• Title/Summary/Keyword: View point

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Effect of Vegetation Types on the Distribution of Soil Invertebrates (식생유형이 토양무척추동물 분포에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Myung-Hyun;Bang, Hea-Son;Han, Min-Su;Hong, Hey-Kyoung;Na, Young-Eun;Kang, Kee-Kyung;Lee, Jeong-Taek;Lee, Deog-Bae
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.125-130
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    • 2009
  • The aim of this study was to investigate whether differences in the distribution of soil invertebrates among different vegetation types (forest, reservoir, and crop land types) in rural area. A total of 18 orders and 137 species were collected by pitfall traps. Species numbers were the lowest (33 species) at the Chamaecyparis obtusa plantation (St. 6). On the forest sites, the individual number of Hymenoptera was the most abundant, and Acari and Coleoptera was the relatively more abundant than the other sites. On the reservoir sites (Salix chaenomeloides community), the individual number of Collembola was the most abundant, and Diptera was the relatively more abundant than the other sites. On the crop land sites, the individual numbers of Collembola, Hymenoptera, and Araneae were the relatively more abundant than the other orders. The density of Araneae was higher in the reservoir and crop land sites than in the forest sites. From a point of view of biodiversity, although the diversity index(H') was the highest in the mixed broad-leaved forest type (St. 2) with Quercus serrata and Q. acutissima, and the lowest in the upland levee of crop land(St. 11), there was no significant difference among the habitat or vegetation types. According to the community analysis, the soil invertebrates could be divided into 4 groups, the mixed broad-leaved forest type (A group), the plantation or pure forest type (B group), the reservoir type (C group), and the crop land type (D group).

Effects of Sowing Method and Summer Management on Yield , Dead Matter , Weed Development and Ground Cover of Orchargrass (Dactylis glomerata L.) Meadow (파종방법 및 여름철관리가 Orchargrass ( Dactylis glomerata L. ) 채초지의 수량 , 고사물량 , 잡초발생 및 피복율에 미치는 영향)

  • 권찬호;김동암
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.71-78
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    • 1987
  • This experiment was carried out to examine the effects of sowing method and summer management on the dry matter yield, dead matter, weed development and ground cover of orchardgrass (Dactylis glomerata L.) meadow. The experiment was allocated as a split-split plot design with three replications. The main plots were sowing method of drilling and broadcasting, sub plots were drainage of experimental field, adequate and inadequate, and sub-sub plots were cutting timeof orchardgrass, cutting before rainy season started and cutting after rainy season ended. The experiment was undertaken over a period of 14 months from September, 1983 to October, 1984. The results obtained are summarized as follows: 1. There were no significant differences in dry matter yield among treatments at the first cutting, but cutting before rainy season produced significantly more forage yield (P0.01P0.01) than cutting after rainy season at the second and third cuts. At the third cutting, drilled orchardgrass meadow showed a significant dry matter yield (P0.05P0.05) than broadcast orchardgrass meadow, 2. The dead matter of orchardgrass was accumulated only at the second cutting when orchardgrass meadow cut after rainy season. Orchardgrass produced in the adequate and inadequate drainage plots consisted 20.4 and 35.9% of dead material, respectively, but no significant difference was found between two drainage treatments. 3. Drilled orchardgrass meadow produced significantly less weeds (P0.05P0.05) than broadcast orchardgrass meadow, but the plots cut after rainy season produced significantly more weeds (P0.01P0.01) than the plots cut before rainy season. 4. The percent ground cover of orchardgrass in the plots cut before rainy season was significantly higher (P0.01P0.01) than that in the plots cut after rainy season at the second cutting. Drilled plots showed a slight increase in the ground cover than the broadcast, but the difference was not significant. The same trend of ground cover of the meadow estimated at the second cutting was sustained after the third cutting. 5. Based on the results of the experiment, it indicates that the second cut of orchardgrass should be made before rainy season related for maintaining high yield of the meadow. Drilling as a sowing method of orchardgrass meadow could be adopted in the view point of reducing weed development.

