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A Preliminary Study for Curriculum Building in Nursing (교육과정개발을 위한 학생측면의 기초연구 - 간호학과 학생의 자아개념과 교육자의 인식을 중심으로 -)

  • Jung Moon-Hee;Lim Nan-Young;Choi Sun-Ha;Do Keong-Jin
    • Journal of Korean Public Health Nursing
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.35-57
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    • 1990
  • This study was conducted to provide information useful in developing a nursing curriculum. The sample consisted of 158 nursing students in Hanyang University and 34 faculty members who has taught them in their college & the practical area. Data were collected by using a structured questionnaire, which consisted of general characteristics of the students & their self-concept, teacher's perception of student's professional roles. The results are summarized as follows; 1. General characteristics of the students When the students applied for the university, they decided what they would specialized in. Because the motive of application for their major was simply based on their high school records, they were admitted to their university without previous knowledge of their major. The reason why they wanted to tranfer to another course after the admission was the same as above. The level of satisfaction of their major was the highest in Freshman, but in other grades the higher the;, grades were, the more they satisfied with their major and they had a better prospects about their speciality. 2. Self-concept in profermance for their major Self-concept in horne aspects was more positive perception than in social aspects & self control aspects. It resulted from tile fact that all students were females and the nursing uniqueness was based on the spirit of humanity & service. The students who had graduated from the high school in rural area wanted to tranfer to another course and taken counsel their personal problems with their parents had higher self-concept in horne aspects. As their grades were higher, the self-concept in social aspects bacame higher. The students who were satisfied with their major and took counsel their personal problems with their parents had more positive self - concept in social aspects. Self-concept in self control aspects was lower than other aspects. The students who didn't take counsel their problems with their parents, were burdened with their educational expenses and their curriculum had more negative self-concept in self control aspects. Therefore the university should be concerned about student's welfare and provide detailed orientation about their curriculum. 3. Teacher's perception about learner's professional role The role model of democratic group leader, role models for learners facilitator in a students' reach for knowledge and teaching based on soundly researched theory showed more positive perception than other factors. Their mean values were over 4. 32. The professionalism of allnurshing area, reinforcement with reinforcement for learning, nursing as part of the meaningful context of the whole showed nagative perception. Their mean values were below 3. 00. Therefore the nurse as a teacher should try to promote the locus of nursing profession and participate in their research actively.

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A Study on the Archaeological Landscape-painting of the 18th century: Focusing on the Capriccio of Giovanni Paolo Pannini (18세기 고고학적 풍경화에 대한 연구: 파니니의 카프리초를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Jung Rak
    • The Journal of Art Theory & Practice
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    • no.16
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    • pp.175-199
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    • 2013
  • Capriccio which has emersed in Italy of the 18th century is a new genre of the landscape painting. This genre represents reality, but it is very artificial product correspondingly its concept and character. It's birth place is distributed on various regions in Italy, but the main stage was Rome. Till the middle of the 18th century Rome was the Holy city of the Grand tour, the home of the Neo-Classicism and furthermore the field where archaeology and art history began to be instituted. On such historical situation the Capriccio came out and was recognized as the best popular genre in the visual art. It was favor of the art collection with the antiquity together and reflected the consciousness of the contemporary to the ancient. This study will examine the phenomena in the newly-developed archaeology and with few representative works of Giovanni Paolo Pannini as central term consider the Capriccio and the archaeological connotation. The systematical and institutional archeology which appeared at the age of the Enlightenment, on the contrary to the critical theories at the same time against capriccio, because it was regarded by them as paradoxical and too much sensitive, utilized it as a theoretical method very actively. Some among Historians and archaeologists did it, especially Francesco Bianchini distinguished the capriccio from simple imagination and made it a capacity of the knowledge. And through it he wanted to find out the historical truth. The visual art was influenced and encouraged by such attitude of the archaeology. However it's output spreaded out in various courses. While Giovanni Battista Piranesi, the best known Capriccist of the 18th century, tried to revive the antique through the epical value and his own imagination, Pannini gave priority to the strict historical research. In the such context Panni succeed Giovanni Battista Nolli who made the great map of the city Rome. Their Capriccio profited motive and was inspired by the historians and archaeologists such as Bianchini and Muratori. The Capriccio reflects not only the academic and popular interest for the antique, but also influenced on the upcoming scientific archaeology vice versa. It caused by their reasonable Interpretation and restoration of the antique through the visual medium. Finally as archaeological landscape Pannini's Capriccio is a historical case, in that the Capriccio applied the theoretical method of the archaeology to make art. It served as a momentum for the connotation to the archaeological thought.

