• Title/Summary/Keyword: Trend Research

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A Study for operation results of the comprehensive examination on tendering system in the cultural heritage repair and restoration, focusing on the cause of the decline in the winning bid rate (문화재수리 종합심사낙찰제·종합평가낙찰제 운영결과 및 낙찰률하락 원인 분석)

  • JUNG, Younghun;YUN, Hyundo
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.55 no.1
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    • pp.111-132
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    • 2022
  • The comprehensive examination on tendering system has been introduced to the Cultural Heritage repair and restoration field since 2016 to remedy the repair issues of South Gate in 2014. The Cultural Heritage Administration tried to attain the high performance of the cultural heritage repair and restoration works securing the proper payment for the repair and restoration works. It is high time to review the operating performance of the comprehensive examination on tendering system (hereinafter referred to as the "CEOTS"), as the system has been run for over 5 years to correspond with its original goal, i.e., "The Proper Payment in return for the High Performance of Repair and Restoration works." This study intends to analyze 114 tenders of CEOTS from 2016 to 2020. As a result of the analysis of 114 tenders, firstly, more than half of bid winners were in the top 20% of repair & restoration capacity disclosure amount list, which mostly fulfilled the goal of 'attaining high performance.' Secondly, as the winning bid rate is decreasing from 86.847% in 2017 to 85.488% in 2020, the goal of 'guarantee of a proper payment' is not achieved yet. Thirdly, the influence of Economic Evaluation section in CEOTS has been grown since the change of scoring system in CEOTS in 2019. This study identifies two reasons why the winning bid rate of CEOTS has decreased. Firstly, it is caused by the fact that 'the group that got more than 1st place' and 'the first place group' that are more than half of the total bidders have the decreasing bidding rate trend as the years go by. Secondly, the exclusion rate of 'the group that got more than 1st place' is higher than the exclusion rate of 'the group that got less than 1st place', which means the expected winning rate would be lowered. It is proposed that the revision of CEOTS code is needed, i.e. easing the strict rule concerning the exclusion rate as well as setting up the lower bidding limit to prevent the excessive decreasing winning bid rate.

Comparative Analysis of the Keywords in Taekwondo News Articles by Year: Applying Topic Modeling Method (태권도 뉴스기사의 연도별 주제어 비교분석: 토픽모델링 적용)

  • Jeon, Minsoo;Lim, Hyosung
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.19 no.11
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    • pp.575-583
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    • 2021
  • This study aims to analyze Taekwondo trends according to news articles by year by applying topic modeling. In order to examine the Taekwondo trend through media reports, articles including news articles and Taekwondo specialized media articles were collected through Big Kinds of the Korea Press Foundation. The search period was divided into three sections: before 2000, 2001~2010, and 2011~2020. A total of 12,124 items were selected as research data. For topic analysis, pre-processing was performed, and topic analysis was performed using the LDA algorithm. In this case, python 3 was applied for all analysis. First, as a result of analyzing the topics of media articles by year, 'World' was the most common keyword before 2000. 'South and North Korea' was next common and 'Olympic' was the third commonest topic. From 2001 to 2010, 'World' was the most common topic, followed by 'Association' and 'World Taekwondo'. From 2011 to 2020, 'World', 'Demonstration', and 'Kukkiwon' was the most common topic in that order. Second, as a result of analyzing news articles before 2000 by topic modeling, topics were divided into two categories. Specifically, Topic 1 was selected as 'South-North Korea sports exchange' and Topic 2 was selected as 'Adoption of Olympic demonstration events'. Third, as a result of analyzing news articles from 2001 to 2010 by topic modeling, three topics were selected. Topic 1 was selected as 'Taekwondo Demonstration Performance and Corruption', Topic 2 was selected as 'Muju Taekwondo Park Creation', and Topic 3 was selected as 'World Taekwondo Festival'. Fourth, as a result of analyzing news articles from 2011 to 2020 by topic modeling, three topics were selected. Topic 1 was selected as 'Successful Hosting of the 2018 Pyeongchang Winter Olympics', Topic 2 was selected as 'North-South Korea Taekwondo Joint Demonstration Performance', and Topic 3 was selected as '2017 Muju World Taekwondo Championships'.

