• Title/Summary/Keyword: Variable Goods

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A Study of the Design Improvement Measure for the Globalization of Domestic Online Shopping Malls (국내 온라인 쇼핑몰의 글로벌화를 위한 디자인 개선방안 연구)

  • Choi, Yun-Hee;Jo, Seong-Hwan
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.15 no.12
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    • pp.73-80
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    • 2015
  • Starting the popularity of Korean dramas exported to China in 1996, the Korean wave started around the world market. Afterwards, as the Korean culture itself as well as dramas rapidly emerged as contents of the Korean market, the foreign direct sale consumers who want to buy Korean goods directly online are increasing at an alarming rate. This study each selected 4 domestic shopping malls and 4 foreign famous shopping malls which were conducting a global marketing currently and compared/researched them in the design aspect in order to apprehend if domestic online shopping malls were properly meeting the consumer environment of the foreign market. As a result, it was revealed that domestic online shopping malls conducting the global marketing could not fully understand the internet environment by countries and were going through a limit of the information delivery by SMS, and could not use the visual signs actively which were useful to the meaning delivery. Accordingly, this thesis suggested a plan to actively utilize the variable element considering various screens to the design, plan to efficiently design the text for solving the language problem by countries, and plan to design using the developing IT technology as a solution to those problems.

Life Satisfaction and Consumer Satisfaction of Resident Foreigners in Korea (국내거주외국인의 생활만족도와 소비생활만족도에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Hyun-Joo;Rha, Jong-Youn
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.46 no.10
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    • pp.133-146
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    • 2008
  • This study investgates the factors influencing the levels of consumer satisfaction and life satisfaction of resident foreigners in Korea. The data were collected through a structured self-administered survey and 545 foreigners who lived in Korea for more than 3 months, with age over 20 participated as respondents. A research framework was formulated based on the resource constraint hypothesis and the study investigated the impact of information resource(human, media and internet information source) and consumer resource(monthly income, language ability and consumer proficiency) on the levels of consumer satisfaction and life satisfaction. The results from data analysis can be summarized as follows; First, analysis of consumer problems of resident foreigners in Korea indicated that resident foreigners recognize a burden for residence cost, food expense and education fee. Most of resident foreigners in Korea are found to use small local shops most often indicating they may experience adverse market environment due to resource constraint such as language or psychological barrier, and most of the respondents answered that the most often used payment method was cash. Furthermore, resident foreigners in Korea responded that lack of language service, lack of information provision, inability to use certain goods and services are the common cause of consumer dissatisfaction, as well as price and quality problems. Second, the level of consumer satisfaction (2.96 in 4.0) is higher than the level of life satisfaction (2.63 in 4.0). Third, the level of life satisfaction is significantly influenced by Korean language ability and the level of consumer satisfaction. The level of consumer satisfaction is by the media information source usage and consumer claim experience. Fourth, the level of consumer satisfaction is found to be the variable with the strongest causal relationship with the level of life satisfaction.

A Post-Purchase Satisfaction of Skin Care Cosmetics Depending on a Pre-Purchase Utilization of Information Sources among Consumers in Their 20s (20대 소비자의 기초화장품 구매 전 이용한 정보원천 활용도에 따른 구매 후 만족도)

  • Lee, Da Young;Lee, Seung Sin;Lee, Young Hee
    • Human Ecology Research
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    • v.55 no.6
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    • pp.593-607
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    • 2017
  • Cosmetics market information is important due to advances in information communication technology and the growth of cosmetics market. This study analyzed the relationship between the pre-purchase utilization of information (commercial, neutral, personal and experiential) and the post-purchase satisfaction of skin care cosmetics, categorized as functionality, safety, economic feasibility, information reliability, purchase convenience, condition of purchase place, packaging/design of product and service. This study analyzed reliability, frequency, differences, correlation and regression analysis using SPSS ver. 24.0. The study results are summarized as follows. First, gender was a significant variable in the level of information source utilization. Women used commercial, neutral, and experiential information sources more actively than men. However, women had lower post-purchase satisfaction that could be understood through expectation disconfirmation theory. Women have very high expectations that can lower post-purchase satisfaction. Second, information source utilization can improve post-purchase satisfaction for cosmetics. The consumer post-purchase satisfact the lowest in the commercial information source; however, consumers were satisfied when the commercial informationinformation sourceenon and regre. Third, the consumeried itnformation sourceenon and regression analysis ial, neutral,source and reflected the characteristics of experiential goods. Therefore, companies should provide accurate commercial, personal and experiential information to increase consumervide accurate commercial, per as well as conduct experiential marketing.

