• Title/Summary/Keyword: User Motivation

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Effects of Perceived Similarity between Consumers and Product Reviewers on Consumer Behaviors (상품후기 작성자에 대해 상품후기 독자가 느끼는 유사성이 상품후기 독자에게 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Ji-Young;Suh, Eung-Kyo;Suh, Kil-Soo
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.67-90
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    • 2008
  • Prior to making choices among online products and services, consumers often search online product reviews written by other consumers. Online product reviews have great influences on consumer behavior because they are believed to be more reliable than information provided by sellers. However, ever-increasing lists of product reviews make it difficult for consumers to find the right information efficiently. A customized search mechanism is a method to provide personalized information which fits the user's requirements. This study examines effects of a customized search mechanism and perceived similarity between consumers and product reviewers on consumer behaviors. More specifically, we address the following research questions: (1) Can a customized search mechanism increase perceived similarity between product review authors and readers? (2) Are product reviews perceived as more credible when product reviews were written by the authors perceived similar to them? (3) Does credibility of product reviews have a positive impact on acceptance of product reviews? (4) Does acceptance of product reviews have an influence on purchase intention of the readers? To examine these research questions, a lab experiment with a between-subject factor (whether a customized search mechanism is provided or not) design was employed. In order to enhance mundane realism and increase generalizability of the findings, the experiment sites were built based on a real online store, cherrya.com (http://www.cherrya.com/). Sixty participants were drawn from a pool that consisted of undergraduate and graduate students in a large university. Participation was voluntary; all the participants received 5,000 won to encourage their motivation and involvement in the experiment tasks. In addition, 15 participants, who selected by a random draw, received 30,000 won to actually purchase the product that he or she decided to buy during the experiment. Of the 60 participants, 25 were male and 35 were female. In examining the homogeneity between the two groups, the results of t-tests revealed no significant difference in gender, age, academic years, online shopping experience, and Internet usage. To test our research model, we completed tests of the measurement models and the structural models using PLS Graph version 3.00. The analysis confirmed individual item reliability, internal consistency, and discriminant validity of measurements. The results show that participants feel more credible when product reviews were written by the authors perceived similar to them, credibility of product reviews have a positive impact on acceptance of product reviews, and acceptance of product reviews have an influence on purchase intention of the readers. However, a customized search mechanism did not increase perceived similarity between product review authors and readers. The results imply that there is an urgent need to develop a better customized search tool in order to increase perceived similarity between product review authors and readers.

A Correlation of the Computer Anxiety and the Variables Affecting the Application of a Hospital Computer System (병원 전산시스템 활용에 영향을 주는 컴퓨터불안과 제변수간의 관계)

  • 김용순;박지원
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.617-632
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    • 1995
  • Nowadays, most big hospitals have a computer system to manage their administration. For maxi mum effectiveness in managing the computer system, an analysis of the variables affecting its implementation is necessary from the beginning. This study was done to analyze the variables influencing the operation of a hospital information system (HIS). The theoretical base for this study considered the combined effects of user expectations of computerization, and computer-anxiety. The relationship between variables in the theoretical base were analyzed and the individual characteristics influencing each variable were also analyzed. This study was done in two steps. First, 344 nurses were given an initial questionnaire developed to evaluate the reliability of the items. Based on the results, a second revised questionnaire was administered to 88 nurses who had been working in the areas where HIS was applied. The results of the first and second steps of the study are as follows 1. The initial study was done with nurses who were trained on the computer system briefly before HIS was implemented. The individual characteristics influencing computer anxiety and expectation regarding computer system usage in that initial study included, length of career, type of degree or certification, previous experiences with a computer, training on a computer, desire for computer training, and level of acceptance of a computerized work environment. But in the second study with nurses working in areas of the hospital where HIS was introduced, the work site was the only influencing characteristics. There-fore, in applying a computer system, overcoming work-environment barriers will be more import-ant than any individual characteristics. 2. The computer anxiety of the nurses in both groups, before and after the computer system ap-plication, was below the average level but the expectation of the effects of computerization was above average. The nurses using the computer program showed an above average level of satis-faction with the computer system itself, and with its effect on their efficiency. Therefore, the ability of nurses operating HIS will be positively. predictive. 3. For the variables included in the theoretical framework of the study, all of the correlational coefficients were statistically significant in the analysis of variation correlation. Therefore, the theoretical base of the study, "expectation in con junction with computer anxiety" can be considered an model which can be evaluated. Accord-ing to our analysis, the higher the level of nurses' motivation to use the computer system and the lower the anxiety about computer usage, the higher the possibility of computer system acceptance by nurses. The results of this study showed that in applying a computer system in the hospital, the main characteristic influencing acceptance was where the individual worked rather than personal characteristics such as length of career, type of degree or certification, and previous experiences with a computer. Therefore, it is suggested that the first step in uncovering and eliminating hindrance factors in ap-plication of a computer system should be an analysis of working conditions in relation to the functional content of the computer system. The suitability of the theoretical model based on the hypothesis ap-plied in this study should be further tested.

