• Title/Summary/Keyword: Trend Research

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Assessment of Changes in Temperature and Primary Production over the East China Sea and South Sea during the 21st Century using an Earth System Model (지구시스템 모형을 이용한 21세기 동중국해와 남해의 수온과 일차생산 변화 평가)

  • Park, Young-Gyu;Choi, Sang-Hwa;Kim, Seon-Dong;Kim, Cheol-Ho
    • Ocean and Polar Research
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.229-237
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    • 2012
  • Using results from an Earth System model, we investigated change in primary production in the East China Sea, under a global warming scenario. As global warming progresses, the vertical stratification of water becomes stronger, and nutrient supply from the lower part to the upper part is reduced. Consequently, so is the primary production. In addition to the warming trend, there is strong decadal to interdecadal scale variability, and it takes a few decades before the warming trend surpasses natural variability. Thus, it would be very hard to investigate the global warming trend using data of several years' length.

Domestic Research Trend of the Ossicification of the Posterior Longitudinal Ligament in Korean Medicine (후종인대 골화증의 국내 한의학적 연구 동향)

  • Ahn, Min-Youn;Lim, Hyung-Ho
    • Journal of Korean Medicine Rehabilitation
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.59-65
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    • 2016
  • Objectives The purpose of this review is to analyze domestic research trend of the ossification of posterior longitudinal ligament in Korean medicine. Methods We searched articles in Korean databases such as OASIS, RISS, NDSL and sorted the articles by journals, published year, institutions and research type. Results 9 suitable theses were reviewed. They were published between 2002 till 2011. Most of the theses were published in The Acupuncture, the journal of Korean Acupuncture & Moxibustion Medicine Society. There were 6 case reports, 2 case series and single disease review. Conclusions There were only 9 studies about the ossification of posterior longitudinal ligament in Korean medicine and most of them were case reports. To reinforce the evidence of effectiveness of Korean medicine, additional studies are required and well designed studies such as randomized controlled trials need to be carried out.

Evaluation of long-term water quality management policy effect using nonparametric statistical methods

  • Jung, Kang Young;Ahn, Jung Min;Cho, Sohyun;Lee, Yeong Jae;Han, Kun Yeun;Shin, Dongseok;Kim, Kyunghyun
    • Membrane and Water Treatment
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    • v.10 no.5
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    • pp.339-352
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    • 2019
  • Long term water quality change was analyzed to evaluate the effect of the Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) policy. A trend analysis was performed for biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) and total phosphorus (TP) concentrations data monitored at the outlets of the total 41 TMDL unit watersheds of the Nakdong River in the Republic of Korea. Because water quality data do not usually follow a normal distribution, a nonparametric statistical trend analysis method was used. The monthly mean values of BOD and TP for the period between 2004 and 2015 were analyzed by the seasonal Mann-Kendall test and the locally weighted scatterplot smoother (LOWESS). The TMDL policy effect on the water quality change of each unit watershed was analyzed together with the results of the trend analysis. From the seasonal Mann-Kendall test results, it was found that for BOD, 7.8 % of the 41 points showed downward trends, 26.8 % and the rest 65.9% showed upward and no trends. For TP, 51.2% showed no trends and the rest 48.8% showed downward trends. From the LOWESS analysis results, TP began to decrease in most of the unit watersheds from mid-2010s when intensive chemical treatment processes were introduced to existing wastewater treatment plants. Overall, for BOD, relatively more points were improved in the main stream compared to the points of the tributaries although overall trends were mostly no trend or upward. For TP, about half of the points were improved and the rest showed no trends.

A Social Network Analysis on the Research Trend of Korean Medicine (한의학 연구동향에 대한 사회연결망분석)

  • Kwon, Ki-Seok;Yi, Junhyeok;Lee, Juyeon;Chae, Sungwook;Han, Dong Seong
    • Journal of Korea Technology Innovation Society
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.334-354
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    • 2014
  • This study aims to analyze the research trend of Korean medicine based on social network analysis. To do this, a dataset has been collected from KCI (Korea Citation Index) database. According to the results, we have identify the longitudinal trend of the number of papers, journals, organizations and key words in this field. Moreover, based on the nodes' centrality of co-author network, we have found a core journal (i.e. Korean Journal of Oriental Physiology and Pathology), a hub institution (i.e. Kyunghee university) and two main key words (i.e. anti-oxidation and acupuncture) in the research network. In conclusion, integrating field experts' tacit knowledge in Korean medicine studies with the results of the explicit social network analysis on the research trend, we put forward further policy implications with regard to R&D strategies in this field.


