• Title/Summary/Keyword: Textbook Development

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Difficulties and Coping Methods Encountered by Authors of 5th and 6th Grade Science Textbooks: Based on Grounded Theory (초등학교 5, 6학년 과학교과서 집필자가 겪은 어려움과 대처 방법 : 근거이론을 중심으로)

  • Chae, Dong-Hyun;Yang, Il-Ho;Jung, Sung-An
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.31 no.8
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    • pp.1121-1144
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    • 2011
  • This research is an investigation of difficulties encountered by authors of 5th and 6th grade science textbooks. The aim is to assist authors in creating more easily understandable textbooks in the future. In-depth interviews were conducted with 6 teachers who have previously taken part in the development of 5th and 6th grade texts. The responses given during these interviews were analyzed using open, axial, and selective coding as suggested by Strauss and Corbin (1998). The results are as follows: In open coding, related concepts were extracted and classified into 15 main categories and 46 sub-categories. In axial coding, the main categories were arranged into causal conditions, main phenomenon, context, intervening conditions, action and interactional strategies, and consequences wherein they were consistently related to each other based on Grounded theory. Finally, in selective coding, core categories were instilled whereby the texts being developed were categorized into conservative, progressive, and innovative to allow for easier interpretation. This was done to improve the overall quality of Science textbooks.

The Direction to the Entrepreneurship Education Center : Insight from the Kauffman Campus Initiative (창업교육센터의 향후 방향에 관한 연구 : 카우프만 캠퍼스 사업의 시사점을 중심으로)

  • Choi, Jong In;Kim, Ki Young;Song, Choong Han
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.89-97
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    • 2013
  • Entrepreneurship is the act of being an entrepreneur or one who undertakes innovations or introducing new things, finance and business in an effort to transform innovations into economic benefits. This result in new organizations or may be part of revitalizing mature organizations in response to a perceived opportunity. The most obvious form of entrepreneurship is that of starting new businesses, or startup company. However, in recent years, the term has been extended to include social and political forms of entrepreneurial activity. Interest in the entrepreneurship education has increased significantly in now. The 61 universities made the entrepreneurship education center in the four year university and college through the government LINC program. We need the questions about the what, who and why for entrepreneurship education. Kauffman Campus Initiative(KCI) guide us to the direction of the entrepreneurship center for the future. The considerations are as follows; what is center's managerial structure, what kind of program and activities is provided, what is factors to be interested, participated in the education, how can be sustainable entrepreneurial center?. This study provide four implicit for the centers. More broad definition of entrepreneurship for the education, diverse textbook and subjects for the entrepreneurship, coach development for the teaching, and the sustainable leadership.

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Development and Application of Inquiry Modules for Instruction for the Concept of Straight propagation of Light (빛의 직진 개념 지도를 위한 탐구 학습모듈의 개발 및 적용)

  • Kim, Kyu Hwan;Kim, Jung Bog
    • Journal of Science Education
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.173-192
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study was to develop inquiry modules for learning straight propagation of light, to verify their efficiency, and to acquire implications. this study proposes teaching modules for improvements of light experiments, which were developed in this work. Inquiry modules were applied to 75 school teachers(8 elementary school teachers, 67 middle school and high school teachers) for examining that the modules make teachers have the scientific concepts. Then, conception changes were analyzed except 5 teachers who responded poorly. The pre-test result shows that most teachers have alternative conceptions, which is that they thought the bright shape on apparatus's bottom panel itself shown in the textbook as evidence for the path of light's straight propagation. The post-test result shows this alternative conception was changed into scientific conception. Unlikely pretest, most teachers' conception was changed into the scientific conception that the light come from a light source. Teachers are able to express that the light beam comes from a miniature electric bulb. Further more, most teachers can draw light's path correctly; from the miniature electric bulb, through vertical panel having a hole, to the apparatus bottom.

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Analysis of mathematical tasks provided by storytelling mathematics textbooks (중학교 2학년 수학 교과서의 수학 과제 분석 - 스토리텔링 유형을 고려하여 -)

  • Kim, Dong-Joong;Bae, Sung-Chul;Kim, Won;Lee, Da-Hee;Choi, Sang-Ho
    • Communications of Mathematical Education
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.281-300
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this research is to analyze cognitive demands, answer types, and storytelling types on the basis of mathematical tasks in five different mathematics textbooks based on 2009 revised curriculum in order to suggest directions for the development and use of storytelling mathematics textbooks in school. Results show that first, PNC (Procedures without Connections) task was the largest category in cognitive demands of all mathematical tasks, Low-Level task was larger than others in cognitive demands of mathematical content tasks, and High-Level task was larger than others in cognitive demands of mathematical activity tasks. Second, a short-answer type was the largest category in answer types of all mathematical tasks, the majority of mathematical content tasks were a short-answer type, and the majority of mathematical activity tasks were both short-answer and explanation-answer types. Finally, storytelling connected to real-life was the largest category in storytelling types, and the number of mathematical activity tasks was less than that of mathematical content tasks. However, in the tasks reflected on storytelling, the percentage of mathematical activity tasks was higher than that of mathematical content tasks. Based on the results, while developing storytelling mathematics textbooks and using storytelling textbooks in school, it suggests to consider the need for balance and diversity in cognitive demands, answer types, and storytelling types according to mathematical tasks.

