that majority of the interviewees support and value the current system of traditional management. The enforcement of rules and regulations and other cultural and religious practices were discussed by key informants. Opportunities for multiple livelihood strategies as a result of the CBE is seen as critical for increasing local's acceptance and participation. The remarkable growth of the sanctuary, as well as the increase in human population, has created a shortage of land for domestic and other commercial purposes which is identified as posing a major challenge to the sustenance of the sanctuary. The study recommends diversification of livelihood opportunities presented by the presence of the sanctuary like the introduction of homestay concept, craft making- wood carving, painting, artisan shops.

Evaluation of the accuracy of the HexaPOD evo RT system using Non-coplanar beams in lung cancer (폐암환자의 비동일평면 선속 빔 치료 시 HexaPOD evo RT system 의 정확성 평가)

  • Jang, Sewuk;cho, Kangchul;Lee, Sangkyoo;Kim, Jooho;Cho, Jeonghee
    • The Journal of Korean Society for Radiation Therapy
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.115-122
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    • 2015
  • Purpose : The aim of this study, evaluate the accuracy of HeaxPOD evo RT system using the non-coplanar beam. Materials and Methods : 13 treatment plans are used which applied non-coplanar beams and 10 treatment plans which coplanar beams are used. the correction value what adjust to 6D couch is determined by each patient's setup errors only rotation direction. The study executed followings. first, Applying the correction value, measure the point dose and calculate the ${\gamma}$-index(${\gamma}=3%$ / 3 mm, ${\gamma}=2%$ / 2 mm). second, acquire data as previous methods without correction by HexaPOD. Results : For comparing the two results, we find out the more precise applying HexaPOD by point dose 0.2% in coplanar and non-coplanar. in the case of ${\gamma}$-index<1(${\gamma}=3%$ / 3 mm), more precise 2.2% in coplanar and 7% in Non-coplanar. Particularly, ${\gamma}$-index<1(2% / 2 mm) show the difference 9.2% in coplanar and 15.1% non-coplanar between apply HexaPOD and dose not apply HexaPOD. Conclusion : Using the HexaPOD is more precise than without HexaPOD. It suggests that HexaPOD evo RT system is very useful for precise and high dose delivery.

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Tutorial on the Principle of Borehole Deviation Survey - An Application of the Coordinate Transforms (시추공 공곡 측정의 원리 - 좌표계 변환의 응용)

  • Song, Yoonho
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.243-252
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    • 2020
  • To share an understanding of trajectory measurement in surveys using borehole, this tutorial summarizes the relevant mathematical principles of the borehole deviation survey based on coordinate transform. For uncased or open holes, calculations of the azimuth-deviation-tool face rotation using three-component accelerometer and magnetometer measurements are summarized. For the steel-cased holes, calculations are based on the time-derivative formula of the coordinate transform matrix; yaw-pitch-roll angles through time are mathematically determined by integrating the threecomponent angular velocity measurements from the gyroscope while also removing the Earth's rotation effect. Sensor and data fusion to increase the accuracy of borehole deviation survey is explained with an example of the method. These principles of borehole deviation surveys can be adapted for attitude estimation in air-borne surveys or for positioning in tunnels where global positioning system (GPS) signals cannot be accessed. Information on the optimization filter that must be incorporated in sensor fusion is introduced to help future research.

Experimental Study of Small Vertical Axis Wind Turbine according to Type of Blades (블레이드 형태에 따른 소형 수직축 풍력발전기의 실험적 연구)

  • Lee, Min-Gu;Oh, Hun;Park, Wal-Seo
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.18 no.12
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    • pp.88-92
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    • 2017
  • Owing to the depletion of fossil energy, wind power is attracting attention as a promising environmentally friendly alternative energy source, because it is abundant, renewable, and non-polluting. Wind turbines are divided into horizontal axis wind turbines (HAWTs) and vertical axis wind turbines (VAWTs) according to the direction of the rotating shaft. VAWTs have a low power generation efficiency, but are not affected by the wind direction and, thus, no yaw system is required and their structure is simple. Small VAWTs are attracting much attention because they can generate power even at low wind speeds. In this study, the output voltages and output currents of small VAWTs with gyromill type, hinge type and double door type blades capable of generating power even at low wind speeds were analyzed at variable wind speeds in the range of 1~11 m/s. At the maximum wind speed of 11m/s, the application of the double door type blades achieved 67% and 9% higher wind turbine output voltages than that of the gyromill type and hinge type blades, respectively. As regards the wind turbine output currents, the application of the double door type blades gave rise to 93% and 5% higher results than that of the gyromill type and hinge type blades, respectively. Through this study, the excellent output characteristics and commercialization potential of the double door type blades, which can generate power both at low and high wind speeds, were confirmed.


  • Kim, Sun-Mi;Jang, Min-Hwan;Lee, Dong-Hun;Han, Young-Seok;Kim, Jun;Hwang, Seung-Hyun;Lee, Eun-Seok;Lee, Sun-Min;Kim, Hyo-Jin;Lee, Su-Jin
    • Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.29-42
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    • 2003
  • The KSR-3 magnetometers consist of the fluxgate magnetometer (MAG/AIM) for acquiring the rocket flight attitude information, and the search-coil magnetometer (MAG/SIM) for the observation of the Earth's magnetic fluctuations. The position (latitude, longitude, and height) and flight condition (the transformation angle) of the rocket is measured after the data based on these two magnetometers are compared with IGRF The gap in the vector of magnetic field between the position of the launching point and an impact point is taken into account in data reduction. Angular variation of pitch, yaw, and roll can be researched when the data is applied to the coordinate system of the rocket.

