• Title/Summary/Keyword: Work environment improvement

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Reviewing the Operation of the Navy Safety Management System and Its Direction (해군 안전관리체계 운영에 대한 검토 및 발전 방향 고찰)

  • Jeongwoo Han;Kijae Kim;Wonyoung Lee;Kyoshik Park
    • Journal of the Society of Disaster Information
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.859-868
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    • 2023
  • Purpose: In order to enhance safety, the Korea Navy is making efforts to introduce a safety and health management system and to develop a risk assessment system, while safety accidents keeps occurring. A development plan was proposed through an inspection of the Safety Management System(SMS). Method: To diagnose the Korea Navy's safety management system, changes in the safety environment, documentation system, and safety and health management system operation were reviewed, points to be improved were found, and improvement directions were derived. Result: There is a need for an SMS standard that can present the Korea Navy's safety policy and safety management direction, and a safety program that provides guidelines for implementing it in a standardized manner. To this end, we were able to confirm the feasibility of linking the requirements of the US Navy's SMS and the international standard ISO 45001 standard together with the Korea Navy's safety management system. Conclusion: The Korea Navy's safety management system needs to clearly present safety policies and standards, and have public confidence and effectiveness in safety work through a standard program that can implement them, and for this, the development of a Navy SMS is necessary.

The Relationship between Workplace Bullying and Depression: The Roles of Psychological Safety and Supervisor and Co-worker Compassion (직장 내 괴롭힘과 우울증의 관계: 심리적 안전감과 상사와 동료의 컴패션의 역할)

  • Sara Rousalova;Kwang Tae Kim;Hyewon Lee;Young Woo Sohn
    • The Korean Journal of Coaching Psychology
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.27-55
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    • 2023
  • Employee well-being, along with its associated barriers and improvement strategies, has become an escalating concern for researchers and organizations worldwide. This study examined the mechanism behind workplace bullying and depression, exploring the role of psychological safety as a mediating factor. Additionally, we investigated the potential impact of organizational compassion, distinguishing between supervisor and co-worker compassion, as a means of supporting employees subjected to workplace bullying. Based on an analysis of 392 online survey responses from full-time employees in South Korea, our findings demonstrate that workplace bullying undermines psychological safety, resulting in increased depression rates among employees. As anticipated, supervisor compassion mitigated the adverse effect of workplace bullying, whereas co-worker compassion did not exhibit the same moderating effect. These results emphasize the importance of fostering a supportive and compassionate work environment led by supervisors to lessen the strain on employee well-being. Theoretical and practical implications, along with directions for future research, are discussed.

Strategies for Implementing Civilian Personnel Management Methods to Recruit and Retain Officers in Military Organizations (군 조직의 간부 유치 및 유지를 위한 민간 방식 인사관리 방법 도입 전략)

  • Ju-Yong Lee
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.10 no.5
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    • pp.219-227
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    • 2024
  • The rapidly changing security environment and technological innovations of the 21st century present new challenges to military organizations. Particularly, as the MZ generation, comprised of Millennials (born 1981-1996) and Generation Z (born 1997-2012), emerges as the primary workforce in the military, traditional military personnel management methods are being called into question. The MZ generation, as digital natives, are technologically proficient, prioritize personal growth and quality of life, and prefer horizontal communication and participation. The purpose of this study is to reestablish talent acquisition and retention strategies for military organizations, considering the characteristics and demands of the MZ generation. To this end, we analyzed advanced talent management techniques from the corporate sector and explored ways to apply them to the unique context of military organizations. Additionally, by examining the current status and challenges of the Korean military, we attempted a balanced approach that considers both global trends and Korea's specific circumstances. The research results suggest various strategies including career development programs, cultural innovation, improvement of reward systems, participatory decision-making, enhancement of digital competencies, and creation of flexible work environments. These strategies are expected to improve the efficiency and competitiveness of military organizations while simultaneously enhancing job satisfaction and organizational commitment among MZ generation service members.

