• Title/Summary/Keyword: The High Land Use

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Relation of Stream Shape Complexity to Land Use, Water Quality and Benthic Diatoms in the Seom River Watershed (섬강 수계에서 하천 형태복잡도와 토지이용, 수질 및 부착규조류 군집 분포와의 관계)

  • Min, Han-Na;Kim, Nan-Young;Kim, Mi-Kyung;Lee, Sang-Woo;Hwang, Kil-Soon;Hwang, Soon-Jin
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.45 no.1
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    • pp.110-122
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    • 2012
  • This study examined the benthic diatom community distribution, land cover/use and water quality in relation to stream shape complexity (SSC) in the Seom River watershed. SSC showed a significant relation to the riparian land cover/use pattern and also water quality variables of the studied streams. Streams with high stream shape complexity (HSC) appeared to have a high proportion of forest and farmland, while streams having a low stream shape complexity (LSC) appeared to have high proportion of city. Streams with lower SSC showed higher nutrients concentration in the stream waters. Benthic diatom species composition and dominant species appeared to be similar regardless of SSC differences among the studied streams, while the variation of diatom density was manifested with SSC. The relative abundance of dominant benthic diatoms varied with SSC. Saprophilic diatoms were dominant in the streams of LSC, while saproxenic diatoms were dominant in the streams of HSC. During the evaluation of biological water quality using the benthic diatom indices, Trophic Diatom Index (TDI) and Diatom Assemblage Index to organic water pollution (DAIpo), the streams of LSC generally showed poorer water quality than those of MSC (Middle stream shape complexity) and HSC. In particular, BOD, TP, and $PO_4$-P showed significant relationships with DAIpo. In conclusion, shape complexity of streams in the Seom River watershed showed a close relation with benthic diatom distribution. This relation seemed to primarily be resulted from the effect of proximate factors, such as water quality, which might be affected by the land use types determining the degree of SSC.

A Study on Lateral Vibration Control Method of High-speed Train (고속열차의 횡진동 제어 특성 연구)

  • Kim, Sang-Soo;Kim, Ki-Hwan;Park, Choon-Soo;Mok, Jin-Yong;Choi, Sung-Hoon
    • Proceedings of the KSR Conference
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    • 2008.06a
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    • pp.969-974
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    • 2008
  • As the railway becomes higher, the reliable stability and riding comfort of higher railway are required. To improve the riding comfort of high-speed trains, it is very helpful to use active suspension system for railway. In Japan, the high-speed train, Shinkansen has adopted semi-active suspension system and now it is running in the main trunk. In this paper, the authors introduce several technical trends of vibration control methods of Japanese Shinkansen. And the installation of semi-active suspension to HSR 350x and the test result of test run on the Kyoung-Bu high speed ling are also explained. After development of HSR 350x, new R&D national project of high speed train is progressed by Ministry of Land, Transport, and Maritime Affairs. This project is the development of Electric Multiple Unit of high speed train with 400km/h of maximum test speed. These result would be helpful to progress next generation high speed project.

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Assessment of future climate and land use changes impact on hydrologic behavior in Anseong-cheon Gongdo urban-growing watershed (미래 기후변화와 토지이용변화가 안성천 공도 도시성장 유역의 수문에 미치는 영향 평가)