A The Visualization of Semantic Context in the Film (영화 <이다>에 나타난 의미적 맥락의 시각화)

  • Kim, Tae-Kyue;Kim, Kyu-Nam
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.15 no.8
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    • pp.145-159
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    • 2021
  • is a contemporary experimental film that forms ambiguity in the narrative and the psychological motivation of the characters, destroys linear temporality, and reminds of manipulation possibilities in digital images through varied techniques, and it carries implication by the fact that the transformation process of human subjects and self-awareness are connected to social trauma and makes way to infer by comparing it to the historical contexts of other nations or societies. centers on the space outside the screen, absent space, and the intrinsic meaning within the space and the frame and shares the information in the visible space and the space outside the screen and arouses an active perceptual process so that the audience can deduce the information that is not presented. The film visualized the historical meaning without describing the background of the times in detail and aimed to express the conflicts and worries between the god, a transcendental existence, with humans, which are marginal beings, within the conflicting structure among humans. Moreover, attempted to resolve the sadness of loss and absence through the spatial aesthetics and the film presented the progression of the situation through the contrast of the characters and also the comparison between light and darkness. This study intends to make an attempt of interpreting the realm involving personal (characters) stories and the social and historical backgrounds together with the religious sphere and discuss the visualization of the semantic context. In addition, this study analyzed the sequence of the scenes in , which reconstructs identity and historical cases and religious values to observe the meaning and characteristics and closely analyze the general meaning pursued by the film. discussed the issues of trauma that individuals, regions, and nations confront as a representation and interpretation of the trauma connoted in the film, and consideration can be provided about the implication concerning the situation and context in South Korea. Furthermore, the film placidly discusses the growth and agony in humans and the society without expressing it excessively, so it will be a valuable research result to inspire the trend of creating films that incorporate new imaging technology and original visualization techniques.

Popularization of Marathon through Social Network Big Data Analysis : Focusing on JTBC Marathon (소셜 네트워크 빅데이터 분석을 통한 마라톤 대중화 : JTBC 마라톤대회를 중심으로)

  • Lee, Ji-Su;Kim, Chi-Young
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.27-40
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    • 2020
  • The marathon has long been established as a representative lifestyle for all ages. With the recent expansion of the Work and Life Balance trend across the society, marathon with a relatively low barrier to entry is gaining popularity among young people in their 20s and 30s. By analyzing the issues and related words of the marathon event, we will analyze the spottainment elements of the marathon event that is popular among young people through keywords, and suggest a development plan for the differentiated event. In order to analyze keywords and related words, blogs, cafes and news provided by Naver and Daum were selected as analysis channels, and 'JTBC Marathon' and 'Culture' were extracted as key words for data search. The data analysis period was limited to a three-month period from August 13, 2019 to November 13, 2019, when the application for participation in the 2019 JTBC Marathon was started. For data collection and analysis, frequency and matrix data were extracted through social matrix program Textom. In addition, the degree of the relationship was quantified by analyzing the connection structure and the centrality of the degree of connection between the words. Although the marathon is a personal movement, young people share a common denominator of "running" and form a new cultural group called "running crew" with other young people. Through this, it was found that a marathon competition culture was formed as a festival venue where people could train together, participate together, and escape from the image of a marathon run alone and fight with themselves.

