• Title/Summary/Keyword: View point

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Availability Assessment of Single Frequency Multi-GNSS Real Time Positioning with the RTCM-State Space Representation Parameters (RTCM-SSR 보정요소 기반 1주파 Multi-GNSS 실시간 측위의 효용성 평가)

  • Lee, Yong-Chang;Oh, Seong-Jong
    • Journal of Cadastre & Land InformatiX
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    • v.50 no.1
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    • pp.107-123
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    • 2020
  • With stabilization of the recent multi-GNSS infrastructure, and as multi-GNSS has been proven to be effective in improving the accuracy of the positioning performance in various industrial sectors. In this study, in view that SF(Single frequency) GNSS receivers are widely used due to the low costs, evaluate effectiveness of SF Real Time Point Positioning(SF-RT-PP) based on four multi-GNSS surveying methods with RTCM-SSR correction streams in static and kinematic modes, and also derive response challenges. Results of applying SSR correction streams, CNES presented good results compared to other SSR streams in 2D coordinate. Looking at the results of the SF-RT-PP surveying using SF signals from multi-GNSS, were able to identify the common cause of large deviations in the altitude components, as well as confirm the importance of signal bias correction according to combinations of different types of satellite signals and ionospheric delay compensation algorithm using undifferenced and uncombined observations. In addition, confirmed that the improvement of the infrastructure of Multi-GNSS allows SF-RT-SPP surveying with only one of the four GNSS satellites. In particular, in the case of code-based SF-RT-SPP measurements using SF signals from GPS satellites only, the difference in the application effect between broadcast ephemeris and SSR correction for satellite orbits/clocks was small, but in the case of ionospheric delay compensation, the use of SBAS correction information provided more than twice the accuracy compared to result of the Klobuchar model. With GPS and GLONASS, both the BDS and GALILEO constellations will be fully deployed in the end of 2020, and the greater benefits from the multi-GNSS integration can be expected. Specially, If RT-ionospheric correction services reflecting regional characteristics and SSR correction information reflecting atmospheric characteristics are carried out in real-time, expected that the utilization of SF-RT-PPP survey technology by multi-GNSS and various demands will be created in various industrial sectors.

Quality Evaluation of Minimally Processed Asian Pears (신선편의 식품화된 신고배의 저장 중 이화학적 품질변화)

  • Kim, Gun-Hee;Cho, Sun-Duk;Kim, Dong-Man
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.31 no.6
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    • pp.1523-1528
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    • 1999
  • The consumer's demands for minimally processed fruits and vegetables have been increased rapidly because of its convenient handling, fresh-like quality as well as producing less wastes from the environmental point of view. Asian pears which are one of the main fruits widely produced and consumed in Korea easily lost their characteristics due to browning and softening after cutting. The objective of this study is to investigate the effects of various treatments on delaying deterioration of sliced Asian pears. 'Shingo' pear slices were treated with various solutions (1 and were packaged with low density polyethylene (LDPE,60μm), ceramic (CE,60μm) or vacuum (Ny/PE,80μm) film at 20Cand0C. In order to evaluate the quality of packaged sliced pears, quality index was determined in terms of color, firmness, soluble solids, titratable acidity. ascorbic acid, changes of gas composition, microbial test, and sensory quality. The results showed that sliced 'Shingo' pears packaged with CE and vacuum film maintained better quality than with LDPE at 0Cand20C. To retard browning and softening. 0.2% L-cysteine and 1% NaCl solutions applied for 1 minute were effective to reduce surface browning of sliced pears, and 1% CaCl2 was the most effective to prevent softening.