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Zhuzi Learning, Yangming Learning, and Formation of "Gukhak": Genealogy of Subjectivity and Silsim (주자학과 양명학, 그리고 '국학'의 형성 - 주체성과 실심(實心)의 계보학 -)

  • Kim, Woo-hyung
    • The Journal of Korean Philosophical History
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    • no.58
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    • pp.307-336
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    • 2018
  • This paper traces the historical genealogy of the subjectivity and the silsim (實心, true mind) that appear in Jeong In-Bo's "gukhak" (國學, the national learning) thought and illuminates its characteristics. In the modern East Asian history of thought, the beginning of the emergence of subjectivity and the silsim as the main philosophical topic comes from the Neo-Confucianism of Song Dynasty in China. Cheng Yi is the first thinker to emphasize subjectivity and consciousness. Zhu Xi and Wang Yang-ming inherit the Neo-Confucian thought based on Cheng Yi's principle of subjectivity, but only show difference in methodology. In the Chosun Dynasty, Jeong Je-Doo and his School were one example of the Neo-Confucian spirit of subjectivity and the silsim. Although Jeong In-Bo (鄭寅普) belongs to Jeong Je-Doo's school of Ganghwa in the school curriculum, he has only used it methodologically since he believed that Yangming's learning is more effective in the awareness and practice of the silsim. Especially noteworthy is that the principle of subjectivity led Jeong In-Bo to follow the frame of Zhu Xi's moral theory. Jeong's claim that selfish desire (jasasim 自私心) should be controlled by a conscious mind (silsim) being aware of the right and 'ought to do' corresponds to Zhu Xi's view that the moral mind (dosim 道心) should be selected in the conflict situation between sensual desire (insim 人心) and moral consciousness so that the insim should be supervised by the dosim. Such ethics is a position to emphasize the inner motive and the sense of duty of conduct, and there is no fundamental difference in Zhu Xi and Wang Yang-ming. At least on this point, it is necessary to look at modern and contemporary Korean studies from the perspective of continuity, not discontinuity from Confucian tradition.

The structure of consciousness of board system collegian who attended in fisheries and maritime college (수, 해운 승선계열 대학생의 의식 구조)

  • Lee, Kil-Rae;Bae, Seok-Je;Hong, Sung-Kun
    • Journal of Fisheries and Marine Sciences Education
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.143-160
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    • 1994
  • I have investigated questionaire concerning to the view of worth and construction of consciousness as to boarding system collegian who will employed in fisheries and maritime industries. The results were as follows; It appeared 38.9% that most collegian had a firm subjectivity about enrolled motive, selection of department, they had selected department according to the neighborhood recommendation, own squired score rather than the adaption and prospection, also it was appeared 55% that they had not satisfied with attending to their college, accordingly, the effectiveness of education were demolished in such aspects. It was appeared 74.3% that the education of fisheries and maritime college were divided into theory and practice pertinently also, 77.1% that modulate both technical education and human like education but as a general rule, the education of ocean going liscensed officer was appeared 7.1% only so that, the reformation of the curriculum and contents of education would be needed. As to the relation between professors and collegian, it was appeared 38.4% that well understanding professor, 18.1% that well teaching professor, 13.3% that they having humanlish relation with professor, 30.6% that they will benefit to vocational selection. consequently, the professor have to brings up the harmony on dint of education and industries. The things which collegian think to be worth were 43.6%, intercourse of friend 30.3%, circle activity. 6.6% listening lecture, also, the leisure activity after school were 74.7% with friends. 16.4% alone. consequently, the professor has to guide of leisure activity after lesson. most collegian has a good relationship with their parent(91.6%) but the respond with bad relationship was 8.4%. The most serious agony which collegian think about is vocational problems (48.9%), the other sex problem(22.5%). The objects consult with agony was aquaintance(54.9%). The parent(5.1%), professors(2.3%), the collegian who did not consult with agony was 20.9%. The parents and the professor is not object consult with their agony. so that, the professors has to strengthen the education according to the human nature. As to job after graduation of such college, collegian who wish to be taken job on the fisheries and maritime industry were 50.5%, on the contrary, the collegian who wish to be taken a job no relation with his major subjects was 29.1% especially, the collegian who want to be embarked was 26.3% (fisheries 23.3%, maritime 30.5%). so that, we must adopt the counter plan for the globalization and effective investment on the fisheries and maritime college.