Research about Choice Attribution Customers make in Food & Beverage Events (식음료 이벤트의 고객 선택속성에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Jong-Hun;Jin, Yang-Ho
    • Culinary science and hospitality research
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.32-45
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    • 2004
  • This study is about choice attribution of customers make in food and beverage events. The researcher provided practical plans to uplift food-related enterprises and activate management through surveys and positive analyses, targeting customers who use food services. First of all, all event plans must include customer demands, social changes, special qualities of the business, and market research. Second, low demand season must be customers will be induced to the events. Third, prediction for market variable and solutions must be thoroughly examined and plans should look into the future to maintain a long period of time. Fourth, sufficient communication between planners and employees should be made before the event starts, so that food and beverage businesses can gain trust and quality of event services.Fifth, immaterial service and visible goods/menus in business of food and beverage events must be closely matched. Sixth, menus introducing a variety of merchandise, quality of nutrition and health of the business should be developed. Also, events from countries(regions) should be hold to create a market of cultural exchange. Seventh, for hereafter event plans, feedbacks are needed concerning customers needs and demands through customer care, after the food and beverage events. Eight, faculty management for convenience, kindness, safety, and life preserver accommodations in parking areas must be made, as automobiles are necessaries for people in Mycar era. The ninth, off-line and on-line care through on-line business construction and production of homepage must be done, due to the fact that even the well-made events are bound to fail if they are not delivered to the customers.

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An Empirical Study on Asymmetric Price Transmissions in the Distribution Channels of Fisheries Market (수산물 시장의 유통단계별 가격전달의 비대칭성에 관한 실증 분석)

  • Lee, Jung-Mi;Kim, Ki-Soo
    • The Journal of Fisheries Business Administration
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    • v.41 no.3
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    • pp.59-78
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    • 2010
  • This paper tries to apply the asymmetrical price transmission(APT) behavior observed in the agricultural industry to supply chains of the domestic fishery industry by a statistical manner. The fore mentioned asymmetrical price transmission refers to when price movements in the later stage of the supply chain do not move in a normal or symmetrical manner corresponding to price movements in the earlier stage of the supply chain. Therefore, when the earlier stage price increase and the later stage price increases to a larger degree, it is called positive(+) asymmetry and the opposite behavior is called negative(-) asymmetry. The study examines the data from domestic producers of three fresh fish types, hairtail, mackerel, and cuttlefish, and tries to examine the price asymmetry between the producer or farm, wholesaler, and retail prices via an APT test utilizing unit root, cointegration, and error correction model. The study found, hairtail wholesale and retail pricing bas a negative asymmetric relationship while mackerel has a negative asymmetric pricing relationship at the producer and retail levels of the supply chain. In the case of cuttlefish, all levels of the supply chain showed negative asymmetrical behavior in the supply chain price transmission, meaning the earlier stage price changes are more rapidly and greatly inputted in the later stage of the supply chain pricing. We believe that the reason why the analysis results show negative price asymmetry is due to the uniqueness of fishery products having an important variable such as freshness. If price increases are greater and quicker than price decreases, then consumer demand, which is sensitive to price increases will decrease and subsequently result in the increase of inventory levels, reducing profits for retailers. Also, frozen hairtail, mackerel, and cuttlefish will act as substitute goods to fresh fishery products. Therefore, fresh fishery products have a high demand of price elasticity. When prices increase, demand quickly decreases. Therefore the profit of wholesalers and retailers to decrease, I think this is the main reason of APT in the supply chain of Korea' s fisheries industry.

A Study on the Method of Freight Generation Estimation according to Company Size in Seoul Metropolitan Area (수도권의 사업체 규모에 따른 화물발생 예측 방법론 연구)

  • Park Sang-Chul;Choi Chang-Ho
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.29 no.5 s.101
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    • pp.431-437
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    • 2005
  • In korea, Freight generation models developed in korea were estimated by spatial unit method which predict freight flow by traffic zone. But it is difficult to predict freight generation using these models, because there are the difference of the totality method of sampling data on freight volume and the variability of the variables by these models on each case study, This study developed new estimation model to predict freight flow which is generated from each company using the characteristics of each company such as the freight outbound & inbound volume, the number of employee, sales, gross area, land area. This model is simpler than the that of spatial unit and can apply to the other region. The subjects of study were companies in metropolitan area and types of model were exponential regression models. The adequate explanatory variable in the models were sales. this study have a uniqueness apply micro research method to estimate freight generation not use spatial unit method but use flow unit method by each company unit.

A Study on Recognition and Preference of Korean Foods for Foreigners in Different Nationality (국내 체류 외국인들의 출신지역에 따른 한식에 대한 인지도 및 선호도 연구)

