• Title/Summary/Keyword: Work environment improvement

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A Empirical Study II on the Relationship Between the Railway Employs' Personality Types and the Work Satisfaction (철도종사원의 성격유형과 직무만족에 관한 실증적 연구 II)

  • Kim, Chung-Soo;An, Joon-Yong
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Railway
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    • v.10 no.2 s.39
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    • pp.161-166
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    • 2007
  • Recently, The business environment is very rapidly changed and complicated. Therefore, the companies are confront with the biggest difficulty. To overcome this difficulty, the management should be able to accomplish the human resources management and the efficient business management. Korea railroad industry has a close association with national life as it carries out public works based on its public nature as well as purses the corporate spirit. For that reason, Korea railroad industry has a great spin-off on national economy and exerts a tremendous impact on the improvement of productivity around the industries and the international competitiveness at aspect of efficiency resulting from business rationalization. Railroad system can be described as organic. Railroad Employs take a great role in this system. According the psychology and the Organization Behavior, the decision maker's personality and employee' work satisfaction have influence on performance. The purpose of this study is to examine the Railroad Employs' Personality and Work satisfaction which influence on the efficient business management.

BPM Introduction for work efficiency improvement and BPM Modeling of Korea Railroad (업무효율성 향상을 위한 BPM 소개와 철도공사의 BPM 모델링)

  • Kim Dong-Bum;Ahn Soo-Kwan;Kim Bong-Taek
    • Proceedings of the KSR Conference
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    • 2005.11a
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    • pp.1268-1275
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    • 2005
  • The computerization works and environment have been changed from simple transaction and data process request to system connection request, from data computerization to application work automation and process computerization through IT development and Internet spread. Recently, BPM(Business Process Management) concept has been widely propagated. It is expanding interest of business subject. Korea Railroad is operating train operation management system through 5 regional headquarters and organizations under the influence of each regional headquarter. But integrated operation and management of communication each department, work flow management and resources of depot equipment and materials have to need a lot of effort and time in huge organization as Korea Railroad. Therefore, this article realized Web Based BPM Group Ware. This article will define Korea Railroad organization and business process in using this Group Ware. And it will introduce Korea Railroad computer manage system of this Group Ware and efficient Korea Railroad Business Process through modeling and operating department work and resources management in Korea Railroad.

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Work Stress and Related Factors among Married Working Women in the Manufacturing Sector (생산직 기혼 여성근로자의 직무스트레스 및 관련요인)

  • Kim Gwang Suk
    • Journal of Korean Public Health Nursing
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.212-223
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate work stress and identify the various factors affecting stress in married women in working manufacturing industries. Data were collected between March 31 and June 28, 2003 from 266 married women working in 10 manufacturing industries in Korea. The self-administered questionnaire included general characteristics. social support, and work stress. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA, and Cronbach's alpha. SPSS/win 11.0 was used to assist analysis. The results of the study are as follows: 1. Scores for work stress in the field of sub-categories 2. Perceived work stress was significantly different according to salary, behavior type, discomfort related to menstruation, consumption, duty type, job stability, weekly work time and family, 3. Social support had a significant negative relationship with work stress. Accordingly, stress management for married working women will be more successful if interventions not only address each person's unique needs, for example, control of perimenstrual discomforts and health behavior change, but also are accompanied by organizational management strategies and policies, for example, improvement of work environment and nursery facilities.

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Analysis of Welding Positions for Reduction of Musculoskeletal Disorders Based on Simulation Technique (시뮬레이션 기법에 기초한 근골격계 질환 감소를 위한 용접자세 분석)

  • Park, Ju-Yong;Kim, Dong-Joon;Chang, Seong-Rok;Song, Chang-Sub
    • Journal of Welding and Joining
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.79-85
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    • 2007
  • The industrial disaster caused by a work-related disease like a Musculoskeletal Disorders(MSDs) becomes a big social problem and increases rapidly. This leads to the degradation of the labor desire and the productivity. Welding work belongs to the work with a high intensity. This paper aims to analyze the welding work in the various positions from a view-point of the burden of the human musculoskeletal system and to propose the desired position with lower burden. For this purpose the real welding work was observed in the shipyard and analyzed using the RULA method, a powerful ergonomics tool. The 3-dimensional simulation model fur this work was also developed. In this model, ergonomics human model and welding work environment were built. This model was verified through the comparison to the real work. This paper showed that the improvement of welding position by changing the location of a stool and using some auxiliary tool can reduce the work intensity remarkably and lead to the decrease of MSDs.