  • Kim, Da Rae;Lee, Yong Gwan;Lee, Ji Wan;Kim, Seong Joon
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.51 no.2
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    • pp.141-150
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to evaluate the future hydrologic behavior affected by the potential climate and land use changes in upstream of Anseong-cheon watershed ($366.5km^2$) using SWAT. The HadGEM3-RA RCP 4.5 and 8.5 scenarios were used for 2030s (2020-2039) and 2050s (2040-2059) periods as the future climate change scenario. It was shown that maximum changes of precipitation ranged from -5.7% in 2030s to +18.5% in 2050s for RCP 4.5 scenarios and the temperature increased up to $1.8^{\circ}C$ and $2.6^{\circ}C$ in 2030s RCP 4.5 and 2050s 8.5 scenarios respectively based on baseline (1976-2005) period. The future land uses were predicted using the CLUE-s model by establishing logistic regression equation. The 2050 urban area were predicted to increase of 58.6% (29.0 to $46.0km^2$). The SWAT was calibrated and verified using 14 years (2002-2015) of daily streamflow with 0.86 and 0.76 Nash-Sutcliffe model efficiency (NSE) for stream flow (Q) and low flow 1/Q respectively focusing on 2 drought years (2014-2015) calibration. For future climate change only, the stream discharge showed maximum decrease of 24.2% in 2030s RCP 4.5 and turned to maximum increase of 10.9% in 2050s RCP 4.5 scenario compared with the baseline period stream discharge of 601.0 mm by the precipitation variation and gradual temperature increase. While considering both future climate and land use change, the stream discharge showed maximum decrease of 14.9% in 2030s RCP 4.5 and maximum increase of 19.5% in 2050s RCP 4.5 scenario by the urban growth and the related land use changes. The results supported that the future land use factor might be considered especially for having high potential urban growth within a watershed in the future climate change assessment.

Operational Atmospheric Correction Method over Land Surfaces for GOCI Images

  • Lee, Hwa-Seon;Lee, Kyu-Sung
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.127-139
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    • 2018
  • The GOCI atmospheric correction overland surfaces is essential for the time-series analysis of terrestrial environments with the very high temporal resolution. We develop an operational GOCI atmospheric correction method over land surfaces, which is rather different from the one developed for ocean surface. The GOCI atmospheric correction method basically reduces gases absorption and Rayleigh and aerosol scatterings and to derive surface reflectance from at-sensor radiance. We use the 6S radiative transfer model that requires several input parameters to calculate surface reflectance. In the sensitivity analysis, aerosol optical thickness was the most influential element among other input parameters including atmospheric model, terrain elevation, and aerosol type. To account for the highly variable nature of aerosol within the GOCI target area in northeast Asia, we generate the spatio-temporal aerosol maps using AERONET data for the aerosol correction. For a fast processing, the GOCI atmospheric correction method uses the pre-calculated look up table that directly converts at-sensor radiance to surface reflectance. The atmospheric correction method was validated by comparing with in-situ spectral measurements and MODIS reflectance products. The GOCI surface reflectance showed very similar magnitude and temporal patterns with the in-situ measurements and the MODIS reflectance. The GOCI surface reflectance was slightly higher than the in-situ measurement and MODIS reflectance by 0.01 to 0.06, which might be due to the different viewing angles. Anisotropic effect in the GOCI hourly reflectance needs to be further normalized during the following cloud-free compositing.

The Influence of Land Use on the Concentration Levels and Distribution Characteristics of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Korea (국내 토지이용도별 토양 중 다환방향족탄화수소류(PAHs)의 농도 수준 및 분포 특성)

  • Noh, Hoe-Jung;Yoon, Jeong Ki;Yun, Dae-Geun;Yu, Soon-Ju;Kim, Tae Seung;Lee, Jai-Young
    • Journal of Soil and Groundwater Environment
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.59-71
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    • 2014
  • We investigated soil contamination depending on the land use by examining the contamination levels and distribution characteristics of 16 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in the national soil. Total PAHs (the sum of 16 PAH concentrations) and carcinogenic PAHs (the sum of seven carcinogenic PAH concentrations) were $8.50{\sim}3,437.16{\mu}g/kg$ and $2.94{\sim}2,136.96{\mu}g/kg$, respectively. The concentration of benzo(a)pyrene, one of the contaminants regulated by the soil quality standard in the nation, was $ND{\sim}924.73{\mu}g/kg$. Its maximum value of $924.73{\mu}g/kg$ was detected in railroad (Region 3) and is approximately 13% of the standard value for Region 3 (i.e., 7 mg/kg). We also investigated the characteristics of contamination sources of PAHs in soil of the upland, forests, roads, and railroads, examining the fraction distribution of PAHs concentration by the number of benzene rings against the total PAHs concentration. The results demonstrate that the mean fraction of 4~6-ring PAHs against total PAHs concentration in soil was in the range of 51.8~80.7% with relative abundance of high-molecular PAHs, showing that the origin of contamination is under the category of combustion sources. When the molecular indices (Flu/(Flu/Pyr), Ant/(Ant+Phe), InP/(InP+BP), and BaA/(BaA+Chr)) were applied, they were also categorized as petroleum-based combustion sources. The individual PAH concentrations in soil by the land use were grouped into Regions 1, 2, and 3, which are statistically treated and are the parts of the national category system of soil quality standard. As a result, the concentration level of 16 PAHs was $0.02{\sim}2.63{\mu}g/kg$ in Region 1, $0.05{\sim}4.26{\mu}g/kg$ in Region 2, and $2.36{\sim}178.27{\mu}g/kg$ in Region 3. The concentration level of 6 carcinogenic PAHs was 14.2~320.4% against that of benzo(a)pyrene in Region 3 and sites of recycling waste sleepers. Considering that there were similarities among PAHs in terms of structures and toxicities, it would be recommended to review other types of carcinogenic PAHs together with benzo(a)pyrene when developing the soil quality standards in the nation.