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Drying of Rough Rice by Solar Collectors (태양(太陽) 열(熱 )집열기(集熱機)를 이용(利用)한 벼의 건조(乾燥)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Chang, Kyu-Seob;Kim, Man-Soo;Kim, Dong-Man
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.264-272
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    • 1979
  • The flat-plate and tubular soar collectors were designed and constructed for drying the rough rice, and the performance of the collectors and drying effect were investigated when rough rice was packed in grain bin connected to collectors. Average-monthly radiation on a horizontal surface based on bright sunshine in Daejeon area during 1978 was the highest as 16,814KJ/m2day in May and the lowest as 4,254KJ/m2day in December, and significane was not recognized between the calculated and recorded values. The thermal effciency of collectors were increased as radiation increased during drying period and the average thermal effciency of flat-plate and tubular collectors in 11 to 12 o'clock a.m were 28.12 and 16.75%, respectively. The average inlet temperature of grain bin at 12 o'clock was shown as 20.02 at control 40.5 at grain bin connected to tubular collector and 55.1C at grain bin connected to flat-plate collector. In 25 cm rough rice depth in grain bin, tim taken for drying from initial moisture content at 27.4 to decrease upto 17.0% (14.5 % on wet basis) were 32 in control, 18 in grain bin connected to tubular collector and 11 hrs to flat-plate collector, and grain depth influenced drying rate remarkably. In the view point of drying characteristics, drying pattern showed initially falling-rate to constant-rate period finally.

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Solubility of Hydrogen Sulfide and Methane in Ionic Liquids: 1-Ethy-3-methylimidazolium Trifluoromethanesulfonate and 1-Butyl-1-methylpyrrolidinium Trifluoromethanesulfonate (1-Ethyl-3-methylimidazolium trifluoromethanesulfonate와 1-Butyl-1-methylpyrrolidinium trifluoromethanesulfonate 이온성 액체에 대한 황화수소와 메탄의 용해도)

  • Lee, Byung-Chul
    • Korean Chemical Engineering Research
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    • v.54 no.2
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    • pp.213-222
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    • 2016
  • Solubility data of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) and methane (CH4) in two kinds of ionic liquids with the same anion: 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium trifluoromethanesulfonate ([emim][TfO]) and 1-butyl-1-methylpyrrolidinium trifluoromethanesulfonate ([bmpyr][TfO]) are presented at pressures up to about 30 MPa and at temperatures between 303 K and 343 K. The gas solubilities in ionic liquids were determined by measuring the bubble point pressures of the gas + ionic liquid mixtures with various compositions at different temperatures using a high-pressure equilibrium apparatus equipped with a variable-volume view cell. The H2S solubilities in ionic liquid increased with the increase of pressure and decreased with the increase of temperature. On the other hand, the CH4 solubilities in ionic liquid increased significantly with the increase of pressure, but there was little effect of temperature on the CH4 solubility. For the ionic liquds [emim][TfO] and [bmpyr][TfO] with the same anion, the solubility of H2S as a molality basis was substantially similar, regardless of the temperature and pressure conditions as a molar concentration basis. Comparing the solubilities of H2S and CH4 in the ionic liquid [emim][TfO], the solubilities of H2S were much greater than those of CH4. For the same type of ionic liquid, the solubility data of H2S and CH4 obtained in this study were compared to the solubility data of CO2 from the literature. When compared at the same pressure and temperature conditions, the CO2 solubility was in between the solubility of H2S and CH4.

Analysis of Overseas LNG Bunkering Business Model (해외 LNG벙커링 비즈니스 모델 분석)

  • Kim, Ki-Dong;Park, So-Jin;Choi, Kyoung-Sik;Cho, Byung-Hak;Oh, Yong-Sam;Cho, Sang-Hoon;Cha, Keunng-Jong;Cho, Won-Jun;Seong, Hong-Gun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Gas
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.37-44
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    • 2018
  • As the international Maritime Organization is tightening up the emission regulation vessel, many countries and companies are pushing ahead the LNG fuel as one of long term solution for emission problems of ship. as a study on the way to conduct business for LNG bunkering around the world, this study was analyzed in view-point of business models focused on major countries such as Japan, China, Singapore, Europe and United States. The results of this study are as follows. China first established a nation-centered LNG bunkering policy. And then, the state and the energy company have been cooperating and carrying on LNG bunkering business for LNG fueled ships. Some countries in Europe and United States are in the process of LNG bunkering business mainly with private company. To obtain cheaper LNG fuel than bunker-C, the private company has a business model of LNG bunkering on their own LNG fueled ships, while securing LNG with high price competitiveness through partnership with middle class operators such us LNG terminal and natural gas liquefaction plant. Also, the LNG bunkering business around the world is focused on private companies rather than public corporations, but it was going to be focused on large energy companies because the initial cost required to build LNG bunkering infrastructure. Three models (TOTE model, Shell model, ENGIE model) of LNG bun kering business are currently being developed. It has been found that the way in which LNG bunkering business is implemented by different countries is applied differently according to the enterprise and national policy.