Deriving adoption strategies of deep learning open source framework through case studies (딥러닝 오픈소스 프레임워크의 사례연구를 통한 도입 전략 도출)

  • Choi, Eunjoo;Lee, Junyeong;Han, Ingoo
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.27-65
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    • 2020
  • Many companies on information and communication technology make public their own developed AI technology, for example, Google's TensorFlow, Facebook's PyTorch, Microsoft's CNTK. By releasing deep learning open source software to the public, the relationship with the developer community and the artificial intelligence (AI) ecosystem can be strengthened, and users can perform experiment, implementation and improvement of it. Accordingly, the field of machine learning is growing rapidly, and developers are using and reproducing various learning algorithms in each field. Although various analysis of open source software has been made, there is a lack of studies to help develop or use deep learning open source software in the industry. This study thus attempts to derive a strategy for adopting the framework through case studies of a deep learning open source framework. Based on the technology-organization-environment (TOE) framework and literature review related to the adoption of open source software, we employed the case study framework that includes technological factors as perceived relative advantage, perceived compatibility, perceived complexity, and perceived trialability, organizational factors as management support and knowledge & expertise, and environmental factors as availability of technology skills and services, and platform long term viability. We conducted a case study analysis of three companies' adoption cases (two cases of success and one case of failure) and revealed that seven out of eight TOE factors and several factors regarding company, team and resource are significant for the adoption of deep learning open source framework. By organizing the case study analysis results, we provided five important success factors for adopting deep learning framework: the knowledge and expertise of developers in the team, hardware (GPU) environment, data enterprise cooperation system, deep learning framework platform, deep learning framework work tool service. In order for an organization to successfully adopt a deep learning open source framework, at the stage of using the framework, first, the hardware (GPU) environment for AI R&D group must support the knowledge and expertise of the developers in the team. Second, it is necessary to support the use of deep learning frameworks by research developers through collecting and managing data inside and outside the company with a data enterprise cooperation system. Third, deep learning research expertise must be supplemented through cooperation with researchers from academic institutions such as universities and research institutes. Satisfying three procedures in the stage of using the deep learning framework, companies will increase the number of deep learning research developers, the ability to use the deep learning framework, and the support of GPU resource. In the proliferation stage of the deep learning framework, fourth, a company makes the deep learning framework platform that improves the research efficiency and effectiveness of the developers, for example, the optimization of the hardware (GPU) environment automatically. Fifth, the deep learning framework tool service team complements the developers' expertise through sharing the information of the external deep learning open source framework community to the in-house community and activating developer retraining and seminars. To implement the identified five success factors, a step-by-step enterprise procedure for adoption of the deep learning framework was proposed: defining the project problem, confirming whether the deep learning methodology is the right method, confirming whether the deep learning framework is the right tool, using the deep learning framework by the enterprise, spreading the framework of the enterprise. The first three steps (i.e. defining the project problem, confirming whether the deep learning methodology is the right method, and confirming whether the deep learning framework is the right tool) are pre-considerations to adopt a deep learning open source framework. After the three pre-considerations steps are clear, next two steps (i.e. using the deep learning framework by the enterprise and spreading the framework of the enterprise) can be processed. In the fourth step, the knowledge and expertise of developers in the team are important in addition to hardware (GPU) environment and data enterprise cooperation system. In final step, five important factors are realized for a successful adoption of the deep learning open source framework. This study provides strategic implications for companies adopting or using deep learning framework according to the needs of each industry and business.

Analysis of Growth Environment on Old Tree, a Natural Monument in Gyeongsangbuk-do (경북지역의 천연기념물 노거수 생육현황 분석)