A Study on the Effect of Residential Environment Characteristics on Residential Satisfaction, Residential Ownership Consciousness, and Housing Movement: Focusing on MZ Generation in the COVID-19 Period (주거환경특성이 주거만족도, 주거보유의식과 주거이동에 미치는 영향 연구: 코로나19 시기의 MZ세대를 중심으로)

  • Yun-Hui, Hwang;Jaeho, Chung
    • Land and Housing Review
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.47-66
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    • 2023
  • This study reviews prior studies on the residential environment characteristics, residential satisfaction, residential ownership consciousness and housing movement of MZ generation and analyze the structural equation models using the 2020 Korea Housing Survey data. Using 14 residential characteristics based on three classifications, we explore the effects on residential satisfaction, residential ownership consciousness, and housing movement. The empirical results are summarized as follows. First, based on factor analysis with Varimax of principal component analysis, parking facility items were excluded from the analysis by hindering validity, and as a result, KMO was 0.925 and Bartlett's test result showed a significant probability of less than 0.01. This indicates that the factor analysis model was suitable. Second, the results of the structural equation analysis for the MZ generation show that the surrounding environment, which is a potential variable of the residential environment characteristics, was statistically significant, but the accessibility and convenience were not statistically significant. Third, we find that the higher the satisfaction with the accessibility of commercial facilities, the more significant the sense of housing ownership appears. This suggests that the younger generation such as the MZ generation has a stronger desire for consumption. Fourth, the overall housing satisfaction of the MZ generation was significant for housing movement, but not for housing ownership. Compared to the industrialized generation, the baby boom generation, and the X generation, MZ generation shows distinct factors for housing satisfaction, housing ownership, and housing movement. Therefore, the residential environment characteristics of the residential survey should be improved and supplemented following the trend of the times. In addition, the government and local governments should prioritize actively participating in the housing market that suits the environment and characteristics of the target generation. Finally, our study provides implications regarding the need for housing-related research on how differ in special temporal situations such as COVID-19 in the future.

A Study on the Korea Future Internet Promotion Plan for Cyber Security Enhancement (사이버 보안 강화를 위한 한국형 미래 인터넷 추진 방안에 관한 연구)

  • Lim, Gyoo-Gun;Jin, Hai-Yan;Ahn, Jae-Ik
    • Informatization Policy
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.24-37
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    • 2022
  • Amid rapid changes in the ICT environment attributed to the 4th Industrial Revolution, the development of information & communication technology, and COVID-19, the existing internet developed without considering security, mobility, manageability, QoS, etc. As a result, the structure of the internet has become complicated, and problems such as security, stability, and reliability vulnerabilities continue to occur. In addition, there is a demand for a new concept of the internet that can provide stability and reliability resulting from digital transformation-geared advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence and IoT. Therefore, in order to suggest a way of implementing the Korean future internet that can strengthen cybersecurity, this study suggests the direction and strategy for promoting the future internet that is suitable for the Korean cyber environment through analyzing important key factors in the implementation of the future internet and evaluating the trend and suitability of domestic & foreign research related to future internet. The importance of key factors in the implementation of the future internet proceeds in the order of security, integrity, availability, stability, and confidentiality. Currently, future internet projects are being studied in various ways around the world. Among numerous projects, Bright Internet most adequately satisfies the key elements of future internet implementation and was evaluated as the most suitable technology for Korea's cyber environment. Technical issues as well as strategic and legal issues must be considered in order to promote the Bright Internet as the frontrunner Korean future internet. As for technical issues, it is necessary to adopt SAVA IPv6-NID in selecting the Bright Internet as the standard of Korean future internet and integrated data management at the data center level, and then establish a cooperative system between different countries. As for strategic issues, a secure management system and establishment of institution are needed. Lastly, in the case of legal issues, the requirement of GDPR, which includes compliance with domestic laws such as Korea's revised Data 3 Act, must be fulfilled.