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Molecular Epidemiological Characteristics of Vibrio Parahaemolyticus as Recently wilde-spreaded in Korea (최근 한국에서 유행하는 장염비브리오균의 분자 역학적 특성)

  • 김상숙;이희무;이중복
    • KSBB Journal
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    • v.18 no.6
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    • pp.522-528
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of this study is to inquire into molecular epidemiological characteristics of Vibrio parahaemolyticus. For this study, 120 strains(120 strains of Vibrio parahaemolyticus sampled from diarrhea patients) were examined and analyzed for biochemical characteristics, TDH (thermostable direct hemolysin) antibiotics sensitivity and detection of toxR, gyrE, tdh, and tds gents. G-S PCR (Group Specific Polymerase), PFGE (Pulsed-field Gel Electrophoriesis) methods were performed on the materials from patients were results. 1 Vibrio parahaemolyticus didn't grow in 0% density of NaCl, but the fact was found that those grew in 8% density of NaCl. 2. O:K serotypes of Vibrio parahaemolyticus was turned up in domestic patients was 17 types. Among those O3:K6 was the most, it was 68.3%. 3. In 18 kinds of antibiotic tests resistant against Ampicillin, Ticacillin was comparatively high. the case of resistant against Ampicillin, Ticacillin, Vancomycin at the multiple resistant was 52.5%. 4. Toxin gene tdh had only 109 strains among 120 ones isolated from patients held the genes of 199bp size, and 11 strains was negativity 5. In the test of Kanagawa toxic productivity, 107 strains among strains isolated from patients appeared to be positivity reaction 6. The strain that held trh toxin was only 3, and those among test strains had the genes of 250bp size and that had tdh, trh genes at a time were 3 strains, and TDH toxic productivity of those were 16 times, and it was weak. 7. Group Specific-PCR appeared to be useful in the confirmation of O3:K6 serotype interrelations. 8. Three strains which showed difference of 7 DNA sequence even in the same serotype were detected by the result of analyzing the regular gene, toxRS DNA sequence. These strains are differ from general strains which carry infection easily. 9. These mutual dose epidemiological relations were classified into smaller-parts through PFGE method. As a result of such classify, 3 findings were found. V. parahaemolyticus sampled from diarrhea patients were classified into 3 types. And third, the result obtained through PFGE method can be used as a useful tool in a point of molecular-epidemiological view.

Influence of implant diameter and length changes on initial stability (임플란트의 직경과 길이 변화가 초기 안정성에 미치는 영향)

  • Cho, Jae-Myoung;Cho, Uk;Yun, Mi-Jung;Jeong, Chang-Mo;Jeon, Young-Chan
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics
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    • v.47 no.3
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    • pp.335-341
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    • 2009
  • Statements of problem: Adequate bone quality and quantity were important to achieve initial stability and to prevent early failures. However there were few published data available regarding the actual effect of dimensional change in implant geometry on initial stability. Purpose: The purpose of the current study was to investigate the influence of diameter and length changes on initial stability of implants. Material and methods: Four types of dummy bone (D1, D2, D3 and D4) consisted of cortical and cancellous layers with different thickness were simulated. Implants which had similar surface area to each other (3.5×13.0mm3.5×13.0mm, 4.0×11.5mm4.0×11.5mm, 4.5×10.0mm4.5×10.0mm, 5.0×8.5mm5.0×8.5mm) were inserted in dummy bones. Implant stability as a function of peak insertion torque and resonance frequency values were recorded for each implant. Results: 1. Bone quality was a major influential factor to achieve initial stability (P <.05). 2. In D1, D2 and D3 dummy bones, implant stability quotient values were not significantly different to each other (P >.05), however insertion torques were increased with wider and shorter implants (P <.05). 3. In D4 dummy bone, implant stability quotient values and insertion torques were decreased with wider and shorter implants (P <.05). Conclusion: From a point of view of initial stability, it is suggested that use of wide and short implant may be helpful in avoiding bone augmentation procedures in area of adequate bone quality.