Vimentin Is Involved in Peptidylarginine Deiminase 2-Induced Apoptosis of Activated Jurkat Cells

  • Hsu, Pei-Chen;Liao, Ya-Fan;Lin, Chin-Li;Lin, Wen-Hao;Liu, Guang-Yaw;Hung, Hui-Chih
    • Molecules and Cells
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    • v.37 no.5
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    • pp.426-434
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    • 2014
  • Peptidylarginine deiminase type 2 (PADI2) deiminates (or citrullinates) arginine residues in protein to citrulline residues in a $Ca^{2+}$-dependent manner, and is found in lymphocytes and macrophages. Vimentin is an intermediate filament protein and a well-known substrate of PADI2. Citrullinated vimentin is found in ionomycin-induced macrophage apoptosis. Citrullinated vimentin is the target of anti-Sa antibodies, which are specific to rheumatoid arthritis, and play a critical role in the pathogenesis of the disease. To investigate the role of PADI2 in apoptosis, we generated a Jurkat cell line that overexpressed the PADI2 transgene from a tetracycline-inducible promoter, and used a combination of 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate and ionomycin to activate Jurkat cells. We found that PADI2 overexpression reduced the cell viability of activated Jurkat cells in1a dose- and time-dependent manner. The PADI2-overexpressed and -activated Jurkat cells presented typical manifestations of apoptosis, and exhibited greater levels of citrullinated proteins, including citrullinated vimentin. Vimentin overexpression rescued a portion of the cells from apoptosis. In conclusion, PADI2 overexpression induces apoptosis in activated Jurkat cells. Vimentin is involved in PADI2-induced apoptosis. Moreover, PADI2-overexpressed Jurkat cells secreted greater levels of vimentin after activation, and expressed more vimentin on their cell surfaces when undergoing apoptosis. Through artificially highlighting PADI2 and vimentin, we demonstrated that PADI2 and vimentin participate in the apoptotic mechanisms of activated T lymphocytes. The secretion and surface expression of vimentin are possible ways of autoantigen presentation to the immune system.

Evaluation of the Usefulness of Exactrac in Image-guided Radiation Therapy for Head and Neck Cancer (두경부암의 영상유도방사선치료에서 ExacTrac의 유용성 평가)

  • Baek, Min Gyu;Kim, Min Woo;Ha, Se Min;Chae, Jong Pyo;Jo, Guang Sub;Lee, Sang Bong
    • The Journal of Korean Society for Radiation Therapy
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    • v.32
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    • pp.7-15
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    • 2020
  • Purpose: In modern radiotherapy technology, several methods of image guided radiation therapy (IGRT) are used to deliver accurate doses to tumor target locations and normal organs, including CBCT (Cone Beam Computed Tomography) and other devices, ExacTrac System, other than CBCT equipped with linear accelerators. In previous studies comparing the two systems, positional errors were analysed rearwards using Offline-view or evaluated only with a Yaw rotation with the X, Y, and Z axes. In this study, when using CBCT and ExacTrac to perform 6 Degree of the Freedom(DoF) Online IGRT in a treatment center with two equipment, the difference between the set-up calibration values seen in each system, the time taken for patient set-up, and the radiation usefulness of the imaging device is evaluated. Materials and Methods: In order to evaluate the difference between mobile calibrations and exposure radiation dose, the glass dosimetry and Rando Phantom were used for 11 cancer patients with head circumference from March to October 2017 in order to assess the difference between mobile calibrations and the time taken from Set-up to shortly before IGRT. CBCT and ExacTrac System were used for IGRT of all patients. An average of 10 CBCT and ExacTrac images were obtained per patient during the total treatment period, and the difference in 6D Online Automation values between the two systems was calculated within the ROI setting. In this case, the area of interest designation in the image obtained from CBCT was fixed to the same anatomical structure as the image obtained through ExacTrac. The difference in positional values for the six axes (SI, AP, LR; Rotation group: Pitch, Roll, Rtn) between the two systems, the total time taken from patient set-up to just before IGRT, and exposure dose were measured and compared respectively with the RandoPhantom. Results: the set-up error in the phantom and patient was less than 1mm in the translation group and less than 1.5° in the rotation group, and the RMS values of all axes except the Rtn value were less than 1mm and 1°. The time taken to correct the set-up error in each system was an average of 256±47.6sec for IGRT using CBCT and 84±3.5sec for ExacTrac, respectively. Radiation exposure dose by IGRT per treatment was measured at 37 times higher than ExacTrac in CBCT and ExacTrac at 2.468mGy and 0.066mGy at Oral Mucosa among the 7 measurement locations in the head and neck area. Conclusion: Through 6D online automatic positioning between the CBCT and ExacTrac systems, the set-up error was found to be less than 1mm, 1.02°, including the patient's movement (random error), as well as the systematic error of the two systems. This error range is considered to be reasonable when considering that the PTV Margin is 3mm during the head and neck IMRT treatment in the present study. However, considering the changes in target and risk organs due to changes in patient weight during the treatment period, it is considered to be appropriately used in combination with CBCT.