Pre-service Elementary Teachers' Conceptions on the Relative Sizes of Celestial Bodies (천체의 상대적 크기에 대한 초등 예비교사들의 인식)

  • Jang, Myoung-Duk;Nam, Younkyeong
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.33 no.7
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    • pp.645-657
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate pre-service elementary teachers' conceptions about the relative sizes of celestial bodies including the universe, galaxy, star, planet, satellite, asteroid, and comet, which were presented in elementary school science textbook. This study also examined the causes of their misconceptions as shown in the study. Sixty three pre-service elementary teachers participated in this study. The survey was developed for this study that asked to make an order of relative sizes of the given celestial bodies and to write scientific facts about each of the celestial bodies. The survey items were analyzed by simple descriptive statistics, and the written responses were analyzed using qualitative and inductive methods. The results showed that only five (7.9%) of the participants correctly answered about the relative size of the given celestial bodies. There were three common misconceptions identified in relation to the relative sizes of the celestial bodies; more than 20% of the participants had: (1) a planet is bigger than a star (46.0% of the participants), (2) an asteroid is bigger than satellite (58.7%), 3) a comet is bigger than a star (22.2%).

Development and its Effects of Contents for Blended Learning in Public Practical Center of Technical High School, Busan City (부산광역시 공업계 고등학교 공동 실습소에서 혼합형 학습을 위한 컨텐츠의 개발 및 적용)

  • Park, Jae-Taek;Lee, Sang-Hyuk
    • 대한공업교육학회지
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.93-116
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this study was to improve the academic achievement at the public practical center of technical high school in Busan. For this study, 1 class(31 students) in the second grade at "B"technical high school were selected and these students were divided into two groups. One is the experiment group which blended learning was applied to and the other is control group which traditional lecture method was applied to. Each group was divided into three sub-groups by the level of learning ability. Non-randomized control-group pretest-posttest design was applied for this experiment planning. The subject of experiment was the unit of "3D Modeling and Making NC code" in the textbook of "Application of Automatic System" applied by the public practical center of technical high school in Busan. On-line contents were developed and applied to the blended learning to control group. In order to analyze the test result, t-test with a significance level of 0.05 was carried out using SPSS 10.0. The results of this study was summarized as follows; First, as a result of the post test performed on the experiment and the control group, there was a significant difference between two groups, that was, the blended learning was more effective than the traditional lecture method in improving academic achievement. Second, blended learning was more effective than the traditional lecture method in the group of high-leveled and middle-leveled, but was little effective on the low-leveled group. Third, blended learning was more effective than the traditional lecture method in the functional domain, but was little effective in the cognitive domain and psychomotor domain.

A Case Study On Digital Media Design Of Education In Foreign Countries (디지털 교육매체 디자인에 관한 국외 사례 연구)

  • Kim, Jung-Hee
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.27
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    • pp.177-198
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    • 2012
  • Development of digital media and interest in education bring big progress at digital device of education globally. UK which is advanced country of education is using digital education devices such as digital chalkboards, digital desks etc. and Japan plan digital text book's through the state. At 2011, Korea which is advanced country of internet adopted digital text book 2007 with mathematics, through science and English digital text book through the state. Korea's digital textbook is in a transition period, that needs case-study of advanced country of education for setting design guide and educational effect to Digital text book plan. All researches are based on LG europe design center at London, UK and target countries are UK and Sweden which is advanced country of education and a welfare state. Analysis by using FGI, KJ, survey of questionnaire, heuristic method, concentration observation. Through analytical researches prefer using digital text book with paper text book to using solo that can offer each advantage to user and teacher. Especially Interactive GUI design of digital text book to easy to access for teacher whom not friendly with digital device. When plan Digital text book content and design needs methodical design guide for target who students and teachers an in-depth study of the appraisal and method. The results of the research are introduce the design plan as a basic research and giving useful design plan to make digital text book and digital educational media in industrial aspect.