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The Daily Life of University Student Athletes (대학 운동부 특기자 학생들의 일상 경험)

  • Kim, Dong-Kee
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.359-369
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    • 2018
  • This study tried to illustrate the process of the experiences of university student athletes in campus who are engaged in study and sports. it is aimed to interpret and describe the everyday life of athlete students, and establishing a desirable human talent and to set the right necessary direction for the education of athlete students. For this, it selected 10 research participants as student athletes in J University located in Chungcheongnam-do and collected data through an in-depth interview. As for the data analysis, concepts were derived according to the grounded theory analysis method suggested by [10] and the research results composing the coding paradigm to clarify the relations between concepts are as following. First, 120 concepts, 17 subcategories, and 10 upper categories were deducted in the open coding. Second, the contextual factors of the campus life motive were "participation in sports" and "participation in study" and the central phenomena were regarded as "the significance of campus life in which study and sports run parallel. The conditions of arbitration were summarized as 'formation of my relations" and "ability improvement" in sports and study, and the operation/interaction strategy were categorized as "importance of study" and "negative thinking." As for the last result, "reflecting campus life", "my own identity", and "planning future" were categorized, and it is judged that the application of the policy to improve the ability of student athletes that comprehend all study and sports.

A Theoretical Study to Formulate the Direction of Integrated Science Education (통합과학교육의 방향 설정을 위한 이론적 고찰)

  • Son, Yeon-A;Lee, Hack-Dong
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.41-61
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    • 1999
  • In this study I defined the direction Integrated Science Education(ISE) should take. So that I groped for the direction ISE should take in the inherent nature of science and education, analyzing their respective validity from philosophical and psychological angles. Based upon these researches, I formulated the three directions for ISE to take; knowledge-centered, social problem-centered, and individual interest-centered. The results of this thesis may be summed up as follows: 1. The knowledge-centered ISE that thinks the inherent nature of science is in the scientific knowledge is based upon Hirst's integrated logic which is built on discipline-centered educational viewpoint. Now, the focus of interdisciplinary integration consists in clarifying the meanings of knowledge and the logical relations between one knowledge and another according to the respective form of exploration. The knowledge-centered ISE, therefore, was analyzed to find its justification in the educational philosophy of idealism, realism, neo-scholasticism; in the educational theories of essentialism, behaviorism, perennial ism; in the scientific philosophy of empiricism. positivism; in the educational psychology of developmental psychology and constructivism. 2. The social problem-centered ISE that thinks the inherent nature of science is the process of social concord is based upon Dewey's integrated logic which is built on experience-centered educational viewpoint. Now, the focus of interdisciplinary integration consists in the methodological aspect facilitating the process of experience. The social problem-centered ISE, therefore, was analyzed to find its theoretical justification in the educational philosophy of pragmatism; in the educational theory of progressivism; in the scientific philosophy of relativism and rationalism; and in the educational psychology of developmental psychology and constructivism. 3. The individual interest-centered ISE is based upon Patterson's integrated logic which is built on human-centered educational viewpoint. The focus of education here is self-realization. Therefore, rather than provide in learning conditions from outside, one is made to choose them oneself and the process of satisfying one's motive is emphasized. The individual interest-centered ISE, therefore, was analyzed to find its theoretical justification in the educational philosophy of existentialism; in the educational theory of humanism; in the scientific philosophy of relativism; and in Gestalt psychology.