  • Yoon, Hei-Ryeo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.367-373
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    • 2005
  • The study investigated the recognition and preference of foreigner to Korean foods in different nationality. Questionnaires consisted of two languages- Chinese and English were given to 180 residing foreigners in Insa-dong and COEX mall areas and interview methods were used. A total of 157 questionnaires were analyzed for statistical analysis. The statistical analysis was completed using SPSS Win(ver 11.0) for descriptive analysis, ${\chi}^2-test$, ANOVA and Tukey's test. Main results of this study were as follows: First, the factors foreigners considered when they chose food of other countries were; 1.new taste, 2.curiosity, 3.foreign culture, 4.foreign tradition. People from European and Asian countries were inclined to 'New taste' first, while people from American and Oceanian countries were inclined to "curiosity". Second, most of respondents have tried Bulgogi and Galbi before and many of them also have tried Kimchi, Kimbop, and Bibimbop as common Korean foods. Third, the preference was different according to their origins. Asian people liked diverse cuisines including Bulgogi, Galbi, Kimchi, Dubu Doenjan chige, and Samgaetang, while European and Oceanian people liked Bulgogi, Galbi, and Bibimbop. The preference for Kimchi was considerably high among Asian people, however, low among American and Oceanian people(p<0.05). Fourth, Deviation was little on the taste, color, and table settings of Korean foods; most of the respondents was satisfied on those factors. European and Oceanian people who were familiar with table setting according to time were satisfied at table setting of Korean foods, which focused on space, rather than time. Fifth, most of the respondents, especially Asian people, remarked that Korean foods were spicy. The opinion on the taste of Korean foods was variable according to their nations. Currently many of culinary companies from Korea were leading their active business in foreign countries such as China and United States. Their domain was not limited to traditional Korean foods, but expanding to various fields such as fast foods, bakery goods, and fusion snacks.

A Study on Locational Competitiveness Factor of Inland Logistics Complex in Gangwon (강원영동남부권 내륙물류기지 입지경쟁 요인에 관한 연구)

  • MIN, Se-hong;JEONG, Dong-hun;KANG, Dal-won
    • The Journal of shipping and logistics
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    • v.34 no.4
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    • pp.637-656
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    • 2018
  • This res arch was conducted to identify a suitable location for an inland logistics complex in Gangwon Province, South Korea and it aims use competitive factors to derive implications from the logistics competitiveness of Gangwon Province. According to Origin-Destination analysis, the most suitable and desirable site for creating the complex was found to be in the Wonju city area. A total of 28 variable were derived through prior study in order to identify the competition factors for the inland logistics complex, As a result of exploratory factor analysis, a total of 16 subfactors were reclassified into four main factors. Analytic hierarchy process(AHP) analysis showed that 'accessibility factors' (0.374) ranked highest in terms of importance, followed by 'reliability factors' (0.358), 'operability factors' (0.166), and 'government policy factors' (0.102). In each category, delivery of goods from the inland logistics complex base to the demand site was found to be the most important factor (0.160).

The Effect of Tourist Shopping Value on Product Types and Satisfaction - The Moderating Role of Escaping-Seeking Motivation - (관광쇼핑가치가 쇼핑제품 유형 및 만족도에 미치는 영향 - 탈출-추구동기의 조절효과를 중심으로 -)

  • Hur, Hee Jin;Suh, Young-Gu
    • The Korean Fashion and Textile Research Journal
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.752-761
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    • 2020
  • This study analyzes the type of preferred shopping items based on tourism shopping value pursued by tourists through shopping at travel destinations as well as verifies their impact on satisfaction. A survey on 310 adult men and women aged 20 to 69 collected data samples representing tourism shoppers in Korea. Based on the collected data, a factor analysis and a structural model equation analysis were performed using SPSS 25.0 and AMOS. Tourism shopping value was divided into functional value, emotional value, exploratory value, and shared value. In addition, shopping items were categorized as physical materials and experience materials to identify the difference in preferred item types according to the value that tourists perceive. It also confirmed the adjustment effect of tourism motivation that affects tourism shopping behavior. According to the analysis results, the more tourists perceive functional and emotional values when shopping, the more physical material they prefer, and the more they perceive exploratory values, the higher the preference for experience goods. However, the shared value affected both physical materials and experience materials. Based on escape-seeking motivation, the adjustment effect of tourism motivation (a major variable to understand the behavior of tourists) on tourism shopping behavior was confirmed. Based on the academic and practical implications of this study, we hope to broaden our understanding of tourism shopping and revitalize research on tourism shopping.

Guest Movement Detection and Analysis System for Integrated Event Venue Operation Management (통합적 행사장 운영을 위한 관람객 동선감지 분석 시스템)

  • Kwon, Hee-Gu;Lee, Jae-Won
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.15-23
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    • 2022
  • The operation method of offline venues such as local festivals usually has problems such as the absence of real-time events and booth information, wasting time in the process of purchasing and receiving goods, and stagnating the movement of guests. This study increases the convenience of guests and managers by integrating all contents in the venue in the form of booth, thereby increasing the uniformity of event information and the efficiency of booth operation. In addition, a system was designed to minimize movement problems and improve performance by detecting the movement of guests within the venue and increasing the efficiency of arranging booths based on location data. It has been developed as a low-cost system that measures wireless packets with portable wireless LAN APs and control units. This has advantages in the operation of the venue, which consists of the installation and dismantling of variable booths in a short period of time. It is expected that the integrated operation of the venue will be utilized by linking the movement data of guests to activate visits and increase sales through data-based promotions.