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Early Growth of Cultured Larval Haddock, Melanogrammus aeglefinus (Haddock, Melanogrammus aeglefinus 자어의 초기성장)

  • Park, In-Seok;Johnson, Stewart C.;Hur, Jun-Wook
    • Development and Reproduction
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.271-275
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    • 2006
  • The objective of this study was to examine the early growth of haddock, Melanogrammus aeglefinus larvae from a series of reared specimens for provide information to developmental biology and more information on the aspect of aquaculture in the larvae of this species. Larvae were reared in the laboratory and sampled periodically for developmental study until 67 days after hatching. An increase in total length of fish indicated continuous growth, described by the growth expression of the type TL=3.5374e0.0536X(r2=0.8759, where TL is total length and X is at days after hatching) and BW=0.0002e0.1858X(r2=0.8671, where BW is body weight and X is at days after hatching), respectively. Pattern of body depth and pectoral fin length are instantaneous growth which expression of the type BD=0.3545e0.0778X,r2=0.9563(where BD is body depth and X is at days after hatching) for body depth growth and the type PL=0.0111e0.1591X,r2=0.9194(where PL is pectoral fin length and X is at days after hatching) for pectoral fin length growth. The relationship of body depth and total length expressed as BD=0.2397X0.5735(r2=0.9957, where BD is body depth and X is total length), and pectoral fin length and total length is PL=0.1929X1.3767(r2=0.9882, where PL is pectoral fin length and X is total length) pectoral fin length against body depth simultaneously recorded for juvenile haddock(PL=0.8117BD-0.9718, r2=0.9814, where PL is pectoral fin length and BD is body depth). Relationship of body depth and body weight was expressed the type of BD=9.4734X2+19.046X+1.3672,r2=0.941(where BD is body depth and X is body weight), and pectoral fin length and body weight expressed the type of PL=6.379X2+14.023X+0.3774,r2=0.9494(where PL is pectoral fin length and X is body weight). From this point view, growth characteristics of juvenile haddock in this experiment may be useful to establish a successful culture technique for rearing larval haddock.

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A study on application of fractal structure on graphic design (그래픽 디자인에 있어서 프랙탈 구조의 활용 가능성 연구)

  • Moon, Chul
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.211-220
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    • 2004
  • The Chaos theory of complexity and Fractal theory which became a prominent figure as a new paradigm of natural science should be understood not as whole, and not into separate elements of nature. Fractal Dimensions are used to measure the complexity of objects. We now have ways of measuring things that were traditionally meaningless or impossible to measure. They are capable of describing many irregularly shaped objects including man and nature. It is compatible method of application to express complexity of nature in the dimension of non-fixed number by placing our point of view to lean toward non-linear, diverse, endless time, and complexity when we look at our world. Fractal Dimension allows us to measure the complexity of an object. Having a wide application of fractal geometry and Chaos theory to the art field is the territory of imagination where art and science encounter each other and yet there has not been much research in this area. The formative word has been extracted in this study by analyzing objective data to grasp formative principle and geometric characteristic of (this)distinct figures of Fractals. With this form of research, it is not so much about fractal in mathematics, but the concept of self-similarity and recursiveness, randomness, devices expressed from unspeakable space, and the formative similarity to graphic design are focused in this study. The fractal figures have characteristics in which the structure doesn't change the nature of things of the figure even in the process if repeated infinitely many times, the limit of the process produces is fractal. Almost all fractals are at least partially self-similar. This means that a part of the fractal is identical to the entire fractal itself even if there is an enlargement to infinitesimal. This means any part has all the information to recompose as whole. Based on this scene, the research is intended to examine possibility of analysis of fractals in geometric characteristics in plasticity toward forms in graphic design. As a result, a beautiful proportion appears in graphic design with calculation of mathematic. It should be an appropriate equation to express nature since the fractal dimension allows us to measure the complexity of an object and the Fractla geometry should pick out high addition in value of peculiarity and characteristics in the complex of art and science. At the stage where the necessity of accepting this demand and adapting ourselves to the change is gathering strength is very significant in this research.