A Comparative Study on the Measurement Model of Anti-Corruption Index : Anti-Corruption Index and CCEJ's Corruption Index (부패지수 측정모형에 대한 비교연구 : 서울시 시정청렴성지수 측정모형과 경실련 부패지수 측정모형을 중심으로)

  • Park, Yong-Chie;Lee, Chung-Min
    • Survey Research
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.1-38
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    • 2005
  • Considering the importance of corruption index measurement model and the diffusion of popular awareness about the importance of anti-corruption, this research compared and analyzed existing corruption index measurement models. This paper has selected "Anti-Corruption Index model(ACI model)" that was developed by Seoul Development Institute and "CCEJ's Corruption Index model" which is under use by the Citizens' Coaltion for Economic Justice. These two models were analyzed in terms of appropriateness of 'the indicator and index choice method', 'the research design' and 'the use of statistical data'. This analysis shows that two models have some problems. First, at the level of indicator and index choice method, the indicators of CCEJ's corruption index model is too atomized and redundant. As not putting weight of indicator, it did not consider importance of each indicator. Citizens who evaluated the level of corruption didn't participate in the weight evaluation team, which results in failure of the model to reflect the citizens' opinion. Also, because the question about Seoul Metropolis' corruption level is not included, it is not detected difference between real corruption level and perceptive corruption level. Second, in terms of appropriateness of research design, the sample of the CCEJ' corruption index model is too small to get credibility. The objectivity of research method seems to be low because survey was performed by exit interview. In addition, 38 items are overfull in the questionnire of CCEJ's corruption index model compare to 13 items in ACI model. Also, in making up questions, the terms are redundant and unobvious. Third, in regarding with feasibility of the statistical data, the CCEJ's corruption index model uses regulation data for disciplinary punishment of 25 local governments in Seoul from 1995 to 1999. But, it is common ideas of scholars that statistical data indicates the tip of an iceberg in corruption. So for using a statistical data, it needs a data of enough quantity and has a high level credibility. In addition, objective method of giving weight is not developed. In this point of view, the use of statistical data has some limits. To solve this problem, ① objective data should be included in the indicators, ② various indicators should be developed and ③ a method of giving weight should be improved.

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Patterns of Cash Payments for Care : Cross-National Comparative Study (장기요양 현금급여 정책의 국가간 비교 연구)

  • Seok, Jae-Eun
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.58 no.2
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    • pp.273-302
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    • 2006
  • The introduction of cash payments for care is a distinct trend that characterizes changes in care policies since the 1990s. Recently, many developed countries have newly introduced or extended cash payments for care that allow care users to be able to plan themselves for their cares instead of receiving direct care services from the state. Cash payments for care can be said to be one of the alternative policies by which user choices are extended, and it becomes possible to establish demand-cantered care delivery systems more economically and effectively, hence addressing the issue of the financial limitations and rigid systems that are common in modern welfare states, which make it difficult to response to various needs. However, the design and administration of cash for care vary across different countries. Such variations of cash for care policies influence on the combination of consumerism (based on liberal market values intrinsic in the care market) and citizenship based on social solidarity. Those variations eventually produce impacts on the balance of responsibilities and the roles of families, the state and market regarding care in other words, balancing of welfare pluralism. This paper has attempted to find general meanings and particularity of cash for care polices in modem welfare states by means of looking at the characteristics of cash for care policies of four different countries (Netherlands, France, Germany and Italy) and their impacts on their care market. If the four countries are ranked by the degree that they emphasize citizenship in light with social rights, the Netherlands, France, Germany and Italy could be placed in due order. From an economic point of view and in terms of cost containment, those countries will be placed in an inverse order, It is apparent that in the course of planting cash for care policies in the existing social systems involving different socio-cultural conditions and labour markets, sometimes more emphasis is placed on the citizenship of care users, family carers and care providers than on cost containment issue, and sometimes vice versa. Behind this lies the process of different social valuation on what care is about; who can better deliver care; who should be responsible for care; how responsibilities should be shared and so on.

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Simultaneous Control of Several Rice Insect Pests by Broadcasting Application of Granulated Insecticides (Terracur P, Lebaycid, and Gamma-BHC) (입제의 수면처리에 의한 주요수도해충의 동시방제)