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A Study On Web Shopping Attitude and Purchasing Intention of Internet Self-Efficacy -Focus on Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation- (인터넷 자기효능감으로 인한 웹쇼핑에 대한 태도와 구매행동의도에 관한 연구 -내재적 동기와 외재적 동기를 중심으로-)

  • Lee, Jong-Ho;Sin, Jong-Kuk;Kim, Mi-Hye;Kong, Hye-Kyung
    • Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science
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    • v.10
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    • pp.1-26
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    • 2002
  • The present study examines the role of subjectively perceived factors of the attitude toward web shopping in forming an intention to use a web shopping intention. An integrative research model is presented and tested empirically. It includes the following three aspects of belief in Davis' TAM: perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, perceived enjoyment. Specially, internet self-efficacy, or the belief in one's capabilities to organize and execute courses of Internet actions required to produce given attainments, is a potentially important factor in efforts to gain more favorable attitude toward web shopping close the digital divide that separates experienced Internet users from novices. Prior research on Internet self-efficacy has been limited to examining specific task performance and narrow behavioral domains rather than overall attainments in relation to general Internet use, and has not yielded evidence of reliability and construct validity. Survey data were collected to develop a reliable operational measure of Internet self-efficacy and to examine its construct validity. Also, much previous research has established that perceived ease of use is an important factor influencing user acceptance and usage behavior of information technologies. However, very little research has been conducted to understand how that perception forms and changes over time. The present study examines that higher internet self-efficacy is more getting favorable web shopping attitude, and web shopping intention as more as usefulness, enjoyment through the internet.

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Motivations for the Using Emoticon : Exploring the effect of Motivations and Intimacies between Users on the Attitude and Behaviors of Using Emoticon (이모티콘 사용자의 이용 동기에 대하여 이용 동기와 친밀도에 따른 이모티콘 이용 태도와 행태 차이)

  • Lee, Eunji
    • Journal of the HCI Society of Korea
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.5-12
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    • 2017
  • The forms of emoticon - a symbolic tool which expresses a person's sentiments and emotions in virtual space - have been diversifying by the growth of the mobile market. In light of this phenomenon, a number of studies about emoticon have been conducting in Korea. Nevertheless, those are limited not only to a certain form of emoticon which is combinations of symbolic characters but to the functional aspect of emoticon. Thus, this research focused on the image-form emoticon which is the most highly used, and on the user's perspective rather than functional. It is (1)found out the motive of using image-form of emoticon, and (2)explored the attitude and using behaviors toward emoticon based on the motives found. Moreover, this study (3)examined if there is a gender effect and intimacy effect. As a result, the motives of the emoticon-users were to express their emotions, to show their intimacies to the receivers, to manage their images, and to supplement text-based messaging. Two of the motives - expressing emotions and expressing intimacy - had a positive effect on the attitude and the frequency of emoticon-use. It is also found that the higher intimacy users feel toward the receivers, the better the attitude they have as well as the more frequent they use emoticon. This study suggests practical implications of emoticon as a growing communication tool by identifying the motives of using it. And it also contributes to examine the effect of the motives and intimacy on the attitude and the actual behavior of using emoticon.