A Study on the Roles and Ideological Development of Welfare Characteristics in Parks (공원복지 역할 및 이념 전개 양상에 관한 연구)

  • Han, So-Young;Cho, Han-Sol;Zoh, Kyung-Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.43 no.1
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    • pp.69-81
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    • 2015
  • Under the premise that parks have been a performing field of welfare ideology that benefits the citizen from the past, the present study began with a basic question on what substance a park has and how it has worked. Therefore, this study tried to find out the theoretic background that can explain the roles of a park as an instrument for welfare, of which topic is currently being discussed, and examine how the ideology in the debate regarding welfare characteristics of parks are differentiated from those of social welfare. In addition, this study divided the process of development of parks defined by Galen Cranz in an attempt to view how welfare benefits offered by parks have changed in their development and looked into the roles and types of welfare functions that parks provided to the citizens under a certain social situation by period. Furthermore, the characteristics and development of the ideology underlying a welfare park were examined by function and element in its progression. The results of this study are as follows. The functions that parks have performed so far can be classified into three categories. First, they have a remedial function. Parks have given direct services to 'the socially disadvantaged' such as relief, fostering, and rehabilitation. Second, parks have played a preventive function. They aim to reinforce the functions of individual, family, group, and community. Third, they have exerted a developmental function. They function to promote change of society in a way for it to contribute to social development. Looking into the roles and functions of parks from the perspective of their beneficiary class and benefits, the following were discovered. First, the beneficiaries of welfare characteristics in parks have expanded to the general public from the poor class, and the benefits of parks have spread into the public including the underprivileged in a real sense. Second, the significance of welfare characteristics in parks has also changed from literal benefits to caring for basic human rights. Third, the purpose of welfare characteristics in parks has changed from providing minimal conditions to optimal conditions. At its beginning, the ideology of welfare in parks remained ideal, confining itself to their idealistic characteristics; but as time went on, they created several social benefits in response to various social demands, developing into a field where welfare ideology manifests and is realized in an active manner. Furthermore, it was witnessed that the parks and welfare of the present times are standing at the point of contact for participation and universal well-being. The present study reconsidered the meaning and value of parks from perspective of them as a provider of welfare benefits as well as examined how the welfare ideology of parks is connected to practice. By doing so, this study discovered the various roles, values, and ideology that parks should bear in the future. Therefore, this study is expected to be a good example for future research related to the topic.

The Implications and Characteristics of the Policies for Park and Green Spaces in England (영국 공원녹지 정책의 최근 경향과 특성)

  • Kim, Yun-Geum;Choi, Jung-Min
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.40 no.2
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    • pp.86-96
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    • 2012
  • Recently parks and green spaces contribute not only as a place of leisure but also for environmental welfare, social education, new jobs and CO2 Emissions Reduction. Parks and green spaces are understood as urban infrastructures like roads and rivers. They are also included in social infrastructures like education, culture, and welfare facilities. These changes are applied to policies for parks and green spaces, many governments and local authorities make investments on them. The modification of policies for parks and green spaces in England is a good example about this trend From this view point, this study now deals with the changing process of policies, results, and evaluation. Some implications have been deducted. The first is the inducement in participation in policies and implementation of practices through policy papers. They are more practical than written laws which are composed of abstract sentences and generalizations. Secondly, the status of parks and green spaces is highly raised with the establishment of CABE Space and so on. This organization controls many different policies and programs related to parks and green spaces. Third is the funding for the improvement of parks and green spaces. Fourth, are the short-term measures, such as funding and management, and the long-term measures such as pursuing building of partnership and training. Fifth, the government strives to establish its partnership with the local authorities and communities through a spectrum of support in terms of information, monitoring, and developing good practices among networks. Finally, parks and green spaces are being addressed from multiple directions through the participation of numerous agents like voluntary groups, development companies, communities and so on. Recently, in Korea, the influences of the Sunset Law for Park Site, Landscape Architecture Law, Urban Forest Law, and other related ordinances have encouraged the review on the policies on parks and green spaces needed. However, there are not many studies about them. Owing to these reasons, the cases of England will he helpful.

