• Title/Summary/Keyword: Value Added Service

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An Analysis of the Economic Effects for the Immersive Media Industry (실감미디어 산업의 경제적 파급효과 분석)

  • Lee, Kyoung-Jae;Jeong, Woo-Soo
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.36 no.7B
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    • pp.795-805
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    • 2011
  • The research on the immersive media technology is actively being done with the emergence of immersive services using immersive media, especially in the broadcasting industry and with the increased market demand for it. The industry which produces, transmits, processes and services the immersive contents is commonly called Immersive Media Industry. Immersive Media Industry has recently received attention as next-generation strategic industry with its high marketability and its high possibility of market expansion through convergence with other industry such as education, health, advertisement, travel and public service industry. As other advanccd country such as the U.S., Japan and Europe buckle down to take the innitiative in the immersive media industry, Korea government also begins to make plan to promote the immersive media industry. As above, immersive media industry is a cutting-edge convergence industry which embraces broadcasting, telecommunication and contents industry and it is rising as core growth engine industry. This article analyses the economic effects of immersive media industry through quantatitive method and evaluates the relations between the immersive media industry and the other related industries. As a result, the effect on production inducement of immersive media industry is 610.9 billion Korean Won; the effect on value-added inducement is 468.7 billion Korean Won; and it is measured that 3,258 job will be created by the immersive media industry.

Quality Characteristics of Muffin with Added Corni fructus Powder (산수유 분말 첨가 머핀의 품질특성)

  • Jeong, Ji-Suk;Kim, Yong-Joo;Choi, Bo-Rum;Lee, Jeong-Ae;Go, Geun-Bae;Son, Byeong-Gil;Gang, Suk-Won;An, Sang-Hee
    • Korean journal of food and cookery science
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    • v.30 no.6
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    • pp.726-734
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the qualities of muffins made with 0, 2, 4, 6, and 8% Corni fructus powder. The height of the muffins did not significantly differ between the sample groups; however, the weight of the control group was higher than that of the test samples containing Corni fructus powder. The volume and specific loaf volume of muffins decreased with the addition of Corni fructus powder. The baking loss of the samples containing Corni fructus powder was also higher than that of the control group. The moisture content of the control group was 19.88%, whereas that of the test samples ranged from 16.72~21.01%. The pH of batters and muffins of the test samples were lower than those of the control group. For DPPH radical scavenging activity, the control group measured 11.46%, whereas the test samples ranged from 22.63~53.33%. The L and b values of the crust and crumbs decreased, but the a value was increased significantly by the addition of Corni fructus powder. Examination of the textural properties revealed the hardness, gumminess and brittleness of muffins containing Corni fructus powder were significantly higher than those of the control group. In term of overall preference, the sensory evaluation scores of groups containing 2% and 4% of Corni fructus powder did not show significant differences compared to the control group. Based on the above results, using Corni fructus powder at less than 4% would be appropriate for making muffins.

Design and Implementation of Media Manager in Multimedia Streaming Framework (스트리밍 프레임워크에서 미디어 관리자의 설계 및 구현)

  • Lee, Jae-Wook;Lee, Sung-Young;Hong, Een-Kee
    • Journal of KIISE:Computing Practices and Letters
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.273-287
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    • 2001
  • In this paper, we introduce our experience for designing and implementing a media manager in the Integrated Streaming Service Architecture (ISSA) developed by the authors. The media manager is regarded as a necessary module in the ISSA framework for the following reasons. It realizes that from which locations of the media source devices, the media streams are coming. Once it knows where the origin is, the media manager should recognizes what types of stream are. After that, it performs how to chose an appropriate CODEC to handle the recognized input streams efficiently, and what type of media playback device should be selected. In order to do such a job efficiently, the proposed media manager consists of two modules source module and sink module. The major role of a media source module is to make an abstraction for the media streams that are coming from various types of media device. This, in consequence, enables a media manager to consistently handle tlle media streams without considering wherever they come from. On the other hand, the media sink module distributes the input streams to an appropriate media device to playback. One of the remarkable virtues of the proposed media manager is an ability to supporting high value-added database services since it provides an interface between the ISSA and real-time multimedia database. Also, it provides the RTP!RTSP source filter and Winamp gateway modules which allow the flexibility to the system. Moreover, the media manager can adopt any types of new media which in fact will provide scalability to the ISSA.