Analysis of Meteorological Factors when Fine Particulate Matters Deteriorate in Urban Areas of Jeju Special Self-Governing Province (제주특별자치도 도시지역 미세먼지 악화 시 기상요소 분석)

  • Sin, Jihwan;Jo, Sangman;Park, Sookuk
    • Ecology and Resilient Infrastructure
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.36-58
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    • 2022
  • In this study, the weather conditions corresponding to the increase in the environmental concentration of fine dust (PM10) and ultrafine dust (PM2.5) from 2001 to 2019 in Jeju and Seogwipo cities were analyzed. The increase in the levels of PM10 and PM2.5 was observed in the order: spring > winter > autumn > summer. In both cities, PM10 and PM2.5 levels increased more frequently during the day in spring and summer and at night in autumn and winter, with PM2.5 showing a greater increase in concentration than PM10. The air temperature and wind speed corresponding with increased levels of PM10 were higher than their respective seasonal averages in spring and winter, but lower in summer and autumn. Relative humidity was lower than the seasonal average during all seasons. The air temperature variation corresponding with increased levels of PM2.5 showed the same seasonal trend as that observed for PM10. The relative humidity was higher than the respective seasonal averages in spring and summer, and lower in winter. The wind speed was lower than the seasonal average in both the cities. When the PM10 and PM2.5 levels increased, the wind direction was from the north and the west during the day and varied according to the season at night. The rate of the increase in the PM10 concentration was the highest in both cities at the wind speed of 1.6 - 3.4 ms-1 during the day and night except during night in the summer. The highest concentration of PM2.5 was observed with the wind speed range of 1.6 - 3.4 ms-1 in Jeju, and 0.3 - 1.6 ms-1 in Seogwipo. The results of this study applied to urban and landscape planning will aid in the formulation of strategies to reduce the adverse effects of fine particular matter.

Evaluation and Verification of the Attenuation Rate of Lead Sheets by Tube Voltage for Reference to Radiation Shielding Facilities (방사선 방어시설 구축 시 활용 가능한 관전압별 납 시트 차폐율 성능평가 및 실측 검증)

  • Ki-Yoon Lee;Kyung-Hwan Jung;Dong-Hee Han;Jang-Oh Kim;Man-Seok Han;Jong-Won Gil;Cheol-Ha Baek
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.489-495
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    • 2023
  • Radiation shielding facilities are constructed in locations where diagnostic radiation generators are installed, with the aim of preventing exposure for patients and radiation workers. The purpose of this study is seek to compare and validate the trend of attenuation thickness of lead, the primary material in these radiation shielding facilities, at different maximum tube voltages by Monte Carlo simulations and measurement. We employed the Monte Carlo N-Particle 6 simulation code. Within this simulation, we set a lead shielding arrangement, where the distance between the source and the lead sheet was set at 100 cm and the field of view was set at 10 × 10 cm2. Additionally, we varied the tube voltages to encompass 80, 100, 120, and 140 kVp. We calculated energy spectra for each respective tube voltage and applied them in the simulations. Lead thicknesses corresponding to attenuation rates of 50, 70, 90, and 95% were determined for tube voltages of 80, 100, 120, and 140 kVp. For 80 kVp, the calculated thicknesses for these attenuation rates were 0.03, 0.08, 0.21, and 0.33 mm, respectively. For 100 kVp, the values were 0.05, 0.12, 0.30, and 0.50 mm. Similarly, for 120 kVp, they were 0.06, 0.14, 0.38, and 0.56 mm. Lastly, at 140 kVp, the corresponding thicknesses were 0.08, 0.16, 0.42, and 0.61 mm. Measurements were conducted to validate the calculated lead thicknesses. The radiation generator employed was the GE Healthcare Discovery XR 656, and the dosimeter used was the IBA MagicMax. The experimental results showed that at 80 kVp, the attenuation rates for different thicknesses were 43.56, 70.33, 89.85, and 93.05%, respectively. Similarly, at 100 kVp, the rates were 52.49, 72.26, 86.31, and 92.17%. For 120 kVp, the attenuation rates were 48.26, 71.18, 87.30, and 91.56%. Lastly, at 140 kVp, they were measured 50.45, 68.75, 89.95, and 91.65%. Upon comparing the simulation and experimental results, it was confirmed that the differences between the two values were within an average of approximately 3%. These research findings serve to validate the reliability of Monte Carlo simulations and could be employed as fundamental data for future radiation shielding facility construction.