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A study on small stone crafts in the Cho Sun Dynasty (조선조시대 소품 석공예에 관한 연구)

  • 유해철
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.157-168
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    • 1999
  • Stone in the Cho Sun Dynasty has been used as the material of industry arts, widely building materials and an important material for the artistic design. But it has been generally used as an use of practical living Product like, suban, a metal printing type, a fire place, a pillowcase, a pencil case, etc, and ornament with the quality of stone material and the aesthetic view. There are several problems as like size, quantity, delivery and processing method with the stne material according to its variety and selection. Accordingly it has been studied through the whole process of shape, a material selection of design and processing method as well as studying about small stone crafts which were manufactured in the Cho Sun Dynasty, considering these problems. Stone crafts in Cho Sun Dynasty has been widely used as a living tool. There was some what difference on manufacturing purpose on its technique of folk crafts of stone crafts, but, through the research of collected crafts, they were almost the same that social need, user's taste and hobby in those days were reflected in. In the result of analysis as dividing the stone crafts into daily living product, stationery and tool, the major of daily products have been manufactured with emphasis of practicability. And they have been manufactured from agalmatolite for the propose of use. further, kitchen product had no design due to the function and living products which has been used in the main living room has been carved with the decorative expression of the various form by using intaglic, relieve, inlaid technique, etc. For the stationery, it has been characterized with aesthetic point considering the decorative effects & selection of material in accordance with use. A material for manufacturing has been used in the range of agalmtolite, atopaz, a sapphire, white stone etc. As the result of this research, It was noticeable that there was the spleudidness on the expression of design and carving. It was also noticeable that black stone and guanite have been widely esed because it didn't need the delicacy as a tool.

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Performance Analysis on Collaborative Activities of Multidisciplinary Research in Government Research Institutes (국가 출연연구소의 협업적 융합연구 성과 분석)

  • Cho, Yong-rae;Woo, Chung-won;Choi, Jong-hwa
    • Journal of Korea Technology Innovation Society
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.1089-1121
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    • 2017
  • 'Technological convergence' is the recent innovation trend which facilitates to solve social crux as well as to generate new industries. Korean government research institutes (GRIs) have taken a pivotal role for economic growth which capitalized on technology-oriented strategies. Recently, the policy interests on the transition of their role and mission towards multidisciplinary research organization is increasingly shed lights. This study regards the collaborative activities as one of the key success factors in the multidisciplinary research. In this sense, this study sets research purposes as follows: First, we intend to define a concept and to confine a scope of multidisciplinary research from the view point of R&D purposes and problem-solving process. Second, we categorize the collaboration and the relevant performances which reflect the characteristics of the multidisciplinary research. Third, we analyze the characteristics of collaborative activities and the effects of strength on the research performances. To this end, this study conducted a survey of 104 research project directors, which have experienced at least one of two types of multidisciplinary research projects through National R&D project or NST (National Research Council of Science & Technology) convergence research project. Then, we conducted regression analysis by utilizing the survey results in order to verify the relation between the collaborative activities and the performances. As results of analyses, first, the diversification of collaboration partners was a salient factor in the process of knowledge creation. Second, collective works among the researchers in similar area and domain enhanced mission-oriented technology development projects such as patent creation or technology transfer. Third, we verified that the diversity of created knowledge and the degree of relation continuity between researchers increased in the condition of guaranteeing individual researcher's independence and autonomy as well as sharing various technological capabilities. These results provide the future policy directions related to the methods to measure the collaboration and performance analysis for multidisciplinary research.

Improving Performance of Recommendation Systems Using Topic Modeling (사용자 관심 이슈 분석을 통한 추천시스템 성능 향상 방안)