Current State and Improvement Measures of HACCP System Applying in Elementary School Lunch (HACCP 적용 초등학교급식에서의 시행실태와 개선방안)

  • Woo, Gun-Yeon;Park, Jae-Yong;Han, Chang-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of School Health
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.13-23
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    • 2003
  • To provide data necessary for effectively applying the HACCP system by understanding the current application condition of HACCP system and satisfaction level of the dietician in elementary schools, a mail-in survey was conducted on dieticians serving for 227 elementary schools applying HACCP system in Kyungsangbuk-Do since November 1, 2001 to December 20, 2001. 83.5% of the subjected schools were conducting more than 50% of HACCP cooking process management, and the level of cooking process management displayed significant relevance according to the number of dieticians serving the school meals. The area that was not well conducted in the field of HACCP system was proven to be water examination(94.0%), inspection on self-sanitation of cooks prior to cooking(90.6%), and maintenance of dry kitchen floor(l4.8%). The reason why the above areas are not well conducted was because of lack of time due to over workloads. Subjective dieticians had pointed out improvement of sanitary concept(58.1%) and improvement of self-sanitation (28.8%) as benefits of applying HACCP. 21.2% of the subjective dieticians were satisfied with application HACCP and 35.2% were dissatisfied with applying HACCP. In case of which the duration of applying the HACCP was longer than one year and in case of higher rate of HACCP cooking process management and longer work experience of the dieticians, the level of satisfaction was proven to be significantly higher. The most difficult things to follow in important management categories according to the features of dietitian work and work experience were food distribution of CCP7 step and maintenance of optimum temperature(70.7%). Subjective dieticians had pointed out insufficient facility or environment and lack of inspection equipments in order regarding problems of applying HACCP. Also in the level of necessity of improvement categories in applying HACCP, dieticians had replied that facility and equipment improvement was mostly needed. Due to the induction of HACCP system in school meals, comparatively well cooking process management is being conducted, and I believe it could contribute in securing safety and quality improvement of school meal by improving the sanitation concept of the dieticians. However, the satisfaction level of dieticians are rather low and there are many difficulties in maintaining optimum temperature in the process of food distribution and transportation process. Also, lack of facilities and environment, lack of inspection equipments and etc are pointed out as problems of inducing HACCP. Thus, to settle HACCP system, it is believed that brave investment must be preceded.

Re-Education Situation and Problem Point of Beauty Artist (미용종사자의 재교육 실태조사 및 문제점)

  • Jang, Young-Hye;Yoo, Tai-Soon
    • The Korean Fashion and Textile Research Journal
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.231-236
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    • 2005
  • The purposes of this study were, a more systemic and desirable improvement method of retraining program was researched for cultivation of field beauticians through acknowledgement of the environmental change and phenomenon of beauty shops by time and through recognition of current retraining situation. 1) In terms of acknowledgement of the necessity for beautician retraining, the item on the necessity for beautician retraining showed beauticians' high requirement for retraining. 2) The main problem of reeducation was that reeducation curricular of each organization have not been programed. 3) Presence education was the main thing to be completed for reeducation program improvement. We also could know that the improvement and complement of work environment, the education extension besides technology education, and the rapid acquisition of information as improvement were recognized importantly.

A Study on the Evaluation for the Improvement of Streetscape through Analysis of Visual and Perceptual Characteristics - Focused on the Gwangbok Street, Busan - (시지각적 분석을 통한 가로경관개선사업 평가에 관한 연구 - 부산시 광복로를 대상으로 -)

  • Yang, Jae Hyuk;Lee, Kang Hee
    • KIEAE Journal
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.37-46
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    • 2009
  • This study conducted an evaluation of the streetscape improvement project of the Gwangbok Street through analysis of visual and perceptual characteristics by comparing selected pictures of streetscape before and after the project. This work has conducted an analysis of the environmental factors which influence subjects' satisfaction degrees including physical street equipments and street view factors which are main contents of this project. Using a satisfaction analysis and factor analysis, each factor's significance was verified quantitatively. As a result of the analysis, physical components of the streetscape were classified into 4 types according to project's effectiveness and improvement priorities. These 4 types include (1) Components for maintenance because of higher satisfaction and higher importance, (2) Components for improvement because of lower satisfaction and higher importance, (3) Components for good business fruits because of higher satisfaction and lower importance, and (4) Components for unnecessity because of lower satisfaction and lower importance.