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Development of a Remotely Sensed Image Processing/Analysis System : GeoPixel Ver. 1.0 (JAVA를 이용한 위성영상처리/분석 시스템 개발 : GeoPixel Ver. 1.0)

  • 안충현;신대혁
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.13-30
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    • 1997
  • Recent improvements of satellite remote sensing sensors which are represented by hyperspectral imaging sensors and high spatial resolution sensors provide a large amount of data, typically several hundred megabytes per one scene. Moreover, increasing information exchange via internet and information super-highway requires the developments of more active service systems for processing and analysing of remote sensing data in order to provide value-added products. In this sense, an advanced satellite data processing system is being developed to achive high performance in computing speed and efficieney in processing a huge volume of data, and to make possible network computing and easy improving, upgrading and managing of systems. JAVA internet programming language provides several advantages for developing software such as object-oriented programming, multi-threading and robust memory managent. Using these features, a satellite data processing system named as GeoPixel has been developing using JAVA language. The GeoPixel adopted newly developed techniques including object-pipe connect method between each process and multi-threading structure. In other words, this system has characteristics such as independent operating platform and efficient data processing by handling a huge volume of remote sensing data with robustness. In the evaluation of data processing capability, the satisfactory results were shown in utilizing computer resources(CPU and Memory) and processing speeds.

A Study on Metaverse Utilization and Introduction Strategies in College Education: Based on Step-by-step Metaverse Introduction Framework (대학 교육의 메타버스 활용 현황 및 도입 전략에 대한 연구: 단계별 메타버스 도입 프레임워크 개발을 바탕으로)

  • Son, Young Jin;Park, Minjung;Chai, Sangmi
    • Knowledge Management Research
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.1-29
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    • 2023
  • The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated digital transformation across all industries and daily life. Edutech is spreading in the education field, also bringing changes in university education. Non-face-to-face online-only classes at universities have spread after the COVID-19 pandemic physical distancing started. Online-only or real-time online classes showed diverse educational imitations. 'Metaverse' started to attract attention as a learning space and community activity support platform that may solve the limitations of online education and communication. It is time to prepare an introduction strategy for the actual application of education using metaverse. This study, first, by examining previous studies and cases of metaverse application, and second, establishing a metaverse introduction framework based on the technology lifecycle model and the innovation diffusion theory. Finally, we provide an introduction strategy in steps, a specialized introduction plan according to the main users is established and presented as a scenario. We expect that this study will provide the theoretical background of the new technology introduction and the spread of metaverse research. Also, we present an efficient introduction strategy, the basis for a service model, and a practical basis for the university's value-added strategy.

Analysis of Regional Economic Ripple Effects of Port Logistics Industry in Gwangyang City - Focusing on Exogenous Specified Input-Output Model - (광양시 항만물류산업의 지역경제 파급효과 분석 - 외생화 산업연관모형을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Min-Seong;Na, Ju-Mong
    • Journal of Korea Port Economic Association
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    • v.39 no.2
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    • pp.77-95
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    • 2023
  • The regional infrastructure industries of Gwangyang City, the subject of this study, are Gwangyang Port and Gwangyang Steel Mill. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the regional economic ripple effects of the port logistics industry in Gwangyang City. In this study, a multi-stage approach using the RW and the LQ methodology using the national input-output tables in 2015 and 2019 is used to prepare the regional interindustry analysis chart in Gwangyang City, and an exogenous demand induction model that reclassified the port logistics industry was applied. Through this, the purpose of this study was to provide policy implications by figuring out the regional economic ripple effects of the port logistics industry quantitatively in Gwangyang City. As a result of the analysis, the industries with high production inducement effect and forward/backward linkage effect of the port logistics industry in Gwangyang City were analyzed as manufacturing, transportation, land and air logistics sectors. And the industries in which the added value inducement effect and the employment inducement effect were analyzed as an industry related to the service industry. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare support measures to foster the port logistics industry as a way to promote these industries and revitalize the local economy of Gwangyang City. To this end, it is desirable to improve policies and systems for the vitalization of the Gwangyang port maritime cluster and provide various policy support for the port logistics industry in Gwangyang City. This study is meaningful in suggesting policy implications for the regional economy of Gwangyang City based on the results of exogenous analysis of the port logistics industry in small and medium-sized cities. However, It seems that further studies related to this will be needed in the future.