An Analysis of the Connection in the Mathematics Curriculums Between Kindergarten and Elementary School (유치원 수학과 교육과정과 초등학교 수학과 교육과정의 연계성 분석 연구)

  • Park, Kyo Sik;Kim, Jiwon
    • Journal of Elementary Mathematics Education in Korea
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.179-203
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    • 2015
  • In this study, connections between the NURI curriculum for 5 years old children and the contents of teacher's manual books according to it and the contents of elementary 1st grade mathematics curriculum and textbooks was analyzed to find the implications that can help to link the two curricula in the development of kindergarten and elementary school mathematics curriculum. The five following implications could be obtained from the analysis. First, it is necessary to connect the contents of the NURI curriculum for 5 years old children which were completed in that curriculum like 'spatial relation'in geometric figure domain and 'data collection'in probability and statistics domain to the contents of the 1st grade curriculum. Second, in the case of the contents not connected between the NURI curriculum for 5 years old children and the contents of elementary 1st grade mathematics curriculum but connected between the NURI curriculum for 5 years old children and the contents of elementary 2nd ~6th grade mathematics curriculum, it is necessary to re-adjust the hierarchy based on one of the curricula. Third, it is necessary to check whether $\ll$K-teacher's manual book$\gg$ obey the NURI curriculum for 5 years old children or not. Fourth, it is necessary to review the related elements of the NURI curriculum for 5 years old children and elementary 2nd ~6th grade mathematics curriculum in [activity] in $\ll$K-teacher's manual book$\gg$. Fifth, it is necessary to handle the mathematics contents explicitly and systematically in [activity] in $\ll$K-teacher's manual book$\gg$.

An Analysis on the Health Education Content Suggested in the 7th Curriculum of Elementary School Education (제7차 초등학교 교육과정에 제시된 보건교육 내용 분석)

  • Kim, Gha-Ok;Park, Young-Soo
    • The Journal of Korean Society for School & Community Health Education
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.39-55
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    • 2001
  • The purpose of this study was to provide the necessary fundamental data in composing a systematic text content of the public health by analyzing each text, domain, and teaching contents suggested in the textbooks as well as teachers' guides of the 7th elementary school education curriculum, while the study subjects were as follows. 1. The health education content suggested in the 7th physical education curriculum were analyzed and examined. 2. The health teaching content of each textbook in the 7th elementary school curriculum was to be analyzed and examined. In order to resolve the above research issues, the physical, spiritual, and social domain along with the (1) Proper living habit, (2) Health and nutrition, (3) Sex education, (4) Prevention of the sense-organic diseases, (5) Cleanliness of food, (6) Oral hygiene, (7) Individual health and public health, (8) Safety in living, (9) Abuse and usage of medication, educational content suggested in the 7tand (10) Environment pollution focused around the health of the elementary school education curriculum was analyzed and its outcome was as below First, compared with the 6th elementary school education curriculum, the health content suggested in the 7th elementary school education curriculum was decreased. Second, although each grade's teaching content of the health domain in the physical education was considered in its structure following after the according systems, they were preponderant in partial subjects such as the safety in living, nutrition, proper living habit, sport, and health in sport. oo. Third, the health education content was organized in 4 units such as the physical growth and development, prevention of diseases, safe living, and leisure living(leisure, spiritual health, and etc.) for the 3rd and 4th grade. Then, as for 5th and 6th grade, it was organized in 3 units such as the understanding the human body, prevention of disease, and leisure and safe living. Fourth, in the physical educational health domain, a strong point was constructed within the physical, spiritual, and social areas of the elementary school physical education. Fifth, the number of the public health education contents directly related with the health education was 43 as with 25 indirect contents. Sixth, each grade's domain unit structure of the public health content was heavy upon the physical and social area throughout every grade while in opposite, the spiritual domain' s unit structure was weak. In according to each grade, the physical domain was stressed in 4, 5, and 6 grades while the social domain was stressed in 1, 5, and 6 grades.

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Graphic Organizer Development as Advance Organizer on the 'Menu Planning and Food Selection' in the middle school Home Economics Textbook (선행조직자로서 중학교 가정교과서 '식단과 식품 선택' 단원의 도식자(Graphic Organizer) 개발)

  • Koo, Sung-Hyun;Chae, Jung-Hyun
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.61-81
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study was to develop Graphic Organizer as Advance Organizer. The 'Menu Planning and Food Selection' unit of second grade middle school Technology & Home Economics(revised curriculum of 2007) was selected as the study subject. The course of abstracting an essential education element got done $3^{rd}$ times. It abstracted the first essential education elements to analyze the presented sentence or a concept with the educational contents factor which is on the achievement standard of the area of dietary life from 5grade to 10grade in curriculum revised in 2007. The first 4 essential education elements selected were superiority and cultural value of Korean traditional meal, preparing a balanced diet for the family, food purchasing, and food selection based on the various information'. It abstracted second essential education elements that it concretized the first content factor on a unit of this study and solved overlapping when it was happened at the first contents factor and made connecting with between grade. The $3^{rd}$ essential education elements abstracted to classify the contents which abstracted essential education elements in second. And, it developed Graphic Organizer on a unit of 'Menu Planning and Food Selection' in eight-grade Technology & Home Economics based on the abstracted essential education elements. Graphic Organizer was developed in according to order of the way for making on a Concept Map of Heo In Sook(2000). Developed Graphic Organizer is all of 10 which are 'nutrition value on food of the season', 'harmony and combination of food', 'natural dressing and a garnish', 'the recipe', 'fermented food', 'a traditional instrument and a vessel', 'actor of food harm', 'present food', 'food quality certification' and 'selecting food with food information'.

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