  • Choi, Seongi;Hyun, Yoonjin;Kim, Namgyu
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.101-116
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    • 2015
  • Recently, due to the development of smart devices and social media, vast amounts of information with the various forms were accumulated. Particularly, considerable research efforts are being directed towards analyzing unstructured big data to resolve various social problems. Accordingly, focus of data-driven decision-making is being moved from structured data analysis to unstructured one. Also, in the field of recommendation system, which is the typical area of data-driven decision-making, the need of using unstructured data has been steadily increased to improve system performance. Approaches to improve the performance of recommendation systems can be found in two aspects- improving algorithms and acquiring useful data with high quality. Traditionally, most efforts to improve the performance of recommendation system were made by the former approach, while the latter approach has not attracted much attention relatively. In this sense, efforts to utilize unstructured data from variable sources are very timely and necessary. Particularly, as the interests of users are directly connected with their needs, identifying the interests of the user through unstructured big data analysis can be a crew for improving performance of recommendation systems. In this sense, this study proposes the methodology of improving recommendation system by measuring interests of the user. Specially, this study proposes the method to quantify interests of the user by analyzing user's internet usage patterns, and to predict user's repurchase based upon the discovered preferences. There are two important modules in this study. The first module predicts repurchase probability of each category through analyzing users' purchase history. We include the first module to our research scope for comparing the accuracy of traditional purchase-based prediction model to our new model presented in the second module. This procedure extracts purchase history of users. The core part of our methodology is in the second module. This module extracts users' interests by analyzing news articles the users have read. The second module constructs a correspondence matrix between topics and news articles by performing topic modeling on real world news articles. And then, the module analyzes users' news access patterns and then constructs a correspondence matrix between articles and users. After that, by merging the results of the previous processes in the second module, we can obtain a correspondence matrix between users and topics. This matrix describes users' interests in a structured manner. Finally, by using the matrix, the second module builds a model for predicting repurchase probability of each category. In this paper, we also provide experimental results of our performance evaluation. The outline of data used our experiments is as follows. We acquired web transaction data of 5,000 panels from a company that is specialized to analyzing ranks of internet sites. At first we extracted 15,000 URLs of news articles published from July 2012 to June 2013 from the original data and we crawled main contents of the news articles. After that we selected 2,615 users who have read at least one of the extracted news articles. Among the 2,615 users, we discovered that the number of target users who purchase at least one items from our target shopping mall 'G' is 359. In the experiments, we analyzed purchase history and news access records of the 359 internet users. From the performance evaluation, we found that our prediction model using both users' interests and purchase history outperforms a prediction model using only users' purchase history from a view point of misclassification ratio. In detail, our model outperformed the traditional one in appliance, beauty, computer, culture, digital, fashion, and sports categories when artificial neural network based models were used. Similarly, our model outperformed the traditional one in beauty, computer, digital, fashion, food, and furniture categories when decision tree based models were used although the improvement is very small.

A Study on the Place Identity of Tapgol Park - Focused on the Phenomena after Sacralization Project - (탑골공원의 장소 정체성에 대한 연구 - 성역화사업 이후 현상을 중심으로 -)

  • Han, Sung-Mi
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.44 no.3
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    • pp.25-36
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    • 2016
  • As the first public park in Korea, birth place of the march first independence movement, and a representative space of leisure of old men, Tapgol Park contains diverse symbolisms and meanings. In 2000, Seoul authorities selected the symbolism of the March First independence movement, and carried forward the sacralization project of Tapgol Park. They eliminated facilities, including vending machines, and restricted most of the leisure activities in the park such as drinking singing dancing, speech, playing chess, writing calligraphy, etc., and loitering. Also, they changed the park's design into a less available space with green areas and switched wooden benches to granite stone. Since the project finished, a representative phenomenon was the elderly men's exodus to Jongmyo Park, where the restrictions were not strong as in Tapgol Park. As a result, the numbers of users in Tapgol Park decreased sharply. However, overcrowded(more than 3000) Jongmyo Park is also in the middle of a sacralization project now. According to an investigation including observation and in-depth interview, most of the elderly men who use the parks almost everyday were in the low economic class. They just visit the parks everyday and chat with their peers, gaining comfort from each other. These phenomena can be interpreted as a social exclusion in society, which made the elderly men move to another place. Meanwhile, although fifteen years has passed since the project was completed, many people still regard the Tapgol Park as a place for elderly men instead of the birth place of the March First Independence Movement. This study focused on such problems and vague place identity, which is neither a memorial place nor a public park. The study discovery the fact they missed the symbolism that Tapgol Park was the first urban park of Korea. Also, it stresses that the monumentality does not need to be sacred, reverent, or inflexible. With this point of view, this study discussed public aspect and everydayness, which are included in most of the urban parks. Finally, this study suggests Tapgol Park as an urban park that has an identity that embraces the condition of monumentality, everydayness, and publicness all together.