  • Kim, Tae Sik;Cho, Sun Hee;Kang, Hee Jin
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.43 no.1
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    • pp.190-211
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this paper is to provide the preliminary data for maintenance of old trees of natural monuments and establishing protection projects. Accordingly, growth conditions, location circumstances, environment and protection management were analyzed for old trees at 34 sites in Gyeongsangbuk-do. Tree forms, crown, trunk and trees' health, leaves volume were analyzed in survey sites. As the results, the growth of Picrasma quassioides in Songsadong, Andong-si and Catalpa ovata in Hongwon-ri, Cheongsong-gun were not in good condition, along with other old trees of 6 cities (Quercus variabilis in Susan-ri, Uljin-gun, Juniperus chinensis in Hujeong-ri, Uljin-gun, Pyrus ussuriensis in Ssangjeon-ri, Uljin-gun, Salix glandulosa var. pilosa in Deokchon-ri, Cheongdo-gun, Pinus densiflora for. multicaulis in Hwasan-ri, Mungyeong-si, Pinus densiflora in Daeha-ri, Mungyeong-si). Accoding to these results, protection project and consistent monitoring are necessary. The analysis results of growth conditions per location circumstances showed that the old trees in the small spaces with large traffic of people were in bad condition. Therefore, it is necessary to secure sufficient space and soil improvement for such trees. The analysis results of growth conditions per species showed that Zelkova serrata, Quercus spp., Pinus densiflora are in good condition while Salix koreensis and others, i.e. a singular tree, are in poor condition. Thus, relatively smaller individuals and separately situated trees need careful management in their protection. The analysis results of trunk's growth ratio showed that Pinus densiflora, Ginkgo biloba, Zelkova serrata are in good condition whereas Juniperus chinensis, Quercus variabilis, Salix koreensis are not. It is a recent trend that tree surgeries are gradually decreasing; there are a number of damaged trees with no maintenance/management, and several sites requiring mend trunks management and cabling, bracing in protection and management projects. Hence, in the future, local government and management organizations should plan for systematic management and establish a protection plan for the natural monument trees. Also, 12 sites were found to be in need to purchase lands in order to secure the growth spaces, and since most of these areas are available for purchase, it is needed to promote a budget and purchase those areas through persuasion of the owner. These areas seems crucial in order to maximize the effect of conservation efforts and budgets for the preservation and restoration of the old trees.