A Study on the Relationship between Branding and Business Strategies of Korean Start-ups (한국 벤처창업기업의 상표와 비즈니스 전략간 연관성 분석)

  • Hyukjoon Kim;Yoo-Jin Han
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.27-43
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    • 2024
  • Recently, the importance of trademarks as a core resource of corporate competitiveness to protect and differentiate products and services is increasing. Global companies are focusing hard to secure trademark rights to manage brands that reflect their core values and to respond to increasingly frequent trademark disputes, while start-ups and individuals are working hard to secure trademark to run stable businesses and attract investment funds. Meanwhile, this study conducts an empirical analysis to identify the relationship between the brand and business strategy of domestic venture startups. The analysis data used was the response data of 2,230 corporate companies from the 2021 Venture Business Precision Survey, and the propensity score matching method, structural equation model analysis, and binomial logit analysis were used as analysis methods. As a result of the analysis, it was confirmed that domestic venture startups' trademark ownership does not make a significant difference in terms of the level of business strategy. This was confirmed to be because the brands of domestic venture start-ups mainly advance their business strategies only through the internal competency process, while the advancement of business strategies through the external competency process is very minimal. Meanwhile, it was confirmed that the level of cost advantage strategy among the business strategy levels of venture start-ups strengthens the tendency to hold trademarks, indicating that the higher the completeness of the cost advantage level, the more likely it is to expand trademark ownership for stable sales and supply of products and services through trademark ownership and to convert to high value-added in the future.

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A study on the estimation of the K-address information industry and its economic effect (주소정보산업 규모 산정 및 경제적 효과 분석)

  • Kim, Daeyong
    • Journal of Cadastre & Land InformatiX
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    • v.54 no.1
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    • pp.33-48
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    • 2024
  • This study aims to establish the scope and statistics of the K-address information industry in Korea, estimating its size and prospects and estimates the economic effects through K-address information industry based on Input-Output analysis. Considering the characteristics and sectoral structure of the K-address information industry, the study delineates the scope and specific sectors, constructing sectoral statistics linked to the KSIC and the Bank of Korea's industrial classification. The study estimates the sectoral industry size, taking into account potential markets. Furthermore, it analyzes the economic impact of each sector within the K-address information industry. To figure out the economic effects, the study conducts Input-Output analysis by setting the K-address information industry as an exogenous sector in the input-output table. The results indicate that the overall size of the K-address information industry is estimated to grow from 406.1 billion KRW in 2021 to 3.65 trillion KRW in 2030. The economic effects of the K-address information industry vary by sector, emphasizing the importance of synergies and integration with related sectors, particularly those with significant inducement effects in high value-added manufacturing and service sectors. Furthermore, the industry's sensitivity to economic fluctuations is evident through the input-output analysis of inter-industry chain effects.

A Study on Effective Management & Administration System for Deluxe Hotel Kitchen in Seoul Area. (관공호텔 조리직무의 분업과 통합에 따른 문제점과 개선방안에 관한 연구)