A Semantic Interpretation of the Design Language in the ChwuiseokJeong Wonlim of Gochang - Focusing on the Alegory and Mimesis in 'Chwuiseok' and 'Chilseongam' - (취석정원림에 담긴 조형언어의 의미론적 해석 - '취석'과 '칠성암'에 담긴 알레고리와 미메시스를 중심으로 -)

  • Rho, Jae-Hyun;Lee, Hyun-Woo;Lee, Jung-Han
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.76-89
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    • 2012
  • This study aimed at carrying out a semantic interpretation of the core Design language that seemed to influence deeply in the creation of the ChwuiseokJeong wonlim of Gochang. Especially, this paper aimed at inferring how the spiritual culture of seclusion of the 16th century influenced the creation of the wonlim by understanding the metaphor and symbolism by grasping the transmission meaning and reception meaning of the creators and the people concerned with keywords like Eunil(隱逸: seclusion), Chwuiseok(醉石), and Chilseongam(七星巖). 'Building up a wall' was intentionally carried out in order to represent 'Seven Stars(The Big Dipper)' inside of the wonlim. This is a kind of two-dimensional 'enframement', and a result of active creation of a meaningful landscape. From Chilseongam that was created by assembling, we presumed that Kyung-Hee Kim, Nohgye(蘆溪), the creator showed the recognition and thoughts of astronomy as a Confucian scholar that the ChwuiseokJeong Wonlim where he secluded is the center of the universe. The interpretation of words in Nohgyezip, an anthology, showed that the articles and writtings of Nohgye, his decsendants, and the people of ChwuiseokJeong included alcohols, Chwuiseok, Yeon-Myung Do, and Yuli(栗里) where Do secluded; this means that Nohgye ranked himself with Do because Nohgye also lived in peace by drinking alcohols and enjoying nature like Do did. 'Drinking' was what expressed the mind of Nohgye who wanted to be free and have the joy of enjoying mountains, water, and their landscape like Do did. In other words, 'Drinking' is the symbol of freedom that makes him forget himself and equate himself with nature. These are the representation, imitation, and mimesis of respecting Yeon-Myung Do. As the alegory of 'speaking something with other things' suggested, it is possible to read 'Chwuiseok', came from the story of Yeon-Myung Do, in multiple ways; it superficially points out 'a rock on which he laid when he was drinking', but it also can be interpreted as 'an object' that made him forget his personal troubles. In addition, it means freewill protecting unselfish mind with the spiritual aberration of drinking, 'Chwui(醉)', mentally; also, it can be interpreted metaphorically and broadly as a tool that makes Nohgye reach to the state of nature by the satisfied mind of Yeon-Myung Do. 'Chwuiseok' was a design language that showed the situation of Nohgye by comparing his mind with the mind of Yeon-Myung Do from the Confucian point of view, and a kind of behavioral mimesis based on his respect to Do and 'aesthetic representation of objective reality.' It is not coincidental that this mimesis was shown in the engraved words on Chwuiseok and the creation of ChwuiseokJeong that has the same name with Chwuiseok in Korea and China.

College-bound Curriculum Developement for Training of Atomic Industry Technician (원자력산업 중견전문인력 양성을 위한 전문대학 교육과정 개발)

  • Lyu, Kwang-Yeul;Kim, Sung-Soo;Ahn, Sung-Min
    • Journal of radiological science and technology
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.33-44
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    • 2005
  • The objective of this study is to supply the good quality of experts the radiation industries in Korea and develop the major subject matter needed in the radiation industries and the curriculum in order to execute it for the variation of fields of employment at the department of radiation in the junior college and the development of the percentage of employment. In addition, this study is to improve the level of radiation experts engaged in the industries in quality, and it is to improve the social recognition of radiation rather negative now because of the development of radiation industry. As for the core results of this research, it was to suggest the detailed choice method curriculum proper to the service fields of radiation industries, but it may be subject to change due to each college's property and the educational objectives. From the result of this research above, it may be summed up as follows. First, as for the detailed curriculum by the service field, this study was to organize two subject matters: 1. the subject matter proper to the field of using the radiation, and 2. the subject matters proper to the safety control field of radiation. Second, as for the detailed curriculum by the pattern of industries, this study was to organize the four subject matters: 1. the subject matter needed in the manufactures, 2. the subject matter needed in the nondestructive testing industries, 3. the subject matter needed in the sales agencies, and 4. the subject matter needed in the laboratories. This study was to suggest the operational model about the curriculum in order to execute these subject matters. It could be executed as two methods below. First, one method is to execute the major systems by the medical field and industrial field in the third course at the department of radiation in the junior college now. Second, the other method is to make them specialize the industrial radiation in the Advanced Course(one year course) after the graduation of junior college. To operate these curricula successively it needs to assume the deeper research and the development of materials about the subject matters related to the nuclear radiation industries hereafter. In addition, it needs to solve the security of finance like the manpower of professor, space for practice, and the educational appliances, etc. needed in the operation of subject matters. Finally, the effect and result from the development or revision of college curriculum did not come out in a short time. It will require considerable time until the undergraduates at the department in the junior college finish a set of curriculum newly developed, and graduate the university, and can get the results while they engage in their works in the industrial sites. Accordingly, all the interested parties have to anticipate the results of this research with the patience in long-standing point of view. Also, this researcher considers it as it is willing to give them the continuous interest and support.