The Influence of Store Environment on Service Brand Personality and Repurchase Intention (점포의 물리적 환경이 서비스 브랜드 개성과 재구매의도에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Hyoung-Gil;Kim, Jung-Hee;Kim, Youn-Jeong
    • Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.141-173
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    • 2007
  • The study examines how the environmental factors of store influence service brand personality and repurchase intention in the service environment. The service industry has been experiencing the intensified competition with the industry's continuous growth and the influence from rapid technological advancement. Under the circumstances, it has become ever more important for the brand competitiveness to be distinctively recognized against competition. A brand needs to be distinguished and differentiated from competing companies because they are all engaged in the similar environment of the service industry. The differentiation of brand achievement has become increasingly important to highlight certain brand functions to include emotional, self-expressive, and symbolic functions since the importance of such functions has been further emphasized in promoting consumption activities. That is the recent role of brand personality that has been emphasized in the service industry. In other words, customers now freely and actively express their personalities or egos in consumption activities, taking an important role in construction of a brand asset. Hence, the study suggests that it is necessary to disperse the recognition and acknowledgement that the maintenance of the existing customers contributes more to boost repurchase intention when it is compared to the efforts to create new customers, particularly in the service industry. Meanwhile, the store itself can offer a unique environment that may influence the consumer's purchase decision. Consumers interact with store environments in the process of,virtually, all household purchase they make (Sarel 1981). Thus, store environments may encourage customers to purchase. The roles that store environments play are to provide informational cues to customers about the store and goods and communicate messages to stimulate consumers' emotions. The store environments differentiate the store from competing stores and build a unique service brand personality. However, the existing studies related to brand in the service industry mostly concentrated on the relationship between the quality of service and customer satisfaction, and they are mostly generalized while the connective studies focused on brand personality. Such approaches show limitations and are insufficient to investigate on the relationship between store environment and brand personality in the service industry. Accordingly, the study intends to identify the level of contribution to the establishment of brand personality made by the store's physical environments that influence on the specific brand characteristics depending on the type of service. The study also intends to identify what kind of relationships with brand personality exists with brand personality while being influenced by store environments. In addition, the study intends to make meaningful suggestions to better direct marketing efforts by identifying whether a brand personality makes a positive influence to induce an intention for repurchase. For this study, the service industry is classified into four categories based on to the characteristics of service: experimental-emotional service, emotional -credible service, credible-functional service, and functional-experimental service. The type of business with the most frequent customer contact is determined for each service type and the enterprise with the highest brand value in each service sector based on the report made by the Korea Management Association. They are designated as the representative of each category. The selected representatives are a fast-food store (experimental-emotional service), a cinema house (emotional-credible service), a bank (credible-functional service), and discount store (functional-experimental service). The survey was conducted for the four selected brands to represent each service category among consumers who are experienced users of the designated stores in Seoul Metropolitan City and Gyeonggi province via written questionnaires in order to verify the suggested assumptions in the study. In particular, the survey adopted 15 scales, which represent each characteristic factor, among the 42 unique characteristics developed by Jennifer Aaker(1997) to assess the brand personality of each service brand. SPSS for Windows Release 12.0 and LISREL were used in the analysis of data verification. The methodology of the structural equation model was used for the study and the pivotal findings are as follows. 1) The environmental factors ware classified as design factors, ambient factors, and social factors. Therefore, the validity of measurement scale of Baker et al. (1994) was proved. 2) The service brand personalities were subdivided as sincerity, excitement, competence, sophistication, and ruggedness, which makes the use of the brand personality scales by Jennifer Aaker(1997) appropriate in the service industry as well. 3) One-way ANOVA analysis on the scales of store environment and service brand personality showed that there exist statistically significant differences in each service category. For example, the social factors were highest in discount stores, while the ambient factors and design factors were highest in fast-food stores. The discount stores were highest in the sincerity and excitement, while the highest point for banks was in the competence and ruggedness, and the highest point for fast-food stores was in the sophistication, The consumers will make a different respond to the physical environment of stores and service brand personality that are inherent to the corresponding service interface. Hence, the customers will make a different decision-making when dealing with different service categories. In this aspect, the relationships of variables in the proposed hypothesis appear to work in a different way depending on the exposed service category. 4) The store environment factors influenced on service brand personalities differently by category of service. The factors of store's physical environment are transferred to a brand and were verified to strengthen service brand personalities. In particular, the level of influence on the service brand personality by physical environment differs depending on service category or dimension, which indicates that there is a need to apply a different style of management to a different service category or dimension. It signifies that there needs to be a brand strategy established in order to positively influence the relationship with consumers by utilizing an appropriate brand personality factor depending on different characteristics by service category or dimension. 5) The service brand personalities influenced on the repurchase intention. Especially, the largest influence was made in the sophistication dimension of service brand personality scale; the unique and characteristically appropriate arrangement of physical environment will make customers stay in the service environment for a long time and will lead to give a positive influence on the repurchase intention. 6) The store environment factors influenced on the repurchase intention. Particularly, the largest influence was made on the social factors of store environment. The most intriguing finding is that the service factor among all other environment factors gives the biggest influence to the repurchase intention in most of all service types except fast-food stores. Such result indicates that the customers pay attention to how much the employees try to provide a quality service when they make an evaluation on the service brand. At the same time, it also indicates that the personal factor is directly transmitted to the construction of brand personality. The employees' attitude and behavior are the determinants to establish a service brand personality in the process of enhancing service interface. Hence, there should be a reinforced search for a method to efficiently manage the service staff who has a direct contact with customers in order to make an affirmative improvement of the customers' brand evaluation at the service interface. The findings suggest several managerial implications. 1) Results from the empirical study indicated that store environment factors have a strong positive impact on a service brand personality. To increase customers' repurchase intention of a service brand, the management is required to effectively manage store environment factors and create a friendly brand personality based on the corresponding service environment. 2) Mangers and researchers must understand and recognize that the store environment elements are important marketing tools, and that brand personality influences on consumers' repurchase intention. Based on such result of the study, a service brand could be utilized as an efficient measure to achieve a differentiation by enforcing the elements that are most influential among all other store environments for each service category. Therefore, brand personality established involving various store environments will further reinforce the relationship with customers through the elevated brand identification of which utilization to induce repurchase decision can be used as an entry barrier. 3) The study identified the store environment as a component of service brand personality for the store's effective communication with consumers. For this, all communication channels should be maintained with consistency and an integrated marketing communication should be executed to efficiently approach to a larger number of customers. Mangers and researchers must find strategies for aligning decisions about store environment elements with the retailers' marketing and store personality objectives. All ambient, design, and social factors need to be orchestrated so that consumers can take an appropriate store personality. In this study, the induced results from the previous studies were extended to the service industry so as to identify the customers' decision making process that leads to repurchase intention and a result similar to those of the previous studies. The findings suggested several theoretical and managerial implications. However, the situation that only one service brand served as the subject of analysis for each service category, and the situation that correlations among store environment elements were not identified, as well as the problem of representation in selection of samples should be considered and supplemented in the future when further studies are conducted. In addition, various antecedents and consequences of brand personality must be looked at in the aspect of the service environment for further research.