3DImmersion Type Virtual Environment System : Training Interruption-free Live-Line Workers (무정전 활선작업 피교육자를 위한 3차원 몰입형 가상환경 교육시스템의 개발)

  • 정영범;박창현;김기현;장길수
    • The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers A
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    • v.53 no.1
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    • pp.22-30
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    • 2004
  • As an information-oriented society comes, many people use PC and depend on database that network server has. However, the online data can be missed when a blackout happens and also a power failure effects on standard of judgment on Power Quality. Thus, it is reason of a trend using interruption-free live-line work when a trouble happens to power system. However, the 83% among the number of people who receive an electric shock experience when a laborer is doing interruption-free live-line works. In interruption-free method, the education and the training problem has been issued. However, we have a few instructors for that training. Furthermore, the trainees have short training period, just 4 weeks. In this paper, to develope the method that has no restriction of a time and place and reduce the wasteful materials, immersion type virtual reality(or environment) technology is used. The users of a 3D immersion type VR training system can interact with the system by doing same action in the real safe environment. Thus, it can be valuable to apply this training system to a dangerous work like as "Interruption-free live-line work exchanging COS(Cut-Out-Switch)". In this program, the user works with a instruction on the window and speaker and can't work other tasks until each part of the task completed. The workers using this system can use their hands and viewpoint movement as he is in a real environment but the trainee can't use all parts and senses of a real body with the current VR technology. Despite of this weak point, when we consider the trends of improvement in electrical devices and communication technology, we can say that 3D graphic VR application has a high potentiality.

Customer Satisfaction Management and Service Quality According to the DISC Behavior Type

  • SO, Young-Jin;LEE, Ji-Yeon;CHOI, Young-Jin;LEE, Woo-Sik;CHO, An-Jin;YOUN, Myoun-Kil;KWON, Lee-Seung;CHOI, Eun-Mee
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.18 no.12
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    • pp.79-90
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    • 2020
  • Purpose: This study aims to explore the service improvement and marketing strategy to measure the effect of the DISC (dominance, influence, steadiness, conscientiousness) behavior type of hair salon workers on service quality and marketing. Research design, data and methodology: 236 responses were analyzed by distributing questionnaires to hair salon workers through SNS. Factor analysis and reliability analysis were applied and the influence of job factors on work satisfaction and turnover intention, and the statistical significance of the DISC behavioral type adjustment effect verified. Results: First, among the general characteristics of the survey subjects, the most common respondents were women and interns in their twenties, with less than four years of experience and less than three years of work experience on site. Second, the working environment, employee relations and compensation policies caused by work-related factors have shown a major influence on work satisfaction. Third, the working environment and human relationships among the job factors have an impact on turnover intention. Conclusions: The working environment, human relations, and compensation system derived as job factors had a crucial effect in service quality and marketing on job satisfaction, and among job factors, working environment and human relations had a significant influence on turnover intention.

The Effect of Work Interruption on Workload and Perception of Patient Safety Culture in Ward Nurses (병동간호사의 간호업무중단이 업무부담과 환자안전문화인식에 미치는 영향)

  • Doo-Nam Oh;Ye-Won Lee
    • Quality Improvement in Health Care
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.2-13
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    • 2022
  • Purpose:This study aimed to identify the effect of work interruption that influenced workload and perception of patient safety culture on ward nurses. Methods: Participants were 184 ward nurses, with more than 12 months of work experience, from two tertiary hospitals in S city. A descriptive correlational study design was used. Collected data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA, Mann-Whitney U test, Kruskal-Wallis test, Pearson's correlation, and hierarchical multiple regression analysis via SPSS version 27.0. Results: The results showed that general wards nurses had a higher degree of work interruption (t=5.632, p<.001) and workload (t=3.603, p<.001) compared to comprehensive nursing care service wards nurses. More interruption in nursing work caused more burden on work (γ=.440, p<.001) and led to lesser perception of patient safety culture (γ=- .199, p=.007). Finally, the regression analysis showed that work interruption had a statistically significant relevance on nurses' workload (F=20.582, p<.001) and perception of patient safety culture (F=8.792, p<.001). Conclusion: To alleviate ward nurses' work interruption and decrease the negative effect on workload and perception of patient safety culture, it is necessary to mediate nurse staffing level and the number of assistants and utilize the environment.