A Study on Commemorative Landscape in Holocaust Concentration Camp Memorials of Germany and Poland (홀로코스트 강제수용소 메모리얼에 나타난 기념적 경관)

  • Lee, Sang-Seok
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.45 no.6
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    • pp.98-114
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    • 2017
  • This study analyzed the commemorative landscapes of eight Holocaust concentration camp memorials(HCCM) of Germany and Poland from a landscape architecture point of view including historical landscape, places and remains, and monuments. A site survey was conducted at Dahau concentration camp memorial(CCM) and Bergen-Belsen CCM of Germany in September of 2015 and the Auschwitz-Birkenau extermination camp memorial(ECM), Majdanek ECM, Belzec ECM, Sobibor ECM, Treblinka ECM, Chelmno ECM of Poland in April of 2016. The results are as follows. First, the landscape of the concentration camp at Dahau CCM, Auschwitz ECM, and Majdanek ECM liberated by the Allied Forces was well conserved with the maintenance of camp facilities and the spatial structure of camps while monuments and memorials seized by sociopolitical argument were built with restriction. But Belzec ECM, Sobibor ECM, Treblinka ECM, and Chelmno ECM devastated and planted artificially to forest were overwhelmingly surrounded with natural landscape, and also, excavated relics and remains were preserved and the monuments were built at the place of memory. Second, gas chambers, crematoriums, guard posts, electric wire fences, railroads and ramps, barracks, and drainage ditches were considered to be typical facilities present in the camp structure and the gas chambers, crematoriums, human ashes, and mass graves demonstrated the horrible history of these camps and the railroad and ramp where Jewish prisoners arrived also had the strong sense of place. These remains were regarded as symbolic elements to create a memory of the tragedy and place. Third, commemoration of victims was applied as the basic concept and recalling the memory of the Holocaust was also considered very important content. Religious reconciliation and peace was represented at Dahau CCM and the Jewish identity was strongly expressed at Treblinka ECM and Belzec ECM representing the Jewish community and Judaism. Fourth, the monuments with semi-abstract styles and abstract sculptures represented the Holocaust symbolically and narratively and came into the conflict caused by the abstractness to the memorial landscape at Auschwitz-Birkenau ECM and Bergen-Belsen CCM. Fifth, remains for recalling the memory of tragedy and place and symbolic monuments to stand for public memory were juxtaposed at the same place and preserving on the authenticity of camp site had been conflicted with monumentalizing intentionally. Further study will required a concrete investigation of the monuments in the HCCM and an attempt to comparatively study the commemoration characteristics of memorials in Korea.

A Study on Gardening Theories of Li, Yu in 'Xian Qing Ou Ji' (한정우기(閑情偶寄)를 통해 본 이어(李漁)의 조원(造園) 이론)