  • Choi Seung Yoon;Bae Sang Hee;Song Yoo Han
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.25-32
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    • 1970
  • This experiment was conducted to find out the simultaneous control effect of granulated insecticides on the several major rice insect pests in Korea. The granulated insecticides used were Terracur P5%5% (one of the phosphoric insecticides), Lebaycid 5%5%, and Sang-gamma (gamma-BHC) 6%6%. Those insecticides were broadcasted by hand on the paddy field at the ratio of 3kg. in June and 4kg. in August per 10 a, and the date of insecticidal application was based on the maximum moth occurrence of the rice stem borer in 1969. The rice insect pests tested in this study were rice stem borer (Chilo suppressalis W.), green rice leafhopper (Nephotettix bipunctatus cincticeps U.), smiller brown planthopper (Laodelphax striatellus F.), and white back planthopper (Sogotella furcifera H.). For the study of residual effectiveness of the insecticides, the rice stem borer larvae just hatched from the eggs were installed on the sheath of rice plants collected from the paddy field after insecticidal treatment, and the mortality was made at 48 hours after installation. High mortality was observed in Terracur P and Sang-gamma treatments and low mortality in Lebaycid treatment. The duration of residual effects giving about 50% mortality was about 14 days in Sang-gamma and about 6 days in Terracur P treatments. The study on the effectiveness of the insecticides to the rice stem borer in the paddy field was made by the number of dead blades and white heads of the rice plants injured by the larvae, and the number of survival larvae in the straws after crop harvest. The order of insecticidal effectiveness to the rice stem borer was Terracur P=Sang-gamm>Lebaycid. The study on the effectiveness of the insecticides to the leafhoppers and planthoppers in the paddy field was made by the population density by sweeping (5 times) at the given day intervals after treatments. Terracur P was highly effective for the control of the green rice leafhoppers and Lebaycid was moderately effective, but Sang-gamma seemed not to be effective. The effectiveness of the insecticides tested to the planthoppers was not clear, and it seemed to related with the low insect population density. Study on the determination of proper timing of insecticidal application was not also made clear, and it seemed to be short in the range of day intervals in the insecticidal application. For the study on the control effects of the rice insect pests, rice yield per 100 hills per plot was observed. There was no statistically significant difference among the treatments in rice yields, but the order of yield (Terracur P>Sang-gamma>Lebaycid>Control) was paralleled with the tends of control effects above mentioned. In a view point of simultaneous control of the rice stem borers and green rice leafhoppers by the application of granulated insecticides, Terracur P and Lebaycid were more effective than Sang-gamma which have been used.

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Flora of aquatic and wetland habitats on Jeju Island (제주도의 수생 및 습생 식물상)

  • Kang, Dae-Hyun;Yim, Eun-Young;Moon, Myung-Ok
    • Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy
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    • v.45 no.1
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    • pp.96-107
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    • 2015
  • This study presents a comprehensive account of the flora of hydrophytes and hygrophytes on Jeju Island. This approach aims to contribute to fundamental information about the conservation of plant diversity in wetlands. Field surveys were carried out from May of 2010 to September of 2014 in various types of wetlands on Jeju Island. A total of 189 taxa, including 52 families, 98 genera, 181 species, 6 varieties, 2 forma and 189 taxa, were found. Among them, 99 taxa (38 families, 60 genera, 96 species and 3 varieties) were hydrophytes and 90 taxa (23 families, 45 genera, 85 species, 3 varieties and 2 forma) were hygrophytes. In addition, Eleocharis××yezoensis H. Hara (Cyperaceae) was newly added to the flora of Korea. The protected wild plants designated by the Ministry of the Environment were 5 taxa, including Brasenia schreberi J. F. Gmel. and Dysophylla yatabeana Makino. The endangered species found included one Critically Endangered Species (i.e., Mankyua chejuense B.-Y. Sun, M. H. Kim & C. H. Kim), 5 Endangered Species (e.g., Lysimachia leucantha Miq.) and 7 Vulnerable Species (e.g., Tillaea aquatica L.). The floristic regional indicator plants found in this area were 44 taxa comprising 10 taxa of grade V, 7 taxa grade IV, 15 taxa of grade III, 5 taxa of grade II, and 7 taxa of grade I. The identified naturalized plants were 10 taxa; 8 families, 8 genera, 9 species and 1 variety. In the wetlands on Jeju Island, high plant species diversity was shown, and a number of rare plants and phytogeographically important plants were found. For these reasons, we consider that the wetlands on Jeju Island are very important areas from a botanical point of view. It is necessary to establish specific protection and maintenance policies in an effort to conserve these wetlands and species.