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A Study on the Domestic Small Package Express Service′s Competitive Power Improvement Plan at EC Times (전자상거래 시대 국내 택배업의 경쟁력 향상 방안에 관한 연구)

  • 박영태;정종식
    • Proceedings of the Korean DIstribution Association Conference
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    • 2002.05a
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    • pp.31-59
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    • 2002
  • Recently there are many changes of logistics environment Such as integrated logistics information system, the rapid growth of the domestic and international small package express service and third party logistics with Electronic Commerce. At this time it is very important to deliver to customers the goods sold through EC speedy, accurately and safely. That is to say, the role of small package express service is very important at EC times. The bottlenecks of small package express service in the circumstances of EC are the weakness of EC operating company and small package express service provider the shortage of distribution centre and cargo terminal, the shortage of skilled man with related small package express service etc. So, I suggested that for activation of EC it is necessary to strengthen the strategic alliances, introduce GPS and use the third party logistics positively in the side of small package express service provider. And it is necessary to prepare for the settlements of traffic problems, support the introduction of integrated logistics service, logistics information system, deregulate restriction such as weight limit of vehicles in the side of the government. And to government support throughout extending nation's SOC, deregulation, support to small package express service terminal, permit to stopping & parking in downtown, abolishing a no passing zone, permit to being employed foreigner. Also this service involves ensuring that the product will arrive when wanted, and in an undamaged condition.

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A Study of Cause of Employee Turnover and Countermeasures against Turnover in Shipping and Port Logistics Firms (중소항만물류기업의 이직원인 분석과 대책에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Jae-Hun;Shin, Yong-John
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.39 no.6
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    • pp.545-552
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    • 2015
  • This study One of the key elements of corporate competitiveness in the modern world of unlimited competition is human resource management. The reason that the world's leading companies are devoting a lot of investment and effort for good human resource development and management is that human resource can impact firm survival. In particular, there is little research on the internal and external environmental stimuli and job stress in the employee of small business which are often led to turnover, while they have suffered from chronic shortage of manpower. The purpose of this study is to determine the turnover factors in the small logistics companies and contribute to stable maintenance of workforce, facilitating human resource management and minimizing turnover. This study empirically analyzed the factors of the turnover in the organization of logistics companies from Busan Port, South Korea, which became one of the national infrastructure and the fifth world largest harbor. The conclusion proposed the development and direction of the human resource management which could promote the job environment improving the turnover factors and creating sustainable work condition through conducting preventive measures. The results indicated that the highest turnover rates was found in the category of field work, and the highest turnover group was from the 'less than one year', which implies that high turnover rates after and during job training might be greater cost to the companies than early turnover. The most common reasons for the high employee turnover were 'excessive workload' and 'dissatisfaction with wages'. Followed reasons including 'troubles with managers' and 'failure in organizational adaptation' can be understood in line with worse working conditions of the small logistic companies. It turned out that the preventive programs of the logistic enterprises had little effect through 'incentives system' and 'improving wage system' which are mainly conducted. The human resource managers appreciated the importance of 'wage raise' and 'benefits improvement'. This study is aimed at contributing to efficient human resource management through understanding of the turnover causes and human resource managers applying preventive measures. In particular, this can benefit small port logistics companies securing competitiveness and promoting persistent growth and development.

Development of teaching-learning lesson plan untilizing TAI model based on module, used in survey subject of construction department - By applying standard-based assessment system for technical subject (건설계열 측량교과에서 활용할 모듈 기반의 TAI 모형 적용 교수-학습 과정안 개발 - 전문교과 성취평가제를 적용하여)