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A Review on the Dominant Undertaking's Abuse in the Medical Device Market (시장지배적 의료기기 사업자의 경쟁제한적 차별행위 - 지멘스 사건을 중심으로 -)

  • Jeong, Jae Hun
    • The Korean Society of Law and Medicine
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.81-119
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    • 2022
  • Medical device market is strongly related with health care market. Public regulation in medical device market tends to be more lenient than health care market. In this market, competition law, administrative law and intellectual property law are intertwined, and thereby a variety of legal issues could be developed. Recently, dominant undertaking's abuse case was dealt with KFTC(Korea Fair Trade Commission) and Seoul High Court. The issues were whether dominant undertaking discriminated trading partners and this discrimination was anticompetitive. In this case, Seoul High Court revoked the KFTC's decision, holding that the undertaking did not harm competition, though it has dominant power in the relevant medical device market. This decision would be a meaningful precedent, not only that there have been small numbers of dominance abuse cases in Korea, but also that this case happened in medical device market. This case dealt with various issues like market definition, market power, alleged abuse and its anticompetitive effect. The court held that medical device markets are distinguished from medical device repairing market. However, the court did not clarify that medical device repairing market is a single branded market only for repairing the plaintiff's medical devices. Second, plaintiff's dominance is based on the lock-in effect, which means that hospitals could not switch devices like CT or MRI from plaintiff to other competitors. This could be supplemented from the fact that medical devices are expensive and the using period are significantly long. However market definition based on single branded market theory could be applied in rare and exceptional cases. Therefore the general application of single branded market theory might result in overestimate of market power. This type of abuse pattern requires improper condition contrary to resonable trade practice. KFTC asserted free charge for plaintiff's copy right. However, it is not clear whether the cases for free charge are general or not. Even if so, the intention and motive of providers for free charge should be proved. The main issue of anticompetitive effect was whether plaintiff raised rival's cost. Competitor's cost was increased due to plaintiff's copy right and its license fee. However the charge for license could be within the scope of fair and legal exercise of copy right. If competitors are excluded due to legal exercise of copy right or efficiency, the exclusionary abuse could not be proved.

Motives for Writing After-Purchase Consumer Reviews in Online Stores and Classification of Online Store Shoppers (인터넷 점포에서의 구매후기 작성 동기 및 점포 고객 유형화)