  • Zhang, Lin;Jung, Woo-Jin;Sung, Jong-Sang
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.36 no.3
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    • pp.137-148
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    • 2018
  • Li Yu's Xian Qing Ou Ji was written during the late Ming and early Qing Dynasty when material culture flourished due to the development of the commercial economy. Xian Qing Ou Ji is considered a retrospective work that reflects the rich material society at that time. This study focuses on his gardening theories through the interpretation and analysis of these two texts of 'Jushibu(居室部)' and 'Zhongzhibu(種植部)' in Xian Qing Ou Ji. The results are summarized as follows. First, he explained the method of garden configuration and orientation according to the topography utilizing the theory of 'suiting one's measures to local conditions(因地制宜)'. He emphasized the detailed understanding of topography as the starting point for all the gardening theories. It stated that he tried to adjust the height of the terrain artificially to create an ideal form of 'anterior high and posterior low(前低後高)'. The successful arrangement of houses, pavilions, rockery and waterways et al. was able to be achieved because of his accurate understanding of topography. Second, 'borrowing scenery(取景在借)' means 'borrowing the outside scenery to the inside'. He applied this theory by 'viewing in motion(動觀)' and 'viewing in repose(靜觀)'. 'Viewing in motion' is seen as a positive methodology for landscape enjoyment. For example, the view through a window changes with movements of the boat, and it can portray thousands of landscape paintings which can be seen through the windows. In the case of 'viewing in repose', the window is regarded as a means of attracting outside garden views to the inside. Third, he emphasized 'the firmness of objects(制體宜堅)', where the design of windows and railings must be considered ahead of others. Fourth, he interpreted the contents of 'the pursuit of novelty(創異標新)'. This generalizes the characteristics of his gardening theory. The contents included 'hall wall(廳壁)', 'variable sun visor(活?)', 'hanging boards and couplets(聯?)' and 'method of supporting vines with bamboo screen(竹屛扶植法)'.

Developing a New Area Study Methodology Suitable to the Globalization Era : With Revision of the Regional Geography of World-Systems. (세계화시대에 적실한 지역연구방법론 모색 -세계체제론적 지역지리학의 보완을 중심으로-)

  • Lee, Jae-Ha
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.115-134
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    • 1997
  • We now live in the new era of globalization which implies the functional integration or increase of inter-dependency between internationally dispersed economic activities. As globalization impacts our various activities and daily lives, social sciences, including, geography, attempt to approach social phenomena from a global perspective. From this point of view. new regional geography, which has been articulated in recent social theory since the 1980s, also must adjust to these new world realities. This paper aims to search for a suitable methodology or approach to area study or regional geography in the era of globalization and to suggest the field of area study that Korean geographers should be concerned with in the future. This paper has reviewed the existing various methodologies of regional geography such as the ecological approach, the landscape approach. the areal differentiation approach, the system approach, the structuration theory, the spatial division of labour, and the world-system, which have deviced in the traditional and new regional geography. Peter Taylor's regional geography of world systems among them has an appropriate rationale of area study in the globalization era, because world-systems theory explains well globalization. However the regional geography of world-systems must be revised to become more suitable to the area-study approach in the globalization era. Firstly, the regional geography of world-systems explains that regions(historical regions) are made by general mechanisms of the capitalist world-economy that operate through social, economic, and political agents within regions such as individuals, households, social classes, economic enterprises, states, political movements, and many other organizations. But these mechanisms can also act through other regional agents of geographical location, natural conditions, and cultural characteristics. Therefore, the generating process of regions needs to be explained by locational, natural, and cultural elements in addition to social, economic, and political elements within regions. Secondly, Taylor's world-systems approach does not express composite characteristics of regions, because it focuses on the economic characteristics or position of regions within the world-economy. Regions incorporated into world-economy systems are not only changed economically, but also changed spatially, socially, culturally, and politically. Hence the world-systems approach must try to analyze these composite characteristics and their change of regions. Thirdly, The world-system approach proposed that the geography of regions within world-systems could be divided and analyzed as three regional types at the geographical scale such as international regions, state regions, and intra-state regions. However such a regionalization is usually not identified distinctly, because the geographical range of regions in world-systems shaped by economic boundaries of the general mechanisms of the world-economy is fluid and also occasionally overlaps with other political regions. Hence I propose that the world-systems approach should choose political boundaries of states and local autonomies in addition to economic boundaries for objective regionalization and systematic areal study. The revised regional geography of world-systems that I have suggested in this paper can be more effectively and properly applied to regional geography or area study in the globalization era. Globalization intensifies competition between states and also between local autonomies in the world. Therefore we must make efforts to study such areas or regions through the revised regional geography of world-system.

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