  • Shaohua Jiang;Wenling Zhang;Zhaohong Qiu;Shaojun Wang
    • International conference on construction engineering and project management
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    • 2009.05a
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    • pp.814-820
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    • 2009
  • With the rapid development of China economy, many engineering projects with large scale and investment were constructed in China and some were the biggest ones in the world. With the development of engineering practice, great progress in the research of engineering management of China was made and a large number of research findings were embodied in content of research papers and were represented by technical words. To know the state of arts in the research field of engineering management in China, three major parts, namely title, abstract and keywords of research papers in last five years from three representative Chinese journals about engineering management were chose as research materials. Unlike western languages, there are no delimiters between the words of Chinese, so the maximum matching and frequency statistics (MMFS) method, a text segmentation technique of text mining Chinese, was presented to extract the features consisting of technical words, phrases and words from the research materials. Recent research and developing trend of engineering management in China were found by comparing and analyzing the difference of technical words in the research materials of last five years.

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A Study on Hybrid Trend upon Alexander McQueen's Work (Alexander McQueen의 패션작품에 나타난 하이브리드(Hybrid) 경향 분석)

  • Lee Hyo-Jin;Kim Ju-Yeon
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.13 no.2 s.55
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    • pp.300-313
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    • 2005
  • Hybrid trend of the 21st century is an important basis to express fashion Alexander McQueen is a representative designer of Hybrid trend which combines heterogeneous elements into oneconcept. Accordingly, this study distributed and analyzed Hybrid trend which was in Alexander McQueen's work like below. First, there was a racial Hybrid trend which combined different local culture in shared space of the world in his fashion work and he challenged to Westernized ideal beauty with new recognition and knowledge about beside countries of Western Europe which were considered as not important culture due to perceiving relative value of a pluralist society and created new way aesthetic consciousness. Second, he expressed a historical character of a combination of tradition and modern by his fashion work based on wide historical knowledge of a dress. He created a new line in contrast to the past with a perfect design through combination of the style from the tradition with the parody and displayed his own design world. Third, he treated instability and disorder from the interior essential dissolution, thus he had a cultural character which broke down the boundary of cultural genre and style. This attitude showed transformation of constructivism and deconstruction view, secession and distortion, mixture, duplication, secession and insert by his fashion work.

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A Study of Renissasnce Decorative Detail -After 1995 Fashion Trend- (현대 패션에 나타난 르네상스적 장식요소에 관한 연구-1995년 이후에 나타난 트랜드 중에서-)

  • Lee, Eun-Young;Seong, Eun-Joo;Lee, Gi-Won
    • The Journal of Natural Sciences
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.153-174
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    • 1998
  • It is based on variety imagination not in monotonous through after '95 fashion trend. Specially, in women's fashion coming back of the feminity with giving status and social advance. Renaissance fashion trend in these days trend. Among modern trend. We find decorative beauty in contemporary fashion trend. There are many expressions about deep and rich color and velvet material, exaggerated collar in ruff collar shape, and applied sleeves and stomacher

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Analysis of Research Trend on Wayfinding Issues in Korea (길찾기(Wayfinding) 관련 국내 연구동향 분석)

  • Kim, YoungJoo
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.24 no.6
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    • pp.38-46
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study was to identify the research trend through content analysis of the previous researches on wayfinding issues in the field of spatial design in Korea. Total 91 research articles published in domestic academic journals from 1991 to 2015 were collected through the online search and analyzed using descriptive statistics. As conceptual framework for content analysis, research article publication year, academic field based on journal title, research methodology, target space for analysis, and type of research purpose were included. The major findings were as follows. Substantially, wayfinding research in Korea was begun in 1990s and was peaked in the latter half of 2010s. Healthcare facilities including hospitals and nursing homes were most frequently analyzed as target space, i.e., research subject. Majority of the researches analyzed were published in the diverse journals of design area. In many cases, qualitative research methods such as spatial construction analysis using Space Syntax, field study, observation, interview, etc were used by the researchers frequently. It was found that the majority of researchers focused on behavioral and psychological response of space users in the process of wayfinding. For further study, it is recommended to extend the scope of analysis to sign system which support effective wayfinding. In addition, foreign academic journal articles should be included for in-depth analysis.

A Study on Stock Trend Determination in Stock Trend Prediction

  • Lim, Chungsoo
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.25 no.12
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    • pp.35-44
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    • 2020
  • In this study, we analyze how stock trend determination affects trend prediction accuracy. In stock markets, successful investment requires accurate stock price trend prediction. Therefore, a volume of research has been conducted to improve the trend prediction accuracy. For example, information extracted from SNS (social networking service) and news articles by text mining algorithms is used to enhance the prediction accuracy. Moreover, various machine learning algorithms have been utilized. However, stock trend determination has not been properly analyzed, and conventionally used methods have been employed repeatedly. For this reason, we formulate the trend determination as a moving average-based procedure and analyze its impact on stock trend prediction accuracy. The analysis reveals that trend determination makes prediction accuracy vary as much as 47% and that prediction accuracy is proportional to and inversely proportional to reference window size and target window size, respectively.