Rainfed Areas and Animal Agriculture in Asia: The Wanting Agenda for Transforming Productivity Growth and Rural Poverty

  • Devendra, C.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.122-142
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    • 2012
  • The importance of rainfed areas and animal agriculture on productivity enhancement and food security for economic rural growth in Asia is discussed in the context of opportunities for increasing potential contribution from them. The extent of the rainfed area of about 223 million hectares and the biophysical attributes are described. They have been variously referred to inter alia as fragile, marginal, dry, waste, problem, threatened, range, less favoured, low potential lands, forests and woodlands, including lowlands and uplands. Of these, the terms less favoured areas (LFAs), and low or high potential are quite widely used. The LFAs are characterised by four key features: i) very variable biophysical elements, notably poor soil quality, rainfall, length of growing season and dry periods, ii) extreme poverty and very poor people who continuously face hunger and vulnerability, iii) presence of large populations of ruminant animals (buffaloes, cattle, goats and sheep), and iv) have had minimum development attention and an unfinished wanting agenda. The rainfed humid/sub-humid areas found mainly in South East Asia (99 million ha), and arid/semi-arid tropical systems found in South Asia (116 million ha) are priority agro-ecological zones (AEZs). In India for example, the ecosystem occupies 68% of the total cultivated area and supports 40% of the human and 65% of the livestock populations. The area also produces 4% of food requirements. The biophysical and typical household characteristics, agricultural diversification, patterns of mixed farming and cropping systems are also described. Concerning animals, their role and economic importance, relevance of ownership, nomadic movements, and more importantly their potential value as the entry point for the development of LFAs is discussed. Two examples of demonstrated success concern increasing buffalo production for milk and their expanded use in semi-arid AEZs in India, and the integration of cattle and goats with oil palm in Malaysia. Revitalised development of the LFAs is justified by the demand for agricultural land to meet human needs e.g. housing, recreation and industrialisation; use of arable land to expand crop production to ceiling levels; increasing and very high animal densities; increased urbanisation and pressure on the use of available land; growing environmental concerns of very intensive crop production e.g. acidification and salinisation with rice cultivation; and human health risks due to expanding peri-urban poultry and pig production. The strategies for promoting productivity growth will require concerted R and D on improved use of LFAs, application of systems perspectives for technology delivery, increased investments, a policy framework and improved farmer-researcher-extension linkages. These challenges and their resolution in rainfed areas can forcefully impact on increased productivity, improved livelihoods and human welfare, and environmental sustainability in the future.