A Study on the Function and Intention of the Health Care Application in the Analysis of Smartphone Usage Behavior (스마트폰 사용행태 분석과 헬스케어 어플리케이션의 기능 및 사용의도에 대한 연구)

  • Yang, Jae Min;Hyun, Byung Hwan;Ok, Jun Woo
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.303-315
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    • 2020
  • The development of ICT is spreading various contents to enhance health care and management efficiency through convergence between mobile and healthcare, but it indicates consumer acceptance and imbalance of mobile healthcare, and there is a lack of empirical research on functions and acceptability required according to consumer behavior and characteristics. This study sought to understand whether users were aware of and how to address the risks associated with smartphone use, and to conduct research on the acceptability and function and price of healthcare applications. For the purpose of the study, the data prepared in depth 1:1 survey for those who participated in and attended the 'BIO 2018 in Boston' exhibition was used for the actual analysis. The collected sample data included frequency analysis, technical statistical analysis, speech only correlation, chi square test, one-way analysis, and accuracy test. As a result, the more you realize the wrong attitude, the higher the awareness of risk and willingness to take action to solve problems. Second, it is necessary to increase satisfaction with the functions of healthcare apps, as well as to utilize health care and healthcare apps. Third, focus should be placed on systems or functional implementations centered on user behavior changes. Fourth, it is necessary to develop services that can enhance visual motivation. This study is meaningful in that it identifies a variety of consumer characteristics and provides directions for development of functions, and can be used as a basis for providing efficient healthcare applications in the future.

A Study on User's Acceptance of Blockchain-based Copyright Distribution Platforms and Its Usage (소비자의 블록체인 기반 저작권 유통 플랫폼 수용의도와 이용행위에 관한 연구)

  • Yoo, Young-Hwan;Park, Hyeon-Suk
    • The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.59-72
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    • 2019
  • Purpose - Blockchain technology, which has the characteristics of credibility, security, integrity and decentralization, has brought innovation to internet platforms that mediate peer to peer transactions, as well as changes to the contents distribution services. Blockchain-based copyright distribution platforms can solve problems which have been articulated on prior internet social networks: increased market dominance of platform business because of centralization with no reward to creators who upload on platforms, and lack of fairness, such as unfair profit distribution between the copyright holder and businesses. With this background, the current research confirmed the factors that affect the intention of usage and behaviors, targeting potential users of blockchain-based copyright distribution platforms. Research design, data, and methodology - Centered around the UTAUT2 Model, the research model was designed with 'Perceived Security' added as Construct, and 'Age' and 'Knowledge Level' added as moderating variables. For data, 607 responses were collected by an online survey, and 601 responses were included in the final analysis. We analyzed the research model and sample by using SPSS 23.0 and AMOS 23.0 on the collected responses. Results - First, results of research on whether Constructs make positive effects on Intention of use is: social influence, facilitating conditions, habit, and perceived security had positive effects on intention of use, and performance expectancy, effort expectancy, hedonic motivation, and economic value did not. Second, results of the research on whether facilitating condition, habit, and intention of use made an impact on using behaviors, it was shown that only habit and intention of use made positive effects. Third, in two groups divided by age above or under 40, group effort expectancy, intention of use, habit, and intention of use had controlling effects, and facilitating condition, intention of use, perceived security, and intention of use had effects in both groups. Conclusions - The research shows that no matter how great a blockchain-based platform is, if advantages of blockchain are not proved in various industries and utilized in real life like the internet, blockchain-based distribution systems will develop slowly. Rather than a short-term inducement emphasizing technology, there is a need for a strategic approach that can foster the environment.

A Study On Subjective Experience Of Drug Abuse Adolescent (약물남용 청소년의 주관적 경험에 관한 연구)