  • Hong, Hee-Sook;Ryu, Sung-Min
    • Journal of Distribution Research
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.25-57
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    • 2012
  • This study identified motives for writing apparel product reviews in online stores, and determined what motives increase the behavior of writing reviews. It also classified store customers based on the type of writing motives, and clarified the characteristics of internet purchase behavior and of a demographic profile. Data were collected from 252 females aged 20s' and 30s' who have experience of reading and writing reviews on online shopping. The five types of writing motives were altruistic information sharing, remedying of a grievance and vengeance, economic incentives, helping new product development, and the expression of satisfaction feelings. Among five motives, altruistic information sharing, economic incentives, and helping new product development stimulate writing reviews. Store customers who write reviews were classified into three groups based on their writing motive types: Other consumer advocates(29.8%), self-interested shoppers(40.5%) and shoppers with moderate motives(29.8%). There were significant differences among three groups in writing behavior (the frequency of writing reviews, writing intent of reviews, duration of writing reviews, and frequency of online shopping) and age. Based on results, managerial implications were suggested. Long Abstract : The purpose of present study is to identify the types of writing motives on online shopping, and to clarify the motives affecting the behavior of writing reviews. This study also classifies online shoppers based on the motive types, and identifies the characteristics of the classified groups in terms of writing behavior, frequency of online shopping, and demographics. Use and Gratification Theory was adopted in this study. Qualitative research (focus group interview) and quantitative research were used. Korean women(20 to 39 years old) who reported experience with purchasing clothing online, and reading and writing reviews were selected as samples(n=252). Most of the respondents were relatively young (20-34yrs., 86.1%,), single (61.1%), employed(61.1%) and residents living in big cities(50.9%). About 69.8% of respondents read and 40.5% write apparel reviews frequently or very frequently. 24.6% of the respondents indicated an "average" in their writing frequency. Based on the qualitative result of focus group interviews and previous studies on motives for online community activities, measurement items of motives for writing after-purchase reviews were developed. All items were used a five-point Likert scale with endpoints 1 (strongly disagree) and 5 (strongly agree). The degree of writing behavior was measured by items concerning experience of writing reviews, frequency of writing reviews, amount of writing reviews, and intention of writing reviews. A five-point scale(strongly disagree-strongly agree) was employed. SPSS 18.0 was used for exploratory factor analysis, K-means cluster analysis, one-way ANOVA(Scheffe test) and χ2-test. Confirmatory factor analysis and path model analysis were conducted by AMOS 18.0. By conducting principal components factor analysis (varimax rotation, extracting factors with eigenvalues above 1.0) on the measurement items, five factors were identified: Altruistic information sharing, remedying of a grievance and vengeance, economic incentives, helping new product development, and expression of satisfaction feelings(see Table 1). The measurement model including these final items was analyzed by confirmatory factor analysis. The measurement model had good fit indices(GFI=.918, AGFI=.884, RMR=.070, RMSEA=.054, TLI=.941) except for the probability value associated with the χ2 test(χ2=189.078, df=109, p=.00). Convergent validities of all variables were confirmed using composite reliability. All SMC values were found to be lower than AVEs confirming discriminant validity. The path model's goodness-of-fit was greater than the recommended limits based on several indices(GFI=.905, AGFI=.872, RMR=.070, RMSEA=.052, TLI=.935; χ2=260.433, df=155, p=.00). Table 2 shows that motives of altruistic information sharing, economic incentives and helping new product development significantly increased the degree of writing product reviews of online shopping. In particular, the effect of altruistic information sharing and pursuit of economic incentives on the behavior of writing reviews were larger than the effect of helping new product development. As shown in table 3, online store shoppers were classified into three groups: Other consumer advocates (29.8%), self-interested shoppers (40.5%), and moderate shoppers (29.8%). There were significant differences among the three groups in the degree of writing reviews (experience of writing reviews, frequency of writing reviews, amount of writing reviews, intention of writing reviews, and duration of writing reviews, frequency of online shopping) and age. For five aspects of writing behavior, the group of other consumer advocates who is mainly comprised of 20s had higher scores than the other two groups. There were not any significant differences between self-interested group and moderate group regarding writing behavior and demographics.

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The Effects of the Perceived Motivation Type toward Corporate Social Responsibility Activities on Customer Loyalty (기업사회책임활동적인지인지동기류형대고객충성도적영향(企业社会责任活动的认知认知动机类型对顾客忠诚度的影响))