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A Study for strategic cooperaton of enterprise security and business (기업보안과 비즈니스의 전략적 협력에 관한 연구)

  • Ryu, Hyung-Chang
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.28
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    • pp.103-130
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    • 2011
  • This study is the research of enterprise security for raising the profitability and stability of Korean companies in global business environment and strategic cooperation of business. As the scientific technology gets complicated as day goes by and new competitors appear regardless the border in the modern business environment, the situation happens frequently which the huge company hands over their market to the new one armed with the innovative thinking overnight. To survive such new environment, the answer is the change of paradigm regarding business management method at the new point of view. With the low level of security risk management of Korean companies which stick to old habit, the security management which helps the companies secure profits is not affordable. The global village where the population of 7 billions live in 21st century is facing up to the rapid ecological adaptation. The rapid change of climatic environment creates the hundreds of thousands of sufferers in a moment, and we have been watching the millions of livestock are buried alive due to new contagious disease everyday. Such change encourages the humans in global village to change the basic way of living. The business ecosystem which is the basic root for economic life cannot be an exception. To survive the business environment of 21st century, the security risk management at management level is required and the reporting line of companies should be established newly for raising business competing power through security risk management. The companies should bear in mind that they can be disappeared into our old memories overnight if they are not sensitive to the changing environment. Out of new risks for the modern companies, the field especially Korean companies are dealing easily is the security risk. Not like past, the security risk which's size is much more massive and its propagation velocity is very fast is the one of important business risks which the management should take care. Out of security risks which influence on the modern companies significantly, the brand of companies, protection of their reputation, continuity of production and operation and keeping customer's trust are prior to the others. This study offered the suggestion regarding enterprise security and the strategic cooperation of business to deal with such security risk effectively.

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A Study on Act on Certified Detective and Certified Detective Business (공인탐정 관련 법률(안)의 문제점과 개선방안에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Bong-Soo;Choo, Bong-Jo
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.61
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    • pp.285-305
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    • 2019
  • In the bill of [Act on Certified Detective and Certified Detective Business] (hereinafter referred to as the Certified Detective Act) proposed and represented by the member of National Assembly, Lee Wan-Yong in 2017, the legislative point of view showed that various incidents and accidents, including new crimes, are frequently increasing as society develops and becomes more complex, however, it is not possible to solve all the incidents and accidents with the investigation force of the state alone due to manpower and budget, and therefore, a certified detective or private investigator are required. According to the decision of the Constitutional Court in June 2018, Article 40 (4) of the Act on the Use and Protection of Credit Information is concerned with 'finding the location and contact information of a specific person or investigating privacy other than commerce relations such as financial transactions' are prohibited. It is for the purpose of preventing illegal acts in the process of investigation such as the location, contact information, and the privacy of a specific person and protecting the privacy and tranquility of personal privacy from misuse and abuse of the personal information etc. Such 'privacy investigation business' currently operates in the form of self-employment business, which becomes a social issue as some companies illegally collect and provide such privacy information by using illegal cameras or vehicle location trackers and also comes to be the objects of clampdown of the investigative agency. Considering this reality, because it is difficult to find a resolution to materialize the legislative purpose of the Act on the use and protection of credit information other than prohibiting 'investigation business including privacy etc' and it is possible to run a similar type of business as a detective business in the scope that the laws of credit research business, security service business, the position of the Constitutional Court is that 'the ban on the investigations of privacy etc' does not infringe the claimant's freedom to choose a job. In addition to this decision, the precedent positions of the Constitutional Court have been that, in principle, the legislative regulation of a particular occupation was a matter of legislative policy determined by the legislator's political, economic and social considerations, unless otherwise there were any special circumstances, and. the Constitutional Court also widely recognized the legislative formation rights of legislators in the qualifications system related to the freedom of a job. In this regard, this study examines the problems and improvement plans of the certified detective system, focusing on the certified detective bill recently under discussion, and tries to establish a legal basis for the certified detective and certified detective business, in order to cultivate and institutionalize the certified detective business, and to suggest methodologies to seek for the development of the businesses and protect the rights of the people.