  • 김미희
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.7-17
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    • 2000
  • The purpose of this study is to affect health improvement of adolescent, to understand behavioral causes follow adolescent's drug abuse, to understand recovery and rehabilitaton process of adolescent drug abuser. The data are collected through open questionnaire and interview of 25 adolescents from the experienced drug abuse 16 students(male 8, female 8) in two vocational high schools and admissing adolescents 9 person in Alcohol-Drug Addiction Care Centre in Seoul from June 28th to August 31st, 1994. The collected data are arranged and explained through categorizing method stated contents about motives, causes, experiences and effected behaviors for using the drugs of drug abuser adolescents. DRUG USING MOTIVATION They are almost first son and daughter in their family. In their conversation person, male converses to their mother well, but female does not converse to their parents include family. Both groups respond positively to companionship and attitude to other, but negatively to self-confidence and actualizing attitude. They hope always peace of family and want to do their best for their life. In school group, hard and difficult things are school life and family problems, also using the drugs for resolving the them. About drug using behaviors, male responds to bad habbit and shamfull, but female is unconcerned with drug using attitude. The first background of drug using, male gets to use because of curiosity and to be induced from friends or seniors, but female gets to use for feminine beauty(thin body) and escape from reality. Used the drugs, male uses frequently Bond, Butane-Gas among inhalation materials and also marijuana, but female uses various diuretics. The times of drug using, both groups repond to use during the chaging of emotion or filling with stress. The place of drug using, both groups take drugs in vacant houses or in the mountain. The frequency of drug using, they use almost once in a day and they use mostly alone or drug user in friends. Experienced mental changing after drug using, which is fantasy, ecstasy, anxiety and suicidal feeling, and experienced physical changing after drug using, which is elevating sense, headach, abdominal pain, dyspnea and chaging of skin colour and reddish. They coincide with inconvenience feeling due to drug using. RECOVERY AND REHABILITATION PROCESS OF DRUG USING ADOLESCENTS The reason for reforming drug using behavior and attitude, both groups respond to reforming for oneself and social life. The difficult things during the stop to using drugs, all of them responed to family problems, friends problems and temptation and impulse. As for stop to using drug, they need good advise, understandable attitude and family love. But they do not need to be stigmatized, scolding, over protect and ridicule of friends. Also they entreat continuous understanding, advise, concern and the method for resolving stress. For the friends to want to use the drug, they will talk about the stories of their personal experiences and for the friends to stop to using the drug, they will consider for them how to stop. From the theses results, drug users understand personal problems due to drug using, and consider about why to stop and how to stop. Also drug users need to resolve the family problems, personal problems, stress and temptations or impulses. Accordingly this paper suggests that drug users in adolescents need understandable and acceptable atitudes, loving and tenderness, continuous advice and concern, and hopes for life.

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Study on Utilization of Oriental Medicine by Residents in Rural Areas (농촌지역(農村地域)의 한방의료이용실태(韓方醫療利用實態) 일부(一部) 농촌지역(農村地域)의 군보건소이용자(群保建所利用者)를 중심(中心)으로-)

  • Kim, Jin-Soon
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.118-129
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    • 1990
  • Socioeconomic status in this county progressed rapidly, this has brought about many changes in health care fields, namely, pattern of disease prevalence and morbidity, increase of the aged people, and also availability of health care in rural areas. According to the utilization study of medical care, it showed that the oriental medicine is used for the treatment of lasted chronic disease not the minor and common diseases which is quick in its effect. Particularly, in rural areas. prevalence of chronic disease is higher than that in urban areas. Although the health cafe need of the oriental medicine is high in rural areas, the distribution of manpower and facilities is lower than that in urban areas. Therefore the government has planned to implement the demonstration project for the oriental medicine at the designated 3 health centers in rural areas. The purpose of this study was to collect the utilization level of oriental medical care of the people in rural areas. To meet the purpose of this study, patient interview were applied. 790 patients visited to health center in project areas were selected and analyzed by experienced interviewers from 2 April to 21 April 1990. The major findings of this study were as follows ; 1) Of the 790 patients, 32.6 percent of the respondents had experience of using the oriental medicine. As for the utilization by age and sex. 54.8% of those was female and 70.7% was 40 years of age and more. 2) Reaction to the question of educational achievement showed that on schooling and primary school graduates accounted for 63.1%. 3) The most user of oriental medicine resides in country level, where the health center is located, and 80 percent of those users resides within 10Km. 4) More than 50% of the total was the chronic diseases which lingered for more than 3months. 5) 32.6 percent of the total cases used the oriental medicine. 61.2% among those was treated by oriental medical care hospital and 38.8% by oriental drug dispensaries etc. 6) The contont of oriental medical care varied ; 50.1% for prescription of herb drugs for treatment, 25.1% for health maintenance and 23.9% for acupuncture, moxibustion etc. 7) As for the motivation for using the oriental medicine. 56.6% of the respondents was for treatment of diseases and 27.9% wes for strengthening the physical weakness. 8) As for the effectiveness of the oriental medicine. 70.3% of the total cases satisfied with that treatment and 84.2% of the total cases will use the oriental medicine when is provided by health center.