  • 라영선
    • Culinary science and hospitality research
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    • v.1
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    • pp.57-89
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    • 1995
  • Despite prologed business stagnation of both international and domestic economy, hotel business as well as tourist industry has continuously been keeping growing, owing to increase of surplus income and world flowing population. During recent 4 years, growth rate of yearly mean in domestic hotels reached 9.9% and especially that of the superior class hotels 15.2%. In the composition of domestic tourist hotel's revenue, the earnings of guest rooms form 37.4%, on the other hand those of food & beverage 39.9%. This result is that our hotel business is concentrated on its interest in FOOD & BEVERAGE of which productivity per unit dimension can be increased to an unlimited extent and extent and superior class hotels strengthened in F&B are increasing in comparison with European or American hotels which are focused on guest rooms in their management. For value added rate of F&B is low as compared with increase of their earnings, they are interested in the management techniques which focus on rising the rate. As for the cost of Food & Beverage, personnel expenditure forms 36.5% and the direct materials 31.5%. Therefore how to manage personnel and materials costs which compose as much as 68% of total revenue will greatly affect net profit. We can say that an effective management technique in cost of Food & Beverage is one of the most important know-hows in hotel management. Especially management know-how for the Kitchen Department where the most of foods come out makes a great effects on various expenses, productivity and it is the achievement from hotel management. For the most of the hotel's top managers, they don't seriously take the fact that KITCHEN SYSTEM affects greatly total expenditure. This study starts from the point of recognizing the question of fundamental cause affecting tow largest cost elements incurred in Food & Beverage and trying to present an effective kitchen system. To settle the questions raised, I compared and analyzed productivity and cost of food & beverage and unit kitchen centered around superior class hotels in Seoul, which vary in Kitchen Systems. In order to attain the aforementioned study effectively purpose of this study, I compared Room-Service and Coffee-Shop Menu, flow of basic food in the kitchen, extent and result of division of labor and integration in the kitchen, scale of outlet kitchen, productivity, the turnover rate of food in store, food cost rate one another which all vary in Kitchen Systems. All these elements are compared and analyzed each other being divided into two main groups such as①. Main Production kitchen and Banquet Kitchen, and ②. coffee-shop kitchen and Room-service Kitchen. Therefore this study is to point out the problems in managing kitchens of superior class hotels which are different in systems. An effort was made to find out the better Kitchen System for superior deluxe hotels. I emphasize the followings on the proper scale of division of labor and integration of unit kitchen and a disposition plan for outlet kitchens of restaurant. First, KITCHEN SYSTEM as a sub-system of Hotel Management System is composed of sub-systems of outlet unit kitchen. Basic food materials are cooked and served for the guests while support kitchen and out restaurant kitchen interact organically each other. So Kitchen should be considered as a system composed of integrated sub-systems. Second, support and banquet kitchens should be integrated to be managed. And these unit kitchens have to be designed to be placed in the back of banquet rooms area. Third, coffee-shop kitchen and room-service kitchen should be integrated to be managed. Fourth, several unit business kitchens should be place on the same floor. Fifth, main production kitchens ought to be located near the loading duck, food store and large refrigerator. Sixth, considering the limits of supervision, duties should be adjusted as 12-20 cooks in two shifts a day for a sub-kitchen, and 18-30 cooks in three shifts a day so that labor division can be made. Last, I would like to two points for direction and task of future study. Firstly, I compare the effective income and increasing costs each other, which are incurred by increasing the use rate of the second processing materials for foods perched outside and through the results. I can find out the better points of the processing production and circulation system, and then I study this effects made on hotel kitchen system. Secondly, I can point out that more efficient kitchen system shall be established through comparing and analyzing the matter of amount of indirect costs and flow of food in different kitchen systems.

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Economic Impact of HEMOS-Cloud Services for M&S Support (M&S 지원을 위한 HEMOS-Cloud 서비스의 경제적 효과)

  • Jung, Dae Yong;Seo, Dong Woo;Hwang, Jae Soon;Park, Sung Uk;Kim, Myung Il
    • KIPS Transactions on Computer and Communication Systems
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    • v.10 no.10
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    • pp.261-268
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    • 2021
  • Cloud computing is a computing paradigm in which users can utilize computing resources in a pay-as-you-go manner. In a cloud system, resources can be dynamically scaled up and down to the user's on-demand so that the total cost of ownership can be reduced. The Modeling and Simulation (M&S) technology is a renowned simulation-based method to obtain engineering analysis and results through CAE software without actual experimental action. In general, M&S technology is utilized in Finite Element Analysis (FEA), Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), Multibody dynamics (MBD), and optimization fields. The work procedure through M&S is divided into pre-processing, analysis, and post-processing steps. The pre/post-processing are GPU-intensive job that consists of 3D modeling jobs via CAE software, whereas analysis is CPU or GPU intensive. Because a general-purpose desktop needs plenty of time to analyze complicated 3D models, CAE software requires a high-end CPU and GPU-based workstation that can work fluently. In other words, for executing M&S, it is absolutely required to utilize high-performance computing resources. To mitigate the cost issue from equipping such tremendous computing resources, we propose HEMOS-Cloud service, an integrated cloud and cluster computing environment. The HEMOS-Cloud service provides CAE software and computing resources to users who want to experience M&S in business sectors or academics. In this paper, the economic ripple effect of HEMOS-Cloud service was analyzed by using industry-related analysis. The estimated results of using the experts-guided coefficients are the production inducement effect of KRW 7.4 billion, the value-added effect of KRW 4.1 billion, and the employment-inducing effect of 50 persons per KRW 1 billion.