  • Kim, Kyung-Jin;Park, Jong-Chul
    • Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.5-16
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    • 2009
  • Corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities have been shown to be potential factors that can improve corporate image and increase the ability of corporations to compete. However, most previous studies related to CSR activities investigated how these activities influence product and corporate evaluation, as well as corporate image. In addition, some researchers treated consumers' perceptions of corporate motives as moderator variables in evaluating the relationship between corporate social responsibilities and consumer response. However, motive-based theories have some weaknesses. Corporate social responsibility activities cause two motives(egoistic vs. altruistic) for consumers, but recently, Vlachos et al. (2008) argued that these motives should be segmented. Thus, it is possible to transform the original theory into a modified theory model (persuasion knowledge model, PKM). Vlachos et al. (2008) segmented corporate social responsibility motives into four types and compared the effects of these motives on customer loyalty. Prior studies have proved that CSR activities with positive motives have positive influences on customer loyalty. However, the psychological reasons underlying this finding have not been determined empirically. Thus, the objectives of this research are twofold. First, we attempt to determine why most customers favor companies that they feel have positive motives for their corporate social responsibility activities. Second, we attempt to measure the effects of consumers' reciprocity when society benefits from corporate social responsibility activities. The following research hypotheses are constructed. H1: Values-driven motives for corporate social responsibility activities have a positive influence on the perceived reciprocity. H2: Stakeholder-driven motives for corporate social responsibility activities have a negative influence on the perceived reciprocity. H3: Egoistic-driven motives for corporate social responsibility activities have a negative influence on perceived reciprocity. H4: Strategic-driven motives for corporate social responsibility activities have a negative influence on perceived reciprocity. H5: Perceived reciprocity for corporate social responsibility activities has a positive influence on consumer loyalty. A single company is selected as a research subject to understand how the motives behind corporate social responsibility influence consumers' perceived reciprocity and customer loyalty. A total sample of 200 respondents was selected for a pilot test. In addition, to ensure a consistent response, we ensured that the respondents were older than 20 years of age. The surveys of 172 respondents (males-82, females-90) were analyzed after 28 invalid questionnaires were excluded. Based on our cutoff criteria, the model fit the data reasonably well. Values-driven motives for corporate social responsibility activities had a positive effect on perceived reciprocity (t = 6.75, p < .001), supporting H1. Morales (2005) also found that consumers appreciate a company's social responsibility efforts and the benefits provided by these efforts to society. Stakeholder-driven motives for corporate social responsibility activities did not affect perceived reciprocity (t = -.049, p > .05). Thus, H2 was rejected. Egoistic-driven motives (t = .3.11, p < .05) and strategic-driven (t = -4.65, p < .05) motives had a negative influence on perceived reciprocity, supporting H3 and H4, respectively. Furthermore, perceived reciprocity had a positive influence on consumer loyalty (t = 4.24, p < .05), supporting H5. Thus, compared with the general public, undergraduate students appear to be more influenced by egoistic-driven motives. We draw the following conclusions from our research findings. First, value-driven attributions have a positive influence on perceived reciprocity. However, stakeholder-driven attributions have no significant effects on perceived reciprocity. Moreover, both egoistic-driven attributions and strategic-driven attributions have a negative influence on perceived reciprocity. Second, when corporate social responsibility activities align with consumers' reciprocity, the efforts directed towards social responsibility activities have a positive influence on customer loyalty. In this study, we examine whether the type of motivation affects consumer responses to CSR, and in particular, we evaluate how CSR motives can influence a key internal factor (perceived reciprocity) and behavioral consumer outcome (customer loyalty). We demonstrate that perceived reciprocity plays a mediating role in the relationship between CSR motivation and customer loyalty. Our study extends the research on consumer CSR-inferred motivations, positing them as a direct indicator of consumer responses. Furthermore, we convincingly identify perceived reciprocity as a sub-process mediating the effect of CSR attributions on customer loyalty. Future research investigating the ultimate behavior and financial impact of CSR should consider that the impacts of CSR also stem from perceived reciprocity. The results of this study also have important managerial implications. First, the central role that reciprocity plays indicates that managers should routinely measure how much their socially responsible actions create perceived reciprocity. Second, understanding how consumers' perceptions of CSR corporate motives relate to perceived reciprocity and customer loyalty can help managers to monitor and enhance these consumer outcomes through marketing initiatives and management of CSR-induced attribution processes. The results of this study will help corporations to understand the relative importance of the four different motivations types in influencing perceived reciprocity.