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The Effect of Online Community, Members, and Personal Characteristics on Lurking Behavior: Why do people only consume rather than create contents? (온라인 커뮤니티 특성, 커뮤니티 멤버 특성, 개인 특성이 잠복관찰 활동에 미치는 영향:왜 사람들은 쓰지 않고 읽기만 하는가?)

  • Park, Do-Hyung
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.73-88
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    • 2014
  • Online communities are getting more popular with the development of information technology. It is essential that community members participate actively and share their contents or opinions continuously for the success and growth of online communities. However, it is revealed that most of members just take the role of passive observer. They are lurking community information and contents without any contribution. In this sense, this study focuses on explore lurking behavior of online community members. This study investigates the effect of the characteristics of online community, community members, and personal traits on user's lurking intention. Member familiarity and community identity have a strong positive effect on de-lurking intention, while the perception of usefulness and ease of use for communities and member expertise have a negative effect on de-lurking intention. Interestingly, users with a low level of self-esteem have higher level of motivation of participation than those with a high level of self-esteem. Finally, this study proposes several strategies to enhance information and contents sharing in online communities.

The Antecedents of Need for Self-Presentation and the Effect on Digital Item Purchase Intention in an Online Community (온라인 커뮤니티에서 자기표현욕구의 영향요인과 디지털 아이템 구매의도에 미치는 효과)

  • Koh, Joon;Shin, Seon-Jin;Kim, Hee-Woong
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.117-144
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    • 2008
  • Lots of virtual communities and online businesses presently derive their primary sources of revenues through advertising, but nevertheless are plagued with marginal profitability though they might possess a significant user base. In the light of the need for an efficacious business model, there have been recent insights of an online community in particular reaping profits through an innovative and lucrative revenue generation method that earns by selling digital items. There have been some obvious evidences (e.g., Cyworld, SecondLife, Habo Hotel, etc.) that online communities can be profitable through their unique business model of selling digital items. However, there is lack of understanding about the motivation of purchasing digital items. This study tries to identify the main motivators of digital item purchases based on social/individual identity theory and self-presentation theory. "Digital items", otherwise known as "virtual assets", may include online avatars, accessories for the avatars, decorative ornaments like furniture, digital wallpapers, skins, background music and virtual weapons used for Internet games. These digital items are employed by users for representation and articulation in the online space, especially to create and enhance their online profiles in web pages and games. Prices for digital items typically range from a few cents to a few dollars each. Based on the theoretical framework like social identity theory and self-presentation theory, we developed the research model and proposed seven hypotheses. An analysis of 225 members of Cyworld found that digital item purchase intention in virtual world is affected by both members' need for self-presentation and need for affiliation. We also found that the need for self-presentation is significantly increased by innovativeness of members, community group norm, and community involvement. We concluded that the need for self-presentation could be a key variable for profitable business model in online community service industry. However, neither individual self-efficacy nor the need for affiliation significantly influenced the need for self-presentation which triggers purchase intention of digital items. In term of the theoretical and practical contribution, this study can be a pioneering empirical research that investigates the purchase intention of digital items based on social identity theory and self-presentation theory in the online context. Also, the findings of our study are valuable and practical for practitioners in the market who wish to adopt or improve the business model of selling digital items in an online community. From the findings, it can be seen that innovativeness of users, community group norm, and community involvement are three significant factors that influence need for self-presentation of users which ultimately leads to their intentions to buy digital items. These findings put forth that virtual community providers and online businesses selling digital items should prioritize their efforts and focus on these three factors if they want to increase the sales of these digital items and generate greater revenues. This study provides important implications for academic researchers and practitioners to understand why the community members pay money for their digital items in virtual world and how the practitioners can increase the sales of digital items in an online community. A couple of limitations of the study and future research directions are also discussed.