Using SWAT Model for streamflow simulation in Burundi

  • Habimana, Jean de Dieu;Ha, Doan Thi Thu;Bae, Deg-Hyo
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2020.06a
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    • pp.117-117
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    • 2020
  • The main objective of this study was to setup model and evaluate the model performance for streamflow simulation in Burundi using Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model. The total area of Burundi is 27,834 ㎢. The elevation of Burundi ranges from 780 m to 2,700m. The West and East are low lands, while the Central part is high land. The topographic data (30 meters Digital Elevation Model) and land use and land cover data of Burundi were obtained respectively from Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) and the Regional Centre for Mapping of Resources for Development (RCMRD). The soil data used was obtained from Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). The local weather data and discharge data were provided by Burundi Hydro meteorological Service (IGEBU). Mean Areal Precipitation (MAP) and Mean Areal Temperature (MAT) were estimated. The streamflow simulation was done for the period 1980-2017. The calibration and validation of river discharge was performed at a daily time step from 2005 through 2011 as the calibration period and 2012 up to 2017 as the validation period. The findings show that streamflow decreases during Jun to September and increases during March to May and October to December.

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Land cover classification using LiDAR intensity data and neural network

  • Minh, Nguyen Quang;Hien, La Phu
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.429-438
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    • 2011
  • LiDAR technology is a combination of laser ranging, satellite positioning technology and digital image technology for study and determination with high accuracy of the true earth surface features in 3 D. Laser scanning data is typically a points cloud on the ground, including coordinates, altitude and intensity of laser from the object on the ground to the sensor (Wehr & Lohr, 1999). Data from laser scanning can produce products such as digital elevation model (DEM), digital surface model (DSM) and the intensity data. In Vietnam, the LiDAR technology has been applied since 2005. However, the application of LiDAR in Vietnam is mostly for topological mapping and DEM establishment using point cloud 3D coordinate. In this study, another application of LiDAR data are present. The study use the intensity image combine with some other data sets (elevation data, Panchromatic image, RGB image) in Bacgiang City to perform land cover classification using neural network method. The results show that it is possible to obtain land cover classes from LiDAR data. However, the highest accurate classification can be obtained using LiDAR data with other data set and the neural network classification is more appropriate approach to conventional method such as maximum likelyhood classification.

A Study on Factor Extraction of Green-Network by Assessment Indicators -For the purpose of Biotop creation- (평가지표를 통한 녹지네트워크 인자도출에 관한 연구 -비오토프 조성을 위하여-)

  • Kim, E-Shin;Lee, Dong-Kun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.4 no.3
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    • pp.75-83
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    • 2001
  • This study selected Yangpyung as a target site because Yangpyung is a area of high value blessed with well preserved natural resources and beautiful natural scene and where thoughtless development and malformed use of land are in progress under the mask of hotel, accommodations and sales facility which fits the interests of land owner. As for the method used for this study, I inquired into domestic/international instances and the concept of existing environmental indicators and assessment of suitability with a view to establish assessment indicators and pose the concept through theoretical investigation of green-network and to establish green-network. 17 articles of environmental indicators such as aspect analysis, contour, greenbelt, DEM, NDVI, nature conservation area, reservoir and area for the promotion of agriculture were chosen as a actual analysing n data for setting up assessment indicators. From the result of analysis, as anticipated, green zone in Yongmusan areas within Youngmun and Seojong areas were the center of green-network in the wide area green-network in Yangpyung and the restricted area by basin system, road and legal regulation was selected as spot area and finally arable land and reservoir were selected as base which connects core with spot.

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An Empirical Study on the Land Cover Classification Method using IKONOS Image (IKONOS 영상의 토지피복분류 방법에 관한 실증 연구)

  • Sakong, Hosang;Im, Jungho
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.107-116
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    • 2003
  • This study investigated how appropriate the classification methods based on conventional spectral characteristics are for high resolution imagery. A supervised classification mixing parametric and non-parametric rules, a method in which fuzzy theory is applied to such classification, and an unsupervised method were performed and compared to each other for accuracy. In addition, comparing the result screen-digitized through interpretation to the classification result using spectral characteristics, this study analyzed the conformity of both methods. Although the supervised classification to which fuzzy theory was applied showed the best performance, the application of conventional classification techniques to high resolution imagery had some limitations due to there being too much information unnecessary to classification, shadows, and a lack of spectral information. Consequently, more advanced techniques including integration with other advanced remote sensing technologies, such as lidar, and application of filtering or template techniques, are required to classify land cover/use or to extract useful information from high resolution imagery.

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