A Study on audience role of Contemporary Theatre - Focused on Punchdrunk's (동시대극의 관객역할 연구 - 펀치드렁크 극단의 <슬립 노 모어>를 중심으로)

  • Jeon, Yun-Kyung
    • (The) Research of the performance art and culture
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    • no.40
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    • pp.223-268
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    • 2020
  • In contemporary Theatre, the case of inducing direct communication between the audience and the performance is prominent. Especially with the development of digital technology, the audience wants a personalized experience. The emergence of 'immersive Theatre' in this trend has attracted great attention both at home and abroad. In particular, the most important role in the emergence of the concept of 'immersive Theatre' is the British punchdrunk Theatre. Their representative performance began to premiere in London in the UK in 2003 and has expanded to include New York and China in Shanghai and continues to be extremely popular until 2019. In general, a review of existing studies on the role of the audience in shows that the focus is on the participation of the audience. What experience will be given to the audience can not be emphasized in contemporary Theatre. In order to satisfy the diverse needs of the audience, contemporary Theatre are increasingly showing complexity that cannot be explained by any one theory. The same goes for . This is because each audience wants a personalized experience, and there are differences in experience depending on the environment in which the audience also grew up, knowledge, culture, and taste. This study selected Punch Drunk's as a performance that can represent contemporary Theatre, and conducted a study on the role of audience in contemporary Theatre. To this end, we have historically explored past discussions about the role of the audience and discussed the characteristics of the role of the audience in contemporary Theatre. Next, I analyzed in detail the experience of the researcher "He" who watched the performance with the researcher on the role of the audience in . In conclusion, the experience of the audience in is diverse and complex. In other words, the role of the traditional audience in the proscenium play, as well as the audience as a participant in the post-drama play, was also complex in the performance. And this complexity was not a coincidence, but a planning strategy for the Punchdrunk Theatre. Therefore, when discussing the role of the audience in contemporary Theatre, there should be a discussion that clearly sees the complex characteristics of contemporary Theatre through the approach from various perspectives, rather than merely one view of the audience as a participant. something to do.

Scientific Awareness appearing in Korean Tokusatsu Series - With a focus on Vectorman: Warriors of the Earth (한국 특촬물 시리즈에 나타난 과학적 인식 - <지구용사 벡터맨>을 중심으로)

  • Bak, So-young
    • (The) Research of the performance art and culture
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    • no.43
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    • pp.293-322
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    • 2021
  • The present study examined the scientific awareness appearing in Korean tokusatsu series by focusing on Vectorman: Warriors of the Earth. As a work representing Korean tokusatsu series, Vectorman: Warriors of the Earth achieved the greatest success among tokusatsu series. This work was released thanks to the continued popularity of Japanese tokusatsu since the mid-1980s and the trend of robot animations. Due to the chronic problems regarding Korean children's programs-the oversupply of imported programs and repeated reruns-the need for domestically produced children's programs has continued to come to the fore. However, as the popularity of Korean animation waned beginning in the mid-1990s, inevitably the burden fr producing animation increased. As a result, Vectorman: Warriors of the Earth was produced as a tokusatsu rather than an animation, and because this was a time when an environment for using special effects technology was being fostered in broadcasting stations, computer visual effects were actively used for the series. The response to the new domestically produced tokusatsu series Vectorman: Warriors of the Earth was explosive. The Vectorman series explained the abilities of cosmic beings by using specific scientific terms such as DNA synthesis, brain cell transformation, and special psychological control device instead of ambiguous words like the scientific technology of space. Although the series is unable to describe in detail about the process and cause, the way it defines technology using concrete terms rather than science fiction shows how scientific imagination is manifesting in specific forms in Korean society. Furthermore, the equal relationship between Vectorman and the aliens shows how the science of space, explained with the scientific terms of earth, is an expression of confidence regarding the advancement of Korean scientific technology which represents earth. However, the female characters fail to gain entry into the domain of science and are portrayed as unscientific beings, revealing limitations in terms of scientific awareness.