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A Study on Development of Energy Education Materials for Middle School Students (중학교용 에너지 교육 자료 개발 연구)

  • 최돈형;이양락
    • Hwankyungkyoyuk
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.46-87
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    • 1994
  • Our country has been consuming a huge amount of energy in the course of industrialization and its demand is expected to increase enormously in the future. However, the deposits of energy resources are so limited that the settlement of energy problem comes up the essential subject. To solve the energy problem, it is requested that new resources to gain energy stably should be developed and also energy should be economized and used effectively. The effective use of energy and an the wisdom of economy in energy are requested to everybody and these things should be habitualized from very young age through education. Nevertheless, almost every school in our country hasn’t been concerned about energy education. Even though they have a concern, they are very short of the energy education materials and the quality of the materials is not so good. Therefore it is very meaningful to the settlement of energy problem of the country to make the students who will lead our country to make the students who will lead our country in the future realize the seriousness of energy problem and to provide them the necessary knowledge and methods to solve this problem so that they practice those things in everyday life. Having these necessities, this research, supported by The Korea Energy Management Corporation(KEMCO), was performed for 8 months from April 17, 1994 to December 17, 1994. Many peoples participated in this study such as 30 staffs of researchers and authors, 5 staffs of photographers and illustrators, and 3 VCR program producers developing an energy education material set for middle school students that includes a printed material for student, a diskette for computer simulation, a teacher's guidebook, VCR material and its guidebook. The following main development direction was established : First, the material for student should be consisted of units that let students know the seriousness of energy problem. Second, the focus should be put on the necessary method and practice to economize energy actually in real life based on the basic knowledge learned in elementary school. Third, material for student should be consisted of modules to be student activity-oriented teaching-learning rather than lecture-oriented one. The activity, to maximize student's interests, should be presented in various forms such as experiments, investigation, play, data interpretation, computer simulation, visits, expression and appreciation, etc. To develop the energy education materials for middle school students, a research plan was made first. After literature review about domestic and foreign energy education materials, several research trips home and abroad, and discussion meetings, the basic theory of energy education such as the principle, objective, contents, teaching-learning method, and evaluation method was established. Material for student was developed through the following procedures : The activities in the existing energy education materials were analysed and were divided into four categories related to energy using places of home, school, community, and country, and which were again divided into three categories related to time of past, present, and future, Considering these division, nine modules which are structure units of material for student were chosen, Each module comprises 2-4 activities. Totally 31 activities were designed in this way. The syllabi were made out for each activity and writing was asked for to experts related to each activity after several discussions and revision. To complement the draft, another several discussions and revision were also made on it and then pictures and illustrations were asked for. All these procedures complete the material for student, titled ; Energy Inquiry of Middle School Students', which totals 129 pages and is all in color. As the manuscript of material for student was fixed, writing for teacher's guidebook was asked for to the same writers. The draft of teacher's guidebook was also complemented through the several concentrated works and discussions. Teacher's guidebook focused on the teaching-learning principle and methods of energy education and on the concrete instruction cases for effective instruction of material for student. It is organized with two parts : the one is 'general outline' which introduces theoretical contents and the other is 'details' which are practically helpful to teaching-learning. It is totally 131 pages including both 'general outline' and 'details'. The VCR material and its guidebook consist of contents that cultivate the good attitude trying to economize energy and raise student's interests with a purpose of strong motivation to recognize the necessity of economy and practice it. After establishing development direction of VCR material through discussion meetings and research trips, its script was made by relevant experts. Then the script was also reviewed two times. The drafted VCR material made by a video material developing expert was examined and modified by previews twice. After completion of VCR material, the VCR guidebook was made. All these procedures led to the development of VCR material which runs 20 minutes in VHS type. The VCR guidebook shows a production purpose of the program, structure of contents, evaluation methods, and contents of the program in detail to give help to instructors when they use this VCR material, When these energy education materials are used, it is desirable that the VCR material should be presented first to induce student's motive, and then material for student is introduced Since the material for student is composed of activity-oriented modules and each module is independent one another in general, and each activity is, too. the necessary module or activity can be chosen and utilized in any order according to school or class conditions. This energy education materials will contribute to the development of student's ability to solve energy problem in everyday life and teacher's ability to teach the fundamental knowledge and method in solving energy problem.

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