  • Lee, Ju-Min;Jang, Young-Il;Park, Wan-Shin
    • 대한공업교육학회지
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.89-113
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    • 2013
  • The study started from the point that learners should be basically equipped to quickly respond to changes in demand for future human resources efficiently and effectively, and an attitude to take part in learning voluntarily should thus be cultivated. To this end, the author applied the TAI model based on a module as a class strategy to solve problems related to several classes occurred in specialized high schools. This application of the TAI model was also motivated by the necessity for designing an appropriate teaching-learning method that encourages improvement of self-learning capacity, consistent learning motivation, and willingness rather than external factors. Through this work, the author aims to heighten the interest of learners and improve endurance in learning. The study results are as follows. First, the learning unit was structuralized as a module and then learning stages were proceeded with so that capacity to adapt to learning would improve. The achievement standard (learning goal) was structuralized in a module type by analyzing and reorganizing the textbook considering the link between the actual practice field and a curriculum based on subject characteristics. Through the process of module type learning stages, the student's capacity to ascertain characteristics of units and to adapt to learning both improved. Second, through application of a TAI model based on a module, Self-Directed Learning capacity and capacity to adapt to a new field improved. By applying the module, Self-Directed Learning could be accomplished more effectively than in the existing passive learning environment. By grafting cooperative learning of the TAI model, students had greater interest and achievement in classes, self-confidence and community consciousness, and an opportunity to broaden their thinking. In particular, improvement of self-confidence is effective in cultivating the capacity required in industrial society to transcend the learning of simple functions and knowledge, as well as the capacity to adapt to new environments. Third, by solving tasks focused on fields related to industrial sites, not only actual survey capacity but also additional capacity to identify and solve tasks through various experiences improved. Furthermore, it was helpful for students to have interest and motivation about their own life and learning to cultivate the qualities and capacity to adapt to the working world where new knowledge and technology rapidly change. Fourth, by applying a standard-based assessment system for technical subjects introduced in 2012 to model design for learning plans, clearer and more objective assessment criteria were arranged, and individual learning through instruction at each achievement level could be accomplished. This improved achievement level of individual learners was helpful in reaching achievement goals at specific levels by overcoming the disadvantages of cooperative learning in each group.

Performance of Occupational Health Services by Type of Service : Cost Benefit Analysis (사업장 보건관리 사업의 형태별 수행성과 분석 -비용편익 분석을 중심으로-)

  • Cho, Tong Ran;Kim, Hwa Joong
    • Korean Journal of Occupational Health Nursing
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    • v.4
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    • pp.5-29
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    • 1995
  • Occupational health services in Korea have been operated as dual types : one is operated by occupational health care manager and the other is health care agency without their own personnel. The performance of occupational health service should be different due to the variety of characteristics of health care manager and workplace, qualification of health care manager. This study is to analyze performance of occupational health care services with a particular consideration of job performance shape and efficiency, based on comparing those two types of health care management to show on the basic data for the settlement of more qualitative health care management system at workplace. For this study, total 391 places in Seoul and Inchon city area ; 154 places (39.4%) managed by designated health care manager and 237 places (60.6%) by the agency with their commission are selected as research samples. Tools for data collection are questionnares that have been investigated during the period of 20 September 1993-20 December 1993. Those data are compared with percentiles, mean, standard deviation and B/C ratio using SPSS PC program. Conclusions observed from the tests and each comparison could be summerized as follows : 1. Occupational health care have been accomplished at workplaces with designated people than with agencies people, and coverage rate of the occupational health care services has differences, due to management types. The reason of these results is due to visit only one or two times monthly by the agencies, while their own health care manager obsess, at the workplaces all the times. 2. Most of the expense for environmental control of all health care services expenditures shows that there is almost no fundamental improvement because more expenses are needed for procuring personal protective equipment and measuring work environment instead of environmental improvement. 3. It is investigated how much the cost of occupational health care services needs per worker, and calculated how much the cost needs per service hour per worker. The results from this show that the cost of occupational health services at workplaces with their own managers used less than the cost of health care agencies, eventually the former gives better services with less cost than the latter. 4. Benefit/Cost ratio is also produced by total benefit/total cost. The result from the above way reads 4.57 as a whole, while their own manager having workplaces reads 4.82 and the agencies do l.56. Even if their own manager performing workplaces spent more cost, this system produces more benefit than the agencies management. 5. The B/C ratio for medical organization such as local clinic, health care center and pharmacy shows more than or equal to at the workplaces controlled by the agencies. It is inferred that benefit would be much less than the cost used, with so being inefficient. 6. It is assumed that the efficiency ratio of health education is equal to reduction rate of workers medical organization visit. Estimated reduction rate 5%, 10%, 15%, show that the efficiency ratio of health education have an effect on producing benefits. It is estimated that more benefit can be produced if more qualitative education will be provided for enhancing health care efficiency. 7. Results of this study cannot be generalized because there are large scale of deviation in case of workplaces with less than 300 full time workers, but B/C ratio reads 2.69 as a whole and 3.25 at workplaces with their own health care manager are higher than 1.63 at the workplaces manged by the agencies. Finally, all the benefit concerning health care services could not be quantified, measured and shown on the value of money. This is a reason that a considerable part of benefits are so underestimated. This is also thought that measurement tools should be developed for measuring benefits of health care services with a comprehensive quantification. in the future. It is also expected that efficiency of occupational health care services should be investigated using cost-effectiveness analysis.

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