Evaluation of Cleaning ability and Environmental Evaluation of Commercial Aqueous/Semi-aqueous Cleaning Agents (시판 수계/준수계 세정제의 세정성 및 환경성 평가 연구)

  • Cha, A.J.;Park, J.N.;Kim, H.S.;Bae, J.H.
    • Clean Technology
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.73-87
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    • 2004
  • In most of industrial fields, cleaning is employed for removing soils on their products or parts. Halogenated cleaning agents such as CFC-113, 1,1,1-TCE(1,1,1-trichloroethane), MC(methylene chloride) and TCE (trichloroethylene) have been used as cleaning ones in most of companies in the world since their excellent performance of cleaning ability and good material compatibility. However, CFC-113 and 1,1,1-TCE which are ozone destruction substances are not used any more in the advanced countries because of the which are ozone destruction substances are not used any more in the advanced countries because of the Montreal protocol. MC and TCE are now used restrictively at small part of industrial fields in most of countries since they are known to be hazardous or carcinogenic materials. Thus, it is indispensible that the alternative cleaning agents which are environmental-friendly and safe, and show good cleaning ability should be developed or utilized for replacement of the halogenated cleaning agents. Aqueous/semi-aqueous cleaning agents are evaluated to be promising alternative ones among various alternatives in environmental and economical view point. In this study, commercially available 12 aqueous and 6 semi-aqueous cleaning agents were selected and their physical properties, cleaning abilities, rinsing abilities and recycling of contaminated rinse water were measured and analyzed. Aqueous cleaning agents with higher wetting index showed better cleaning ability compared with those with lower wetting index. However wetting index did not have any correlation with cleaning ability in semi-aqueous cleaning agents. It was observed that soil concentration in aqueous and semi-aqueous cleaning agents should be maintained below the certain concentrations which depend on types of clearing agents. More than 70% soils in contaminated rinse water by some of aqueous and semi-aqueous clearing agents could be separated by simple settling method. This means that some cleaning agents with high oil-water separation efficiency will be effiective for recycling oil-contaminated rinse water. It was found that contaminated rinse water with aqueous agents was purified easiy by ultrafiltration method with PAN membrane of 30 kDa.

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A theoretical approach and its application for a dynamic method of estimating and analyzing science and technology levels : case application to ten core technologies for the next generation growth engine (동태적 기술수준 측정 방법에 대한 이론적 접근 : 차세대성장동력 기술의 사례분석)

  • Bark, Pyeng-Mu
    • Journal of Korea Technology Innovation Society
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.654-686
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    • 2007
  • To estimate and analyze an interested science and technology level in any case requires three basic informations: (1) relative positions of our technology level, (2) other relevant technology level of the world best country holding the state of the art technology, and (3) its theoretical or practical maximum level within a certain period of time. Further, additional information from analyzing its respective rate of technology changes is necessary. It seems that most previous empirical or case studies on technology level have not considered third and fourth informations seriously, and thus critically have missed important findings from a dynamic point of view on the matter. A dynamic approach considering types of development processes and paths as well as current position needs an application of a concept of technology development stages and respective growth curves. This paper proposes a new method of approach and application by implementing relatively simple types of the growth curve(S-curve) such as logistic and Comports curves and applying estimation results of these curves to ten core technologies of the growth engines for the next future generation in Korea. The study implies that Korean science and technology level in general clearly gets higher as it approaches to a recent time of period, but relative technology gap from the world best in terms of catching-up period does not get better or narrower in case of at least part of the concerned technologies such as bio new drugs and human organs, and intelligence robots. The possibility does exist that some of our concerned technologies shooting for the next future generation may not come to the world highest level in the near future. The purpose of this study is to propose possibilities of catching-up, if any, by estimating its relevant type of growth pattern by way of measuring and analyzing technology level and by analyzing the technology development process through a position analysis. At this stage this study tries to introduce a new theoretical approach of estimating technology level and its application to existing case study results(data) from Korea Institute of Science and Technology Planning and Evaluation(KISTEP) and Korea Institute of Industrial Technology Evaluation and Planing(ITEP), for years of 2004 and 2006 respectively. The study has some limitations in terms of accuracy of measuring(estimating) a relevant growth curve to a particular technology, feasibility of applying estimated results, accessing and analyzing panel experts opinions. Hence, it is recommended that further study would follow soon enough to verify practical applicability and possible expansion of the study results.

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